I didn't make the SF post above.

I don't know if someone has hacked my account here or my computer.

Guess I know what I'll be doing today - going thru my buddy 'Puter looking for hidden programs.

I have a person who periodically harasses me every few months and he's a hacker....... of course.

So he does weird things to mess with me.  I've tried everything to shake him, changing servers & buying different computer/modem/router & other safety measures (freq difficult password changes, changing my IP freq, industrial strength anti-virus & other programs for protection).  /default_angry.png

He is bi-polar former political ally who doesn't always take his meds & that always ends with problems.

I've had police involved but they won't do anything about it.  He's in one state, I'm in another - that complicates things.  He has also made physical threats against me in past and was arrested for it.

Basically, he stalks me on the internet - he had to hack me to find me here.  So here I go to look for his root kit or whatever he's done this time.  I've learned a lot battling against him. 

PSYCHO! /default_angry.png

Anyway   @Admin   @Jewy  and all other moderators - if you see a weird post by me.....not me.

Please let me know and then delete it.

(I was asleep when the above post was made. To best of my knowledge I have not begun "sleep computing".......) but 6 am is right when he's up & taking care of business (or stalking me......)

BTW what does SF mean?  (Still Fked ? LOL)   Man, I'm getting tired of this guy! I'd like a program like the "Reflect" spell in FF video game........whatever he did would bounce back on him instead.  He totally crashed and burnt one of my computers last yr somehow.  /default_sad.png
Maybe ignoring posts like that one would be best so he can't read them and laugh it up.

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Suggest you read up on those too before ordering...

I read the posts, but some people said they were happy with the purples and that one situation he may have gotten a bad batch. J said they were better than the Vicks and he would send me a few samples. I would order the the Vicks but 325 is weak. If he had 750 or even 500, but 325 I couldn't do. Maybe I'll look for someone else in the meantime. I have tried to contact a few people but he was the only one that had what I needed.

Thanks for all the help

What does "SF" mean? Sorry I am new

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I read the posts, but some people said they were happy with the purples and that one situation he may have gotten a bad batch. J said they were better than the Vicks and he would send me a few samples. I would order the the Vicks but 325 is weak. If he had 750 or even 500, but 325 I couldn't do. Maybe I'll look for someone else in the meantime. I have tried to contact a few people but he was the only one that had what I needed.

Thanks for all the help

What does "SF" mean? Sorry I am new
You are the first person I've seen in the Mex section concerned with wanting a higher level of APAP in your pills. You know that the first, smaller number, is the active ingredient that has the better potential for helping with pain right? The 325, 500, 750 numbers you are referring to are the amount of acetaminophen.

Check the pill identification subsection, or read some of the posts towards the end of this thread. You will see that those purples are not what they are being marketed or sold as.

You are the first person I've seen in the Mex section concerned with wanting a higher level of APAP in your pills. You know that the first, smaller number, is the active ingredient that has the better potential for helping with pain right? The 325, 500, 750 numbers you are referring to are the amount of acetaminophen.

Check the pill identification subsection, or read some of the posts towards the end of this thread. You will see that those purples are not what they are being marketed or sold as.

Actually, I didn't have any idea that the first number was the primary ingredient. Always learning something new. Thanks. I'll become an expert in due time.

Wow. Be careful Rick. Strongly think about if this is the path you want to go down... the meds these guys sell are no joke and well, take the wrong one, or a bit too much, and that's the last med you'll ever take. Don't mean to sound so cryptic but that's the truth.

I agree with Heisenberg Rick. It seems to me that you have no idea what these drugs are all about. You need to be more informed. These are meds that are very powerful and considering you are un-educated regarding this subject I would proceed with caution because as H said, something could go horribly wrong.


I am not a doctor.   Confirm anything I write with yours.

Based on the posts I've read IMO you are playing with fire.   One thing I have learned about this section is that you not only need to understand the processes the vendors follow to prevent getting burned by playing with fire, even with the best ones in this section, but you really, really need to know your meds.   These vendors will sell you what you order and what you receive does not come with warning labels.   In addition it appears as though you are preparing to order something of inconsistent of not questionable content.

Pick up a bottle of Tylenol at your local pharmacy and read the warnings about acetaminophen right on the box.  Recently the maximum daily intake was reduced by the FDA.  Not because of how it may make you feel but because of its irreversible effect on your body's organs.   Liver toxicity is quickly becoming a major problem among emergency room patients.  You cannot exceed a certain amount in a single dose and not in a total daily intake.  You cannot mix it at all with alcohol.

In your posts above it doesn't appear as though you have a good handle on what you are getting ready to put into your body.  I strongly recommend you do so before ordering anything.

Forgive my bold tone but I don't want to see anyone get hurt and this is not the section to experiment in unless you are truly seasoned in the ways of the SY vendors.

Be safe, take your time, learn, and then dip your toe in the water.  Don't jump in with both feet.

I am trying to be helpful so please take my post in the manner in which I intend it.


Maybe ignoring posts like that one would be best so he can't read them and laugh it up.
You may be right.  I just wanted everyone to know if they saw an unusual post, unlike what I usually make that it wasn't me, and ask Admin to remove anything inappropriate (w/o getting into trouble). 

You don't know what he's put on the internet various places using my name and then people think I said things I didn't.  The only way he could even know about dbg is by hacking me, for example.  He lives 4 states away from me and no one knows I'm a member here but yal.

Wow. Be careful Rick. Strongly think about if this is the path you want to go down... the meds these guys sell are no joke and well, take the wrong one, or a bit too much, and that's the last med you'll ever take. Don't mean to sound so cryptic but that's the truth.
What were they Heisenberg, something strange like 10/750?

That's as much Acetaminophen as a serving of NyQuil or more. This is fine for a few nights and without alcohol. Even if they were 10/500 six tabs will take you up to the recommended daily allowance.

A sad tale from Boot Camp where 2 recruits tried to commit suicide with Motrin 800mg but were saved. But they had liver problems the rest of their lives. They were lucky that the Liver and the Skin are the two organs that can repair itself. Take lots of Milk Thistle for the rest of your life.


You may be right.  I just wanted everyone to know if they saw an unusual post, unlike what I usually make that it wasn't me, and ask Admin to remove anything inappropriate (w/o getting into trouble). 

You don't know what he's put on the internet various places using my name and then people think I said things I didn't.  The only way he could even know about dbg is by hacking me, for example.  He lives 4 states away from me and no one knows I'm a member here but yal.
Scary what someone can do with a computer if they know how.

What were they Heisenberg, something strange like 10/750?

That's as much Acetaminophen as a serving of NyQuil or more. This is fine for a few nights and without alcohol. Even if they were 10/500 six tabs will take you up to the recommended daily allowance.

I was just advising him to be careful with pain meds in general, not thinking of any particular ones or strengths. As PackRat said, rickjames does not seem to have a good understanding of these meds, and I'm telling him to be careful if he chooses to go down this road.
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I was just advising him to be careful with pain meds in general, not thinking of any particular ones or strengths. As PackRat said, rickjames does not seem to have a good understanding of these meds, and I'm telling him to be careful if he chooses to go down this road.
Where was that awesome PK post that Ace wrote 18 months ago for me? That really laid everything out and sure told me not to go near certain PK's. I saw it the other day so I know it got kept in the archives or something. That would be something good for him to read.


Thanks for everyones advice. I guess I don't know a lot on this subject and just by posting and reading everyone's replies and comments I am learning. I have done my fair share of narcs(both medical and recreational), but I am glad I posted and thankful for the replies. I never went over my Dr's recommended dosage, but I guess it was in my head that the 750's seemed stronger than the 500's and 350's. I think I was just a bit anxious that I found a source that seemed reliable according to the posts I have read about J. I don't think I'm the first and I won't be the last to make these mistakes. But I will proceed with a more caution. Thanks again.

Here RickJames, This will clue you in.

I believe I have already taken care of this for you via PM
BUT... since it took me a minute to type up, I would be more than glad to share it with the board in hopes of helping someone out in educating one before they take the plunge to narcotic pain meds (Opiates/opioids)...


Please allow me start by explaining the difference between opiates and opioids. These words are very often used interchangeably by many, not knowing what they truly mean; so before I start this "ESSAY" lol, I will start by helping to clear the air and define to everyone exactly what the difference between an opiate and an opioid is... An opiate, is a naturally occurring pain medication made/manufactured directly from the Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum); by deriving and isolating very particular (And naturally occurring) alkaloids (Such as Codeine, Morphine, Thebaine, etc.) and using them directly without much more (If any at all) chemical manipulation. Examples of opiates are: Codeine (Tylenol #3, Paramol) and Morphine (Avinza, MS Contin). An opioid, is NOT naturally occurring and is either fully synthetic OR semi-synthetic. A semi-synthetic opioid, is one that starts life as [an] isolated alkaloid(s) from the Opium Poppy, very similar to opiates, however this is where the similarities stop. From there, after the wanted alkaloid(s) are extracted, the structure of said alkaloid(s) is then changed in such a way that the chemical chain is now altered and is considered "chemically different" than it's predecessor, creating a new substance that is part derived from a naturally occurring plant and part man-made/chemically altered by man. Examples of semi-synthetic opioids would be: Hydrocodone (Lortab, Vicodin), Oxycodone (Percocet, OxyContin) and Buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex). Fully synthetic opioids, are just that... FULLY synthetic. Meaning they do not start life as part of the Opium Poppy (Or one of it's alkoloids), it is actually made by man, with very specific chemicals, in a very specific manner... from scratch. Examples of FULLY synthetic opioids are: Methadone (Dolophine, Methadose), Pentazocine (Talwin, Fortwin) and Fentanyl (Sublimaze, Durogesic).

Now, with that out of the way... With this post, I am not only trying to help educate those who wish to learn a bit more on this topic, but I am also saying that the opiate naive (Individuals who are either new to pain meds or on other weaker opiates/opioids that seem to be helping control your pain fine [such as Codeine (Tylenol #3 and #4), Dihydrocodeine (Paracodin, Contugesic), [Dextro]Propoxyphene (Darvon, Darvocet), Hydrocodone (Vicodin, Lortab), etc.] should stay far away from these opiods like: METHADONE, OPANA AND ESPECIALLY FENTANYL! With that said...

Opana and Fentanyl have EXTREMELY short half lives/durations of action. The reason I say to stay away from them (Even though one will do what they want) is, when snorting drugs (I am not accusing anyone on this forum of doing so, but let's be real here, statistics do show, [and this can be Googled] that over half of all patients who are prescribed narcotics for pain or otherwise, will at some point and time try to do this/abuse their medication, if just once and never again, some times that is all it takes one to get hooked and/or overdose) and comparing Opana to Oxycodone (Via insufflation/snorted nasally), it (Opana) is easily up to 5 TIMES STRONGER THAN OXYCODONE, when compared MG to MG!

However, Opana's pain relieving properties (When abused/snorted) will only last about 1-2 hours (A significantly shorter period of time when compared to taking orally AKA as prescribed). This makes the want/need and urge to re-dose frequently in order to try and control the breakthrough pain one would experience when the analgesic effects of the dose rapidly disappear much sooner than expected; which in this day and age IS A REALITY!


I am not going to up-talk the euphoria and pain killing properties because this drug is ALMOST as DANGEROUS as Fentanyl and can easily kill someone, not well tolerant to opiates, with a single 40mg pill! However, when taken orally, Opana works as an ER (Extended Release pill) medication (Much like that of OxyContin).

When taken orally, and swallowed whole (As directed/prescribed) Opana ER is said to last anywhere from 6-12 hours. If ONE were to EVER try this medication (And hopefully long down the road when not much else is helping, if at all), please only try the lowest dose possible, swallowed whole to see how you tolerate them.. and even swallowed, they are up to 2-3x as strong as Oxycodone! So please keep this in mind!

Fentanyl, I am not going to say to much about this drug, except for there is a good reason why it is usually only used/saved for cancer patients in stage 4, near death. Unlike Oxycodone and other opioids/opiates, Fentanyl (And its analogues: Sufentanyl, Carfentanyl, etc.) are measured in MICRO-grams! Meaning 1 micorgram is 1/1000th of a milligram. 100 micrograms = 0.1 mg! That is how strong this drug is! It needs to be measured in micrograms! This drug also has a VERY SHORT half life/duration of action (About 1-2 hours) and, when prescribed, is usually in an internal pump that releases the medication every 2-3 hours, or in dermal patch form (Applied to the skin) that stays on to release very small amount of the medication over a 72 HOUR period. The [Fentanyl] lollipops and buccal [oral] tablets are especially dangerous, because they come in VERY LARGE AMOUNTS (Of up to 800mcg and 1600mcg doses) and are for immediate release, only prescribed for breakthrough pain almost exclusively for patients using other means of Fentanyl therapy to begin with.

In my book, there is absolutely no need for ANYONE to touch this drug at all, unless they are on their death bed and NEED to be comfortable... PERIOD. Too many people have died from trying this drug and I do not want to see the same happen to any of you!

Now Methadone, while very long acting (And these days almost EXCLUSIVELY KNOWN for it's use in opioid replacement therapy for recovering addicts in treatment), has almost no recreational value, again, not assuming anyone here is using drugs for recreation, however (Still talking in terms of recreational value), this also means, in terms of euphoria, there is practically none. It won't give you any type of energy that Oxycodone MAY (Which some people describe experiencing as a side effect, some don't); in fact it (Methadone) may very well do the opposite and make you want to lay around and do nothing all day. Though, it is definitely worth mentioning, Methadone does a very good job at what it was initially created for, pain relief (Which is what we are talking about in this post, trying to stay on topic here
). The half life is about 28-32 hours, making once daily (Or some times twice daily, depending on pain level) dosing very appropriate; however, I would not recommend this drug to anyone at all. If you become dependent on it, IT WILL TAKE A GOOD 2 MONTHS OF WITHDRAWAL to come off! I know this first hand and I will never touch it again!

Besides the negative points listed already, again an opiate naive person needs only to take 30-40mg of this drug to OD and die. The LD/50 for the average male, I believe, is ONLY 50mg! I WOULD NOT GO NEAR THIS STUFF WITH A STICK!

However, it would be very biased for me not to state, that when used/prescribed the way it's supposed to be, it can be a very legitimate option for those suffering in pain! The only way to decide whether it would be right for you or not (As with any of the meds listed in this post), would be to sit down with your pain management doctor to discuss the options!

Now, as far as Oxycontin, I would actually recommend this OVER Roxicodone to anyone in pain (Who has tried other meds, which have unsuccessfully been able to subdue their pain in a controlled manner and/or at the same time, as a consequence, built a tolerance to such), now looking to start on something a bit stronger.

It (OxyContin) has gotten a lot of bad hype in the press over the years, but, where that has now been fixed, Roxicodone is NOW TAKING OVER (GETTING A BAD REP)! OxyContin stands for Oxycodone Continuous Release. The active ingredient is the exact same as in Roxicodone, Percocet, etc however, added into the pills during the manufacturing phase (Besides the binders/fillers already used to give the pill mass, shape and hold it together), is a time release agent... This is a wax-like substance/matrix that allows the pill to continuously disperse it's medication at a steady, continuous pace (Instead of just instantaneously like other formulations) while still in your stomach being digested/processed throughout the day.

These pills are actually very safe when taken as directed and swallowed whole. For a pain treatment plan (That is discussed with your pain management doctor), to help control pain all day (When all else fails), I would highly recommend asking about more info on OxyContin with your doctor; since in most cases, all one needs is a single pill/dose in the morning, while perhaps still using another form (I.R. or instant release) of pain relief/medication for any breakthrough pain that one may (Or may not) experience throughout the day.

If pain isn't held back and controlled well enough by this regimen, you could add another OxyContin pill, 8-12 hours later, to help subdue/relieve any pain one may (Or may not) experience throughout the night (If you have trouble sleeping through it or have problems with your pain waking you up in the middle of the night), still perhaps using another form of instant release pain medication to help combat breakthrough pain, if/as needed.

Now here is the kicker... because OxyContin was abused (And publicly scrutinized) for so long, the manufacturer (Purdue Pharma) was under quite a bit of pressure over the years to make a more "abuse-proof" formulation of their popular and "over-prescribed" narcotic (OxyContin). Since in the past, it was very, very easy to defeat the time-release mechanism in the pills, causing it to release very HIGH amounts of Oxycodone (Designed to be released slowly and continuously throughout the entire day) instantly! Which of course resulted in many, many deaths and overdoses (And resulting lawsuits) that were blamed on the flaws of the manufacturer's "continuous release" feature. So now, Purdue Pharma, has recently (Within the past few years now) reformulated this pill.

So now, instead of the pills being imprinted with "OC", they are marked with an "OP" to indicate such (New formulation). These have not been accepted well by patients! Don't get me wrong, they do work for some (Maybe even for some of you!), but for most, the new formula is a failure! The pills are now basically MADE OUT OF A PLASTIC-TYPE MATERIAL, making them nearly uncrushable! And while this does help detour "would-be abusers" from doing so, it has been at the cost of helping people with their pain.

There have been reports that the (Newly formulated, "OP" OxyContin) pills do not get fully broken down (Before it is completely digested) in the stomach (In part, mainly because of the chemicals/compounds used in the new formulation), wasting some of, if not MOST of the medicine in the pill. Again, don't get me wrong here, there are no professional reports/trials (To my knowledge) to prove this, and it could be all false... Hey, they could work for you! However, should you be prescribed OxyContin as part of your pain management plan, if possible, ask the pharmacist (When dropping off the prescription to be filled) if the "OC" version of OxyContin (The original formula) is one that they have in stock/carry and would be able to use to fill your script. As these are said to and have been reported by many to work much better and more reliably at controlling pain (Than the new "OP" formula).

The only issue here is... they have been out of production FOR QUITE A WHILE NOW! So chances are, if the pharmacy says they do have some, you would have to believe they are either left over stock (Which will indeed be COMPLETELY GONE by this year's end, if not already) and/or are past their expiration date (Though I have taken many prescribed drugs up to a few years past their expiry date only to find they work just fine still). If, however (And this is more likely to be the case), the pharmacy says they do not have any of these in stock, your next best bet would be to see if they have the brand ABG (Ivax Pharmaceuticals) generic version of the medication. To my knowledge, this is still the old formula as well, and may (Or may not) work best for you!

Lastly, Morphine. This could be another helpful med for one to use to control pain. They come in both immediate release and sustained or continuous release formulations. Morphine Sulfate SR (Or sustained release) or MSContin (Also manufactured by Purdue Pharma, the same company that makes OxyContin). They are about the same size as OxyContin pills, except for the higher dosed formulations (Such as 100mg & 120mg) obviously have the number 100 or 120 on them and they are different in color (Than the color scheme to indicate dosage used for OxyContin pills).

Morphine is known to be a little less potent than Oxycodone (About 1/2 - 1/3 less strong, milligram for milligram) and the same type of release mechanism/formulation is used in the sustained/continuous release versions of the pill as is used in the OxyContin formula to control the release of pain killing analgesic over the course of an extended period of time (Also approximately said to last 8-12 hrs.). One drawback from Morphine, however, is it's very low ORAL bioavailability. It can be researched, but from my findings, I have seen an average range of 15-20%, which, when compared to Oxycodone's ORAL bioavailability of 50-60% is really not that much (Which is also why higher doses of oral Morphine therapy are usually needed to control pain efficiently, when compared to Oxycodone)!

Usually doctors will try patients out on an oral form of Morphine before advancing to Oxycodone, because it (Morphine) is quite often considered less potent (If an identical dose of each is compared side by side, mg for mg). This is not only because of it's lower oral bioavailability, but also from an analgesic/pain killing perspective as well. Just because they may (Or may not) work for you, regardless of what I said above, they do work for A LOT of people; and you should not discredit them (Unless you have tried them unsuccessfully at a previous time).

With all of this in mind, and what you are taking seems to be helping you already (And managing your pain as well as you'd like), I do not want to dissuade you from continuing down your current path, but if there is even a shadow of a doubt, and you think your pain could indeed be controlled more effectively/efficiently, it may be worth at least your time to go in and talk to your doctor about it! Let me know if you have any more questions!


Please take everything I say with a grain of salt and of course there are many other forums out there about drug information I would suggest you would try to Google to get yourself educated before talking about (With your doctor) or starting ANYTHING NEW AT ALL!"

But if anyone does have any more questions that I may be able to help with, please feel free to ask! That's what we're here for! Have a great night everyone!

Take care and be safe!

Provided by ACE

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I was just advising him to be careful with pain meds in general, not thinking of any particular ones or strengths. As PackRat said, rickjames does not seem to have a good understanding of these meds, and I'm telling him to be careful if he chooses to go down this road.
That's what I was trying to convey also Heisenberg, not really the acetaminophen aspect, but pain meds in general. There are many of us on this board who have first-hand experience or know someone that has veered off the wrong path with their naivete in respect to what certain meds can do to oneself and also the people around them.

And Rick, this is not just aimed at you, but pretty much anyone; everyone should educate themselves as much as they can because these meds are no joke and for oneself to be better informed can only help.

Having said that, pain meds can be very useful to many people. It can help them actually have a life again. So, again just be careful because nobody wants to see harm come one's way and good luck.

Well I have not placed an order with J in quite a while. And I don't know if he just has more than he could handle, but I got really screwed. I mean I guess it could be worse, but after paying way too much for overnight and J saying my ref # was invalid, I am really unhappy. Once today J validated my ref # which should of been done on Thursday, he told me he would do Saturday shipping so I would at least get it in two days. Just got my TN and its the Brown guys with a delivery of Monday. Wow I am pissed.

All I can say, don't waste your money on one day delivery cause one day equals four or five days. Didn't use to be like this. J use to be on his game. But at least I will eventually get my package.

Don't mean to gripe and bitch, but come on. We are already paying crazy prices for this stuff, we should at least get it on time.

Oh well!

Anybody else been having problems with J? Or was this just random?
If you go back a few weeks there was a massive blackout that a bunch of us went through.  I suggest you go back and read all that if you weren't following it at the time. 99 ended up putting up an explanation.

My situation was, I had confirmation but no TN. It was a Friday. 6pm rolls around and J writes, sorry, order canceled. That's it....yada, yada, yada...Five days later I finally got a refund from MG, and it was not easy! It look hours and hours of my life. I re-ordered with same dough and I received no compensation from J, and no extras. 

311, did you lose any money on this transaction? Sorry if that's a obvious question, but it sounds like you did not?

With all due respect, If you didn't, I suggest you do not whine. Comment and let J know, yes, but abandon the vendor?

 Although we pay for next day, it's hardly a guarantee. This is not Amazon prime. Inconvenience sucks but we aren't shopping for shoes here. We are lucky to get the level of service that we do considering the business. And at the SY level there are so many moving parts that occasionally something goes wrong. It's hardly worth abandoning a vendor for.

If you had lost money, i.e. a scam, absolutely. I thought I had lost my money to MG. I had ID that matched the sender name luckily and got the $ back. Even then, if you lost you $ this wayI could understand. 

So even with the inconvenience and the high prices we need to realize the scale of the industry and not lose our heads, even though it may really piss us the f'ck off at the time.

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Fentanyl, I am not going to say to much about this drug, except for there is a good reason why it is usually only used/saved for cancer patients in stage 4, near death. Unlike Oxycodone and other opioids/opiates, Fentanyl (And its analogues: Sufentanyl, Carfentanyl, etc.) are measured in MICRO-grams! Meaning 1 micorgram is 1/1000th of a milligram. 100 micrograms = 0.1 mg! That is how strong this drug is! 
Opds so strong they come in micrograms. Damn, this makes me salivate.

Opds so strong they come in micrograms. Damn, this makes me salivate.
I certainly understand Big Time, but please, please be VERY careful. I have several former teammates and NHL friends who are extremely PK knowledgable and experienced, and both of them experienced unusually intense, unexpected effects when first graduating to this product after joint replacement procedures. So much so in fact that it frightened them into returning to other products despite careful planning with their orthopedic surgeons, taking into account their current opiate usage pre-op.

To each their own of course, and I understand the temptation, but please do be careful. The stakes are very high, and often times there are no second chances if one miscalculates in this area. Just want to make sure you stay safe brother!

I not planning on graduating to Fnt just yet b/c of price, but thanks for the info. I have been wondering more and more lately about trying one out, but personal stories like this will make me do an extra amount of research first. Ideally I'd love to have a thorough discussion with my doctor about them, but if that were possible we wouldn't need to discuss this here.

Anyway, thanks for the concern J.

I not planning on graduating to Fnt just yet b/c of price, but thanks for the info. I have been wondering more and more lately about trying one out, but personal stories like this will make me do an extra amount of research first. Ideally I'd love to have a thorough discussion with my doctor about them, but if that were possible we wouldn't need to discuss this here.

Anyway, thanks for the concern J.
Anytime my friend, anytime.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for