Pharmacy Dropout LLC

Ordered/Shipped: 8/20

Received: 8/22

Got some of the 'Plantation Grown Indonesian Red Vein' .  Never tried before, so I measured about 3.5g for a first dose.  I felt ok for awhile but didn't feel as strong as I expected given the amount.  Hard to describe  the effect, I guess it was a very mild sense of well being not unlike a low dose of opiates.  I'm not giving up, this vendor was great and I'll likely order something different until I find a strain & dose that works for me.
Hey there.  You may want to try upping your dose.  I use 6 grams minimum and I really like about 10-12 grams. However, everyone is different.  But at either of these doses I don't think you will get the ever so feared "wobbles".
I got 50g and have been upping the dose with every use (not daily).  Did 7g last night after 3.5g earlier this wk, then 5g 2nd time. 7g  felt o.k.but negligible.  Experienced  a barely noticeable body "sensation" from the 7g,  that's pretty much it.  I'm gonna figure out what other strains I want to try to actually feel something.  Maybe extract would be the ticket.

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Another update on the Plantation Grown Indonesian Red Vein, I've found 10g to be a very nice dose.  Toss n wash with orange soda works like a charm.  I was just chilling outside last night at about 2am listening to Art Bell on the radio talking about ghosts & EVP's.  Total relaxation.  Thanks to the folks at Pharmacy Dropout - service, speed, and great product.  /default_cool.png

I've got a rather large order on the way.  Prob get it tomorrow.  4 different strains.  I can't wait and I will give reviews on each strain.  I'm sure it will be excellent coming from Jeff.  For those looking I can assure that his Green Bali is superb, always good.  It's my go to that I can always count on from Jeff.

Red horned leaf just tested. 12 grams in some lemonade I just whipped up. 

Good Stuff. Great for pain relief and relaxing. I would say this is an A grade strain. 

I tried  the Cambodian maeng da earlier. Used about 10 grams. Got some good energy and focus  I would have to give it a b Iu n grade which is still very good in my opinion. 

This red horned has got me nodding if that gives you any idea ofI it's quality. 

I still have the mystery green and white to try. I will know the story on those tomorrow 

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Mystery green is another very good one.  You can't go wrong with Jeff's new strains. They are GTG!

Took the plunge on some Indo Red Vein( Plantation). Ordered Sunday 9/6 1-3 day priority. Emailed a question and had a responses same day. Monday was holiday but was shipped promptly on Tuesday. In my hands on Thursday 9/11. From Oregon to Va in 3 days. Not bad. About to try 6g. Will update on effects.

Took the plunge on some Indo Red Vein( Plantation). Ordered Sunday 9/6 1-3 day priority. Emailed a question and had a responses same day. Monday was holiday but was shipped promptly on Tuesday. In my hands on Thursday 9/11. From Oregon to Va in 3 days. Not bad. About to try 6g. Will update on effects.
Buddy, that stuff is awesome.

Ok I need advice. Got that red indo. Took two teaspoons just straight with juice. Waited 1 hour. No effect. Then I took 3 more teaspoons. Now, after a few hours I have to say I notice little to no effect.  Am I doing something wrong? Is my dosage too low? Need some help from the community. Thanks. Oh and I'm using a measuring style teaspoon for exact dosage.

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Ok I need advice. Got that red indo. Took two teaspoons just straight with juice. Waited 1 hour. No effect. Then I took 3 more teaspoons. Now, after a few hours I have to say I notice little to no effect.  Am I doing something wrong? Is my dosage too low? Need some help from the community. Thanks. Oh and I'm using a measuring style teaspoon for exact dosage.
I started business on January '01 with the Secretary of State in Oregon and have had about 1000 customers in that amount of time, I have only had one person complain about low quality product, and it was a different type.  Considering the mathematical probability involved here, I would posit that the chance of having inferior product is slim.  Naturally, I get negative feedback in private about some issues, and I then use that to improve upon myself and the business, but quality hasn't ever been one of those issues, not yet.  The Indonesian Red that you purchased, comes from a family friend, and to both parties, we're more like family.  He is a morally upright person, who is religious, and wouldn't sell me product that would harm his business.  We know him, trust him, and I'm overdue to visit him.  However, due to this issue, I'm going to send your batch (I still have some left, as a new shipment arrived Monday, yesterday) to a lab to have it analysed.  This will be a third party lab in the U.S.  I will post a picture of the lab report later.  This is going to take some time... ... ...

I will get a hold of the people who ordered around your time, and purchased the same variety, and see what the general consensus is.  If it's less than good, I'll double your refund.  That's free money in your pocket.  This offer doesn't go for future orders, dear readers, just to this fella.  Because you've stated that you're consuming it, instead of burning it, or using it for something else, it would be illegal for me to send more.  Either way though, I noticed that another vendor on here stated that I am selling inferior product.  I'm not sure if the comment was modified at a later date, after the vendor stated we sell an inferior product, or what, but that simply isn't true.  It's important to me, to address this issue, because it can damage reputation.  I'm assuming it's just a mistake though.  I doubt this vendor would bad mouth me.  In regard to inferior quality, this is not true, and you will see this if you research the company name.  I'm quite concerned with this, and it will literally bother me until I fix it.  It will keep me up.

I feel quite confident in the product, as it's not harvested until after I order it.  Once I place an order, it is harvested for me, then it is dried and, then ground up.  I have seen the conditions of the drying facilities, and other facilities, and it's quite impressive.  A lot of those places oversea are questionable, but this place is very clean and nice.  I typically pay a certain amount at this point, and then it's sent to me express airmail.  Once it passes customs, and they see that I am not selling it for consumption, it then gets sent to me.  I pay the rest off.  It is not legal to sell this product for human consumption at this time, and I therefore cannot explain to you what is wrong, even though I feel confident that I know precisely what the issue is.

The reason why I can't elaborate, is because that is how our products get detained by U.S. customs...forever.  If they can prove in court that I am selling it for human consumption, then we're toast.  If that wasn't the case, I would send double your product to you, priority, instead of a refund.  We get put on an import ban if it's sold for consumption.  Please see: Import Alert 54-15.  My friend is on that list, and this friend found out the hard way, so I know how to tread here because of their misfortune.  This statement does not imply that we sell for consumption.  I'm also a daily to bi-daily follower of the updated rules, regulations, rumors, and of course...the American Kratom Assocation, and other mediums of information in regard to this topic.  I'm inside the loop quite deeply compared to many other vendors, and we also donate.  I actually am donating 500.00 USD in my customers' names sometime this week, or next week (whenever the check arrives - you'll see a picture of this too, soon).

Purely from an academic standpoint, I would like to point out a misconception I see here, and within the other vendor thread.  This is purely academic, and not related to consumption.  In regard to mass (spoon vs. scale), please take note that size does not equal density.  A spoon, will only measure the surface area, but not the amount of the product contained within each granule.  The granules, can have an extreme differential, for a dried plant that is.  The density of the plant material can vary somewhere around .01 to 10 grams per 10 grams ± 1 gr.  In other words, the weight and alkaloid content of one specimen from one person and batch, will rarely have the same density, and therefore, amount of alkaloids from vendor to vendor, can vary by an incredible amount if you're looking at it, and not weighing it instead. To help facilitate assimilation and integration, think of it this way.  Lets say that in your leveled spoon, you have a piece of Earth consisting of 10,000 grains, in another spoon, which is in your opposing hand, you have one scoop of solid neutron star (they're solid BTW), with the same amount of grains - 10,000.  This other spoon is also leveled.  You will find that the spoon of solid neutron star, will contain somewhere around 200 billion times as many atoms per granule.  In other words, there is more of the "stuff" inside the thing.  Those atoms, make up compounds, and those compounds, are the alkaloids, of the plant; so, while you're looking at it, that means little.  It's all about the weight when it comes to things of this nature.  Then things get even more complicated, but don't worry, this previous explination is the easy one.

There is something in Biology/Botany that we call porosity.  There are spaces in between particles, which can be thought of as spaces.  This goes for most things in the universe, from the atom, to plant granules, to entire worlds, there are spaces.  Think of gravel, gravel is just like sand, except much larger.  The applies to even smaller bits of sand, which would be clay.  It's all the same stuff, Earth.  If you have a large glass of gravel, there are spaces in between and if you fill it up with water, you will see that one Gravel, will be able to take in more water than sand, and sand more than clay.  The more water there is, the more space there is.  That is why it's important to weight products in our world when purchasing certain items, as it may look like you're acquiring the same content, but one is not.

I believe this should clear up any and all discrepancy in the product.  I will post pictures of the lab report later, but this is going to take a long time.  Right now I'm working with a lab, but I need to do extensive research, and I'm currently working almost 16 hours a day, so finding the time is difficult.  The lab process itself, is something I need to do more research on, so that way I can select what kinds of labs I would like, such as mold content, alkaloid content, etc.  Also, there is transit time, etc.

Your issue bothers me a lot, and I would like to offer the best explination possible.  Please believe me when I tell you that I think the product is top notch.  If it wasn't, that would cause some harm to the business that helps support my college education, my children, and it also puts meals on the tables for us.  I would never sell an inferior product.  I simply can't state what the issue is because of the consumption laws in the US toward vendors.  Why don't we network and figure out how I can make this up to you?  I run a solid business, with solid morals and business ethics.  I didn't get to where I am today by stepping on people.  Please contact me and I'll make sure you're taken care of.  My cell phone is listed on the website, take care.

I have the red right now and I find that 10 grams works really well. That is probably 5 teaspoons I'm guessing. As well I have had plenty of pharmdropouts kratom and I have always had good luck:)

If anyone needs help in taking it I would be more than happy to spread what I know. Just shoot me a pm. I had to have help an one point to figure this stuff out so returning the favor would be a pleasure

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Ok I need advice. Got that red indo. Took two teaspoons just straight with juice. Waited 1 hour. No effect. Then I took 3 more teaspoons. Now, after a few hours I have to say I notice little to no effect.  Am I doing something wrong? Is my dosage too low? Need some help from the community. Thanks. Oh and I'm using a measuring style teaspoon for exact dosage.
I started business on January '01 with the Secretary of State in Oregon and have had about 1000 customers in that amount of time, I have only had one person complain about low quality product, and it was a different type.  Considering the mathematical probability involved here, I would posit that the chance of having inferior product is slim.  Naturally, I get negative feedback in private about some issues, and I then use that to improve upon myself and the business, but quality hasn't ever been one of those issues, not yet.  The Indonesian Red that you purchased, comes from a family friend, and to both parties, we're more like family.  He is a morally upright person, who is religious, and wouldn't sell me product that would harm his business.  We know him, trust him, and I'm overdue to visit him.  However, due to this issue, I'm going to send your batch (I still have some left, as a new shipment arrived Monday, yesterday) to a lab to have it analysed.  This will be a third party lab in the U.S.  I will post a picture of the lab report later.  This is going to take some time... ... ...

I will get a hold of the people who ordered around your time, and purchased the same variety, and see what the general consensus is.  If it's less than good, I'll double your refund.  That's free money in your pocket.  This offer doesn't go for future orders, dear readers, just to this fella.  Because you've stated that you're consuming it, instead of burning it, or using it for something else, it would be illegal for me to send more.  Either way though, I noticed that another vendor on here stated that I am selling inferior product.  I'm not sure if the comment was modified at a later date, after the vendor stated we sell an inferior product, or what, but that simply isn't true.  It's important to me, to address this issue, because it can damage reputation.  I'm assuming it's just a mistake though.  I doubt this vendor would bad mouth me.  In regard to inferior quality, this is not true, and you will see this if you research the company name.  I'm quite concerned with this, and it will literally bother me until I fix it.  It will keep me up.

I feel quite confident in the product, as it's not harvested until after I order it.  Once I place an order, it is harvested for me, then it is dried and, then ground up.  I have seen the conditions of the drying facilities, and other facilities, and it's quite impressive.  A lot of those places oversea are questionable, but this place is very clean and nice.  I typically pay a certain amount at this point, and then it's sent to me express airmail.  Once it passes customs, and they see that I am not selling it for consumption, it then gets sent to me.  I pay the rest off.  It is not legal to sell this product for human consumption at this time, and I therefore cannot explain to you what is wrong, even though I feel confident that I know precisely what the issue is.

The reason why I can't elaborate, is because that is how our products get detained by U.S. customs...forever.  If they can prove in court that I am selling it for human consumption, then we're toast.  If that wasn't the case, I would send double your product to you, priority, instead of a refund.  We get put on an import ban if it's sold for consumption.  Please see: Import Alert 54-15.  My friend is on that list, and this friend found out the hard way, so I know how to tread here because of their misfortune.  This statement does not imply that we sell for consumption.  I'm also a daily to bi-daily follower of the updated rules, regulations, rumors, and of course...the American Kratom Assocation, and other mediums of information in regard to this topic.  I'm inside the loop quite deeply compared to many other vendors, and we also donate.  I actually am donating 500.00 USD in my customers' names sometime this week, or next week (whenever the check arrives - you'll see a picture of this too, soon).

Purely from an academic standpoint, I would like to point out a misconception I see here, and within the other vendor thread.  This is purely academic, and not related to consumption.  In regard to mass (spoon vs. scale), please take note that size does not equal density.  A spoon, will only measure the surface area, but not the amount of the product contained within each granule.  The granules, can have an extreme differential, for a dried plant that is.  The density of the plant material can vary somewhere around .01 to 10 grams per 10 grams ± 1 gr.  In other words, the weight and alkaloid content of one specimen from one person and batch, will rarely have the same density, and therefore, amount of alkaloids from vendor to vendor, can vary by an incredible amount if you're looking at it, and not weighing it instead. To help facilitate assimilation and integration, think of it this way.  Lets say that in your leveled spoon, you have a piece of Earth consisting of 10,000 grains, in another spoon, which is in your opposing hand, you have one scoop of solid neutron star (they're solid BTW), with the same amount of grains - 10,000.  This other spoon is also leveled.  You will find that the spoon of solid neutron star, will contain somewhere around 200 billion times as many atoms per granule.  In other words, there is more of the "stuff" inside the thing.  Those atoms, make up compounds, and those compounds, are the alkaloids, of the plant; so, while you're looking at it, that means little.  It's all about the weight when it comes to things of this nature.  Then things get even more complicated, but don't worry, this previous explination is the easy one.

There is something in Biology/Botany that we call porosity.  There are spaces in between particles, which can be thought of as spaces.  This goes for most things in the universe, from the atom, to plant granules, to entire worlds, there are spaces.  Think of gravel, gravel is just like sand, except much larger.  The applies to even smaller bits of sand, which would be clay.  It's all the same stuff, Earth.  If you have a large glass of gravel, there are spaces in between and if you fill it up with water, you will see that one Gravel, will be able to take in more water than sand, and sand more than clay.  The more water there is, the more space there is.  That is why it's important to weight products in our world when purchasing certain items, as it may look like you're acquiring the same content, but one is not.

I believe this should clear up any and all discrepancy in the product.  I will post pictures of the lab report later, but this is going to take a long time.  Right now I'm working with a lab, but I need to do extensive research, and I'm currently working almost 16 hours a day, so finding the time is difficult.  The lab process itself, is something I need to do more research on, so that way I can select what kinds of labs I would like, such as mold content, alkaloid content, etc.  Also, there is transit time, etc.

Your issue bothers me a lot, and I would like to offer the best explination possible.  Please believe me when I tell you that I think the product is top notch.  If it wasn't, that would cause some harm to the business that helps support my college education, my children, and it also puts meals on the tables for us.  I would never sell an inferior product.  I simply can't state what the issue is because of the consumption laws in the US toward vendors.  Why don't we network and figure out how I can make this up to you?  I run a solid business, with solid morals and business ethics.  I didn't get to where I am today by stepping on people.  Please contact me and I'll make sure you're taken care of.  My cell phone is listed on the website, take care.
Ordered/Shipped: 8/20

Received: 8/22

Got some of the 'Plantation Grown Indonesian Red Vein' .  Never tried before, so I measured about 3.5g for a first dose.  I felt ok for awhile but didn't feel as strong as I expected given the amount.  Hard to describe  the effect, I guess it was a very mild sense of well being not unlike a low dose of opiates.  I'm not giving up, this vendor was great and I'll likely order something different until I find a strain & dose that works for me.
Hey there.  You may want to try upping your dose.  I use 6 grams minimum and I really like about 10-12 grams. However, everyone is different.  But at either of these doses I don't think you will get the ever so feared "wobbles".
I got 50g and have been upping the dose with every use (not daily).  Did 7g last night after 3.5g earlier this wk, then 5g 2nd time. 7g  felt o.k.but negligible.  Experienced  a barely noticeable body "sensation" from the 7g,  that's pretty much it.  I'm gonna figure out what other strains I want to try to actually feel something.  Maybe extract would be the ticket.
Jeffrey thank you for your detailed response. I wasn't looking to bad mouth your business or even try to get reimbursed. I was just curious if I was somehow missing something in my methods when using this product. Anyway, to give another update I tried this product(indo red) a third time with a much larger amount than before. I normally wouldn't do this but due to my previous two experiences with the same product/same batch I felt it was safe to experiment. I did notice a significant effect this time around. I suspect that my high tolerance to mighty morfing power rangers and the like has given me a substantial cross tolerance to this "herb." I don't doubt the quality of your product. The way you handled the business preceding the acquisition of said product was superb. So in the end I think the real issue here was simply individual biology. Thank you for your time and concern. 

P.S. To all of those reading this thread. I recommend trying this vendor out if your are interested in this type of product. /default_wink.png

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He seems like a great guy!  Thanks!
Oh, I wasn't implying otherwise.  I was only trying to tackle any issue.  Masbeth, I'm very, very relieved to hear that the problem...solved itself /default_smile.png  Thanks for writing back so quickly, Masbeth.

Oh, I see the confusion now.  It was in a different approved Kratom vendor thread on DBG, and the vendor said I sold you low quality product, not you.

Hello All,

Sent an email to this vendor as well. Waiting on several to get back with me! I want to try out this product everyone is talking about. I despise the weekends sometimes! lol uggg /default_smile.png



Hello All,

Hi Jeff, I just sent you a text not sure if you received my other one as I have not heard back. Thank you in advance.



I haven't received any text messages today.  I see you commented here 17 min. ago.  I did write you back a few days ago in DBG, but haven't heard back here either.

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Hi Jeff,

Really I have just filled out an account on your site. Also sent a text just now I will try to check the number on your site now. In any case I do not see an email if you could please provide I will check back in a minute.



Just a quick post to say ordered Malaysian Red 9/27, tracking # soon after and arrived today. As I have never had Kratom before I drank down 1 full teaspoon. It definitely has met my expectations as I've had 2 lower back surgeries and a 3rd on its way. Gave me a nice mellow feeling. Thanks Jeff, another order has already been placed.


I have the red right now and I find that 10 grams works really well. That is probably 5 teaspoons I'm guessing. As well I have had plenty of pharmdropouts kratom and I have always had good luck:)

If anyone needs help in taking it I would be more than happy to spread what I know. Just shoot me a pm. I had to have help an one point to figure this stuff out so returning the favor would be a pleasure
Thanks Matt, will be PMing you in a few days when receive. J is a great guy and so excited to try his product.



Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. K @ knofflebon: @DerailedFisherman She's probably dancing down at the pink pony club in west hollywood. God that song is contagious. Hope she's doing ok too.
  2. KingKong2 @ KingKong2: What happened to DIYZZZfaxtory
  3. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: subutex
  4. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: @AnnaSofia where you been at hows if goin
  5. R @ rhodium: It is so depressing to see the same 5 mass produced Chinese megazines on sale. We can do better! Heres for more variety
  6. MOD @ MOD: Hello @Everyone - Hope all are doing well! Looking forward to a fruitful 2025.
  7. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Hello and have a great day friends!
  8. CnC5 @ CnC5: @xenxra could you hmu on TG i have some crypto question for you if you dont mind bro! Kinda in a panic!
  9. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @gigiwink143 You go to the specific vendors thread and leave your feedback for them there.
  10. G @ gigiwink143: Where do we leave reviews
  11. rasetreydir @ rasetreydir: Phishing attempt via protonmail, offering a link that i wouldn't click
  12. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: Rick’s new email is in his thread, last post.
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @SeaDonkey i use gold as a proxy sometimes to read other things but not necessarily interested in trading it myself. i specialize in trading crypto
  14. rockychoc @ rockychoc: Shout out box isn't for making vendors reply.
  15. G @ gigiwink143: @Jacob price
  16. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Costco of all places was selling 25 packs of 1 gram bars, so little less than an ounce, but still a good deal at the time
  17. rasetreydir @ rasetreydir: @SeaDonkey Not yet. I am trying to ask around to and research some other investments like gold
  18. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @xenxra @rasetreydir y'all mess around with gold? Hit a record high today
  19. T @ tito008840: I’ve been having issues with tgc/ I just want some sort of resolution
  20. H @ HaywudYablome: