Pharmacy Dropout LLC

I have processing actually, but I don't know for how long due to Operation Choke Point.

While it was repealed by our newest President, the banking system has NOT caught up yet, and thusly, having a DOMESTIC merchant account that accepts Kratom is exceptionally, exceptionally hard to acquire and maintain.

I am currently taking orders though, debit and credit.


I seem to almost never come here, since we get almost no traffic.  I'd love to have a discussion about how it's done, trade secrets, laws, CGMP, importation process, etc.  Anyone have any questions?

Red Sulawesi and Green Aceh​
10% Of All Proceeds To Be Donated​
The saddest promotion in Pharmacy Dropout & PDO Botanicals history.​
Earthquake In Indonesia:​
In light of the tragedy in Indonesia this last week, I've been very concerned, confused, even emotional about launching what was to be our two new products, Red Sulawesi and Green Aceh. I was so excited to launch these amazing products that I had stocked well and I've been enjoying it exclusively for weeks now. I was already typing up an advertisement when my wife came into the office and told me about the earthquakes and tsunami. I was in shock when she told me it was in the Sulawesi regions. I contacted friends and family in Indonesia waiting anxiously to make sure everyone was okay. They're all okay, the devastation is heartbreaking needless to say, this is my only batch of Red Sulawesi and Green Aceh. We will not be carrying anymore, the stock is limited. We're donating 10% of all profits to the Indonesian Red Cross, until it sells out.​
Product Specifications:​
Red Sulawesi:​
This red veined Kratom leaf has a rich, deep, soothing aroma, great for end of the day comfort and leisure time; mellow and recuperative. The prices are firm, we have no more inventory after it's gone. Ten percent of all proceeds will go to the Indonesian Red Cross to help the victims of this terrible natural disaster. The Mitragynine level on this product is testing at 3.2 %. It has been de-veined and de-stemmed, leading to a higher alkaloid content, more than any other red I've seen to date.​
Green Aceh Maeng Da:​
Luxurious and balanced. This Green Spiked Kratom Leaf is from the lush rain forests of Aceh region. It's robust and dynamic, this green is perfect for a rainy day. I've been working on this connection for about two years. The product that hail from this region comes largely from trees that are mostly untouched by man, leaving more mature trees. With adequate rainfall year around, even during the dry season, our Kratom has a higher alkaloid content than average Indonesian Kratom. It's mitragynine levels are testing at 5.0%, double to triple the average Kratom leaf. This product should require less to achieve the same aroma as standard leaf. This product is also de-stemmed and de-veined. True Maeng Da is hard to find these days, but this is a perfect example of old fashioned Maeng Da. No Kilograms available for this product due to limited supply.​
Also, check out our new look, our website has been remade last week. We have a new about us section with added photos.​
does your 49% Alkaloid Crystalline Kratom Extract  have very much 7 0oh-Mitragynine. I am searching for a solid source of an extract which a high content of  7-o -h Mitragynine. I currently purchase around 12000$ opms gold extract pills and I looking for a better deal!


I'm personally acquainted with a man, in real life, that's the owner of dozens of head shop brands of Kratom and other things of the like, including online sales too.  I can't mention his name here, but he claims that this extract I have from him, is what OPMS used to have in their old caps back in the day.  I heard that was awesome product back in the day from a lot of east coast customers.  I can't substantiate the claim.  I do have a laboratory however.  If you're needing higher concentrations, I might be able to see what I could do, but I imagine an MOQ would be very high, meaning I would need to order at least 1 ton, might be able to work with a chinese lab instead for a tenth of that, but you know how the community feels in regard to US cGMP and CcGmp (chinese vs American); I will say however that US does inspect some of these facilities, but I'm not sure how it would look having COA (Certificate of Analysis's ) from China instead of America.  They might not like that.  I will need to check the legality of these ultra high, fully water soluble alkaloids that you refer too, as that one I've been told, is fully water soluble, and I haven't seen an extract that is FULLY water soluble, except for some 90% I have, which is not for sale.  You can check back with me by writing me at my e-mail, or my contact page on the website.  I get dozens of emails, someones over 100, in a day, so it might take a while to get back to you, so I can give you a private e-mail that I use for urgent matters.  While I cannot substantiate his claim about the aforementioned product, I do have another source for ultra high alkaloids that I don't currently carry.  The stuff I have, the black crystal, is 49% or slightly more, depending upon the batch, but I'm certain it's not the same stuff that is in the OPMS gold.  I think you should try my full spectrum alkaloid however.  It looks just like normal Kratom, and I've been told that heating it in the microwave does something to it, something about binding.  I do not understand this, but I've had a few customers claim it works.  I have a lot of customers who buy this full spectrum with a much lower concentration than our 49%, and say it works better.  I do not have an explanation, and since I'm on the West Coast, we don't have OPMS.  I've been all over Cali, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Arizona and Washington since my business was conceived.  We have products all over and I'm acquainted with lots of the bigger dogs, and I've been told it's hard to come by on our side of the ocean, so I haven't had the chance to check it out personally.  I can't believe you're paying 12k for alkaloid.  You must like Kratom a lot.  I'd love to get you on board and save you money.  I know it's VERY expensive to make our 49%, about 15 times more per kilogram of plain leaf, which is why it's so much on my website.  Lets talk more in private.


Jeffrey Rynearson
Owner and Founder
Pharmacy Dropout LLC
PDO Botanicals LLC

New Kratom, Trade Secrets and More


Three New Strains, Limited Stock

Kratom secrets of the trade

Small Batches = More Attention To Detail and Quality

Now accepting E-checks.

<Information Redacted> (For the safety of DBG members)


I anticipate this small batch to last no more than two weeks to one month.  It finished it's cure/drying less than one week ago.  It's that fresh!  I want you to picture spending a few thousand dollars to fly to Malaysia, Indonesia, or another Asian country and sampling FRESH kratom, you can do that, without traveling, with this batch we have on hand.   flying oversea and trying it this fresh!

White Malaysian Maeng Da:

Described as being extremely uplifting, on a scale of one to ten, averages around a nine to a ten.  This euphoric strain, is available only in limited quantity, and is reported to have more stimulation than most.  It’s mill is fine, slightly coarse, but still adequate enough to describe it as “fine mill” like the rest of our Kratom powder.  This product has been tested by several customers before it’s launch, and has been approved unanimously.  It has been described as extremely impressive, dynamic and unique.  You can find this product here:

Green Malaysian Maeng Da:

Described as being moderately uplifting to mood and stimulation, like a good cup of coffee, on a scale of one to ten, averages around a five to a seven.  This euphoric strain, is available only in limited quantity as well, and is reported to have a beautiful color, denoting an excellent cure.  In Indonesia, it's still the rainy season, but in Malaysia, it is not, therefore, the Kratom is easily dried, while the other Kratom (with the exception of Thai) is difficult to dry, and thus, Kratom nationwide has a much higher probability of lower quality.  That's just how it works, and since 95% of Kratom comes from Indonesia...

It’s mill is fine, slightly coarse, but still adequate enough to describe it as “fine mill” like the rest of our Kratom powder.  This product has been tested by several customers before it’s launch, and has been approved unanimously.  It has been described as rich, dynamic with long legs and less harsh, meaning it has a less bitter aroma than most Kratom.  While bitterness can oftentimes denote good quality, that is not always the case.  You can find this product here:

Red Malaysian Maeng Da:

Described as being extremely enhancing to mood, without the over stimulation of whites and greens, this strains aroma is characterized better as having a strongly pronounced sense of relaxation, it's aroma is unique and on a scale of one to ten for a relaxing aroma, averages around a ten.  As with all the Malaysian products, due to the season right now, it's alkaloid content is high.  This euphoric slow strain, is available only in limited quantity as well, and is reported to have a beautiful color, denoting an excellent cure.  It's one of our top two most relaxing strains in our companies history.

It’s mill is fine, slightly coarse, but still adequate enough to describe it as “fine mill” like the rest of our Kratom powder.  This product has been tested by several customers before it’s launch, and has been approved unanimously (like the other two).  It has been described as rich, earthy, relaxing and warm.  You can find it here:

Announcement: We are now accepting echecks.  If you've got a bank account for a debit/credit card, you can use E-checks, if you don't know what the routing and account number is, you only have to call your institution and ask.

Start Shopping



White Malaysian Maeng Da

Click here to buy White Malaysian Maeng Da

White Malaysian Maeng Da »


Green Malaysian Maeng Da

Chick here to buy Green Malaysian Maeng Da

Green Malaysian Maeng Da »


Copyright © 2019 Pharmacy Dropout and PDO Botanicals LLC, All rights reserved.

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The Famous White Malaysian Maeng Da, Stocked!

This batch finished it's cure (drying) five days ago, which means this batch is as fresh as it can get.  A person has to consider the time it takes to obtain customs clearance, shipping and grinding, this can take several days, up to a month at times (two months during Christmas); five days is remarkable!  This batch is less than one week old!  Have you ever wondered what fresh Kratom is like?  Have you ever imagined flying over and having it made fresh?  Now is your chance to save the air fare and try it in your own home!

We've had too many people express interest in re-orders and miss opportunities to e-mail each one of you.  We cannot keep track of the e-mails.  With orders for this product ranging in the hundreds recently, it's estimated to sell out in two weeks to a month, like our last batch.

Our customers have bought more of this product than any other product in a short time frame, we've also received more positive e-mails and phone calls on this product, than any other in such a short window.  This product is unique, as people have been claiming it's not harsh, unlike many other whites, yet it keeps it's energetic aroma.  One customer even touted that it's the only White they ever liked in nine years.  Kratom connoisseurs have claimed this is an exceptional product and unique for it's vein color.

This is a small batch, created only to order from friends oversea.  If you want to try the very best, try this product, while I still have it.  This is our second batch, and we're not sure if we're going to carry it all the time (it's very hard to obtain as shipping is strange and expensive since we have to export it twice.)

We allowed 12 customers who are regulars to try the first batch. They provided feedback, it was a unanimous decision that this product is excellent.  It has been described as extremely impressive, dynamic and unique.

Wow, it's been a while since I've been here! 

Sat, Jul 18 at 12:14 AM



Extremely Rare - Novel Alkaloid Profile


It's finally arrived - Ultra Rare

After five years, we've finally procured a source in Cambodia and now present to you, from forests untouched by man, our new and ultra rare, Green Cambodian Maeng Da (MD).  When I opened my company, we only had five varieties to choose from.  What made my company succeed where 99% of the vendors fail among a hyper-saturated market, was the exotic strains and other extremely rare botanicals that you couldn't get elsewhere (and best service), and that's what you're getting here,  This is a plant with a mix of over 30 different alkaloids that one cannot obtain elsewhere.  My source for our coveted and exclusive Cambodian Red that's been overwhelmingly popular and set us at the top, states the alkaloid profile for this plant is unique, it contains more mitraphylline and isomitraphlline, making it relaxing on the muscles and in theory, possibly positively affecting the immune system as these chemicals may play a role in the immune system.  While I cannot make a claim, there is some evidence supporting this and I encourage our customers to do their own research on these chemicals before coming to their own conclusion.  I cannot say with certainty, I do find that since Kratom came into my life, I'm sick only a fraction the amount of time the decade before I found Kratom.  Regarding this strain, mostly, it contains more paynantheine, making up over 10% of the alkaloids in it's profile, which is a smooth muscle relaxer.

We have been able to obtain Red Cambodian for half a decade, but the Green Veined variety has been incredibly elusive in note-worthy quantities; to obtain for sale would have been impossible, this is because it's from a less mature plant and in Cambodia, I've been told that the trees that are found are typically older, which makes the rare trees red veined.  Now, take into consideration how rare this strain is and you will see what a gem it truly is.

This extremely rare strain has a different feel, being relaxing, yet energizing at the same time!  It is perfect for those who have depression and anxiety; for those with ADHD/ADD, being smooth and balanced it produces a well rounded effect that would be described as "an enhanced sense of well-being" and could be considered a "social vitamin" for those who are deficient due to the aforementioned issues.  If you're feeling blue, hearing static in your body or mind, mull this item over.

As always, I back up all of our products with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.  Please keep this in mind when doing business with me at Pharmacy Dropout LLC/PDO Botanicals LLC.  It's risk free!

Now on LinkedIn!  See the links below!

Click Here To Get Green



The Classic Strain (Red)

Click here to buy a piece of what history made, a successful company

Red for bed »


The Novel Strain (Green)

Click here to get a piece of history

Click here to go Green »


Copyright © 2020 Pharmacy Dropout LLC, All rights reserved.

Hi everyone.

We accept debit and credit now.


10 Way Kilo Splits 110 Bucks



Here is what you do - TWO THINGS:

1.)  When you checkout, use code: SPLITKILO
2.)  As you're checking out, use "order notes section" - tell us precisely how you wish kg(s) split.


3.)  Orders missing the breakdown in order notes section will receive one whole kg of purchased kilogram - please let me know either way inside the order notes section.
4.)  You can only buy up to 10 kilograms.
5.)  You may not use this discount on any other items, please place separate orders because the discount code will flood onto the other items and I'll catch it.  Kilogram orders ONLY.

Sale actually starts 2/16/2021, you can order now to save your spot and they will ship out Tuesday or Wednesday (after the Holiday) 

Clarification:  You must purchase one kilogram of any 180 USD priced Kratom, moreover, you have to use the notes section to tell us how to split it up.  It's that simple, two things is all we need.  A code and notes.
Furthermore:  When you input the code, the 180 bucks will turn to 110.00 and viola!

Sale ends in one week.

Professionals: Follow me on LinkedIn
Friends: Follow us on social media
Quick Text: 541-250-1653

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: just a minor detour
  2. T @ timyboy: BTC is taking a serious dip!!
  3. xenxra @ xenxra: "oh some of the coins went to a mixer"
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: just in case anyone is curious about an update on the fbi investigation into my stolen coins - they gave up after three months
  5. R @ Rx4health: Hello Everyone...I wish you all a Great Week..God Bless You All ! ! !
  6. Q @ quickfasthots: @CalFresh Yo, Cal.... I need you to check email for me if you see this. Fairly urgent.
  7. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone! Hope all is well! Hello, look at my thread for latest update.
  8. D @ DolorCero: Hola to all mi DBG familia! 💙 Hope you all had an amazing weekend—or at least made the most of what’s left of it. Wishing you good vibes for the week ahead!
  9. GR8 ChemS @ GR8 ChemS: Good morning beautiful people !
  10. Q @ quickfasthots: @CalFresh Benn wondering about you. I was expecting a message and never got it. I understand personal trumps other things at times. Had a bit of that going on with me lately as well. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  11. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Happy Weekend everybody!
  12. CalFresh @ CalFresh: Hi All, just want to let everyone know I had to take the last 36 hours off to deal with personal stuff. I'll be back online later tonight and will answer all emails and process all orders. thanks!
  13. CnC5 @ CnC5: @xenxra 🤣🤣🤣
  14. xenxra @ xenxra: @timyboy there was a 4.7 mag earthquake in here earlier but it should be settled down now
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: the magic of tariffs and sticky inflation
  16. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Somehow, despite me working more hours, I always seem to have bigger and bigger bills... what kind of magic is this 😡
  17. Alkazar @ Alkazar: Just found another awesome vendor on here. This website is a life saver.
  18. T @ timyboy: whats shakin DBG
  19. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero hola friend
  20. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia