Hi. Person A purchases illegal goods from a company. Not a person from out of the back of a van, but an actual company. Person A has multiple paper trails of making these purchases. Person A then attempts to make a purchase from this same company in a new way the company offers. New way of purchase has no recourse should goods not be delivered. Person A tries new way, pays and does not receive goods. Said person states will report company to various entities and LE. Now if this were Best Buy and the goods were flash drives as an example, Person A (or anyone here reading this forum or using this company) has no issue. However in the actual scenario, person A has been an active participant in multiple felonies. Ratting out the company does not absolve person A of their commission of multiple felonies. Person A likely gets arrested if they follow the course of action they state they intend to take. Person A should have paid attention to what a ton of people said about not trying to purchase the goods the new way, but rather stick with the old way that offers person A protection in the event their goods do not arrive. Bottom line, IMHO, you didn't pay attention, got sucked in and you got burnt. Sucks.... absolutely. If you just were venting when you stated what you intend to do, OK, I get it, sucks to get screwed. It's happened to me more than once over the years. But in this game you have chosen to play, it's a risk that is a given! No matter how many times you have had things go perfectly, if you stay in this game it's a matter of when, not if, you will get screwed like this. It will likely happen to you more than once. Either be willing to accept that as a rule of the game or don't play. But if you actually did what you said you did, that's pretty sad because you're not sitting at the kids table here and you're fucking with people who have a real, legitimate need for a source for these types of goods. Grow up, take it as a lesson learned, be more careful in the future and leave it at that. Just my nickel on it. Also, even though it was there for the reading like a neon sign in the dark of night, I am truly sorry for you that you got screwed by the WU scam. Take care and don't rat out. S-