Hey all. Too much shit going on in the world right now. Was reading an article on the last plane back last night and CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) intends to collect data and analyze 4 out of every 5 credit card transactions conducted by US consumers in 2013, under the auspice of protecting the consumer. Bullshit.... more N S A snooping. IMO, Palm is pretty screwed until they figure out a different ship method among a bucket list of other things. Was happy with them for a very long time and being honest... 1 LL is not going to necessarily keep me from ever ordering from them again if they can fix their communication, consistency of product and new ship method. I have not seen the actual LL yet as I have a few properties and someone at the one where this one was supposed to be delivered let me know through Pinger that it arrived last Tuesday... got that at 9AM CR time... pool bar was open and that was breakfast, lol. I'll pick it up tomorrow and if it's anything out of the norm for the C B P LL I'll advise pronto. But, I will say, airport security was extra tight both down and back up. They ripped apart my range bag that I use as a carry on... thought for a minute I left a mag or a stray round in it.... but there was nothing there that was "out of sorts" but some Alp and diaz.... they went right past that... Then it hit positive for explosive but that was just gunpowder residue (and of course I was at MIA when this happened). They put that bag through the machine 2x, ripped it apart and then still put it through again. Eh, was due I guess. Thankfully, my vault is well stocked and yes, plenty of time to look for an alternative on the few items I ordered from Palm. See what happens if anyone else decides to take the shot with them over the next few months. For those of you still waiting... hope you receive. Oh and Zonked.... I've gotten LL's as far out as 3 months after a ship.... not trying to bum you out, but your pack is either just hung up, LL eventually on the way, you may still receive or you may never hear another word. Hope it ends up that you receive.
Missed you guys, have a lot of catching up to do.... again will advise if the LL is the standard or if it has anything else of interest or of note. Be well. S-