Sorry so late...this damn work thing gets in the way of my fun stuff! Anyway, about 4 minutes after I logged off last night, sure enough there was the TN... I think I was more worried that he may have forgotten as I know from reading how busy they are. ( I really hope that he is busy with smart people not those who are notorious for creating issues) All is well and I wouldn't be able to say enough good things, IMHO there are 5 stars all around - no complaints. Sometimes paying a couple of bucks extra for anything in life is worth the reliability -- I'd rather that than wondering WTF is going on. Well I am 1 for 2, I wish the my RC was as stable and that paying a couple of bucks extra actually was worth it. LOL I guess my scales will not be balanced I think Im going to tool around for another resource in that dept. When things are done really well like in J's case you realize that you just don't want the headaches anywhere else. I have had several orders with J and never an issue (except with me this time) I felt really bad that I didn't realize my email didn't make it out, I'm just glad that I checked -- I don't ever want to appear flaky to anyone nor conduct myself in a way that could be taken as disrespectful. There is never a reason to doubt anyone until they give you that reason and in this operation there is nor has been any reason at all. Even as said above every once in a while there is a snafu but show me someone who never makes an honest mistake at work.
Thanks for the reply's