Palmira Drugstore

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LOL.. ur right, but have u notice that they always promise  us lower prices for shipping and go higher lmao..  Now it seems as if they aren't selling bulk anymore. How sad it makes me cause i would stock up and lay low for awhile. Now i have to be re-ordering every month just to keep up.   
I never order more than 100 of a given item at any time. Feels safer that way, but that's just my baggage.  Why not just order more at one go to offset the shipping charge? Or were there bulk discounts really excellent? Like I said, I don't know as I've never ordered that way. 

Speaking of shipping charges, I'll happily pay $40 for knowing I'll get the package in my lifetime--if not remarkably swiftly--rather than sweating it out by the mailbox for a month or more, with little or no recourse if the package never arrives. I don't have the time, stomach lining or money for that kind of stress.

I never order more than 100 of a given item at any time. Feels safer that way, but that's just my baggage. Why not just order more at one go to offset the shipping charge? Or were there bulk discounts really excellent? Like I said, I don't know as I've never ordered that way.

Speaking of shipping charges, I'll happily pay $40 for knowing I'll get the package in my lifetime--if not remarkably swiftly--rather than sweating it out by the mailbox for a month or more, with little or no recourse if the package never arrives. I don't have the time, stomach lining or money for that kind of stress.
Good to hear :-) I too keep my orders low in quantity. Will order next week. Also, let us see if we get thise WU emails tomorrow since it will be Friday.
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I never order more than 100 of a given item at any time. Feels safer that way, but that's just my baggage.  Why not just order more at one go to offset the shipping charge? Or were there bulk discounts really excellent? Like I said, I don't know as I've never ordered that way. 

Speaking of shipping charges, I'll happily pay $40 for knowing I'll get the package in my lifetime--if not remarkably swiftly--rather than sweating it out by the mailbox for a month or more, with little or no recourse if the package never arrives. I don't have the time, stomach lining or money for that kind of stress.
Hey dvz,

 you are right when you really think about it, if you go to the doctors with no insurance you pretty much pay more than that. agreed' the bulk was good but you would get multi-blue shades of the Vs and so some were weaker than others. but for the price you couldn't go wrong until they started slipping and customer service went crappy. I have to give em another chance to correct there wrongs cause for 4 years of exchange between we, wasn't bad. I hope they get there act together and return to how they once were. these were my peeps and i hate searching for new reliable folks that won't stiff ya. 

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Good to hear :-) I too keep my orders low in quantity. Will order next week. Also, let us see if we get thise WU emails tomorrow since it will be Friday.
My thoughts exactly! It's been too quiet on the WU front. Let's see what happens!

Hey dvz,

 you are right when you really think about it, if you go to the doctors with no insurance you pretty much pay more than that. agreed' the bulk was good but you would get multi-blue shades of the Vs and so some were weaker than others. but for the price you couldn't go wrong until they started slipping and customer service went crappy. I have to give em another chance to correct there wrongs cause for 4 years of exchange between we, wasn't bad. I hope they get there act together and return to how they once were. these were my peeps and i hate searching for new reliable folks that won't stiff ya. 
I hear that. These guys make me fucknuts sometimes with how flaky they can be, but they are "my" flakes, and the flakes you know are better than...well you get it. Still no excuse for that WU nonsense. Rogue worker or not. I feel so bad for the people who got ripped off.

Hi. First time ever I rec'd an email with a TN in it tonight. I figure someone HAS to be fucking with me lol. Anyhow I didnt check it because from what I have read from others the TN usually doesnt even work until after you receive youpackage. Will advise if it arrives tomorrow. As far as bulk, when they show out of stock I have sometimes been successful in ordering 15 or 20 of the 30 counts. Price is not as good as the bulk price for the same quantity, but fheir prices are low so its still a great price if you go that way. I dont trust enough again yet to order that big again yet tho. One more thing. On my shipping where I printed the page showing I was being charged $20... well checked my cc statement tonight and their charge posted. It was $10 higher than what I have printed from when I made my order late Monday. Guess I should be pissed but I am actjally finding it pretty damn funny. Have a nice night. /default_smile.png S-

DGS...If it were only for the $30+9 shipping I could handle that, but what pisses me off is that I get a final total of $99, then my card gets charged $106.  I have no interest in following up on the matter, but that appears to me clear fraud.  So lets see, I order 2x30 football, 1x30 loraz, which comes out to $54, then $40 for shipping is $94, and $5 for 'ISV' tacked onto each product.  So why $7 more on top of that?  Such a weird company, have always come through for me yet this will be my last order due to the random AND unstated fees tacked on.  Again, I can handle the random fees if I am aware of them, but do not tell me a final total then charge more to my card.  Oy.  Also, I have always received a working TN number prior to the package arriving...ordered on the 17th and still waiting for TN.  Shame they could be so good if they cleaned up their act, but just come off as shady sheisters...

And yeah, the couple bulk orders I had the count was on point (do they have a backroom of skilled counting monkeys?) but the various shades of blue/purple was a bit off a turn off. 

As dvs said, palmira were always flakes, but were 'my' flakes so I felt comfortable with them...afraid I'm going to to have to step out of my comfort zone and back into the dark waters of a new IOP.

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DGS...If it were only for the $30+9 shipping I could handle that, but what pisses me off is that I get a final total of $99, then my card gets charged $106.  I have no interest in following up on the matter, but that appears to me clear fraud.  So lets see, I order 2x30 football, 1x30 loraz, which comes out to $54, then $40 for shipping is $94, and $5 for 'ISV' tacked onto each product.  So why $7 more on top of that?  Such a weird company, have always come through for me yet this will be my last order due to the random AND unstated fees tacked on.  Again, I can handle the random fees if I am aware of them, but do not tell me a final total then charge more to my card.  Oy.  Also, I have always received a working TN number prior to the package arriving...ordered on the 17th and still waiting for TN.  Shame they could be so good if they cleaned up their act, but just come off as shady sheisters...
Good morning.  Yeah, in the end, I guess the  shipping pricing -really doesn't bug me all that much.  That other difference in what the order says and what they end up charging might be due to what the exchange rate of whatever the hell their currency is called against the USD.  The only thing I would say counters that theory is that the difference never goes in the buyer's (our) favor... it's always in Palmira's favor.  Their currency is extremely weak, I can't see it suddenly getting stronger on the day we make an order and then go back down the next day.  Nickel and dime stuff but it adds up for them.  This part of the scam you can at least understand, unlike the WU crap.  I just would like for them to be forthright about the fact of currency fluctuation.  They at least tell you about the BS 5$ / 4$ "donation and handling" fees.  On the varying colors of the blue 10's, I would not really worry.  That pharma manufacturing company is in their country so as they are mass producing I think quality control of the inert parts of the mix (dye color for 1) are not really controlled tightly.  I think you are just getting product from more than one batch of product.  (that could have literally been made days apart or even on the same day).  I've seen that variation in that particular product as well when bulk buying and I've actually on 1 day taken only the lighter colored ones and then a day later taken only the darker ones and they seemed mostly the same.  Having said that, I do see varying strength tab to tab in same colored ones... again, 3rd world country quality control issue IMHO.  But if they keep doing what they are doing as far as getting quick shipping back on track I'll start to up quantity in my orders and at that point, ship cost is almost irrelevant due to order size.  But if when you're going to "bulk" and it won't add to your order, try going to the 30 count and enter a 15 for quantity. you'll get 450 instead of 500 and it will cost more than the 500 that is out of stock in the bulk section but still cheap as all hell.  It has worked for me most of the time.  Hope everyone has a nice weekend!  S-

Personally, I have moved on but will keep using Palm as a backup source (until community trust rebuilds.)

Will update you all on my latest order as it arrives.

There are many better alternatives but much worse ones too. Good day all  /default_rolleyes.gif

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But if when you're going to "bulk" and it won't add to your order, try going to the 30 count and enter a 15 for quantity. you'll get 450 instead of 500 and it will cost more than the 500 that is out of stock in the bulk section but still cheap as all hell.  It has worked for me most of the time.  Hope everyone has a nice weekend!  S-
DGS, when ordering large, it's best to email the vendor directly. Don't rely on their 1998-era-online shopping cart.

In this case, I'm sure someone can PM or point you to the correct email address (.es)

(Yes, Palm isn't the greatest with email, but what's worse -- haggling over a 50 count for a month? Or ordering small, and having medication while waiting for them to email you the details? Not to mention you might get an added perk when doing 1-on-1 large orders. Just a suggestion)

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DGS, when ordering large, it's best to email the vendor directly. Don't rely on their 1998-era-online shopping cart.

In this case, I'm sure someone can PM or point you to the correct email address (.es)

(Yes, Palm isn't the greatest with email, but what's worse -- haggling over a 50 count for a month? Or ordering small, and having medication while waiting for them to email you the details? Not to mention you might get an added perk when doing 1-on-1 large orders. Just a suggestion)
Hi, Big.  Appreciate the advice.  Oh I have tried to email them directly and I have the correct address and extension.  I've sent Email in English and Spanish, all very polite yet never a response about trying to work a deal on large orders... although that was a while back.  I have completed a lot of orders with them; some really large, some kind of large and recently, due to the WU debacle, some rather small like 90 or 120 tabs.  I never ever received even an email order confirmation back from them, except for my last two orders, most recently on the 15th.  Last night I rec'd my first TN from them ever.  I didn't even put it in the system because they have been 100% with me and I'm sure I'll receive my latest on Monday... plus a lot of folks say their TN doesn't work until they receive their package anyhow, lol.

But just from my perspective, when I wanted to make a larger order 500+, and the bulk page was not allowing it, I found success by doing what I mentioned above.  Ordering 20 sets of 30 to get 600.  The price difference really wasn't even that much for me to be concerned about.  But I was able to get the larger tab count when bulk page says the product was out of stock in that quantity (500)

I lived in JA for a year on a contract job and I get the 3rd world way of doing things.  Lots of people here expect them to be CVS (you gave a similar analogy somewhere here I believe) and most people do not realize that they just are never going to be that.  They are who they are. 

I feel bad for folks who were **insert word of choice** enough to go for the WU thing that stunk like skunk poop from its jump off, but I really have no issues.  I agree with you when you  & DVZ say, so what if it takes 10 days or 2 weeks to get the order.  They have always done the right thing for me.  I've been shorted 20 - 30 tabs on a large order and  I have been given 15-20 extra on a small order.  Over time, it has always evened out.

I know they are on the BL for the WU thing and being that David / Maria are married and the owners and the receiver name on the WU was their last name... I get why those who got taken think they belong here.  But Shattered S said it extremely well when that WU stuff all first started... one or two folks took the gamble to see if WU was legit and everyone else should have waited to hear back on their results before moving forward.  But like lemmings, many folks just marched right off the cliff without paying attention.  It seems like Palmira is getting back on track with a quick delivery schedule, decent strength product and (knock on wood) the WU spam seems to have stopped. For me, they are still one of my two primary sources.  Thanks again for your thoughts and enjoy the weekend.  S-

For limited time take advantage of our USA [SIZE=24pt]shipping offer [/SIZE]$20.00 
lol just got that in my email.
AK, you beat me to it.  I received two of them back to back.  At least they weren't for WU, Sched 1.  I am getting more than my fair share of chuckles from them today.  After I saw the 2 shipping offer emails, I finally put the TN I received for the first time ever into the tracking system of shipper and guess what, no record of that TN.  I know that doesn't mean anything and I am sure my package will arrive on Monday, but it's just cracking me up.  Have a most excellent weekend.  S-

AK, you beat me to it.  I received two of them back to back.  At least they weren't for WU, Sched 1.  I am getting more than my fair share of chuckles from them today.  After I saw the 2 shipping offer emails, I finally put the TN I received for the first time ever into the tracking system of shipper and guess what, no record of that TN.  I know that doesn't mean anything and I am sure my package will arrive on Monday, but it's just cracking me up.  Have a most excellent weekend.  S-
LMAO.. I know right! as soon as i got it a laughed out and thought well dam i still got charged the 40 bones. F**k me. they are funny. I got a tracking # too but it doesn't work. made the order monday i believe so i aint getting the same love as you guys. I will give em about three weeks and then you know i will do the chargeback because they won't reply the emails anyway.  

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made the order monday i believe so i aint getting the same love as you guys
I ordered a day or 2 after that, I got no email at all, tracking or confirmation. (As per usual). I always keep the Confirmation # just in case haha, hope I never need to use it.

Yeah I haven't seen any improvement in shipping speed, guessing the positive reports therein can be attributed to lucky timing with putting in order. Ordered on 16th (said 17th earlier) and still waiting on tracking. Still expect it to arrive mon/tues. Same ole palm...

I ordered a day or 2 after that, I got no email at all, tracking or confirmation. (As per usual). I always keep the Confirmation # just in case haha, hope I never need to use it.
LOL..I heard that big. lets hope luck is on every ones side but most of all lets home P gets there act together.

Hello All! 

order. 3/22

T/N ) soon after

Have not Received 

After good sucess with this vendor I even vouched for them to others. After MANY attemps to contact them I received such repleys as, (being processed) 

another said "you will received next week" --  The tracking number never tracked. I do not believe I will get my order at this point. 

Today I got an email from them   Tittle of the email was   SHIPPING THREE DAYS OFFER!!!!!

Upset that they have been ignoring my large order for so long I decided to reply to this person sending out these mass emails to probibly everyone on the list.

          My email asked if they shipped my order from 3/25 they accually did reply a few hours later. It was the exact same message exept the subject line read. 

  RE: SHIPPING THREE DAYS OFFER!!!!!!  and meds offers come proov it!!!!!!

I can only assume that means that I will not get my package I have been waiting a month for.    (rude assholes)


I used to love this place, they were great few days at your door. But now they deserve to be placed on the black list . 

 It never got sent. 

And TN information only works 1 out of ever 3 times or so 

(sometimes they just make up 12 numbers)

I wrote that one quick and forgot spell check Sorry Friends,

I Hope anyone who dose continue with palm has better luck than me & this other poor soul i know.

_--- Peace 


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  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for