Just FYI. J is my main vendor. However, I have been having having more and more shipping problems lately. It's one excuse after another. Just as an E.G., I placed an order on Thursday Morning, well before the deadline. Normally, he emails me right back letting me know he got it. Didn't happen this time, so I emailed to ask if there was a problem. He said the funds were "on hold". I contacted MG, who said not, they were not.
He said he would check again Friday morning. I asked him to send for Sat delivery, and offered to pay the extra cost on my next order. He said no problem, he would send for Sat delivery. I checked with MG, and the funds were picked up Friday morning. I emailed for TN. No reply, and no package on Sat. No replies to (polite) emails asking for an explanation. So, at best he will ship Monday, and I will recceive Tues, 5 days after my order was placed.
This is just one example, but is typical of what has happened on my last 5-6 orders. I pay that exhorbitant shipping fee to get me goods in one day, and for one reason after another, I get them in 3-4 days.
I would really love to know who "R" and "L" are. Can anyone give me a little help, or push in the right directs on them?
He and I both agre that I am one of his top customers. But, still I get this shit.