Palmira Drugstore

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Yo SS good day,

We've been around long enough to have seen the

process of an IOP dropping off the scene. A common thread is advertise like hell, get as many orders paid for as possible the vamous. However in this case sine they only take CC most people could probably get a chargeback. I suggest everyone ordering that if they do not get their order within 4-5 days to "them they are going to be forced to do a chargeback due to false advertising about their shipping times. Mot people are now getting orders in 7 to 11 days not 2-4.

Having said that I currently have an order in. It's been 5 busines days since ordering (7 total) and it still is not in the couriers system. So after blasting and "threatening" them I reeived 3 emails back. In summary, they (maybe Maria) are saying that the delay is due to the courier. The courier will not scan the packages they have until they are ready to actually fly them out. The time they will fly out is baed on how many packages they have and wait until they have a full load before flying off the either central hub or down south,south.

So, i don't really know if they are about to go under or not but their shipping right now is based on the couriers desire to save money (i.e. more profit) by waiting until they have a full load. By not scanning when they reeive a package then when they finally do, it appear as if they are still transporting in the fast, dependable reputation they have. That's my theory on the shipping right now. I'll let you know when I receive but I will do a chargeback if my order is not on a plane heading north by Friday evening.

And damn, I ran out of footballs and am a littl bit ansy and frustrated with them. Think I'll try some other IOP's that are less expensive and most recieve in 7-10 days any how!!!!

Thanks for checking in Geocat, I just had a little theory that I really had to put out there to kind of run it by the minds of the forum, I guess there was a little hole in it, their cc disadvantage. Still, it didn't hurt to throw it out now, Palm is already hurting imo.

Anyway, I'm hearing reports of footballs being of inconsistent colors and strengths, very disturbing. Now I'm finding out that more and more people are no longer receiving their orders in the usual 2 to 4 days but over seven, that is pathetic. They are definitely operating at an all time low, I've never in the years I've followed them received such disturbing reports.

It just sucks because I know what it's like to need these meds, to be on your knees waiting for the courier to arrive, shaking, scared, or just on edge. I would encourage chargebacks, but I think too many people are depending on these guys to just come through to do that. It's kind of like they are on borrowed time already, the only thing to do is go into the "wild west" for a quick fix at this point.

I hope everyone is feeling nice and calm (WD free) at this point and are researching new options. Lets just hope for a solid comeback in the near future because this situation it's making me sick to my stomach and very Soldierish.

Fuck you Palmira,


Thanks for checking in Geocat, I just had a little theory that I really had to put out there to kind of run it by the minds of the forum, I guess there was a little hole in it, their cc disadvantage. Still, it didn't hurt to throw it out now, Palm is already hurting imo.

Anyway, I'm hearing reports of footballs being of inconsistent colors and strengths, very disturbing. Now I'm finding out that more and more people are no longer receiving their orders in the usual 2 to 4 days but over seven, that is pathetic. They are definitely operating at an all time low, I've never in the years I've followed them received such disturbing reports.

It just sucks because I know what it's like to need these meds, to be on your knees waiting for the courier to arrive, shaking, scared, or just on edge. I would encourage chargebacks, but I think too many people are depending on these guys to just come through to do that. It's kind of like they are on borrowed time already, the only thing to do is go into the "wild west" for a quick fix at this point.

I hope everyone is feeling nice and calm (WD free) at this point and are researching new options. Lets just hope for a solid comeback in the near future because this situation it's making me sick to my stomach and very Soldierish.

Fuck you Palmira,

Well said The Shattered Soldier! I understand the "need" for the products when you are out or close to being out. Been there, done that! The way PD grew their client base over the years was consistant delivery in 2-4 days and people were willing to pay for it. And your are right, if you need the more popular benzes, the boys out west are not that much more expensive and are pretty consistent in getting your package to you within 1-3 days as it is US-US.

I am going to keep pounding PD to really try to find out if this shipping issue is PD's fault or if they are at the mercy of the courier. Maybe Raphael can inquire as he seems to have a good relation with Maria. I'll PM R and ask him to inquire. Maybe I can contact the courier corporate office and inquire as to how often do they have fly-boys come in from Hondo. If I find out anything you'll know. Your the man and I have noticed that Jewwy did not leave DBG as he said he was in January on the ACT thread, which I still don't get!! But it's good he's staying as he is an invaluable resource for DBG as are you my friend.

Have a nice calm day or blow up an old car (safely) just for the hell of it, which ever is your fancy today!!! yahoo!!!


As I posted in the other PD thread...even as a very new customer I have already witnessed the dreaded dropoff in delivery time and fear this will be my last order with them until (if) they get their act together.

same here ordered and its been a wk already and the reply's .....NONE NO RESPONSE! /default_angry.png 

what so ever........ going back to my reliable source...... the stars will be shining again /default_rolleyes.gif

same here ordered and its been a wk already and the reply's .....NONE NO RESPONSE! /default_angry.png

what so ever........ going back to my reliable source...... the stars will be shining again /default_rolleyes.gif
Well I know that a bunch of orders were shipped yesterday (Thurs. the 21rst) however after 7 days from ordering and receiving both a confirmation# and a tracking#, mine was not one of them which really, really sucks!!! Now at earliest mine may come in on Monday (fingers crossed) which would be 10 days. I think I could get that delivery time from anywhere else in the world with better prices per product. Debating on whether I will ever use them again and on the verge of suggeting they be blacklisted.


So..not only have I not heard anything about my order placed on 2/17, but I also discovered today that for some reason I was charged twice...once for $148 and once for $155. No fucking idea why the $155 charge, as I placed only the $148 order, and only received one confirmation #.  This is where the lack of communication really pisses me off, I do not have excess money to be getting charged $155 extra.  So on top of the stress of not having meds, I am now negative on my AMEX debit balance.  I called and was told the merchant had to take action to release the funds back to me. This IOP has become more of a headache than it is worth.

If Soldier or somebody else in the know can maybe chime in about how to go about retrieving my $155?  Thank You!

So..not only have I not heard anything about my order placed on 2/17, but I also discovered today that for some reason I was charged twice...once for $148 and once for $155. No fucking idea why the $155 charge, as I placed only the $148 order, and only received one confirmation #.  This is where the lack of communication really pisses me off, I do not have excess money to be getting charged $155 extra.  So on top of the stress of not having meds, I am now negative on my AMEX debit balance.  I called and was told the merchant had to take action to release the funds back to me. This IOP has become more of a headache than it is worth.

If Soldier or somebody else in the know can maybe chime in about how to go about retrieving my $155?  Thank You!
You cannot request a chargeback with AMEX? I don't know as I do not use AMEX. With my Visa attached to my bank, I can request a chargeback and immediately get credited with the funds while my bank investigates. Now, if the bank later determines the chargeback is not valid, they will immediately take the full amount out of my account. But as long as you have not signed for the couriers package, PD does not have a valid method to dispute the charge. So if you do get a package make sure you check the tracking # on the package before you sign for it. If it is not the one you were given for your known order, I know it's hard not to accept but do not sign for it, just give it back to the delivery person and refuse to accept it.

Then you have a foot to stand on for the charge that you did not order and did not accept. Once you sign for that package, no matter what's inside, PD then has the upper hand. right now I am waiting for an order for over 8 days now and it did not go out today so if it comes as soon as possible it will be 11-13 days from the day I placed the order, got a confirmation and courier tracking#. this is very unlike the old PD and is making my leary of what their future is heading toward. If this keeps happening to folks, I will be one of the ones to suggest they be blacklisted. Hell I could have ordered from a number of other IOPs using regular delivery methods, gotten more product for my money and it would have already arrived!!!

Hope this helps.


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Ok guys i received my final order from palmira yesterday 13 business days from receiving confirmation. Once again i got the purple footballs and some kpins. I havent had any benzos or other pills for that matter In 2 weeks. And no withdrawls. So i open the package take 5 footballs to the face. I felt barely anything. All i know is if i took 2 and a half bars i would have knocked out for 12 hours with my current tolerance. I gotta agree with ss and fuck palmira. Blacklist time. When i picked up my package the lady had a hard time because the person with the pin didnt press hard enough. I think this was mentioNed before in the post. Havent tried the kpins yet because they give me ED. I think its time to go back to the airmail people or maybe even take a plunge with pink. imo All u members that defend their footballs are palmira company trolls like the guy with the detail filled explanations About office and clients giving their footballs an 8 out of ten or people who are highly succeptable to the placebo effects. I gave 4 footballs to a friend who doesnt take benzos and asked her how she felt. Her reply 2 hours later was i think i feel something. This person should have been laid out, slurring her words and guess what none of that. Folks, i know i have a low post count but i have no alterior motives for reporting my Findings. In fact i wish it wasnt true as palmira has good prices with fast shipping in the past. Anyone got anything to say about pinks kasols?

Just call AMEX and do a chargeback.  Tell them that you ordered some vitamins and you were accidentally charged for two orders but only ordered one.  I have had this happen with palmira and Amex refunded me the $ within a week..... 

You cannot request a chargeback with AMEX? I don't know as I do not use AMEX. With my Visa attached to my bank, I can request a chargeback and immediately get credited with the funds while my bank investigates. Now, if the bank later determines the chargeback is not valid, they will immediately take the full amount out of my account. But as long as you have not signed for the couriers package, PD does not have a valid method to dispute the charge. So if you do get a package make sure you check the tracking # on the package before you sign for it. If it is not the one you were given for your known order, I know it's hard not to accept but do not sign for it, just give it back to the delivery person and refuse to accept it.

Then you have a foot to stand on for the charge that you did not order and did not accept. Once you sign for that package, no matter what's inside, PD then has the upper hand. right now I am waiting for an order for over 8 days now and it did not go out today so if it comes as soon as possible it will be 11-13 days from the day I placed the order, got a confirmation and courier tracking#. this is very unlike the old PD and is making my leary of what their future is heading toward. If this keeps happening to folks, I will be one of the ones to suggest they be blacklisted. Hell I could have ordered from a number of other IOPs using regular delivery methods, gotten more product for my money and it would have already arrived!!!

Hope this helps.

 Update FYI -

Ordered -Feb. 15

Confirmation# -Feb. 15

Tracking# -Feb. 15

Showed up on tracking system- Feb. 22

In Transit- Feb. 23 (Sat.)

Estimated delivery date - Feb. 27th

So total days = 12 

Total business days = 9 

so those who helped me out with this and you know who you are - thank you. Now I'll just wait and see if they got the products and counts right as they have shorted me sigificantly twice. Unsure if I will order from them again.


I got an Email from Palmera stating that you can order with WU  and get discount and they drop the $9 fee which is on there when you pay with a CC ...

So I looked at the product list and the prices are lower compared to the list if you use a credit card.  This means my last ofer that I just got a few days ago would have been $15 cheaper if I had used WU to pay with. This means you have 2 options for payment but using credit card will cost you the $9 fee, and the product you order will cost a few dollars more than if you use WU ...  

My last order took a little longer than my first one.  My first one was delivered to my door on the 4th day after I placed the order.    This last one I got took a total of 9 days.  I didn't get a confirmation for 4 days after purchasing but from what I read on the forums this is par for the course lately .  Several people report waiting several days to a full week to get the tracking number but it will track and you do get the order.

The latest Email they send about paying with WU also says  2 to 3 day delivery.  I'm not sure if   delivery means after you get the confirmation ,  which could take up to a week.    I'm not sure whats going on at Palmera  but they are delivering,  and I have not read anywhere of someone saying they never got the package.  My emails with  M***a   and D***d   have always been good, and they have been very polite.

Packaging is some of the finest I have seen on both of my orders,  and my last order was 500 tablets...  Every tablet is there, and none are broken or crushed and the brand is stamped on them.  I have  tablets that I got from my local pharmacy that I used to compare quality and strength with and the tablets I have gotten from  Palmera are right on par with the ones I get at Walgreen Pharmacy here. I test them out...   I see some people saying they got weak pills or fake pills, and took 5 to feel anything at all, and  all I can say there is you're really taking a risk taking 5 or 6 pills at one time to test out the strength.  I can honestly say all the benzo's I got from Palmera are up to the same quality as what I got from the local pharmacy, as I compare them. 

So I wouldnt' be  suggesting blacklisting them unless you pay and don't get the order . If you feel your pills are weak  don't order from them or email them and try to resolve the issue....    I've gotten mine twice in a row and plan on making another order in a few weeks.   I liked the 500 tablets and their freshness (hard as rocks) so much I plan on another 500 so I can vacuum seal them and put them in the freezer. They will last for 5 years when stored that way.     I am thinking Palmera will get back on track with the speed once again , I also suggest if you do email them use the  email  not the  The  dot com email doesnt appear to work it comes back as not deliverable.  

Just my opinion and my 2 cents on the matter.  I am not sure why they are taking longer to ship but I do know they do deliver and I think they are trying to make it better.

I got an Email from Palmera stating that you can order with WU  and get discount and they drop the $9 fee which is on there when you pay with a CC ...

So I looked at the product list and the prices are lower compared to the list if you use a credit card.  This means my last ofer that I just got a few days ago would have been $15 cheaper if I had used WU to pay with. This means you have 2 options for payment but using credit card will cost you the $9 fee, and the product you order will cost a few dollars more than if you use WU ...  

My last order took a little longer than my first one.  My first one was delivered to my door on the 4th day after I placed the order.    This last one I got took a total of 9 days.  I didn't get a confirmation for 4 days after purchasing but from what I read on the forums this is par for the course lately .  Several people report waiting several days to a full week to get the tracking number but it will track and you do get the order.

The latest Email they send about paying with WU also says  2 to 3 day delivery.  I'm not sure if   delivery means after you get the confirmation ,  which could take up to a week.    I'm not sure whats going on at Palmera  but they are delivering,  and I have not read anywhere of someone saying they never got the package.  My emails with  M***a   and D***d   have always been good, and they have been very polite.

Packaging is some of the finest I have seen on both of my orders,  and my last order was 500 tablets...  Every tablet is there, and none are broken or crushed and the brand is stamped on them.  I have  tablets that I got from my local pharmacy that I used to compare quality and strength with and the tablets I have gotten from  Palmera are right on par with the ones I get at Walgreen Pharmacy here. I test them out...   I see some people saying they got weak pills or fake pills, and took 5 to feel anything at all, and  all I can say there is you're really taking a risk taking 5 or 6 pills at one time to test out the strength.  I can honestly say all the benzo's I got from Palmera are up to the same quality as what I got from the local pharmacy, as I compare them. 

So I wouldnt' be  suggesting blacklisting them unless you pay and don't get the order . If you feel your pills are weak  don't order from them or email them and try to resolve the issue....    I've gotten mine twice in a row and plan on making another order in a few weeks.   I liked the 500 tablets and their freshness (hard as rocks) so much I plan on another 500 so I can vacuum seal them and put them in the freezer. They will last for 5 years when stored that way.     I am thinking Palmera will get back on track with the speed once again , I also suggest if you do email them use the  email  not the  The  dot com email doesnt appear to work it comes back as not deliverable.  

Just my opinion and my 2 cents on the matter.  I am not sure why they are taking longer to ship but I do know they do deliver and I think they are trying to make it better.
Well just to throw out an idea - Why, after all these years, is PD going to WU for payment? I mean with CC one can get a chargeback. With WU, once you send it, it is gone and you are completely at the mercy of who you sent it to, in this case PD. I "believe" the change in delivery times is due to a compromise between Courier and PD, where PD accumulates approximately a weeks (that varies depending on order volume) worth of orders before having courier pick up and/or ship. The courier then doesn't have to ship but once a week rather than every 2 or three days as in the past. Maybe that is why all of a sudden the shipping costs went down by $10 to $12 to a current $28. The slower delivery times coincides with this decrease in shipping costs.

I could be wrong but I do not think the courier has ever shipped everyday from SPS due to long distances to fly and low volume of packages. So now they accumulate basically a full plane load of total packages before they fly away. Not just a PD load but for all express packages in the SPS area. Just my theory, but based on my current order and the information given to me by MM and others at PD that's what it sounds like.

My current order will take 10 to12 days given the info I have now. Changing to WU sounds good as far as 5%-8% reduction of prices but I am really concerned with the lack of customer service, increasing delivery time, change in courier shipping frequency, going to WU, etc. that PD may be positioning themselves for a change and I fear it is not a good one for customers.

BTW if I am correct, it explains why some people get their orders in 3-4 days and others are getting theirs in 8-12 days. It just depends on when you order relative to when they (courier or PD??) are ready to make the "weekly" shipment. Just my thoughts based on what I have learned over the past few weeks. In the past, it never took more than 3-4 business days from ordering to delivery.

What do you guys think?


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Happy to hear your goods are finally en route geocat. I also received trackibg info yesterday...5 days after placing order. I don't think the extra charge was intentional but nonetheless proving to be a pain in the ass to clear up without their assistance.

Happy to hear your goods are finally en route geocat. I also received trackibg info yesterday...5 days after placing order. I don't think the extra charge was intentional but nonetheless proving to be a pain in the ass to clear up without their assistance.
also got TN info after a wk waiting patiently ........and besides all the email i get from palmira has anyone got an email they now take Western Union? and even waiving the 9 dollar fee for donation.........hmmm.... i dont know if this is good or bad...... I think alot of unhappy customers are doing cc charge backs.........feeling alittle weiry with this /default_dry.png

I've been reading about all of these interesting new developments and have been trying like hell to put it all together in my head.  My tentative conclusion is that somebody caught up to them in how they run their operation and they had to make some major changes in how they do business for security reasons.  I think this is why they really can't explain to their customer base what is really going on. 

As for the weak footballs, shorted orders, and poor communication....I think those problems have pretty much become their accepted trademark.

On a side note, I've mentioned a few times before that they used to use codes to trick their credit card service provider into thinking they were not selling certain items.  Now there are no codes and they are trying to push WU.  What can you imply from this?

I've been reading about all of these interesting new developments and have been trying like hell to put it all together in my head.  My tentative conclusion is that somebody caught up to them in how they run their operation and they had to make some major changes in how they do business for security reasons.  I think this is why they really can't explain to their customer base what is really going on. 
As for the weak footballs, shorted orders, and poor communication....I think those problems have pretty much become their accepted trademark.

On a side note, I've mentioned a few times before that they used to use codes to trick their credit card service provider into thinking they were not selling certain items.  Now there are no codes and they are trying to push WU.  What can you imply from this?

Did you read my post above. I think you have a point that  had not considered and ould be the bases for all these changes. I was trying to give a different perspetive and indicate how some of these changes affect ones ordering process and why/how the long delivery times may have changed and that this will probably the norm for at least some time. 3-5 days if you order right before they send a shipment out and 7-11 days if you order right after they send a shipment out. God to hear from you pard!


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got a Tracking # that doesnt appear in the system..........OMG!!!!!! never had this problem before WTF..........really agitated now......anyone else having or have had this issue? 

got a Tracking # that doesnt appear in the system..........OMG!!!!!! never had this problem before WTF..........really agitated now......anyone else having or have had this issue? 
If you just got the tracking number  it may not appear in the system right away  I have had to wait several hours, and one time it did  not work until the next day....  Hope this helps you... it will get to your house if you got a trackig number  have no worries....

got a Tracking # that doesnt appear in the system..........OMG!!!!!! never had this problem before WTF..........really agitated now......anyone else having or have had this issue? 

got a Tracking # that doesnt appear in the system..........OMG!!!!!! never had this problem before WTF..........really agitated now......anyone else having or have had this issue? 
Just read above! Many people are  getting a trkg# relatively quickly BUT it may not show up in the system for 4-6 days due to PDs new shipping procedures. So don't fret but it could be anywhere from 3 to 10 days before you receive your package and emailing PD doesn't seem t speed up the process. JME.


So it appears the overcharge cleared up, either by default (transaction was not complete, but pending) or by some action taken by palmira (kinda doubt it). Expecting goods to arrive today. So I am 3/3 minus a few short on last order. Still, I think the steep shipping fees combined with total lack of communication is going to push me to look to alternative sources. Still, from my personal experience this iop is not so untrustworthy as to be blacklisted. Just a minor psin in the ass..

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!