I just received the K9 roxy, 30mg. I am extremely disappointed. I was taking hydro/APAP, like 7.5/500 or so, and I would take up to 4 or 5 pills over the course of an evening, so like 45mg of hydrocodone maximum.
So when I got the roxy 30s, I only took 1/2, thinking it would be like 2 hydro 7.5s. Well, over the course of the evening, I ended up taking 2 1/2 roxy 30s! That's like 75mg and I almost felt nothing.
Has anyone had this problem with the K9 pills? Ordered from J, and he said it was a new brand and maybe not what I expected. He said he would let me place a new order for 1/2 the amount and he would send me extra of the different brand. Hope I'm not disappointed.
I have searched around here for K9 experience but haven't found anything yet...