Palmira Drugstore

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Well contacted Skynet, they had no record of the package and assumed it was sent back to UPS and to contact them. Did so, nothing. They even looked up if anything was coming to my address and nothing.

I'm thinking I got scammed...

BTW check your PMs DogFishCat

Not only will they not reply to my emails, they blocked one of my email accounts from contacting them as I said.

I -hate- doing chargebacks but in this case it looks like it will be justified. I'll probably wait another week just incase but hell what other course of action do I even have...I'll keep you guys informed, thanks for the support. I'm proud to be a member here, that's for damn sure...esp with people like Heisenberg, Robin Hood, The Shattered Soldier, Jewbacca, etc. etc. etc. and the net of others below them.

Well contacted Skynet, they had no record of the package and assumed it was sent back to UPS and to contact them. Did so, nothing. They even looked up if anything was coming to my address and nothing.

I'm thinking I got scammed...

BTW check your PMs DogFishCat

Not only will they not reply to my emails, they blocked one of my email accounts from contacting them as I said.

I -hate- doing chargebacks but in this case it looks like it will be justified. I'll probably wait another week just incase but hell what other course of action do I even have...I'll keep you guys informed, thanks for the support. I'm proud to be a member here, that's for damn sure...esp with people like Heisenberg, Robin Hood, The Shattered Soldier, Jewbacca, etc. etc. etc. and the net of others below them.
Hi, Pyrazolam.  doubt this will offer you much comfort, but I have placed 8 (I think... may be off by 1) previous orders and just placed another one the end of last week.  I have never gotten an email confirmation or TN but once the charge on my card goes from a pending authorization to a posted charge, my order usually shows within 3 business days.  That would be Monday the 11th (give or take a day).  So I'm used to the 10 day shipping, etc.  Hang in there for a couple more days.  I think you might still see your package... just my opinion based on my dealings with this disorganized group of nut jobs.  Have a good one!  S-

Hi, Pyrazolam.  doubt this will offer you much comfort, but I have placed 8 (I think... may be off by 1) previous orders and just placed another one the end of last week.  I have never gotten an email confirmation or TN but once the charge on my card goes from a pending authorization to a posted charge, my order usually shows within 3 business days.  That would be Monday the 11th (give or take a day).  So I'm used to the 10 day shipping, etc.  Hang in there for a couple more days.  I think you might still see your package... just my opinion based on my dealings with this disorganized group of nut jobs.  Have a good one!  S-
Thank you so much S my good friend, your info + FINALLY receiving an email from them just about 2 hours ago have coincided in calming me down and raising my hope-0-meter significantly. I went to like your post but coincidentally I met my quota for the day haha, tmw then it might must be.

Hopefully this will help calm down dogcatfish, Sandrine, etc. too as I know they must be worried too, amongst the universe only friqqin' knows how many hordes of lurkers reading this thread are in the similar situation.

Anyway here is the (vague) email they had sent me:

from:  Maria Mata <> reply-to:  Maria Mata <> to:  Myself date:  Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 12:36 PM

  • dear friend we had a deelay a lot of orders don't worry

And that was it. It actually posted onto my account from pending authorization March 4th. I had read earlier on this thread, maybe from the good old Soldier or you S (if neither of you fellas, I apologize!) that they are rerouting before the US and the whole Skynet in the UK thing today makes sense. If so Skynet would likely transfer it to FedEx (doesn't look like it), UPS, or the USPS I'd imagine. I doubt I'll ever any legit tracking number but just receiving our packages I think would suffice.

The rounding up of the currency and other tactics is just plain unethical though, didn't expect that one. I guess now I know. IF I am fortunate enough to receive then this might have to be my last order with them forever. Unless things start turning back around again but I better not jump the shark here, I still may be getting played.

Thank you kindly though DGSB0708 my good dude, again thanks everyone for their support and I will keep updating for all of the others of course as my DBG duty /default_wink.png

You have a good one too S!

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I got the order i placed maybe a week or so go and all is in order. This time TN worked, but estimated delivery as days later than it  actually showed up. The other times I ordered TN never worked. It's how it works! It's the waving Palm. 

10 days from date of order. TN showed up as my herbal testosterone sitting in Honduras, and next day fed ex at my door.  So far no double charges. But I do order with CC and like 75-100 dollars worth.

Thank you Sandrine : ).

I am feeling quite a bit more confident about a package showing up (hopefully rather soon). If it doesn't show today I wonder if FedEx would deliver such a package on a Saturday? I know that do with Priority and two-day options and such but not so sure about this one. I'm sure the snow storm we had here in the mid-atlantic and north east did not help the process along.

Thanks again!

Thank you Sandrine : ).

I am feeling quite a bit more confident about a package showing up (hopefully rather soon). If it doesn't show today I wonder if FedEx would deliver such a package on a Saturday? I know that do with Priority and two-day options and such but not so sure about this one. I'm sure the snow storm we had here in the mid-atlantic and north east did not help the process along.

Thanks again!

Thank you Sandrine : ).

I am feeling quite a bit more confident about a package showing up (hopefully rather soon). If it doesn't show today I wonder if FedEx would deliver such a package on a Saturday? I know that do with Priority and two-day options and such but not so sure about this one. I'm sure the snow storm we had here in the mid-atlantic and north east did not help the process along.

Thanks again!
No F will not deliver on Saturday unless specifially requested and paid for by shipper. PD does not do that. So maybe Monday my friend. I tried the Wu stuff and got an email back 1 day later that everything was confirmed but that has been it for communications. No estimate of  delivery time since it's supposed to be US to US. We'll see....


I am in the Northeast USA and Fedex delivers mine on Saturdays.... always between 10 and 11 am.... 

I am in the Northeast USA and Fedex delivers mine on Saturdays.... always between 10 and 11 am.... 
Yeah they do offer two day saturday delivery(fedex).  I have e-mailed these ass clowns(Palmira) to inquire about what the heck is going on with them and my e-mails bounced back.  What the F--K did they do ruining a good thing.  I mean for god sakes any generic in Honduras can't cost more than a dime.  Surely they are losing business and it would be nice if they gave us some sort of explanation as to what their problem is....

Well nothing today again, thanks geocat & Nicholas. Def hoping for Monday Geo but yarggh who knows anymore with these people. I even emailed 'Maria' back yesterday saying how F'ed it is that she or her bosses (or whatever the ring leader of this joke is haha) overcharge us by rounding the currency and also how buying everyone on the staff a coca cola doesn't count as a charitable donation lol.  Needless to say I'm not expecting a response.

They are really sucking it up fellas. emc12- haha yeah really, a dime might even be for the costly meds. Sometimes I think their office and server are attached to the Karnel factory. The very rare email I got from them during these like 12 days took emailing that .es address CONSTANTLY man, at all different times, and finally a few days later a 5 word response. Looks like this castle was made out of sand after all  /default_unsure.png .

EDIT: Of course I'll still keep everyone updated, I don't want any one else (esp other DBG'ers) falling into this garbage.

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MindsOfTheLost said:
A friend of mine is going to be the guinea pig and try a few of their new ProduKts... I will post back when they receive and let everyone know if they are indeed legit or not.

I have emailed them twice about what brand their oxers, morpheus, fen, and ket are, but have received no response...this made me even more leary about ever trying to order the new stuff, but apparently my friend has money to burn, LOL, if all does not go well. I will be very happy if what he receives is the real deal. That would solve having to pay an arm and a leg at the mex pharms.

Anyway, have a good night everyone! /default_smile.png
You really gotta give praise to a member willing to take a dive like that. I'm sure if your friend succeeds a wave of happiness will wash over him.

I have ordered many times from palmira and always had fairly good results apart from inconsistencies in the strength which is obviously a worry.

But there latest product BONANZA has made me tempted. What i wont do is waste my money though and I have been trying desperately to find out the pharm company that produces them. So far i got a short e-mail saying karnel and same companies that produce other products on there website. This is obviously untrue karnel do not produce any of these new products and the vague answer that they are the same as others on the website just annoys me.

I am worried that these products are not genuine but i am also concerned that the person who deals with e-mails is just really bad at their job.

I am looking forward to hearing if anybody gets any results with this. 

Hey everyone,

Well I have good news and bad.

The good:

TN shows up now, finally...about 2 weeks later.

The bad:

They dropped off the package today.

In a way I'm atleast pleased something is on it's on way and in another, after paying $40 for shipping & getting overcharged, I'm pretty pissed. Hey though atleast we now know they aren't full corrupt says scheduled to arrive Wednesday so of course I'll update you all.

They must have spent the last two weeks visiting their "charities"...

Hey everyone,

Well I have good news and bad.

The good:

TN shows up now, finally...about 2 weeks later.

The bad:

They dropped off the package today.

In a way I'm atleast pleased something is on it's on way and in another, after paying $40 for shipping & getting overcharged, I'm pretty pissed. Hey though atleast we now know they aren't full corrupt says scheduled to arrive Wednesday so of course I'll update you all.

They must have spent the last two weeks visiting their "charities"...
This is just plain old fashioned fucked up. I'm sorry I couldn't help much at all, they ignore all of my emails. I can't in good faith make a plea to put them on the dreaded blacklist because people are still getting their orders. Something just went wrong with this pharm. They used to be so efficient. Then they change carriers and start this sy deal. I'm so fed up with all of the problems I'm thinking of just leaving the forum. I mean, you have my pretty little picture on the thread as if I'm endorsing them. I am at my wits end with these guys and really pissed at their behavior. And now since they don't like me, I can't help. To be blunt, I hope these stupid, mixed up assholes rot in hell.

SS, don't feel bad or shitty at all man.

It's totally out of your control that what was a (mostly) functioning IOP took a strange turn like this.

They definitely don't like me any longer as well haha, if it makes you feel consoled at all bro.

Man I do have to say if, as the TN now says, I get legit meds in a few days than I am seriously concerned, like alot of us, about this fentanyl vial stuff. Nothing says business like pleasing your customers literally to death /default_unsure.png. Widow maker is spot on.

This is just plain old fashioned fucked up. I'm sorry I couldn't help much at all, they ignore all of my emails. I can't in good faith make a plea to put them on the dreaded blacklist because people are still getting their orders. Something just went wrong with this pharm. They used to be so efficient. Then they change carriers and start this sy deal. I'm so fed up with all of the problems I'm thinking of just leaving the forum. I mean, you have my pretty little picture on the thread as if I'm endorsing them. I am at my wits end with these guys and really pissed at their behavior. And now since they don't like me, I can't help. To be blunt, I hope these stupid, mixed up assholes rot in hell.
Good morning, SS.  Just my nickel, but as the go-to source for info, advice, etc.  your mere presence on this forum calms some of the more jittery folks.  It doesn't mean you endorse P... it's abundantly clear that at this point you do not.  But you are right, orders are still coming, even though their customer service has never (at least since I've dealt with with them) been good to begin with, now it has really just gone to shit.  Until people start really not getting orders or pressed cardboard from these folks, they are a just "use with extreme caution" kind of place.  Small orders, stick with the known to be OK products, etc.  But again, you just being on here, even with just an occasional comment, is helpful to those who are easily frightened or new at this.  Sometimes you just can't fix stupid... and P is for sure being stupid right now.  But you can still continue to help people here in the way that you do.  Isn't what this little group of people is supposed to be all about?  In case you have forgotten, you are the man.  You helped me on one of my very first ventures here on DBG and I'll never forget it..  Again, just my opinion.  Have a great day.  S-

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^ Couldn't have phrased that better myself DGSB   /default_smile.png . Yep their customer service has been horrid (to say the least) since they started years ago. Their english has improved slightly (likely by way of donating "charity" funds to the purchase of rosetta stone software) but when your clientele is approx 90%+ english speaking this is a minor improvement.

One thing is for certain, whoever is at the top tier of this organization is a very very wealthy individual. They have sent (spam) emails claiming nearly 100,000 'satisfied' customers.

So I just got off the phone with the courier and it appears that my package will be delivered today before noon. I''ll keep everyone updated if my pressed cardboard is legit haha.

Like DGSB said this is definitely a use with an extreme caution IOP although if you do want to proceed I'd do it rather quickly (although I'd advise personally at this point not to at all) as with Easter coming up they might wait a month to ship your package to you.

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I know your frustation with this idiots as I am. They had such a good thing going and then deided to get even more greedy and now IAFU! I put in a 1/2 order of there "new" 2 mg zanies, supposedly US-US whih they are advertising US-US delivery last Weds. the 6th. I have recieved 1 email stated "ordered confirmed don't worry dear". That has been it after send them about 8 emails just inuiring about how this new process, timeframe, etc. works. Hell as of this morning they haven't even piked up the WU funds yet. So I give them to the end of today to hear something and then I'm withdrqwing my funds. Fuck em - I'mm tired of this shit expeially with 2 shorted orders and a wrong product order yet to be resolved after 2.5 months. And they did not send the horted orders on my lst order after saying they would and it took a total of 11 days! Hell I an get almost as fast service from SL and know I'll get it plus another half-dozen IOP's that are pretty reliable, a little more expensive but reliable and 6-12 days delivery. So if PD can't et my order together by tonight I'm thru with them and will make only one more saying how frigging good to bad they have gone to.


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Hey SS,

I have not ordered from these people yet and likely will not via the negative posts. However, I do agree you are important here and needed. Just thought you should know.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!