Please let everyone know if it changes status. I’m trying to be optimistic about this website change. Will place order once good news is reported here.Quick question...has anyone's order moved from processing to shipped since new site, I'm on day five, no contact still just processing, just curious if there has been any movement in the past couple days.
thanks all!
I ordered on 5th October... The credit card was charged but the status is still "Processing"...@todoubled... I'm in the same position. I know it always took a while for processing so not to worry but has anybody ordered since the site address change and had their status updated to shipped yet??
Without being too specific, my status has changed to shipped since my last post, also had a short and sweet email correspondence from doc. Expect my next update in about 3-4 weeks.Quick question...has anyone's order moved from processing to shipped since new site, I'm on day five, no contact still just processing, just curious if there has been any movement in the past couple days.
thanks all!
Thank you my friend. Just as I expectedWithout being too specific, my status has changed to shipped since my last post, also had a short and sweet email correspondence from doc. Expect my next update in about 3-4 weeks.
take care all
Are you in the states? SE, SW, NE, NW? I'm just curious since I too ordered around that timeframe. I'm hoping things are moving a bit faster than last order. Thanks for any response!Ordered 25/9 (just before the .com went down)
Shipped 02/10 (through the .net)
Delivered 09/10
Very fast delivery this time, and long expiration date on meds (15 months). Very impressed!
UKAre you in the states? SE, SW, NE, NW? I'm just curious since I too ordered around that timeframe. I'm hoping things are moving a bit faster than last order. Thanks for any response!
-- MidZ