Private GP Prescriptions - UK

Thanks Jools, that's very informative. I can't speak for others but there is a record of addiction on my GP's file. Even when I cut half my finger off, they were reluctant to even prescribe me 15mg of codeine, and I got 20...

Of course, when the private GP emailed me, I told them that I had a GP, so they said that they couldn't help. Doh!

I wish you good health, as it doesn't sound at all easy for you. x
Thanks. I too had been either thrown out or left over 5 or more or more doctors practices. It was only when this current GP took an interest that we started to get some positive help. I did habe to go to the local drug project and other stuff but it at least got me on enough meds to beg me stable. The stability was a big deal and I can only ask that you maybe try again. It's bloody difficult when we have our habits but it gets a lot easier when we at least get enough meds to remain at a workable level and not be going through wd and the awful stuff that comes with that

good luck. I meant that fella. 

I sometimes womder if much of my health stuff could be down to the use of benzos. They are certainly linked to dementia and can mimic a whole host of psychiatric problems. More and more is coming out about them now 

Mothers little helpers eh :)

@blissopifree 2 I agree. I see no virtue I'd character building traits that come from suffering. I saw my mother die with Alzheimer's and then a Massive stroke that had her unable to swallow or even move to scratch herself and, of course, the indignity of being washed, toileted and moved around like piece of meat. Her blank and starting eyes fixed upon me. It was the most horrific thing I have ever experienced. I had begged them to let her go, stop feeding if necessary but they woukd not do this. They said there is a code of ethics they had to adhere to. We don't allow our pets to go through such awful treatment and suffering so why, for the lobe of god, do we allow a human being to suffer the indignity, pain and suffering that we do ? 

Eventually I managed to get the doctors to give her pain patches and at last she totally relaxed  and once this happened she lasted another 3 days but she had been in terrible agitation and I can only imagine what shhe had experienced  one of my biggest fears now is that I end up in such a condition and that I am unable to talk and let the doctors know what I needed  My mother went through a withdrawal of pain meds and anri antidepressant due to not being able to swallow and there were no alternative that would go into a tube in her nose  she would pull that tune out each time that they put it in  

it was a huge relief when she died  I didn't cry because I felt relief and was just glad she wasn't around to be tormented anymore, no, the tears came much later  

we really need our doctors and officials to totally rethink end of life of,palliative care  It's nothing short of barbaric how they will let a human being suffer 

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Thanks. I too had been either thrown out or left over 5 or more or more doctors practices. It was only when this current GP took an interest that we started to get some positive help. I did habe to go to the local drug project and other stuff but it at least got me on enough meds to beg me stable. The stability was a big deal and I can only ask that you maybe try again. It's bloody difficult when we have our habits but it gets a lot easier when we at least get enough meds to remain at a workable level and not be going through wd and the awful stuff that comes with that

good luck. I meant that fella. 

I sometimes womder if much of my health stuff could be down to the use of benzos. They are certainly linked to dementia and can mimic a whole host of psychiatric problems. More and more is coming out about them now 

Mothers little helpers eh :)

@blissopifree 2 I agree. I see no virtue I'd character building traits that come from suffering. I saw my mother die with Alzheimer's and then a Massive stroke that had her unable to swallow or even move to scratch herself and, of course, the indignity of being washed, toileted and moved around like piece of meat. Her blank and starting eyes fixed upon me. It was the most horrific thing I have ever experienced. I had begged them to let her go, stop feeding if necessary but they woukd not do this. They said there is a code of ethics they had to adhere to. We don't allow our pets to go through such awful treatment and suffering so why, for the lobe of god, do we allow a human being to suffer the indignity, pain and suffering that we do ? 

Eventually I managed to get the doctors to give her pain patches and at last she totally relaxed  and once this happened she lasted another 3 days but she had been in terrible agitation and I can only imagine what shhe had experienced  one of my biggest fears now is that I end up in such a condition and that I am unable to talk and let the doctors know what I needed  My mother went through a withdrawal of pain meds and anri antidepressant due to not being able to swallow and there were no alternative that would go into a tube in her nose  she would pull that tune out each time that they put it in  

it was a huge relief when she died  I didn't cry because I felt relief and was just glad she wasn't around to be tormented anymore, no, the tears came much later  

we really need our doctors and officials to totally rethink end of life of,palliative care  It's nothing short of barbaric how they will let a human being suffer 
I find at times they make my panic attacks worse. Certainly not a cure for me, personally.

GP's care more about adhering to regulations than helping people. There aren't many surgeries in Newcastle and they aren't exactly 'open minded'.

That's horrific regarding your Mum. Mine has been my only consistent support, so I am terrified of losing her. You deserve a lot of praise for making it through so many horrific situations.

And yes, there is a lot of stuff coming out about benzos. Memory loss being a big one.

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@ElectroNymph  I did what any decent human being would do. I don't think anyone can truly understand what power social services have until they have to deal with them. They can do more damage and cause more problems than many can ever believe. 

I will NEVER forget what they did and how they and the doctors treated her. It's the closest I've come to killing someone. The lead guy made her and my life pure hell and mainly because I drove a Porsche at that time. He thought I had hidden funds. It's painful even thinking about it now. How I wish I could have ended her suffering earlier. 

@ElectroNymph  I did what any decent human being would do. I don't think anyone can truly understand what power social services have until they have to deal with them. They can do more damage and cause more problems than many can ever believe. 

I will NEVER forget what they did and how they and the doctors treated her. It's the closest I've come to killing someone. The lead guy made her and my life pure hell and mainly because I drove a Porsche at that time. He thought I had hidden funds. It's painful even thinking about it now. How I wish I could have ended her suffering earlier. 
Social Services put me into a rehab so strict that a girl from Holloway Prison wanted to go back. I left, as it was basically bullying.

Then they put me into a lax rehab, which did nothing. They even had a serial prison inmate, with very violent tendancies.

Again, I am so sorry to hear that and have met several very unpleasant doctor's in my time, but nothing compared to how your Mum was treated. I hope that is doesn't make your illness worse in the long-term. x

@ElectroNymph  I did what any decent human being would do. I don't think anyone can truly understand what power social services have until they have to deal with them. They can do more damage and cause more problems than many can ever believe. 

I will NEVER forget what they did and how they and the doctors treated her. It's the closest I've come to killing someone. The lead guy made her and my life pure hell and mainly because I drove a Porsche at that time. He thought I had hidden funds. It's painful even thinking about it now. How I wish I could have ended her suffering earlier. 
EVERYONE deserves to live life with dignity just the same as in death, @Jools I cannot imagine how you felt at the time as it sounds like your mothers eyes were begging you to let her go.I'm glad that in the end she received the pain medication she needed,bur she should have recieved the meds as soon or sooner than when she entered the hospital!.

Bloody NHS is a joke sometimes and I have often felt like I've just being fobbed off,I mean I was given solpadene effervescent to quit H one time,REALLY??!!



I am the guy the @PTFC talks of. My GP does me a PP for alpraz/xan. It used to be only 0 5mg and X 30 every 3-4 months but since my last diagnosis he is much freer with the prescribing and has allowed me 1mg. I got 60 last time ( 3 weeks ago Upjohn) and it cost me £18.70p. That goes to show how much the real cost is. I do have a complex medical history. 2 herniated discs, Crohn's and now Wegeners granulomatosis so I also get Morpheus slow release and liquid for breakthrough pain. 

The drugs are there but I don't hold ANYTHING back from my GP. He is the one person who knows everything about me and what I take as he could potentially save my life by making sure I get what I need when I am hospitalised. He knows I buy extra but is not so bothered anymore. Were I in with a chance of being well then we could work,to get me clean and fixed. 

You've nothing to lose by asking. Tell them it's the only thing that works and then just see how it,goes. I don't see any point in hiding things from a doctor but I get to see the same doctor each time so no having to go over my story anew. 

I hope this helps 

i don't have to pay for the consult as it's my GP nor do I pay for the prescription from the doc. I only pay what it costs from the pharmacy 
So there's no guarantee you would get what you like with a private dr if you go in there with a water tight story? I'm talking things that are hard to tell if there reall health probles or not. 

Maddict22 said:
I'm an rgn, registered general nurse, a private app will give u more choice but by no means an open script!

Soz guys. One day hopefully!!!!!!?
Is asking for apps asking for sources? If not would maddict like to say which ones 

@Maddict22 it's true you can get all or most things here BUT the prices are much higher. E.g. A 30 pack of Upjohn alpraz 1mg are £8 from a legal script and 10 x midazolam are £7. IF you are able to bet them on a prescription then it makes it much easier on your pocket. 

I am not moaning but I am living on disability living allowance and habe spent over £1,5K on here since I joined in late October. I do now habe enough of what I need for a good while now though but it would be great if it were available on a script and at normal retail price, no ?

@Maddict22 it's true you can get all or most things here BUT the prices are much higher. E.g. A 30 pack of Upjohn alpraz 1mg are £8 from a legal script and 10 x midazolam are £7. IF you are able to bet them on a prescription then it makes it much easier on your pocket. 

I am not moaning but I am living on disability living allowance and habe spent over £1,5K on here since I joined in late October. I do now habe enough of what I need for a good while now though but it would be great if it were available on a script and at normal retail price, no ?
Yeah, I have spent several thousand this year. Even though there are some reasonable prices here. Thanks to the government putting me on Universal Credit and taking away my ex's DLA, I can't afford to order much anymore.

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Yeah, I have spent several thousand this year. Even though there are some reasonable prices here. Thanks to the government putting me on Universal Credit and taking away my ex's DLA, I can't afford to order much anymore.
It's a bastard what this government are doing to the disabled. I understand that some are swinging the lead but the ones that need it most are being hit hard and fast. 

It's a bastard what this government are doing to the disabled. I understand that some are swinging the lead but the ones that need it most are being hit hard and fast. 
I have BPD and daily panic attacks - receive £204 a month. My ex has psychosis and PTSD, and may have to leave ESA to go on to my crappy claim, as he has moved back in. 

I have hated the Tories since I was about six - my Mum used to slag off Thatcher!

@ElectroNymph  I was supposed to have the forms to go over to the new benefit claim back in 2015 but because social services tried to steal my parents house there was a big investigation and a big part of that meant taking MY life apart at a forensic level. I had not I formed them of a lot of things which had gotten much worse. I hate the forms so thought let sleeping dogs lie and all that. The lead guy who was the leader on mums care program and who made the main decisions on her, he was apoplectic with rage that a guy on benefits was driving around in a Porsche 911 GT2 model year 2004.   He didn't stop to ask how many years I had saved for it or how long I had worked or how much in savings I had. He was butt hurt that I had a beautiful dream car, too me 22 years of putting by ANY small amount that I could. I ended up with 76K in the building society but, because it took me so long to save, I did not have the balls to spend it. It was my fathers death that changed that & my perspective. I realised this was it, no one would do it for me and life was for living. I spent 18K on a 911 that looked beautiful but was a project car. The salesman persuaded me differently. I was mortified when Porsche centre told me it needed 16K of repairs to make it roadworthy yet it looked perfect. I was extremely lucky ( or karma did me a solid) & I met some Porsche enthusiasts who helped me and thenwork was all bought and done for less than 8K. What I did not know is that the car was the millennium edition , a collector car. Only 911 made. And only 4 in the U.K.  I had a very persistent Australian keep offering me in excess of 35K then 40k for it. And thought he was just a joker. One day I said ok then, how you going to pay ? He immediately said cash and from your bank if you like. We went to the bank. & he paid me. 41K. This meant I paid 18K for the car plus 8k repairs so 26k total. I made a profit of around 16K and this allowed me to look at a much higher spec Porsche then I'd ever dreamed of.   Anyway, really long story shorter. I bought a polar silver 911 twin turbo GT2. This immediately made me much higher profile and it's what had this lead care guy to actually imply I was "funnelling"  Mrs Pirog's money into my own account (sic) 

We spoke Polish at home? Ate Polish, lived Polish. I always spoke the la gauge when I visited mum. This guy had a polish translator come visit & without my permission and he had me pay £35 per hour for the privilege. She reported back that I was not feeding mum bad information or trying to get money from her. I purposely never went through the power of attorney as I wanted EVERYTHING to not just be above board but for all the I's to be dotted and T's crossed. I had the two brothers who thieves from my parents home so needed this to be beyond reproach. 

This guy ordered a hospital bed and electric wheelchair at the cost of 6K and they both disappeared and I've never seen that money back ! 

Anyway, mum died September 15 2013 & only because I had personallympaid the 1200 pounds a week was I able to keep the house. It was an awful and draining experience to be scrutinised like that. I guess they only apply how they would do things and expect others to be so circuitous. 

I ended up having no choice but to sell the car anyway as the house had 2 elderly people in it and was in a state of disrepair that made it an auction house in reality. I bought a more sensible means of transport &  put the money into refurbishing the family home. 

In this process my medical conditions and severe deterioration were brought up so not only were they proved wrong but my benefit was significantly put up & backdated. I ended up with 12k in two cheques plus around 80 pound per week more. Karma is a beautiful thing. 

Sorry for the long story but it's pertinent to the point and crux of it. I have, to date,  not even had a letter from the new benefits people. I know it will happen but now I don't worry about things that have not yet happened. I also trust that the universe balances everything up. 

I panic whenever see dressed brown envelopes. I know you will understand this. 

In all honesty I don't expect to see out another 2-3 years as the Wegeners was left untreated for too long and my lungs and kidneys, eyes and sinuses are now all involved. The chemo is an attempt to slow the disease down and is not a cure. Maybe, just maybe it will work but I stay grounded and try to be humble. After all is said and done, after all the money is spent and champagne drunk, material stuff used up then ALL we really have left is the lobe we leave behind and our word. A person whose word cannot be trusted is worthless, that's how I see it. 

I trust that EVERYTHING that we go through is for a reason. It's either a blessing or a lesson. The pain , I believe is a lesson and I accept it for much of the stuff, bad, very bad stuff that I have done over the years. I accept my payment on this. 

So sorry for the essay but I needed to explain the social services thing so that you could get some  perspective on what I was going through at that time. I looked at the footstool yesterday, opened it up and saw the reams of paperwork, appeals and complaints and I truly don't know how I got through it. I was seriously ill all throughout this too and had no time to heal or for myself mum, even in her demented state, was very forceful and demanding. I had her to visit daily and dad to care for at home then in hospital. It was the worst nightmare I've experienced....... so far. 

@trinity & @PTFC  this may be of interest to you. It really is the précis version too. 

Blessimgs upon you all. No one said that life would be easy eh x

@Jools I don't know what to say. Great story about the Porsche, very clever investment. I am dreadful at saving. My aim is to get work, and save for a Master's degree.

Awful news about your health. I am not religious, but hope for a miracle, and for your health to improve. 

I don't have much experience with Social Services, but glad you got "Karma" in the end. xx

I have BPD and daily panic attacks - receive £204 a month. My ex has psychosis and PTSD, and may have to leave ESA to go on to my crappy claim, as he has moved back in. 

I have hated the Tories since I was about six - my Mum used to slag off Thatcher!
A bit of trivia for you. My mind is full of this type of thing. 

When I first realised I had a benzo addiction I was very fortunate to come into contact with B.A.T OR BATTLE AGAINST TRANQUILLISERS! Please remember them as they are invaluable as a resource and as a crutch with forms, tribunals and are probably much much better than Dr Ashton and her frankly ridiculous taper schedule. I say ridiculous as Ashton says not to even drink coffee. She will have you suffering when not necessary and if you talk to B.A.T then you'll better understand just how real they are. The lead is a lady called Una Corbett, an ex addict who tried twice to end it and wears a scarf even today, to cover up the rope marks. 

Anyway. Did you know that using benzos can lead to a mimicking of borderline personality disorder ?  It's true and I was labelled with this basket case diagnosis a few times. It's lazy psychiatry I'm afraid. Once you find your stable does then start to cut, gently, these diagnoses are made to look the mockery they mostly are. 

Psychiatrists are shot and finished if you tell them, right stbthe start, they are not to use the phrase " & how died did that make you feel. They have nothing more. Only one and that's the highly esteemed prof David Nutt ( great name for a psych eh)! Was able to use drugs off label and helped me tremendously. I even had a legal consult while under MDMA !

if I were you. This is only from my experience ok. Forget the labels, that is unless you enjoy their use ?

Benzo addiction can mimic so many mental & physical symptomology. Doctors often find benzo addicts the most difficult to work with & you'll probably find you've been sent from one Dr to another as they run out of ideas and antidepressants to experiment with on us. 

PLEASE do go to their website and have a gander. Who knows, salvation may only be a call away and all of the counsellors are ex users. 

The misdion statement goes somewhere like this

oir aim is to both raise awareness on the widespread use of benzodiazepines and we aim to help our clients to come off of or get to a stable and manageable level over the sporadic and chaotic use. We aim to help our clients with back up & support so that they can live a life that suits them and hopefully may lead back into socialising and being productive within society. 

I got down to 2mg 3 times from my start U for does of 67mg wguch was my average. I've had nothing but hugely fantastic back up & support. Una ask got me my benefits paid for and undetermined time and back psyment of several thousands of pounds. I really hope you look them & feel free to use my name. Julian from Kingswood Bristol. 

She is nothing short of a bloody Saint. 

A bit of trivia for you. My mind is full of this type of thing. 

When I first realised I had a benzo addiction I was very fortunate to come into contact with B.A.T OR BATTLE AGAINST TRANQUILLISERS! Please remember them as they are invaluable as a resource and as a crutch with forms, tribunals and are probably much much better than Dr Ashton and her frankly ridiculous taper schedule. I say ridiculous as Ashton says not to even drink coffee. She will have you suffering when not necessary and if you talk to B.A.T then you'll better understand just how real they are. The lead is a lady called Una Corbett, an ex addict who tried twice to end it and wears a scarf even today, to cover up the rope marks. 

Anyway. Did you know that using benzos can lead to a mimicking of borderline personality disorder ?  It's true and I was labelled with this basket case diagnosis a few times. It's lazy psychiatry I'm afraid. Once you find your stable does then start to cut, gently, these diagnoses are made to look the mockery they mostly are. 

Psychiatrists are shot and finished if you tell them, right stbthe start, they are not to use the phrase " & how died did that make you feel. They have nothing more. Only one and that's the highly esteemed prof David Nutt ( great name for a psych eh)! Was able to use drugs off label and helped me tremendously. I even had a legal consult while under MDMA !

if I were you. This is only from my experience ok. Forget the labels, that is unless you enjoy their use ?

Benzo addiction can mimic so many mental & physical symptomology. Doctors often find benzo addicts the most difficult to work with & you'll probably find you've been sent from one Dr to another as they run out of ideas and antidepressants to experiment with on us. 

PLEASE do go to their website and have a gander. Who knows, salvation may only be a call away and all of the counsellors are ex users. 

The misdion statement goes somewhere like this

oir aim is to both raise awareness on the widespread use of benzodiazepines and we aim to help our clients to come off of or get to a stable and manageable level over the sporadic and chaotic use. We aim to help our clients with back up & support so that they can live a life that suits them and hopefully may lead back into socialising and being productive within society. 

I got down to 2mg 3 times from my start U for does of 67mg wguch was my average. I've had nothing but hugely fantastic back up & support. Una ask got me my benefits paid for and undetermined time and back psyment of several thousands of pounds. I really hope you look them & feel free to use my name. Julian from Kingswood Bristol. 

She is nothing short of a bloody Saint. 
Thanks for the useful information, again! I have cut my benzo consumption down considerably, partially because I can't afford to order like I used to! Also, I was taking them too much, and didn't want to go through hallucinations (or worse) again.

My diagnosis was made at 23, the GP just told me casually as I was leaving the surgery - nice. I had no real experience of benzo's at that time.

Hey, I was born in Bristol! My twat of a Father still lives there. Most of his family are in Somerset. I miss the South West...

Thanks for the useful information, again! I have cut my benzo consumption down considerably, partially because I can't afford to order like I used to! Also, I was taking them too much, and didn't want to go through hallucinations (or worse) again.

My diagnosis was made at 23, the GP just told me casually as I was leaving the surgery - nice. I had no real experience of benzo's at that time.

Hey, I was born in Bristol! My twat of a Father still lives there. Most of his family are in Somerset. I miss the South West...
Unfortunately this is still how many GP's will act. He is a GP & not even qualified to make that diagnosis. 

It's known as the basket case diagnosis. They don't know what's wrong so, rather than admktnthis & refer you further, this is the narrow minded diagnosis. Pay no heed Timothy not unless you feel it could be right but I've never been sexually promiscuous or dangerous along with so many of the things within that diagnosis. 

Its basically trash and akin to sweeping the garbage under a rug if you will 

Unfortunately this is still how many GP's will act. He is a GP & not even qualified to make that diagnosis. 

It's known as the basket case diagnosis. They don't know what's wrong so, rather than admktnthis & refer you further, this is the narrow minded diagnosis. Pay no heed Timothy not unless you feel it could be right but I've never been sexually promiscuous or dangerous along with so many of the things within that diagnosis. 

Its basically trash and akin to sweeping the garbage under a rug if you will 
Oh god, you are completely right. While there are help forum's for people with BPD, there is also so much hatred against us. I was horrified, as we need help, and there is no medication specifically designed for us. 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!