Hell yeah! I'm getiing wet just thinking about it.Are we like Pavlov's dog when we here the rumble of a UPS/FedEx diesel engine rolling down our street?
Happy dog!
Wet with drool that is.
Hell yeah! I'm getiing wet just thinking about it.Are we like Pavlov's dog when we here the rumble of a UPS/FedEx diesel engine rolling down our street?
Happy dog!
Thanks for clarifying that, LOL!Hell yeah! I'm getiing wet just thinking about it.
Wet with drool that is.
Same thing where I live - MG site says DG has service but DG here says it doesn't.I called the CVS and DG here and they dont have the service there when it says they do on MG website. UUUGGGHH!!!
The questions of what we think or what would be preferable for our own security is really irrelevant from a practical perspective. The fact is, as 99 pointed out in another thread I believe (sorry, on mobile), vendors of this volume level need at least 10 receivers, used on a rotating basis, to prevent these receiver blockage issues. The vendors who understand this and continually recruit fresh horses, so to speak, are the ones you never hear of having these problems. The ones using 1-3 over and over again WILL have problems. It's not an "if", but a "when". Plain and simple.Same thing where I live - MG site says DG has service but DG here says it doesn't.
I've always used CVS here for my Workman's Comp medications, so I'm not sure I want to send money from there when they know me pretty well.
Which leaves....... Walmart
Unless I want to drive almost 40 minutes to next town.
I agree with idea that vendors need more receivers, tho I think it might look better if I don't have a different hispanic name every time I send an MG.
I've had same receiver sev times so yesterday I sent a sweet message with XO's on message line. /default_biggrin.png
(Hope vendor doesn't take me seriously LOL)
What do other people think? Better to have same receiver all the time for MG or use different ones each time?
(from perspective of our safety)
Actually, I think the Mexican / Spanish form is intended to accommodate Mexicans residing in the US, and who are generally not well versed in English. Mexicans and Mexican immigrants are the largest "non-banked" demographic in this hemisphere, and hence utilize MG's services to transfer funds to and from relatives back home. If you download MG's annual report, you can see that the Latino demographic accounts for a huge percentage of their annual revenue.Yes, I agree they need more receivers because it is too noticeable for just a handful of names to receive huge amounts of cash daily.
If vendors had, for example, 10 receivers - they could assign customers to different receivers and "spread the wealth" to more than 1-3 names,
while from our end we could create some type of relationship or reason that we send a certain name money frequently.
A friend or 'sweetheart' is good reason to send money. Little bit harder to come up with why we'd send money to multiple people on regular basis.
While we're speaking of MG - yesterday the person who waited on me asked why I wasn't using the "Mexico MG form"?......Showed me MG form in Spanish with flag of Mexico etc instead of usual front page MG's have.
She encouraged me to use it, but I take forms home with me and fill them out before I go to store to expedite that uncomfortable process, so I used one I had already completed beforehand.......tho I did take copy of one from her with me and say "wow, this would be much easier for ****** (receiver's first name) to read since his English is not that great on some things".....played along with her.
I wondered at the time if that form was created so they can monitor $ sent to/from Mexico easier.......
Hence the global popularity of Jewenberg's my friend. Great minds think alike, and are always on the same wavelength!LoL Jewy, we posted basically the same thing at the same time.
Well, they say that just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get you, or something along those lines, LOL, so who knows. What I can tell you, however, from several decades in international finance and private equity is that MG and WU couldn't give two sh*ts less about where you're sending money or why. They just want the fee income, which increases their P/E ratio and hence their valuation, not to mention their executive comp plan. That statement isn't based on 2nd hand information, but came quite literally from a meeting I attended 4 years or so ago at WU's North American headquarters while in the process of setting up a fairly large corporate bill payment interface for a client. I'm sure you've seen them before, as a lot of utility companies use WU Bill Pay to accept payments online and so forth. Anyway, the point is, the subject of AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and BSA (Bank Secrecy Act) compliance came up, and you could see the eyes rolling around the room. We then spent the next 45 minutes listening to a canned briefing on their internal control mechanisms, how much they're forced to spend to comply with federal statutes every year, and how much it eats into their bottom line, ultimately driving up fees to the end user. If there was one primary takeaway from that meeting, it was the obvious fact that there is no conspiracy, nor extraordinary efforts, to ferret out "dirty money" on the part of WU and MG, at least no more so than is absolutely necessary to keep Uncle Sam off of their collective Brooks Brothers suited executive ass*s. My point being, as much as a pain as they appear to be (and are) at times, it's all driven not by their desire to turn away business, but to avoid multi-million dollar federal fines for not incorporating "reasonable internal controls" into their operating structure. At the end of the proverbial day, US enforcement agencies cater to those who write the checks to cover their budgets, and those check writers are elected by the American public, but ultimately exist to serve the interests of those who really control the federal agenda, that being the Fed, and the Fed wants to keep their hands clean and have someone else to blame for the ever-growing sea of cartel capital washing across the US border every day via the US banking system. And that, my friends, is why you get a "weird vibe" from MG and WU agents when remitting payment.I am very obviously not hispanic or have any problems with English so it seemed odd she'd push the Mexico form on me.......I got an odd feeling about the whole transaction because of the way she behaved; it felt like she was trying to pressure me to use the Mexican form for any $ going to Mexico - not because I needed it due to a language barrier.
It just felt weird. But I don't like going in to buy them, so it's probably just me.
J is the man!Placed: 7/29
Arrived: 7/31
J is simply the best.
All accounted for.
Packaged well.
Friendly and easy to communicate with.
Spelling error on my side caught quickly by J.
Problem fixed.
Package made safe arrival at it's intended destination.
*(Note: Friendly reminder to all. My one small spelling error on receiver info unfortunately caused a whole day delay in shipping, Type carefully and slowly /default_blink.png )
I feel like I've heard that somewhere before...J is the man!