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First order with PHX and couldn't be happier. Y2k'er so wall of text:

Communication 9(10?)/10: I feel a bit conflicted on this because they're very quick to respond and clearly read and understand everything you say and that's more than others and I appreciate that. My only thing that won't bother most people is there was a couple typos or something that confused me. I knew prior to ordering that this is one of those vendors that doesn't fuck around and expects the same in return. God damn I read that menu and instructions so many times cause I didn't wanna make a mistake but a couple things were slightly unclear (mostly my lack of reading comprehension). Read most of the pages in this thread too. Also, I've seen plenty of examples all over with many other vendors of the dumb shit they constantly gotta deal with, dumb questions, not following instructions, multiple messages, etc so I get the frustration but personally I'd prefer to not see arguments with customers in a public thread. Again, PHX doesn't fuck around, which is great, just make sure you do the same, know what you want, read and follow instructions and you'll have the best experience out of any other vendors

Shipping 10/10: fast, great opsec, professional looking, updated when shipped

Quality 12/10: someone mentioned somewhere, probably another thread, that the subtle quality of the Y2K mag may be lost on some due to it reading with less physical stimulation and is more mentally engaging. The wording is more verbose but the mag contains less pictures. Personally, exactly what I wanted and best I've ever read. Highly recommend anyone who enjoys this series of mag to try, maybe see what you're missing and maybe find some of the negative effects you experience reading others may just have been due to a lower quality edition. Definitely pricier, way more than I've ever spent or even seen, but def 100% worth it and I hope it will continue to be available. Also, the quality of this mag is a good indication that the other mags will be of superior quality. Again, PHX does not fuck around. Can't wait to place another order to try some of the other reads

Great review man!! I’m gonna tell you guys one thing the y2k- make a potent nasal spray. (Or I can for u) 1 spray in each nostril,

Holy shit, tell me that’s not 10x better than any other m3th lol it’s the way to go.

Oh and FYI- I never wanna fight these scammers bro I just don’t ask my thread to be cleaned up,

Anybody that knows me knows u don’t have to fanatically read every word and I don’t want u to be afraid of messing up, I love my customers man and would do slot for any of you guys, no fear man. <3

If I have a question about a product, I love that. About my personal life or scamming me, no I don’t love that,

Thank you again bro
Some info on show to tell good meth.

I melt it to test the purity of the meth.. you can tell a lot in just a few seconds.. watch how fast it recrystalizes, the color when completely melted and color crystalized. If its any other color then just a slight tint of yellow or clear its probably cut with something that isnt good for quality.. also when it .hardens you should see lots of lines or striations. The faster it hardens the better the dope.. when it vaporizes down to nothing u should barely be able to tell u had anything on the glass.. if you see black spots.. cut dope…. Or u need to learn to control your heat supply.. if its good quality u should notices changes in your thinking within 45 mins of ingestion.. really sooner thann that but each way its entered into body has a different time frame to get to that nice level.. if you dont feel u r a genius n can solve all world issue or dont feel like the happiest version of u ever then bad dope..well….

This Y2K melts completely clear, hsrdens very quick, lots of striations, completely clean OB after two days of (sparing use)


Great review man!! I’m gonna tell you guys one thing the y2k- make a potent nasal spray. (Or I can for u) 1 spray in each nostril,

Holy shit, tell me that’s not 10x better than any other m3th lol it’s the way to go.

Oh and FYI- I never wanna fight these scammers bro I just don’t ask my thread to be cleaned up,

Anybody that knows me knows u don’t have to fanatically read every word and I don’t want u to be afraid of messing up, I love my customers man and would do slot for any of you guys, no fear man. <3

If I have a question about a product, I love that. About my personal life or scamming me, no I don’t love that,

Thank you again bro
Yeah, it's also much more of a vibe matcher rather forcing itself on you. Sometimes a little more forced is good but this can be perfectly suitable for sitting and chilling, but if you wanna rage it's there for it. Kinda more clear headed I'd say, better for socializing. Also (really really hope this isn't just some fantasy placebo) but thw urges to redose past the point you wanna be are reduced. Need to take a t break tho and then I'll revisit. Actually makes me really motivated to take a break lol. Anyway hope to order soon, still waiting for shit to clear. Appreciate you lots
Currently rocking the Y2K - I picked up on my own, not thru PHX, but I know it’s the same product - def interesting. If anything might be a little too clean and mellow for my tastes… think I may try doing a nasal spray too and see where it takes me. PHX what concentration did you use for yours?
Can anyone who is a member order?
Ive Kind of gone away with counting the members and all that. We love all the great customers we met here that weve been accepting any DBG member. Non- DBG? No. Please feel free to email us anytime.

- Anyone who wants in on the etizolam powder pre buy, we have enough people now that the price is dropping to $115 per gram! The order will go in Tomorrow night for sure.This is not from RC1 or any of the usual sources. This was shipped overseas from Europe. You can def tell the difference in the quality. So Monday I will place the order. I should have it by Thurday and will ship sane day out to you guys. I would say look to have it in your hands in 7-8 days. Regular stock we will run about 200-220 a gram.

Thanks. <3
Ive Kind of gone away with counting the members and all that. We love all the great customers we met here that weve been accepting any DBG member. Non- DBG? No. Please feel free to email us anytime.

- Anyone who wants in on the etizolam powder pre buy, we have enough people now that the price is dropping to $115 per gram! The order will go in Tomorrow night for sure.This is not from RC1 or any of the usual sources. This was shipped overseas from Europe. You can def tell the difference in the quality. So Monday I will place the order. I should have it by Thurday and will ship sane day out to you guys. I would say look to have it in your hands in 7-8 days. Regular stock we will run about 200-220 a gram.

Thanks. <3
Thank you and looking forward to my publication sir and will update with a detailed review when received for sure! Bracing for great material and you shall have a lifelong subscriber, without doubt. Appreciate you and looking forward to a continued relationship with a pro. Your knowledge is impressive and no wonder you were recommended to me by others on here.
Currently rocking the Y2K - I picked up on my own, not thru PHX, but I know it’s the same product - def interesting. If anything might be a little too clean and mellow for my tastes… think I may try doing a nasal spray too and see where it takes me. PHX what concentration did you use for yours?
1 gram 5 ml. After pyro usage it’s hard for me to get much out of smoking this particular item ever, lol once you rape your dopamine in such a way….everything recovers but the brain knows that this is child’s play comparatively. it remembers. But I def get good effects from this batch compared to every other “great batch” which I literally feel nothing from.

Intranasal is the way to go for me. 2 sprays. Very nice.

Have you had his Dmth? If so, which did u find better?
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Thank you and looking forward to my publication sir and will update with a detailed review when received for sure! Bracing for great material and you shall have a lifelong subscriber, without doubt. Appreciate you and looking forward to a continued relationship with a pro. Your knowledge is impressive and no wonder you were recommended to me by others on here.
Thanks man, those kind words mean a lot. We work really hard to try to bring great items in that you guys will love, personally I would have quit long ago if it was otherwise

Hey bro you have aphp right now?
I have 2 grams to spare and it’s the real fuckin deal i guarantee it. This guys been making it 8 years now and I just say him pop back up, The only source on the planet and it’s the stronger version rocks not the powder. We had a small group buy and it became available. Be here shortly. Up to you if u want it there is slot of folks vying for it though so whoever pays first. Sorry we could not get a lot. @PyroMania123 im trying to talk him into giving me a couple ounces at least on the next synth.
I’ll dm u something if you’re interested please reply right away thanks. You were supposed to get…pvp last time from me I believe bitnii
Well man, you discovered me for the scammer I am. You told me that you had all the proof and that you were going to embarrass me, and that you were just waiting for me to jump, like a frog I guess.

I thought about that for a while, you know, not knowing if you were threatening to do me dirty via foul play that would affect me irl or what. I know you wholeheartedly believe that I attempted to scam you, so I'm going to give you the opportunity to humiliate me publicly and expose exactly what I did to try to steal your mags/money.

Now, you have a tendency to be pretty loose about the stuff posted in your thread. I'm fine with you posting evidence of my attempted crime(s) against you but I will request that @Admin removes any identifying information, email handles, or references to any illegal substances or activities, because as you know, this is the clearnet and we're only subscribing to magazines and buying books, right? And folks, be mindful of what's discussed here pretty freely.

I'm interested to know how subscription fees were verified and how they were never credited, or how I may have hacked you and stolen fees back, because, you know, I'm a kickass hacker./s I'm interested to know why a transaction ID or wallet screencap is not sufficient, and why an original email that you yourself didn't keep is suddenly required of me or the subscription is void. You assured me that you only needed an lD because you knew all subscriptions by heart. If I sent fees to the wrong publisher, then mea culpa, but I'm skeptical.

I contacted you periodically over the course of a month. I know you were dealing with some dark shit, and I gave you space because things seemed hectic. I even wished you well and sympathized with the stresses of holding it down.

And when I was about to throw in the towel, my concern about what was going on in the thread somehow sent you down a conspiracy rabbit hole. If you think I invented a persona and followed you so patiently, for so long, and across so many platforms just to scam some chump change (to you) out of you, well.....I want to see a good story for my trouble.

You're NOT a scammer. Not even being sarcastic here. You're solid, when you are healthy. I think this is what a lot of people don't understand. They keep debating as to whether or not you are ripping them off, and that's what causes a lot of misunderstanding and conflict, because the real issue is whether or not you are too overworked and underslept to keep track of everything going on.

There are people who follow your rules to a T. I was one of them, but I was really stupid to think that I was too nice, smart, or special to avoid being dragged down that paranoid rabbit hole of yours.

And that's the issue. You didn't scam me, but you randomly label people as scammers depending on what frame of mind you're in, which is a roll of the dice. It's not just attitude or being mean, like when I said I appreciated your opsec and when I dared only give you a first initial you ridiculed my opsec and threatened that I'd better give you a first fucking name right now and it better be real. I'm not sure you even remember that, but it was my first warning sign. For what it's worth, you did come through that time.

You do right by a lot of people and it's evident based on reviews, which makes me wonder why you seem so threatened and ready to go nuclear when anyone voices a negative experience. I guess it's because you really are giving it 150% but I think it takes unhealthy habits to hang with that amount of pressure. Are we really supposed to believe you're perfect? I'm not trying to throw shade on the whole "teams" thing but you act like someone who's out there on his own and drowning in work. Take care of yourself.

As far as my review:

Phoenix is not a scammer, but on any given day you might find that you are, and you didn't even know it.

I'm sure you've got my info. The community will hear about it if you do me dirty over this, but I understand that you wholeheartedly think I tried to do you dirty. I can't use logic on that kind of shiz. Fam, look at my posts and decide for yourselves if that's what I'm about.

I have nothing further to say. I don't expect any resolution in my favor but I want y'all who are like "well he did fine by me" to know that I thought that too. You're rolling the dice no matter how good you think you are with phx.


Knoff the Scammer
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You are a scammer pal. Check back every tracking moving as usual. You guys will never hurt my business. You have no clue. Go ahead and bring your problem to admin if you’re ready to jump, and then I’ll embarrass you. So jump.

Hacker? You’re a hacker lol! You’re just an idiot that thought he could scam me because he thought I did not have access to my old email.

Well I do.

Every single



To everyone else this drama is over, tilemasters pack is moving. The idiot who threw 60 emails at me so I couldn’t concentrate on my work is blacklisted. As is every scammer, liar, and thief.

Please read the menu we can call these standard rules being put back in place the “Tilemaster Rules”.

He was lying the whole time as I said. 20 years folks. Never a scam….vs one day of…..FUD. Nice try losers… go back to your little holes in the ground.

Yes, I’m very protective of my business.

Goodnight, enjoy your Thanksgivings.

Here is the menu: Canket (FXE) is Out of Stock.

Click this link ☝️

Password rebirth

Due to recent drama. Etizolam prebuy we are giving 24 more hours as I literally did no work today but package orders that came in bc I was so frustrated w these people.

Final order date: Tuesday November, 26th 7:00 pm. The price was $130 per gram and it is now $115 bc we got a lot of preorders. That will probably be the final price drop.


Thank you loyal customers who reached out to support.
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Am I....what??? We're already at the part where you're supposed to....wait a minute, did you do that thing where you read the first sentence/paragraph and then say "I'm not readin' all that crap!"?

You totally did!

Phoenix, get some rest, make your nut, and good luck gettin out the game safely. I'm sure the subscription fees went towards something, well, I was gonna say memorable, but obviously not. Sometimes things fall through the cracks. I can accept that and I forgive you even though you think I'm lying.

And man, you gotta let this conspiracy thing go. It REALLY fucks with the vibe. People need to be able to review interactions with you, positive OR negative without being threatened or accused of all this cloak and dagger ridiculousness every few days. You don't need to be permanently poised to jump out and say "Nothing to see here folks, don't mind this guy, he eats babies!" whenever anyone so much as questions mistakes that you might make because you're not a machine.

You've shown you've got the hustle to keep people coming in and that negative reviews here and there haven't come close to ending you. You have more work than you can handle. Too much in fact. None of the other publishers have to resort to that crap. There's gotta be a good reason, and look at them. They're all so freakin' chill in comparison. Drop that "20 years" bullshit and observe them. Take a hint instead of doubling down on loco whenever you're stressed or hear something difficult. It's not a healthy way to handle adversity.

And ffs tighten your thread up and quit talking about shady shit on the clearweb.

I'm trying to help you AND the community. Quit trying to make it all about you. Ah crap, just like the lying scammer I am, I said I had nothing more to say and there I go.

-Knoff the Scammer

  1. [IMG alt="PHXINC"][/IMG] @ PHXINC: Any other vendors ect wanna attack us? We’re fine. Thanks for the publicity. We love DBG. We love all the good vendors and customers Today at 12:23 AM
Is this really all you took from what I said? That I'm a part of some kind of conspiracy to attack you? Now I'm some secret shill for a vendor on this board? None of this is affecting your hustle. I'm at a loss for words. Caring about this community, which INCLUDES you, is not a personal attack.
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1 gram 5 ml. After pyro usage it’s hard for me to get much out of smoking this particular item ever, lol once you rape your dopamine in such a way….everything recovers but the brain knows that this is child’s play comparatively. it remembers. But I def get good effects from this batch compared to every other “great batch” which I literally feel nothing from.

Intranasal is the way to go for me. 2 sprays. Very nice.

Have you had his Dmth? If so, which did u find better?
Goddamn my dude! That is really fuckin strong. If using a nasal spray setup similar to mine, 1ml yields ~8 sprays… ergo 5ml yields 40, 1000mg / 40 = 25mg PER SPRAY!!! I just made my own Y2K spray at a little less than half that concentration and I find it still burns like an angry motherfucker…

In answer to your query, yes… I have actually had both his Dex and racy varieties. To me, this Y2K seems even cleaner/calmer than the dex, tho honestly for me that’s not necessarily a huge plus. At the end of the day I like my m@th the way I like my women - packin a punch in more ways than one, and not afraid to give you a swift kick in the ass without notice ;) still an interesting product tho, and def has its uses. I’ve been working on sourcing from a couple other vendors who aren’t as well publicized as Ephed, but who are rumored to have some stupid good product. We’ll see…
Hey @knofflebon guess what? We got no rest homie, we worked through the night. Our customers heard the call and answered the bell. 20 orders taken after 1 am bro. So get off my thread, you honestly think we would scam a piddly little half ounce or put our reputation at stake lol. I told you I reviewed the emails I saw a diff order around the same time but not that one.

So for customers and vendors alike let me run you guys through the game these guys play:

#1 - The first scam they will do is the “switch a roo”. One you switched the packs you gave us the wrong packs. Uhh I saw that and we were in a hotel working so we gave it to them. Never in 20 years has that happened. So whatever we moved along. A few days later AGAIN, “omg you switched the packs on us”. So we scratched our heads and ate it and gave it to them. Then we dialed in. The next pussy we found trying that? Well, let’s just say he left us a positive review and we haven’t seen him since.

#2 - This is the new one. Since we switch emails monthly we started noticing a few days after we would always get a couple randoms saying “ uhhhh you forgot out delivery” Okay so we’re doing a ton of deliveries so we ate it a couple times. The last 3 emails? We did not close out right away, left em right there. And Boom. That’s where Knoff came in.

So nice try dude? But anyone with a brain knows we wouldn’t scam you pal now move on to the next team. I know a lot more about you than I just said. It doesn’t need to go public.

Gee why did u wait 2 months until we had scamming allegations and you thought you could pile on? lol get a life bro.

Uhhh yeah bro you’re totally the one guy we chose to scam for a piddly little half o. Makes perfect sense as we are rolling out 40 orders a day right now? Do you have any clue bro? I’d pay u in a heartbeat. We send yo flair guns when we can’t find customers that we owe merchandise. Everyone knows this. lol.

You people, if you got actual jobs and spent your time being productive I guarantee you would have 3x the amount of money you have. Sad man.

Moving along. Customers if you have not noticed you are going to get much better service if you download DELTA CHAT. It is on iOS, android and desktop windows/mac/linux. Open source, end to end encrypted, and decentralized.
Now we did do a stock review - here is where we are at as far as low stocks. You want these- come and grab them you know I don’t like little loose ends lying around. Shit you guys bought all those ksalols lol. That was a steal I thought we still had a bunch more, oh well we will leave the sale up. Any sleeping med is on sale just inquire. Ambien? $2 a pop. Zopiclone hell I dunno let’s chat.!

It is 10x better for orders. I find a loser scammer or someone sending 50 emails. Boom I hit 1 button BLOCK and move along, it’s much easier for us to conversate, we have a live updated menu with much more pics and info. Proton mail will be checked but it’s going out guys. This is the way to go.

It is the solution for these scammers and like I said it’s fast, last night? Boom. We opened it up and order after order was taken and immediately packed and dropped this morning. Safe and Efficient.

Btw check your Informed delivery I see slot of yall got changed from nov 29th to nov 27th deliveries. Woot!

All packs were brought to regional this morning so that means when they are scanned they are heading straight to your state, Express packs? I hope we did it for you guys. We busted our ass and every single order got extras. Because you guys are the best customers in the world 🌎



Tomorrow unveiling of new products. Epic. The usual what you expect from us.

Oh and a massive restock of GHB is here. :) Happy thanksgiving. I will update the menu when I can. Just took a nap but I think we are all still exhausted. That being said let’s go, bring your orders and we are running them out the door in the morning . We ain’t going all night again though lol.

Love y’all ❤️
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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!