Agreed HB. He was my go-to guy...even when his shipping was crazy high. I just put in an order with someone else, hopefully that goes a little better.Geez is J STILL having Q&A issues? Man rj he used to be Mr. Reliable.
jamiva, good point about this spreading across the network. And right before the holidays!
Posted on the wrongAgreed HB. He was my go-to guy...even when his shipping was crazy high. I just put in an order with someone else, hopefully that goes a little better.
Seems like he's talking about J, so this would be the right thread.Posted on the wrongtread
Hmm, I had both of these. And although they were both disappointingly weak, the K9s much more so than the A215s, they were not flat out 100% bunk. By taste, feeling, and physical reaction I'm pretty confident of that. Don't get me wrong, I was horribly disappointed and frustrated, but there's simply no way that these contained zero active ingredient (at least what I got). Still, I haven't ordered from J since, though I do not believe that he did this intentionally.J and to the rest of you who have placed recent orders. I tested the kneyen and eh2 1 5 replacements I received using the dance safe regeant kit and both contained 0% of the active ingredient that they should have so indeed J has been sending out garbage. For this reason I will no longer do business with him until he makes this right.
Agreed HB. He was my go-to guy...even when his shipping was crazy high. I just put in an order with someone else, hopefully that goes a little better.
^^^Same here. (it was the right tread, just my head is all F'd up)Posted on the wrongtread
Thnx, MC. You're right, this is the right tread. PMd you BTW!Seems like he's talking about J, so this would be the right thread.
Ok - test results are in - link below (the JSM code was used to indicate seller J from S-M so everyone knows that it's not a link to a random test).
First the good news - the A-two-one-five pill tested positive for ox-ee and for no other substance. The bad news is that the mecke test had no reaction which I think indicates that the ox-ee content is quite low. This would explain why people thought the product is weak.
What do people think this means? Bad batch from pharmaco or bad SY distributors cutting supply with filler and repackaging to deal with increased demand? Are all distributors doing this?
Honestly, that seems to be the most likely scenario, but what do I know?Good point. I'm not sure. Temperature and humidity don't help.
No, I got them from a friend with a script.Did you get those from J?
Could explain the crummy looking pills I received. I don't recall any on the first shipment I got from J.Is it possible that these pills are just old and were stored in less than ideal conditions where the active ingredient deteriorated? Or does this confirm 100% that these pills were adulterated in some fashion?