Re: No Sleep And Opiate W/d

The kratom should help you big time! You might even like it enough to stick with it...a lot of people do. Very clean feeling. Good luck! is some advice. Don't try bengay on joint pain from opie withdrawal. It doesn't help and now I feel like I set myself on fire!
wp, I wish I read your post before I tried some out on my Oscar Myer.

Oh! Is somebody going to sing the Oscar Meyer wiener song? !! @HB you've been nominated :p is some advice. Don't try bengay on joint pain from opie withdrawal. It doesn't help and now I feel like I set myself on fire!
Pixie that's exactly how I describe my pelvis pain.. I thought it was spd from pregnancy which is why I started taking them originally.

I also feel it in my knees and have a hard time carrying the children up and down stairs.

It's so hard to work out what is wd and what is a chronic condition. If it's wds - will it go? I'm going to have a look through your posts to catchup on your plan as I'm in a similar place xx

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Wd, wds, w/d all stand for withdrawal.

Pain comes in two types: acute and chronic. Acute is short term and chronic is long term.

Joint and skeletal pain is a symptom of 0pie w/d and currently my worst symptom but like everything else people experience w/d differently. I get it bad in my fingertips, hips, knees and worst of all in the left elbow where I have all kinds of issues from a car accident.

If your joint pain is from w/d it will go away.

I'm currently on day 5 c/t (cold turkey) on 0pies.

I tried twice to taper but just ended up taking my whole stash sooooo c/t it is.

The first day wasn't so bad for me but day 2 and 3 I could barely walk. It's gone down a bit each day since.


Hope that answers your questions.

Pixie that's exactly how I describe my pelvis pain.. I thought it was spd from pregnancy which is why I started taking them originally.
I also feel it in my knees and have a hard time carrying the children up and down stairs.
It's so hard to work out what is wd and what is a chronic condition. If it's wds - will it go? I'm going to have a look through your posts to catchup on your plan as I'm in a similar place xx

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Lol obviously I misread your post before answering. For some reason I thought you wanted to know what they are not that you couldn't tell which symptoms were which. I'm having that problem too. Migraines and panic attacks are both normal for me but I've had one or the other or both since going c/t.

Also with your hips, I've found that if you have a preexisting condition that 0pie w/d aggravate the hell out of it.

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Yeah, sorry - was writing in a bit of a hurry. HOLY SHIT day FIVE CT!? Wow I'm impressed. And really feel boosted, like maybe I'm not in such a hole after all! I tried searching but there's no function to be able to read your past posts, so if you don't mind would you tell me what you mean by so bad you couldn't walk? As in pain? Did you get gastro probs? I had the same problem with a taper.. Got down to almost half my normal amount of pills and then gobbled the rest in a few days.

I know everybody's experience of wd is different but I'd like all the info I can get. How long and how much were you taking before? Do you think that makes a difference? As I've only been taking it for a year.

Thanks for you advice, and HUGE congratulations on your flipping brilliant quit attempt!!!

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I have been using my DOC (ox seas) for about fifteen years but I never suffered from physical addiction. Psychologically, I've been addicted that long because it's the only thing that has been able to dampen my severe anxiety issues and let me interact with the world like a normal person. For years and years and years I used one week; three weeks without every month. Then a month or two off each year to make sure I could, to reset my tolerance, or just 'cause a source went dark. Never once did I suffer any w/d symptoms. I had cravings pretty much any time I couldn't cope but no physical symptoms.

Fast forward to the last nine months.....Due to some stuff I won't get into my ability to cope got shot to hell. Sometimes I can manage without drugs but other times I can't even leave the house without medicating. My panic attacks can be crippling and I was having at least one a day. My doctor put me on antidepressants and b3nz0s. I had bad side effects so either the type of med or the doses were constantly being changed up. It WAS helping marginally until I got the mother of all migraines. It lasted for 27 straight days. I got two days off then went into a 15 day long one. My doctor was baffled. She tried me on a whole laundry list of meds but nothing would break it, even hard core IV pain k1llers. She sent me home with ox sea (my DOC I'd been self medicating with pretty much my entire adult life). It broke my pattern. I was in agonizing pain constantly and I ate my script, my dad's pea kays, friend's, and online ordered ones to try and be able to do anything at all. I have three kids, I can't just take three months off for pain. Then my doc figured out it was my SSRIs that were causing my migraines to be unresponsive to meds and lasting so long.

She pulled me off my antidepressants cold turkey. Not normally advisable but I'd been nearly catatonic at times because of this and we just needed it to stop.

It did.

I still have migraines but only half as often at half the pain and other side effect level. Still, even though I only had half the pain I was taking DOUBLE the pea kays. I was so so terrified of ever being like that again I just kept trying to stockpile. My stock never went up. I just kept taking more the more I had.

Finally I woke up and asked myself WTF. I'd taken five or six months of my usual amount in weeks. I said enough of that and stopped.

Oh god the pain.

I lasted two days and decided to taper instead. Placed order. Ate whole order in four days. Tried c/t again. Lasted four days. Broke down and ordered again. Yep you guessed it, gobbled those fuckers up. Got angry at myself. Did a not quite taper by taking a few halfs the last two days before I ran out again.

Made it to day five this time.

I haven't had any gastro probs except the normal effect of going like crazy after being backed up from the 0pies. I can't tell if there are any psychological side effects because it's normal for me to be anxious and antisocial without meds.

The problem is the skeletal pain. My joints hurt so bad, especially my f'ed up elbow from a car accident.

Random advice if you decide or are forced to c/t from my experiences.

Money on hand is bad. It makes it so easy to just buy more. I took all my extra cash and dumped it into an extra loan payment so re-ordering isn't an option.

I called my dad and told him to tell me no if I ask for a pea kay in the next month. If it becomes a medical necessity I'll go through my doctor.

Order....something. I went with kratom. So far it hasn't helped the w/d much but I got psychological benefits from the ordering/shipping time to get me through the worst couple days. Telling myself it's almost here and it'll help placebo effected my brain enough that I had some hope during the worst days.

Take what you need to (NOT your DOC obviously) to sleep. Trazadone and otc sleep meds worked to at least give me 4-5 hours of sleep and a break from the pain.

I liked steaming hot Epsom baths. I'd get about an hours relief from the worst of the joint pain.

Not sure if any of those will help you but those are helping me stay on course.

Random advice if you decide or are forced to c/t from my experiences.

Money on hand is bad. It makes it so easy to just buy more. I took all my extra cash and dumped it into an extra loan payment so re-ordering isn't an option.

I called my dad and told him to tell me no if I ask for a pea kay in the next month. If it becomes a medical necessity I'll go through my doctor.

Order....something. I went with kratom. So far it hasn't helped the w/d much but I got psychological benefits from the ordering/shipping time to get me through the worst couple days. Telling myself it's almost here and it'll help placebo effected my brain enough that I had some hope during the worst days.

Take what you need to (NOT your DOC obviously) to sleep. Trazadone and otc sleep meds worked to at least give me 4-5 hours of sleep and a break from the pain.

I liked steaming hot Epsom baths. I'd get about an hours relief from the worst of the joint pain.

Not sure if any of those will help you but those are helping me stay on course.
Oh my god girl I have read so much of your stuff I feel like I am talking to myself here lol . I am off to my counseling appointment for my anxiety issues and pain issues but I love this board tremendously with all you ladies here it is such a complete miracle that I found this place. I will be checking up on you gals in about an hour or so. Stay strong tough ladies we can do this :-)
As stated earlier I ordered kratom to help ease w/d symptoms and wasn't having any luck. Well, my order came in from a different vendor and it is working like magic. This is the first time I've been pain free in five days. It is also so so calming on my frayed nerves.


I have been using my DOC (ox seas) for about fifteen years but I never suffered from physical addiction. Psychologically, I've been addicted that long because it's the only thing that has been able to dampen my severe anxiety issues and let me interact with the world like a normal person. For years and years and years I used one week; three weeks without every month. Then a month or two off each year to make sure I could, to reset my tolerance, or just 'cause a source went dark. Never once did I suffer any w/d symptoms. I had cravings pretty much any time I couldn't cope but no physical symptoms.

Fast forward to the last nine months.....Due to some stuff I won't get into my ability to cope got shot to hell. Sometimes I can manage without drugs but other times I can't even leave the house without medicating. My panic attacks can be crippling and I was having at least one a day. My doctor put me on antidepressants and b3nz0s. I had bad side effects so either the type of med or the doses were constantly being changed up. It WAS helping marginally until I got the mother of all migraines. It lasted for 27 straight days. I got two days off then went into a 15 day long one. My doctor was baffled. She tried me on a whole laundry list of meds but nothing would break it, even hard core IV pain k1llers. She sent me home with ox sea (my DOC I'd been self medicating with pretty much my entire adult life). It broke my pattern. I was in agonizing pain constantly and I ate my script, my dad's pea kays, friend's, and online ordered ones to try and be able to do anything at all. I have three kids, I can't just take three months off for pain. Then my doc figured out it was my SSRIs that were causing my migraines to be unresponsive to meds and lasting so long.

She pulled me off my antidepressants cold turkey. Not normally advisable but I'd been nearly catatonic at times because of this and we just needed it to stop.

It did.

I still have migraines but only half as often at half the pain and other side effect level. Still, even though I only had half the pain I was taking DOUBLE the pea kays. I was so so terrified of ever being like that again I just kept trying to stockpile. My stock never went up. I just kept taking more the more I had.

Finally I woke up and asked myself WTF. I'd taken five or six months of my usual amount in weeks. I said enough of that and stopped.

Oh god the pain.

I lasted two days and decided to taper instead. Placed order. Ate whole order in four days. Tried c/t again. Lasted four days. Broke down and ordered again. Yep you guessed it, gobbled those fuckers up. Got angry at myself. Did a not quite taper by taking a few halfs the last two days before I ran out again.

Made it to day five this time.
Holy crap!! Wow you don't give up easily do you!! That's when you're done for, when you give up giving up and accept it. WELL DONE!! Wish I could hug you, I've never done five days out of choice and have been scrabbling round like a junkie doing cold water extractions or whatever.

I've been reading the Kratom thread .. You crack me up with "yak bleur.. Hmm I'll try it with peanut butter" but I'm SO glad it's working. I have no gag reflex so would be perfect for me. Sounds like some kind of wonder drug the way youse are going on. I'm gonna get some

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Made it to day seven with no pea kays or b3nz0s. **dances!** I really think I'm coming out of the woods. All my symptoms are duller and easily treated with kratom. Except my initial difficulty with getting it down it's been a life saver the last couple days.

Made it to day seven with no pea kays or b3nz0s. **dances!** I really think I'm coming out of the woods. All my symptoms are duller and easily treated with kratom. Except my initial difficulty with getting it down it's been a life saver the last couple days.
Congratulations Pyxie, day 7 is a tough one to make. I think you are being really smart about the extra $ etc. Having a food plan is important, sometimes it's just so hard to do anything but panic (or at least that's what I do).

I start out all overconfident. I've been using so long without withdrawal that I was SHOCKED when it happened. I was all "enough of that, I'm detoxing" and thought that was that. Then freaked out at day two when the really bad symptoms started. The first two attempts I didn't have any plan at all!

I start out all overconfident. I've been using so long without withdrawal that I was SHOCKED when it happened. I was all "enough of that, I'm detoxing" and thought that was that. Then freaked out at day two when the really bad symptoms started. The first two attempts I didn't have any plan at all!
That was "good" plan, not food plan my god. I know from my last experience that having a good anti-diarrhea medication on hand is a must for me TMI I know but I was literally sprinting to the toilet. Hot baths were good for me too and I used Icy/Hot patches on really achy spots. Didn't burn like Ben Gay does.

Made it to day seven with no pea kays or b3nz0s. **dances!** I really think I'm coming out of the woods. All my symptoms are duller and easily treated with kratom. Except my initial difficulty with getting it down it's been a life saver the last couple days.
Kudos Pixel!

**Does own special dance for Pixie**

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!