TSS , DFC and admin.
Sorry for the douple post but I was directing this post to TSS not DFC,
thanks for asking, No they did not send the shorted orders on my last order although my last order was correct down to the last tab with 5 different products although it took 10 days from ordering to receiving. I have asked them to make it up on current 2 mg alp wu current trial order but as supposedly coming from US to US they were not very positive about it as I suppose they are going thru a third party in the US to US ordersThis really bothers me as in essene it puts it out of PDs hands and probably in third parties hands and we know how that typically goes. MM says the 40% discount is for regu products on-line but I haven't seen it yet unless I'm missing something.
But a small trial order of alp is worth trying for all of our sakes. But not the PK's although I did ask for a couple of samples, but I doubt I see them. But thanks for remembering and asking. The next "real order" I make, depending on if they get their act together, I''ll push once again pretty hard about the 2 shorted orders although the further time goes by the less likely they will cooperate. But we'll see with this trial order as J at SL is still out and if these are nearly as good as SLs, "shorter" delivery time frame and a little less expensive then I'll go with them until they fuk me over. J never has but he's been out for like 2 months now.