So this person takes MPK and WU. I thought I was pretty experienced in WU but apparently my ass needs to be taken to school. He says only by phone or in person, no internet, okay, I call WU, tell em Im buying this PC equip from a guy but we dont want to use his name, so I feel red flag 1, (my cover, it's a tax thing) so then he says well at the very least you have to have a destination city and state, well I dont, so I tell him Ill get back to him. I tell this to ploop who now seems to be a little annoyed and says
Well, I havent emailed back yet because Im not sure wtf.
Should I just go get a MPK or if one of yall knows how the theeee hell to send $$ WU without a name or city ot state, just a secret question and answer???
TY Senseis'
PS if this is red zone, delete at will, and PM por favor