It's fine, they just like to give newbs a hard time Trail by fire so to speak. When you become a regular, they'll accept you and (most of them) will go out of their way to help you /default_wink.png This a good site with good people, and we don't want to loose it, that's why the go bananas over shit like that, but believe if you're sincere, they'll come around and help you everytime![/quote
KFU that was a great post. I just want to clarify something........
]Just want to point out that noone likes to give noobs a hard time. We just expect folks to use common sense and do their reading. if a senior member corrects you, and you keep doing the same thing over and over.....the corrections get more firm. Us mods rely HEAVILY on the senior members to help us keep the threads neat and on topic and safe. Most of all, safe. If one of the senior members takes the time to say something, take heed. We have an amazing group here and nothing is said to attack anyone personally. If someone was an asshole to noobs just for the heck of it, they would not be here, they would bebanned.
Ok thanks, now I have gone off and hijacked the thread. Lol! Just wanted to get that said tho so we can move on, and all play nicely together in the sandbox. Much love to each and every one of you guys!