DGS, when ordering large, it's best to email the vendor directly. Don't rely on their 1998-era-online shopping cart.
In this case, I'm sure someone can PM or point you to the correct email address (.es)
(Yes, Palm isn't the greatest with email, but what's worse -- haggling over a 50 count for a month? Or ordering small, and having medication while waiting for them to email you the details? Not to mention you might get an added perk when doing 1-on-1 large orders. Just a suggestion)
Hi, Big. Appreciate the advice. Oh I have tried to email them directly and I have the correct address and extension. I've sent Email in English and Spanish, all very polite yet never a response about trying to work a deal on large orders... although that was a while back. I have completed a lot of orders with them; some really large, some kind of large and recently, due to the WU debacle, some rather small like 90 or 120 tabs. I never ever received even an email order confirmation back from them, except for my last two orders, most recently on the 15th. Last night I rec'd my first TN from them ever. I didn't even put it in the system because they have been 100% with me and I'm sure I'll receive my latest on Monday... plus a lot of folks say their TN doesn't work until they receive their package anyhow, lol.
But just from my perspective, when I wanted to make a larger order 500+, and the bulk page was not allowing it, I found success by doing what I mentioned above. Ordering 20 sets of 30 to get 600. The price difference really wasn't even that much for me to be concerned about. But I was able to get the larger tab count when bulk page says the product was out of stock in that quantity (500)
I lived in JA for a year on a contract job and I get the 3rd world way of doing things. Lots of people here expect them to be CVS (you gave a similar analogy somewhere here I believe) and most people do not realize that they just are never going to be that. They are who they are.
I feel bad for folks who were
**insert word of choice** enough to go for the WU thing that stunk like skunk poop from its jump off, but I really have no issues. I agree with you when you & DVZ say, so what if it takes 10 days or 2 weeks to get the order. They have always done the right thing for me. I've been shorted 20 - 30 tabs on a large order and I have been given 15-20 extra on a small order. Over time, it has always evened out.
I know they are on the BL for the WU thing and being that David / Maria are married and the owners and the receiver name on the WU was their last name... I get why those who got taken think they belong here. But Shattered S said it extremely well when that WU stuff all first started... one or two folks took the gamble to see if WU was legit and everyone else should have waited to hear back on their results before moving forward. But like lemmings, many folks just marched right off the cliff without paying attention. It seems like Palmira is getting back on track with a quick delivery schedule, decent strength product and (knock on wood) the WU spam seems to have stopped. For me, they are still one of my two primary sources. Thanks again for your thoughts and enjoy the weekend. S-