99 Luftballons
yes on process and my friend. at least that's what I was told /default_ph34r.pngH and J use the word "process" yes ?
or is that 'M" lol
King update us ASAP tomorrow please!
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yes on process and my friend. at least that's what I was told /default_ph34r.pngH and J use the word "process" yes ?
or is that 'M" lol
It's all good 99, "shit's a poppin'" around here lately, as my son likes to say! LOL Getting a little difficult to keep all of the events straight.Sorry for the confusion Jewy. I was referring to J from sales meds but miss typed H when I asked if any one had ordered lately (now corrected with J), but your answer on H was good info also (same H with supposedly busted customer.
Yea, funny how that works isn't it? Reminds me of the few years after my first divorce when I was dodging process servers and repo men damn near every day! Got damn good at surveying the property from bathroom windows, from the top of the stairs, and any covert location I could find. I was hoping those asshole puckering days were behind me, but not so much I guess!What I do love about this is how we all get ourselves worked up. I'm setting on my porch smoking a nice cigar and a Sheriff's car drives by. My ass gripped the set so hard I thought I was gonna cramp. /default_ohmy.png Just happened. WTF? and I did 2 years in DOC. you would think I would be less scared...but shit sucked. hard. /default_huh.png
I can't speak for J, but H does in fact use those terms regularly, i.e. "my friend" and "process". Additionally, H uses the phrase "I process today your order", which isn't particularly unusual, given his ethnicity. People who speak Spanish as a primary language do often times change sentence structure in that fashion. Another thing to keep in mind is that with these SY vendors, we're dealing with what amounts to a "franchise" of sorts. The pharmaceutical Subway, so to speak. Point being, as anyone who has ordered from multiple SY vendors can probably attest, everything from their cut off times, to their work flow, to their packaging is pretty similar and seemingly systematized. It wouldn't surprise me if they are even provided with email scripts, so to speak, indicating what they are to say. Just a cut and paste to keep everyone on the same page. I know that H and others all use autoresponders for orders placed after a certain hour and so forth, so there are a number of points of commonality between the SY vendors. Certainly not absolute and without variance, but I'm sure you see what I'm driving at, which is that similar word use and things of that nature don't necessarily indicate that it's the same person. That being said, who knows. All of this is conjecture, for the most part.yes on process and my friend. at least that's what I was told /default_ph34r.png
King update us ASAP tomorrow please!
Hey Savoy! Haven't noticed you around in a while, so welcome back! Anyway, yes, that is correct. H hasn't shipped via UPS in at least 2 months, probably closer to 3 or so. I could go back and check my records for a precise date if that ever becomes necessary. Anyway, I can't speak to J, but from what I read here on the thread, yes, it appears he is shipping via UPS. What are you thinking?Hey Jewbacca, didn't you say H had gone away from UPS recently? That hasn't been the case with J, right?
Well, on the surface, that would seem logical. Personally, I'm not of the opinion that they are one and the same person. That being said, if one were to conduct business using two distinctly separate identities, I suppose you could argue that it would make sense to have each identity ship via different carriers, if for no other reason than to create the appearance of dissimilarity. Again though, I believe that all of the SY vendors operate under fairly standardized, predetermined policies and procedures, so I doubt they'd have the latitude to make those choices themselves. However, that does beg the question, why would one SY vendor change carriers all of a sudden while another stays with the same one? You would think that if a change was made, it was because that carrier was no longer "user friendly", so to speak. Interesting questions indeed.I'm certain he has been shipping UPS for months. That makes it very unlikely that they're the same person, yeah?
I hear you loud and clear. As you might have seen in some of my posts recently, I'm not overly concerned, yet. I do get the gut feeling that something has transpired somewhere, and that something if afoot, but what exactly and to what extent, I can't put my finger on. I'm certainly not ready to call a code red just yet, but I think we're all well served to be on a heightened state of alert, and to practice enhanced care and diligence when interacting with vendors, placing and receiving orders, etc. It also presents a good opportunity to educate newer members on the importance of discretion in conversation on the board.Thanks for the welcome. Stuff like this absolutely scares the shit out of me.
Sure, I can ask H. There's no guarantee that he'd tell me of course, but yes, he's always been absolutely straight forward with me, even on order foul ups and the like. He's never had any problem owning up to things, and has never struck me as duplicitous. Anyway, as for receivers, no, it's far more frequent than that, at least in my experience. I'm sure each receiver works with more than one SY vendor, or at least I assume that to be true. In any case though, I don't think I've had the same receiver twice with H in 3.5 years. In pulling up some receipts, I can say with certainty that I haven't had the same receiver with him twice this year.Could you just ask H? I know you said he's straightforward with you. Also, how frequently do these vendors change MG receivers? Several times a year?
LOL. It's ok, ill forgive you......only after you suck my toes.I might be the "King" of derailing threads Ally. My bad.
J has nothing to do with UPS and the exceptions.So is anyone suggesting that J be avoided? I've had several exceptions -- two of which were left in a UPS facility -- and they all arrived, albeit late. How common are controlled deliveries? Any idea what triggers them/gets LE's attention (size of order, sender, etc.)?