

I'm opposed to breast implants as a whole. someone close to me is considering it, and someone else close to me has had the procedure.Breast implants are the most predictable for future alteration and attention. Like any foreign objects in the body, they'll eventually be surrounded by scar tissue, which can make breasts hard and painful. That's why every decade or two, depending on the patient, most implants need to be replaced. While 300,000 women receive implants annually, 25,000 have them removed. It's strictly a function of time. Knowing these statistics I don't know if I'd ever consider it as a woman. Also women who get implants are 2 to 3 times more likely to commit suicide because of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) - exaggerated concern over aspects of one's appearance.
Ok_ this is prob TMI but whatever. After kids my boobs, never really that big anyway, looked HORRIBLE! And I'm talking about I could not wear normal Tshirts or sweaters bc both were SO saggy plus one shrunk to a size A and the other one was still a B+. It looked like a deformity, seriously. I saw a photo of myself at a wedding wearing a sweater dress and my chest was at my waist. Lopsided. I never wanted big boobs bc I am small anyway plus I was a huge runner then and they get in the way of exercising. And I always liked a little more of a "sleek look". To each his own.My wife wants new boobs. I'm kind of against it actually. They are ample, 36C, but after the kids she just wants them firmed up. I think she'll eventually talk me in to it. If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
I wish my friend had known that the scar would fade so quickly. But then, her boobs were already excellent. she may have been one who actually had an unreasonable expectation of her body. Absolutely beautiful girl. She didn't need it anyways, so maybe it's good but the thought of the scar frightened her. I'm glad you are happy with your outcome. now I just need to listen to my mom and start using cream at night and stop furrowing my brow. ;-)Yes. II had a scar running vertically from the nipple to the bottom of the breast. BUT- it is totally NOT noticeable and hasn't been since I hit year one. Now, I was married and thought I would be forever when I had it done. I knew (thought) my ex would be the only one who saw it so the scar didn't bother me at all. Now, it is invisible. Maybe I've for good skin but I've never thought particularly so. I would totally recommend a lift if one is happy with the size of the breasts. I have nothing against implants- just not for me personally.
I could be a plastic surgery junkie if I 1) could afford it and 2) wasn't afraid I would end up looking like a freak. I can't and I am so--- a little botox and filler is all that's on my To Do list.
thanks very much /default_cool.pngDont be Afraid. My pain was exacerbated by running two miles. I love my breats now. A lift seems more what u would prefer..pm Roger. She can discuss in better detail the recovery