Hmmm, this makes me very uneasy. J has never done me wrong but to sell pills that don't exist really makes me question the legitimacy of him. At the slightest benefit of a doubt, be could have possibly got a batch before anyone else knows they exist...but that is a far stretch and I doubt it.
J has always been a great vendor to me, but I am going to steer clear of the pinks and stick with the blues for a little extra.
My take on it is that J is legitimate, along with R, H and our other trusted SY vendors.Like with everyone, some people are more trusting than others, or gullible, or whatever term you want to use. My guy H always seems very well prepared and cautious with everything, sort of the studious research type. J may not be, who knows. Point being, I'm absolutely certain that these are not legitimate, mainstream manufacturer produced. If they were, there would be some evidence of their existence. I understand your logic in thinking maybe J had an advance supply of them before everyone else, which could in theory be true. However, that wouldn't change the fact that they would have had to have been registered with the DEA as a new product, and drug manufacturers always issue press releases on new products, even new formulations of old products, so if these had hit the streets anywhere in the world, there would be some reference to them on the manufacturer's web site, which there is not.
Getting back to J, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he wouldn't knowingly offer a counterfeit product. Depending upon the active ingredient(s), it's quite conceivable that he or someone he is acquainted with sampled one, and felt something similar to O effects, and just assumed they were real. Or, maybe he just trusts his supplier at their word. There are many plausible scenarios, and regardless of the trust levels we have with any particular vendor, it's always important to remember just what industry we're dealing with here and err on the side of caution. All I know with certainty is that profit is king, and if this product were chemically equivalent and more profitable than the alternative, I'm sure that my vendor, H, would offer them. The fact that he, or any of the other reputable SY vendors, choose NOT to offer this product speaks volumes, at least in my opinion. If it were indeed the real thing, why not offer it?
I think your choice to stay with the Qualitest, Actavis or M-Box blues for the time being is a wise one.