Post your pet

I love animal pics. Especially like the hermit crab @Akup7ich that's not a pet you see often :P and you can dress him up!
The cats are cute too. I love cats but can't have them in my flat. Not allowed. :(

My sister has a mad little Siamese who pushes her boyfriend out of the way in bed. Very protective, she sees my sister as her Mum. ?

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@Akup7ich does that mean bullshit or something else I know I never get jokes but those are pretty pictures I love cows especially their eyes! My husband is in love with your dog it's a husky right damn beautiful dog. I partially paid for a pug puppy but he wants a husky with two different colored eyes. Good luck with that one. His Game Center name is direwolf he's a game of thrones fanatic. Next he will want The Khaleesi's  dragons! In his dreams. But god we need to watch him he might stalk you for your dog he's in love seriously! One lucky lady!

@Akup7ich does that mean bullshit or something else I know I never get jokes but those are pretty pictures I love cows especially their eyes! My husband is in love with your dog it's a husky right damn beautiful dog. I partially paid for a pug puppy but he wants a husky with two different colored eyes. Good luck with that one. His Game Center name is direwolf he's a game of thrones fanatic. Next he will want The Khaleesi's  dragons! In his dreams. But god we need to watch him he might stalk you for your dog he's in love seriously! One lucky lady!
Huh???  Are you meaning to respond to @Akup7ich or me??

Oh shoot @Pooner2013 sorry just left my spine and joint  doctor.we went out at midnight looking at turtles burying their eggs, didn't see any of course but I took a fall from the boardwalk and missed 3 steps and landed on my neck and shoulder where all 7 of my neck disks are herniated protruding and basically making my life miserable! That was meant for you. I came home still in a fog he gave me these magical shots all over my neck and arm with four drugs in them. One was ambien,cortisone morphine and I can't remember the last one for the life of me. My neck is better but still hurts but my arm feels great! If anyone ever is in Jupiter or Vero area he saved me from another sleepless night. I did this two days ago and he said I should have come in immediately I swear I can't dodge narcotics lately. But no prescription just one hell of a shot! He's the best doctor in the world and I can see I was loopy writing it still am looking at my appointment card so please excuse me I have a good excuse at least! He rocks! I can move my arm and I'm not crying every time I move my neck! @Pooner2013 sorry again love you, you are truly an amazing person my husband and I love you're love for cats that nobody wants! We are exactly the same!

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Oh shoot @Pooner2013 sorry just left my spine and hoot doctor.we went out at midnight looking at turtles burying their eggs, didn't see any of course but I took a fall from the boardwalk and missed 3 steps and landed on my neck and shoulder where all 7 of my neck disks are herniated protruding and basically making my life miserable! That was meant for you. I came home still in a fog he gave me these magical shots all over my neck and arm with four drugs in them. One was ambien,cortisone morphine and I can't remember the last one for the life of me. My neck is better but my arm feels great! If anyone ever is in Jupiter or Vero area he saved me from another sleepless night. I did this two days ago and he said I should have come in immediately I swear I can't dodge narcotics lately. But no prescription just one hell of a shot! He's the best doctor in the world and I can see I was loopy writing it still am looking at my appointment card so please excuse me I have a good excuse at least! He rocks! I can move my arm and I'm not crying every time I move my neck! @Pooner2013 sorry again love you, you are truly an amazing person my husband and I love you're love for cats that nobody wants! We are exactly the same!

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My LORD @Heavenlee!!!!  Girl you better watch yourself and be careful!!!  Listen I've already had 3 discs rupture into my spinal cord - almost paralyzed me from neck down. I had 2 neck surgeries (2009 &2011) and have plate and screws in my neck. Then in 2014 I was flying somewhere for work and sitting in aisle seat some  shit for brains dropped his luggage on my head (trying to load in overhead bin). It knocked me out - and knocked 2 more discs into my spinal cord.  So I'm just living with this now. I need surgery but that ain't happening now. Anyways be careful with yourself. After everything I've been through I really hate to hear that about anybody. 

@Pooner2013 I'm so sorry I had no idea you had all that happen to you and you're freaking alive and walking! Now I feel like an idiot bitching about things that seem so trivial to me now. Are you in constant pain? That's the good grace I got those series of three epidural things in your spinal cord on my sciatic nerve and it helped me tremendously it almost everyond else I have talked to that had it done says it did nothing. Jeez, how do you get around all day without wanting to kill yourself from pain.  My Doctor and I were speaking about how he gives shots up to three times a week because the DEA is constantly on his back for prescribing pain meds Oxys are out of the question but he will give like 3 ten MHz a day of methadone but you build up a tolerance so quickly you don't even feel it. I swear the DEA is a criminal organization. I don't but in the past had a narcotic habit from a few accidents and I just can't understand how people like you who isn't a junky but a real human being with real feelings and pain is denied medication you need so badly. They are basically making innocent people into junkies because they cut off their pain meds so you go to other means to deal with withdrawal and pain. The next thing your out of money shooting smack( not you, but too many too count) it's heartbreaking to see and read the new introductions. I wish there was a magic pill to make your pain go away.   Bless your heart I feel like a whiner compared to you. Thank God for this place I read stupid ass stories on the internet about how junkies use it. Total bullshit if they took the time to see all the injured people here or cancer patients etc...they might get a look at reality. Probably not, so freaking sad you have me crying one more great reason for this board. And I promise after your story I'll be a hell of a lot more careful. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. So sorry 

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@Pooner2013 I'm so sorry I had no idea you had all that happen to you and you're freaking alive and walking! Now I feel like an idiot bitching about things that seem so trivial to me now. Are you in constant pain? That's the good grace I got those series of three epidural things in your spinal cord on my sciatic nerve and it helped me tremendously it almost everyond else I have talked to that had it done says it did nothing. Jeez, how do you get around all day without wanting to kill yourself from pain.  My Doctor and I were speaking about how he gives shots up to three times a week because the DEA is constantly on his back for prescribing pain meds Oxys are out of the question but he will give like 3 ten MHz a day of methadone but you build up a tolerance so quickly you don't even feel it. I swear the DEA is a criminal organization. I don't but in the past had a narcotic habit from a few accidents and I just can't understand how people like you who isn't a junky but a real human being with real feelings and pain is denied medication you need so badly. They are basically making innocent people into junkies because they cut off their pain meds so you go to other means to deal with withdrawal and pain. The next thing your out of money shooting smack( not you, but too many too count) it's heartbreaking to see and read the new introductions. I wish there was a magic pill to make your pain go away.   Bless your heart I feel like a whiner compared to you. Thank God for this place I read stupid ass stories on the internet about how junkies use it. Total bullshit if they took the time to see all the injured people here or cancer patients etc...they might get a look at reality. Probably not, so freaking sad you have me crying one more great reason for this board. And I promise after your story I'll be a hell of a lot more careful. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. So sorry 
I'm like you... I hate to sound like I'm whining cause I know there are others here in the forum who are in worse shape than me. But girl I have to tell you this - as if the neck BS wasn't enough - a year ago I got into a bad car accident. Some elderly lady broadsided me and totaled my car. It ended up knocking a letter "C" into my lumbar spine so I now have adult onset scoliosis. Needless to say, with my spine so fucking shot, I have chronic pain. And I'll have it for the rest of my life.  Like you were mentioning, I've had the epidural injections in both neck and lumbar spine - didn't work. Also tried the procedure where they burn your nerve endings.  Tried both neck and lumbar spine and it lasted for about 2 months. Because of the federal government I've been forced into the black market. I'm ashamed to admit my addiction got so bad last year - my tolerance was so high - and in  effort to save money I tried heroine. I only did it a couple of times and luckily for me I don't know how or where to get it anymore. It's going to get worse too (fed govt situation). It's funny that you bring that up because I'm visiting my dad right now and his ranch hand has progressive MS. He happened to visit his pain management doctor today and for the 2nd time in the last 5 months they told him they were having to lower his dosage - again!!!  Now mind you he has MS - so it's progressive. It would be like cutting back a cancer patient who is terminal. I will never understand how he manages to work as a ranch hand. He is one tough mother fucker!!!

But @Heavenlee, don't minimize your situation just because there are others in worse shape than you. Our pain is a personal thing and we are all trying hard to find ways to eliminate as much as possible.  And like you mentioned having a forum like this is critical for people like us. We need each other's support!!!

I wish you the best of luck. You know my initial surgery was perfect (actually my first 2 surgeries). It totally eliminated my pain. If you were in Texas I'd highly recommend my neurosurgeon to you. Too bad you're not. He's at Methodist hospital in the Houston medical center. I wish I'd not moved from there. I'm too far away to go back to him. If I was closer I would totally have him go ahead and fix my neck because I totally trust him.  

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@Pooner2013 that's so sad about both you and you're dad. Now every morning I think about how you're feeling and hope you're not in too much pain!  It's even sadder to read a newcomer every day come and join because of the lack of medicine they receive for pain. When I see my doctor down here he has almost everyone detoxed off all their meds and this isn't a posh type of place. Almost all people are on Medicare and Medicaid and I go there every two weeks and you get to know everybody there. I heard a lady begging for her Oxys back she had to be in her 80's and you could see so much pain she was in. I think it's so sad my doctor says the Dea comes in and has shut his place down several times closes it all day and slaps him with a huge fine that's why he can't prescribe anymore he's detoxing everyone. It's horrible to watch because I've grown so attached to these people and it's not the doctors fault he's a lovely man that cares so much about his patients I get shots of cortisone and still have to give urines and I'm dirty for benzos all the time! I just say I'm trying. I swear he puts Something special in the shots he gave me the other day and yesterday I was on top of a chair trying to kill a cockroach coming in from outside and I was spraying and he was running to the top of the wall further from me and I overextended my self and fell way off the chair and landed face to face with the dead cockroach at least I won! So I go back and see him he gives me these shots that he says has four drugs in and I'm out for the day after expressing my love for every patient and my doctor my husband has to literally drag me to the car because I'm high as hell and feel no pain! I probably used half a bottle of roach spray I hate those things.  My husband says at our old house we were renting they were palmetto bugs I'm not stupid I swear because he said he didn't want me to freak me out. Dead lizards and these things called caterpillars if anyone can tell me what they are I'd appreciate it because my idea of them are cute and fuzzy. So we moved up on the beach using airbnb or home away because my mother in laws house is empty and it's in a 55 plus community I wish the damn place would sell. We have a locker down here full of furniture but the lady I rent from said furniture isn't worth anything because I'm in florida and people die every day with furnished houses! Sorry got rambling again! What really pisses me off is if this forum comes up in conversation or by mistake in google some dumb ass has to say it's for dope fiends to get their fix. Which is total bs I've been a dope fiend and I got my heroin on the street not on a pain forum. I think most people here are in the same position you and not you're dad but he should be are here for and we may have a small portion of recreational people but it's very small. And most are here because of every single person I know their pain meds are being reduced to nothing. It makes me sad that I may have contibruted to the reduction of pain meds in my past but my addiction came like most everybody here. I was in a car wreck and was prescribed them and got addicted when I couldn't buy them because they are so expensive I turned to h which then became a much more dangerous addiction people are dying everyday they just made the heroin stronger now. I got endocarditis an infection in your heart now it costs a fortune to replace my pig valve every 10 years. My last heart surgery was half a million dollars! It just creates more problems . I hope Attorney General Jeff Sessions goes to jail and the DEA did something more than catch people smuggling weed or growing it. Opiates would not be a problem if people were treated like human beings for their pain. If there pain was managed correctly with pain meds then we wouldn't see all the heroin addicts dying everyday because almost every one I've met started from an accident where they were prescribed pain meds. This war on drugs has been a disaster. It just made the dope stronger and the paid prison population bigger. It's a disgrace to see anyone in pain but to see the elderly suffer is heartbreaking as well as your father who sounds like a wonderful father who worked hard all his life to be treated so poorly and so many others. I like you, not to your degree wake up every morning in pain it takes awhile for my meds to kick in no narcotics but it hurts so badly. The opiate problem would not be a problem if people were treated for their pain. And heroin wouldn't be a problem because of people like us that turn to a less expensive way to kill their pain then they do like the rush and become heroin addicts and they are dying off by the thousands or overdosing. It's so frustrating but I hate it when I see columns written by bloggers or idiot journalists that say we are Dope fiends. We are people who are in pain. I've been on xanax for years for real anxiety issues and I admit I do abuse them. My doctor when I moved gave me a month to detox off them. Like that will ever happen! It helps my back but I do abuse for other reasons. I say this board is 10 % recreational users and almost all people here are because the FDA crackdown on opiates and pain relievers. It's a criminal organization making money off of aabsurd drug pricing going after the wrong people. I'm sorry for rambling but I wanted you to know that I think about you and you father every day and hope you feel better. I love you @Pooner2013 you  have definitely made a huge piece of my heart and mind thinking about you everyday. Ps so sorry  I get off topic I think it's the pain that roach almost killed me I hurt like hell today.  Can anyone tell me what kind of caterpillar this is they're everywhere I live not inside but outside all over!

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Hi @Heavenlee,

I am truly humbled by your story.. you my friend, have been through a whole lot of BS in your life.  I am amazed that you are alive and kicking and I hope you continue to kick some ass!  

I found your "caterpillar" - it is actually a millipede.  See below --

Anadenobolus monilicornis, known as the yellow-banded millipede or bumble bee millipede, is a species of millipede in the family Rhinocricidae. It is native to the Caribbean but has been introduced to the southeastern United States.

This species has been introduced to southern Florida, where it can occur in large numbers but is not considered a pest.

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@FlyingSquirrel thank you so much for your kind words it means a lot to me I think you're totally awesome too!  What's really sad is my story and others like it is heard all over this board and every pain clinic I've been too. It breaks my heart that I see @Pooner2013 in horrible pain and so many people suffering needlessly if they were treated like human beings. Damn my cat got better treatment when he was hit by a car they gave him suboxone for pain but they don't treat people the same it's ridiculous and heartbreaking at the same time. Give us pain meds I know they are addictive but a lot of people can't enjoy their life without them and that should be a crime! Not to be able to do the things you enjoy because you're in pain is absolutely tortures and cruel. We are all in the same boat and although I too have pain I'm grateful everyday that I can still do the same things I love to do just uncomfortably where others can't and have so much respect for them to keep fighting and trying to have a somewhat normal life. Those are my heroes and the people I look up to!

PS...thanks for the caterpillar ? telling me what I see lying on the hot ground curled up in balls. Poor creatures are being baked by the sun. I feel like an idiot I did graduate from college I feel moronic it's just that the guy we used to rent from said '' are all these caterpillars bothering you" they're would be about 10 dead ones a day inside the house and about 20 every day on my porch! I didn't know what it was the first time I thought it was part of a plant and I screamed I love lizards and snakes and watching the ? turtles lie their eggs at night but spiders and cockroaches and now millipedes scare the hell out of me. Even though I now see they are harmless they still creep me out they're everywhere!

PS @FlyingSquirrel you are so kind and sweet glad to have a friend like you and @Pooner2013 @PTFC @aintnouse @2earls @Akup7ich @Def_Starr @krunchyand so many othersi could go on and on forever. You make this board feel like family and I thank you for your contributions you rock!

@Heavenlee, I have heart problems too!!  I had heart failure in 2014. Thankfully my heart cath was fine - no blockages. So thankfully I didn't need surgery. I will probably eventually need to have a valve repaired. Hope you have a good holiday weekend!!

Ok I'm about to post some pics of my brood of kitties?!!  The first one (directly below) is Selma(tabby mix).   The next one is my special needs kitty I am sure everyone has seen, LB(snowshoe Siamese mix).   The next one is my only boy, Pooner (also snowshoe Siamese mix).  And finally, Nima (calico mix) .  All my fur babies are rescues.  All came from local shelter, except Selma - she landed on our doorstep.  Quite literally - I found her in our front yard bushes.  It took me a couple of days to catch her but it was obvious somebody dumped her either at or around our house.  

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You need to go and edit the photo and scale it down till it will upload here. I have to do that all the time with my photos. 
How do I do that in my iPhone? Is there an app I can download? Or is it already on my phone? I have a 7.... thanks

How do I do that in my iPhone? Is there an app I can download? Or is it already on my phone? I have a 7.... thanks
You can do it from your phone. I have a 6 so it may be slightly different on mine. Let me check with my daughter - of course she's the one with the fancy new phone - she has a 7plus - lol!!!  I'll get back with you.  

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  2. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  3. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  4. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  5. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  6. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  7. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  9. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  11. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  12. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  13. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  14. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  15. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: @SeaDonkey you're probably not wrong
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @Moonkey you're fine, i've learned to live with it at this point. it's not the worst spot to start scaling into a position here imo - just don't sell the house yet.
  19. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Ugh I wish I was in a position to gamble some muns, I personally think there's a huge potential in the dip right now
  20. M @ Moonkey: Oh jeez @xenra I apologize for asking advice after your post about the loss! I didn't look down far enough, just saw the comment about the dip. That's messed up that happened to you man, my heart goes out to you! Didn't mean to sound like a selfish arse asking for advice after you just shared that