So True Jewy...Yeah, this industry was never known for it's long term stability, that's for sure. Today's hero is tomorrow's villain.
So True Jewy...Yeah, this industry was never known for it's long term stability, that's for sure. Today's hero is tomorrow's villain.
HaHaHa!! forget about the stability of the industry how bout the instability of us members, Yes I am includeing myself in that statement... Did I say that out loud?Yeah, this industry was never known for it's long term stability, that's for sure. Today's hero is tomorrow's villain.
Yeah, well, since you it up! /default_biggrin.pngHaHaHa!! forget about the stability of the industry how bout the instability of us members, Yes I am includeing myself in that statement... Did I say that out loud?
The V is supposed to go all the way through on a true, legit V-Cut. From what I understand, Ploop's "V-cuts" as of late, are more like a V imprint. Most likely a well made homebrew replica.Another successful Ploop all accounted for Delivery overnight Like Promised. ..Way 2 go keeping ppl.happy.Quick question though anybody have experienced the V Cut Valz but says Roche and V is not all the way cut out kinda ingraved in it ....I Always thought the V was cut out. .Plz correct me if im wrong. ..tks ur friend Zonkedup. ...5/5 With Ploop u da man....
"Modz-N-Poobahs" Sounds like an ICP album title, LOL.Thank U my man much RESPECT for all U Modz N Poobahs.
No problem home slice.Thank you Grand Poobah H.....yes they are ingraved just waiting to clear some BZ out my system B4 I try em...Still a lil tipsy from the 2 bar n 2 ksalol from last night...Ha..Thank U my man much RESPECT for all U Modz N Poobahs.U r the wise one's that help us dysfunctional members lol... ...tks ur friend Zonkedup. ..
onax are spotty...they are produced somewhere overseas in an unstable part of the world. They fit right in between geuine and home brew pressies They are truly hit or miss...some are decent, others you will feel nothing, and some are rather strong. I can recall taking 3-4 one night (NOT FROM PLOOP, from another vendor) and literally felt like I'd had a single football. The following couple days I took 1 that felt like 2 or 2.5 barsAre the onax home made or genuine?