Holy shit @Biteme...I literally could have written your post, word for word (with only the slight change of: convinced that theI don't think there's any research showing psychedelics will cause mental illness, but if you're already prone to something because of genetics & environment they may push you in that direction. But actually pot can do the same. There was a large study that researchers claimed showed people who smoked pot were more likely to become schizophrenic, but reanalysis showed that it was likely they just became schizophrenic sooner (based on the age group, the % that would have the disorder eventually wasn't significantly different than the % who showed it in the study).
I've dropped a lot (like every other day for an entire summer & every weekend during the year). It was my DOC between the ages of 14 and 16, when my brain was still developing & I will say that it can permanently alter your perceptions of the world but that's not the same as developing a psychosis. I do have occasional fleeting hallucinations like seeing someone for a a couple seconds, which may be the result of heavy acid use, but that's not the same as psychosis. I have experienced amphetamine-induced psychosis, where I was certain I could hear the conversation of strangers across the room talking about me & was convinced that the Greek gods were still around and that's a whole other ballpark of weirdness.
"tripping balls" classic! I too used to think acid held all the answers. It had its time and place, now I don't trip hardly ever, there are just too many weird chems that fit on paper. Ever since Packard god busted in 2000 I've stayed clear of what people say is LSD. I do my own mesc@line extraction from Peruvian Torch cactus every blue moon, then it is worthwhile. For the most part tripping is just too hard on me now that I am old. Also take into account that a lot of hits aren't eve acid, they are DOM or some other weird RC, its just not worth it. For example I saw a statistic that 77% of the xtc confiscated and tested by the DEA contains no MDMA... The good days are behind us!Holy shit @Biteme...I literally could have written your post, word for word (with only the slight change of: convinced that theGreek godsDEA werestillall around)!!! That's too damn crazy (& actually refreshing to meet someone else who spent an entire summer & year of high school "tripping balls" ~ as we used to say). I assume you've also sustained the enhanced "tracer" phenomena too.)
so true"So all those Grateful Dead concerts had nothing to do with it. I'm not crazy, everybody else is."