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- Jul 10, 2012
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I can affirm J is still in business...oredered on a tues..2 day air received on thursday..not sure of date but like 2 weeks ago
Welcome @Rosealso. Yes you are correct this is the wrong place to make your introduction. This is the thread for the vendor Sales-Meds. Not trying to be a dick, just understand the only way DBG works is if all members follow the rules.Hey and sorry prob wrong place but saw another babyboomer and had to say hey! Sorry. Obviously new here, but have been watching for well a long time, and finally had the nerve to jump in. Hi all.
What up mate I know there is no site up,but what about email? other source's not frm dbg say s****-****@yahoo,dnt know if its legit haven't attempted contact w/vender. Probly wnt ethier since all tru players r on top of our leads yaya. ?comments any1,@sbb*Note: This vendor does not currently have a working website.
Sales-Meds is still operating but to place an order you would have to have J's email address from before his site expired.
Asking other members for his email address via PM is against the rules. The reason for this rule is because last year there were multiple scam scenarios as a result of email addresses being shared via pm. Many people got scammed and lost a lot of money.
Knowing what you now know...proceed at your own risk and exercise extreme caution.
Remember, just recently the most trusted and respected member and main moderator of this board turned out to be just another run-of-the-mill, dirtbag, scammer and thief.
Be careful who you trust and remember what dirt lot you're playing in.
Enough said. Carry on.
~ Damien
It's become like my new job to give you green rep points. /default_smile.png Good post.^ Don't know what to tell you @Starboyblu. I'm not breaking the rule and sending the email address via PM to anyone and I'm definitely not posting it here in open forum. My suggestion to someone new: use a vendor who has a working website and current positive reviews here.
Other members can do as they wish. I was only stating the facts so everyone will be clear on the status of this vendor and the risk they're taking by sharing email addresses.
Like I said, the reason that rule is in place is because a lot of new people got burned last year in email scams where they thought they could trust someone via PM and the next thing you know they are out $1,000 and no meds.
Still despite the info I'm sharing right now...people will still ask for the email address even after they've just read that it's prohibited. New members, DBG is not the place where you can sign-up and in the same day pop in, not read the rules and start asking for favors.
That's not how this works.
Not that anyone is doing that but I've seen it many times in the past.
As a new member you'll want to be around for a little while. Read the rules. Get the lay of the land. Read as much as you can. Inform yourselves. And then place your own orders, using your best judgement and then report back with your experience. Keep in mind 99% of the questions bouncing around in your head have already been answered hundreds of times in previous posts.
There's no quick fix here at DBG. Patience is the name of the game. And the SY network as I mentioned the other day is still in recovery mode. The days of it being like the Wild, Wild West in here with newbies outnumbering senior members like 10 to 1 and none of them reading the rules and then blasting all the Mex threads with with stupid questions, straight up calling meds by name and giving out personal info with dates, addresses, carrier names, etc are over if I have anything to say about it.
I've been very vocal in this last week since the Mex Thread came back online sharing my knowledge and experience so everyone coming here will know what's up.
Don't shoot the messenger. My intentions are to be helpful, not harmful.
Carry on.
End of transmission.
~ Damien
Great post. Appreciate the reminder. I think a little reminder once and awhile does everyone a little good. Thanks again^ Don't know what to tell you @Starboyblu. I'm not breaking the rule and sending the email address via PM to anyone and I'm definitely not posting it here in open forum. My suggestion to someone new: use a vendor who has a working website and current positive reviews here.
Other members can do as they wish. I was only stating the facts so everyone will be clear on the status of this vendor and the risk they're taking by sharing email addresses.
Like I said, the reason that rule is in place is because a lot of new people got burned last year in email scams where they thought they could trust someone via PM and the next thing you know they are out $1,000 and no meds.
Still despite the info I'm sharing right now...people will still ask for the email address even after they've just read that it's prohibited. New members, DBG is not the place where you can sign-up and in the same day pop in, not read the rules and start asking for favors.
That's not how this works.
Not that anyone is doing that but I've seen it many times in the past.
As a new member you'll want to be around for a little while. Read the rules. Get the lay of the land. Read as much as you can. Inform yourselves. And then place your own orders, using your best judgement and then report back with your experience. Keep in mind 99% of the questions bouncing around in your head have already been answered hundreds of times in previous posts.
There's no quick fix here at DBG. Patience is the name of the game. And the SY network as I mentioned the other day is still in recovery mode. The days of it being like the Wild, Wild West in here with newbies outnumbering senior members like 10 to 1 and none of them reading the rules and then blasting all the Mex threads with with stupid questions, straight up calling meds by name and giving out personal info with dates, addresses, carrier names, etc are over if I have anything to say about it.
I've been very vocal in this last week since the Mex Thread came back online sharing my knowledge and experience so everyone coming here will know what's up.
Don't shoot the messenger. My intentions are to be helpful, not harmful.
Carry on.
End of transmission.
~ Damien
I'm with this dude man!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Great post. Appreciate the reminder. I think a little reminder once and awhile does everyone a little good. Thanks again
I hear ya' Starboyblue! Thanks for the good words man. You get it. Looking forward to your contributions. Peace brother. /default_cool.png@Damien thanx 4 da lines droped brah I definitely dnt want 2 b in that group out of a grand$$$ an frm what I see frm all da past drama ya'll have put sum work in 2 bring 2 da table and frm where im frm u dnt show up empty handed, I only hope I can contribute 2 da cause! like this section category. ~ sbb oh and I totally see what ur get'n at frm all the outsider's look'n in by not do'n their homework or any other negligent crap 2 the cause. peace
I highly doubt you will get the email address. Because of the fiasco that happened a few months ago here, it appears this specific vendor has gone private/email only, so if you didn't have his email before.... you're pretty much out of luck!I've been a member of this site for awhile, but sadly never got any email adresses. How could I go about getting some?
Spot on post @esem. Gave you rep for your post.I highly doubt you will get the email address. Because of the fiasco that happened a few months ago here, it appears this specific vendor has gone private/email only, so if you didn't have his email before.... you're pretty much out of luck!
And, I'm not trying to come off as a dick, because I don't have this vendors email address, either. There are plenty of others to choose from, however! /default_biggrin.png
@yellowbelly very well said! good to know and assured from your judgement call for us youngster's & others... #WORDSOFWISDOM /default_cool.pngI DO have this vendors current email address, but will not be posting it to the forum, or in private, until positive feedback of "orders received" start popping up again. So, in a nutshell if you are using this vendor, and are having positive results, please post it to the board. If I see that this vendor is "back on track" I will post their current email address. I am looking out for the best interest of the DBG community, and the safety of your hard earned dollars, because this world of online business that we do is constantly changing, and what worked, or who was trustworthy yesterday, is not necessarily the same today...It's an ever changing world, and scams are always in the shadows...Be safe out there!