Great news headbanger. So glad it worked out for you.
Just as future reference, and you're new here - though I hate to sound like a MOD here cause Im certainly not, and anyway, others like Jewy, SS, Slammer and even Boo have much more "status than me," but for future posts... try and disguise/refrain from saying med names/identifying features as much as possible.
As I've said before, unfortunately, ANYONE with an internet connection can hop on this section of the board = no minimum post count or time as a member of the site needed to access this section (which would be a welcome upgrade to any mod reading this - it's certainly no air tight security, but it does help with the low post count /newbies that you wonder about - unless things have changed recently that I don't know about), and that means anyone with any intentions can read etc... things that would be better off in secret code - lol or at least used with a little reservation. Again, this isn't a complaint about you HB, just another head's up to all the new members. And also the lurkers and trolls who read and take this info, but don't post here i.e. some even probably LE.
Again, glad all worked out for you.
Lastly, I apologize if I sound like a freaking security guard/parent/whatever... the last thing I want to do is tell someone on here what to do - we're all adults (except for Jewy and 99 at times lol), just trying to keep things on the DL as much as possible.
Maybe that is pointless by now, but it certainly couldn't hurt.
Everyone have a good weekend, especially those suffering for whatever reason.