Palmira Drugstore

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Hi, everyone.  Happy Monday, hope everyone is doing well.  All the craziness surrounding this place lately has me weirded out and curious, so last night I tried to place a small order on P but got a message that "they had reached their maximum number of orders for the day".  ??? So anyhow, I decided to try it again this morning and it went through no problem and I used a credit card.  I won't get an email confirmation or TN, but will advise when / if it shows up and then of couse on the product and its quality.  One other thing of note, so much for the discount shipping... I did get charged about $40 for shipping.  Hope everyone has a great day!  S-

DGS-out of curiosity did you order any of their new offerings? Very tempting but I am highly wary of quality. Eagerly awaiting a review...

Good afternoon, phrikshin.... No, stuck with a tried and true that works well for me.  No way am I going to use Xoom to place an order.  Their TOS specifically prohibits using their service for the purchase of goods / services and lists prescription drugs as one they may refer to LE.  So I stayed with my "go to" product that, while always a little weak, is at least legit and I could use my credit card.  Those specials you have to pay through xoom seem to me to be (a) too good to be true price-wise and (2) what I mentioned above about Xoom. i agree they are very tempting but as the old saying goes... if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.   Enjoy the rest of the day.  Best. S-

Yes. I too am sticking with regular products for now and also getting the too good to be true vibe. Def would not use xoom, though they're also offering wu/mg payment which is not much more appealing. Emailed asking about cc payment for the new products and also to inquire about the sample packs mentioned in latest email.

Hi, everyone.  Happy Monday, hope everyone is doing well.  All the craziness surrounding this place lately has me weirded out and curious, so last night I tried to place a small order on P but got a message that "they had reached their maximum number of orders for the day".  ??? So anyhow, I decided to try it again this morning and it went through no problem and I used a credit card.  I won't get an email confirmation or TN, but will advise when / if it shows up and then of couse on the product and its quality.  One other thing of note, so much for the discount shipping... I did get charged about $40 for shipping.  Hope everyone has a great day!  S-
It looks like they are going back to the philosophy of not taking on more orders than they can handle.  They did this same thing a while back.  It helped boost their shipping times tremendously.  Let's hope this turns out to be the case this time.

It looks like they are going back to the philosophy of not taking on more orders than they can handle.  They did this same thing a while back.  It helped boost their shipping times tremendously.  Let's hope this turns out to be the case this time.

It looks like they are going back to the philosophy of not taking on more orders than they can handle.  They did this same thing a while back.  It helped boost their shipping times tremendously.  Let's hope this turns out to be the case this time.
Have you got the spam mail saying they will give 40% of their regular meds?? It did not say it had to be through WU or MG but I tried a test run on their onlne system and no discount plus shipping bak up to $40 w/o thr handling and "donation"/ what the helll is going on with them???


According to MM, the 40% is from the regular meds on the online section. I told her I did a trial run and it did not give me a discount. In addition, MM told me they were not going thru xoom any more for their "new" products/specials just regular WU and MG. So I, on behalf of me and the rest of us, placed a 1/2 order of the 2 mg alp using WU.

I will keep all informed as things progress. Has anyone done the WU/MG thing yet and re'cvd an order????. As for the PK's I'll not be the guinea pig on those as I hear that in the past when they the h*dro they were bunk. so if someone wants to try a trial pack - go for it. BTW - shipping was only $10 as reg snail mail and us to us, so don't expect anything for 4-7 days. So we'll see. Not out that much if it doesn't work and we'll all know to stay away.

All of PD's activities are quite unusual for them save the, run out of daily limit. That has occurred in the past as the SS referred too and I remember it also. Best of my recollection, their delivery days were at that time running 1-3 days. Of course the "best" of my recollections is most peoples worst!!!!!


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According to MM, the 40% is from the regular meds on the online section. I told her I did a trial run and it did not give me a discount. In addition, MM told me they were not going thru xoom any more for their "new" products/specials just regular WU and MG. So I, on behalf of me and the rest of us, placed a 1/2 order of the 2 mg alp using WU.

I will keep all informed as things progress. Has anyone done the WU/MG thing yet and re'cvd an order????. As for the PK's I'll not be the guinea pig on those as I hear that in the past when they the h*dro they were bunk. so if someone wants to try a trial pack - go for it. BTW - shipping was only $10 as reg snail mail and us to us, so don't expect anything for 4-7 days. So we'll see. Not out that much if it doesn't work and we'll all know to stay away.

All of PD's activities are quite unusual for them save the, run out of daily limit. That has occurred in the past as the SS referred too and I remember it also. Best of my recollection, their delivery days were at that time running 1-3 days. Of course the "best" of my recollections is most peoples worst!!!!!

Is MM sending you what they shorted you on one of your previous orders?



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9 Days since I ordered from Palmira, nothing, tracking # still doesnt work. 5 emails from 2 accounts, no replies.

Definitely take the Soldier's advice (as you always should)...

Thankfully I paid with CC as there was no frocking way I was sending WU to these people. I should have known better but the new products tempted me damn it. They also rounded up to 4,000 their currency making my order go from $178 to $220 or something.

I mean who knows it might show up but I really doubt it. The audacity that they claim they donate to the local Hondurans is just crooked as well, we all know that is a load of garbage.

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Shall I repost?

I still.have confidence that previously placed orders will arrive eventually. Having said that, they are a bit too dysfunctional at the moment and I will be going with other sources for time being. Wish I coukd find hydros somewhere else for that price. Sucks to be in actual medical need and have no viable options for meds. Soldier if you have a chance could you please shoot me a quick PM? Just a cpl questions I'd rather keep in private realm thanks.

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I am noob to this site and I placed an order with Palmira and got confirmation Mar 1st the next day. The shipping was $40 and said order would arrive in 5 to 7 days and that they would send tracking number when shipped I got tracking number on the 6th. There were 6 different places they used for shipping you determined who was shipping your order by the number of characters in you tracking number anyway Fedex was to deliver mine the email said tracking available immediately from them so I tried it and it said no record of this tracking number can be found for more info please contact customer service and they gave the number but I did not call it. 

I am wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. It would seem like that maybe they just sent me the wrong number and my order will come. I mean why go through all that if they were not going to send it. 

I am noob to this site and I placed an order with Palmira and got confirmation Mar 1st the next day. The shipping was $40 and said order would arrive in 5 to 7 days and that they would send tracking number when shipped I got tracking number on the 6th. There were 6 different places they used for shipping you determined who was shipping your order by the number of characters in you tracking number anyway Fedex was to deliver mine the email said tracking available immediately from them so I tried it and it said no record of this tracking number can be found for more info please contact customer service and they gave the number but I did not call it. 

I am wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. It would seem like that maybe they just sent me the wrong number and my order will come. I mean why go through all that if they were not going to send it. 

I am noob to this site and I placed an order with Palmira and got confirmation Mar 1st the next day. The shipping was $40 and said order would arrive in 5 to 7 days and that they would send tracking number when shipped I got tracking number on the 6th. There were 6 different places they used for shipping you determined who was shipping your order by the number of characters in you tracking number anyway Fedex was to deliver mine the email said tracking available immediately from them so I tried it and it said no record of this tracking number can be found for more info please contact customer service and they gave the number but I did not call it. 

I am wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. It would seem like that maybe they just sent me the wrong number and my order will come. I mean why go through all that if they were not going to send it. 

thanks for asking, No they did not send the shorted orders on my last order although my last order was correct down to the last tab with 5 different products although it took 10 days from ordering to receiving. I have asked them to make it up on this current trial order but as supposedly coming from US to US they were not very positive about it as I suppose they are going thru a third party in the US to US orders, which really bothers me as in essene it puts it out of PDs hands. But a small order is woth trying for all of our sakes. But thanks foe remembering and asking.


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Sometimes the tracking number works and other times you may wait a few days and then it works.   My tracking numbers worked several hours after I got them.  Someone said the order arrived and the tracking number arrived the same day so I think at times it's a toss up but the orders usually get there.  The delivery is a lot longer now than it was almost a year ago when  one of my orders only took 4 days from date of order to my door, I was amazed at the speed.  

With all the changes being made with them as far as products, payment method etc,   I think if I do order at this point it will be a small one and  I'm hoping all the delays are just from  the new   "growing pains"  they are going through.  They have always been a reputable IOP and I have read a lot of positives of them. My orders always made it and the service was ok other than I couldnt get email replies but that also could be partly due to the language differences who knows.  I also think their web site needs a good makeover to  fix the problems that it has when you click on certain areas you end up with a page not found error, or  this page doesn't exist , or this domain is for sale. So they have not cleaned up many of the web files that they used to use when they had a different  hosting service a year or two ago...

I'm hoping that you guys who are waiting all get your order in a timely manner, that will give the rest of us hope..

Is MM sending you what they shorted you on one of your previous orders?



Is MM sending you what they shorted you on one of your previous orders?


TSS , DFC and admin.

Sorry for the douple post but I was directing this post to TSS not DFC,


thanks for asking, No they did not send the shorted orders on my last order although my last order was correct down to the last tab with 5 different products although it took 10 days from ordering to receiving. I have asked them to make it up on  current 2 mg alp wu current trial order but as supposedly coming from US to US they were not very positive about it as I suppose they are going thru a third party in the US to US ordersThis really bothers me as in essene it puts it out of PDs hands and probably in  third parties hands and we know how that typically goes. MM says the 40% discount is for regu products on-line but I haven't seen it yet unless I'm missing something.

But a small trial order of alp is worth trying for all of our sakes. But not the PK's although I did ask for a couple of samples, but I doubt I see them. But thanks for remembering and asking. The next "real order" I make, depending on if they get their act together, I''ll push once again pretty hard about the 2 shorted orders although the further time goes by the less likely they will cooperate. But we'll see with this trial order as J at SL is still out and if these are nearly as good as SLs, "shorter" delivery time frame and a little less expensive then I'll go with them until they fuk me over. J never has but he's been out for like 2 months now.


Dogfishcat my friend:

Exact same situation here:

9 Days since I ordered from Palmira, nothing, tracking # still doesnt work. 5 emails from 2 accounts, no replies.

Definitely take the Soldier's advice (as you always should)...

Thankfully I paid with CC as there was no frocking way I was sending WU to these people. I should have known better but the new products tempted me damn it. They also rounded up to 4,000 their currency making my order go from $178 to $220 or something.

I mean who knows it might show up but I really doubt it. The audacity that they claim they donate to the local Hondurans is just crooked as well, we all know that is a load of garbage.
I really hope you are right, I have absolutely bombarded them starting last night and today with emails. They are refusing to respond, I've been emailing them since I got the TN and it didn't work.

Did you use CC too? At the very least if enough time passes atleast we have a legal right to dispute and (we will rightfully) get the funds back. I hate to do this to any company but if they scammed me and say 15-20 days without my order or atleast correspondence and I will have no choice but to play that card.

The vet members like Shattered Soldier, Robin Hood, Heisenberg, etc. I'm sure will have our backs. All awesome dudes. Robin Hood is, I think, contemplating sending them to the dreaded Blacklist. I think alot of people knew some sh!te was going wrong once they started requesting WU and such and stopped using codes as well as bombarding us all daily with their spam.

Let's hope it works out for us and I'm sure the others in our shoes DFC. That's all we can do for now . . . GL my friend. I'll keep the thread updated if I ever receive or if they have the common courtesy to email me back from their .ES address.

TSS , DFC and admin.

Sorry for the douple post but I was directing this post to TSS not DFC,


thanks for asking, No they did not send the shorted orders on my last order although my last order was correct down to the last tab with 5 different products although it took 10 days from ordering to receiving. I have asked them to make it up on current 2 mg alp wu current trial order but as supposedly coming from US to US they were not very positive about it as I suppose they are going thru a third party in the US to US ordersThis really bothers me as in essene it puts it out of PDs hands and probably in third parties hands and we know how that typically goes. MM says the 40% discount is for regu products on-line but I haven't seen it yet unless I'm missing something.

But a small trial order of alp is worth trying for all of our sakes. But not the PK's although I did ask for a couple of samples, but I doubt I see them. But thanks for remembering and asking. The next "real order" I make, depending on if they get their act together, I''ll push once again pretty hard about the 2 shorted orders although the further time goes by the less likely they will cooperate. But we'll see with this trial order as J at SL is still out and if these are nearly as good as SLs, "shorter" delivery time frame and a little less expensive then I'll go with them until they fuk me over. J never has but he's been out for like 2 months now.

All I can say right now is thanks for taking the leap for us GC. We could all use a few strong 2mg bars right about now. I'm hoping that they found a way to extend their operations into the US and that maybe it would be better if their home base had less control of things with the manner in which they have been acting. They are delivering for the most part, and getting your common complaints. I know for a fact that they just found out what a forum was a few weeks ago so being blacklisted isn't a credible threat. But, whatever.

Dogfishcat my friend:

Exact same situation here:

I really hope you are right, I have absolutely bombarded them starting last night and today with emails. They are refusing to respond, I've been emailing them since I got the TN and it didn't work.

Did you use CC too? At the very least if enough time passes atleast we have a legal right to dispute and (we will rightfully) get the funds back. I hate to do this to any company but if they scammed me and say 15-20 days without my order or atleast correspondence and I will have no choice but to play that card.

The vet members like Shattered Soldier, Robin Hood, Heisenberg, etc. I'm sure will have our backs. All awesome dudes. Robin Hood is, I think, contemplating sending them to the dreaded Blacklist. I think alot of people knew some sh!te was going wrong once they started requesting WU and such and stopped using codes as well as bombarding us all daily with their spam.

Let's hope it works out for us and I'm sure the others in our shoes DFC. That's all we can do for now . . . GL my friend. I'll keep the thread updated if I ever receive or if they have the common courtesy to email me back from their .ES address.
pyrazolam thanks for sharing that 

Yes I paid with a CC and my order was 87 came total 136 with shipping. I have not emailed them because I do not know how to. I never seen an email address for them.

Good luck though, apparently they just blocked my one email address. This is looking shadier and shadier. Then I entered my tracking number into a site I always use (really cool btw, It'll show you on google maps each destination and the route it is taking. Anyway I've been entering my TN under Auto Detect and it kept coming up as FedEX. Today it came up as being in the "Parcelforce" system which the UK.

The message simply says:

Tracking Information Expired

The tracking data on this shipment has not been updated in more than 10
business days by Parcelforce. Please contact Parcelforce for more
Ugh, don't know what this could mean but I will call our British comrades I suppose and see if they know anything. Doubtful.
I really hope there isn't too many of us with recent orders if this turns out to be a shartstorm.
This pales in comparison to SS but hey I try hah:

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!