I've had a bad week with one of my moggies : (... He was born with a bent tail, kind of like a hook...
Anyway, on Monday he got it trapped between the struts of one of my wrought iron garden chairs?!.. Now, he's a big cat, 15 kg's of cat!.. I watched him dragging the fucking chair round the garden as it bounced off the fences and various other garden items?!.. After a couple of minutes trying to catch him and stop him doing himself some serious damage, I had to pin him down while my dad (luckily he was present), maneuvered the chair off his bent tail... It was like holding down a rabid dog!!
It took 20 minutes to free him!!.. In this 20 minutes, while making quite possibly the worst noises I have ever heard an animal make, he sank his teeth and claws into my wrist and hand numerous times!!.. And I mean sank!! At the moment he got free, I had 2 claws stuck in my arm! My wrist swelled up to double the size and went a lovely shade of yellow?!.. My wrist still looks like I was attacked by a velociraptor!!.. Had to have 18 stitches in 3 separate wounds, a tetanus jab, a very large bandage and a weeks worth of antibiotics!..
Was not a pleasant scene, quite harrowing!! However, you'll all be glad to know that the aptly named 'fang' is back to his normal very placid self and hasn't bitten anyone's arm off since ; )