I presume that to be a rhetorical question, my good man?! /default_laugh.png Regardless, I'm sure you already know the answer.Please help me understand. I consider myself a modestly intelligent, knowledgeable fellow, but I'm just dumbfounded. Not specific to this vendor, but I've seen TNs created then cancelled today, yet more emails with promises of *everything* going out today, yet as far as I know, nothing. And specific to this vendor, who I have considered as solid a person as you can find in this business, sends me an unsolicited email as of an hour ago stating "business as usual - let me know what you need!" Well, sure, I've been living in a cave the last few weeks and haven't noticed one damn thing gone awry!!
Seriously?? Are they trying to squeeze as much out of us - every last dime - before they bite the proverbial dust?? Man, this just stretched the imagination - one can't make this stuff up!!
Dizzingly yours,
Hi Tim,Is J's email still the gmail?
Thanks, Tim
That's so very interesting, MizzMisery. Given my great affinity for females with beautiful and somewhat darker skin tones (and please - that in no way is a slight toward anyone; I'm only stating my own personal preferences, and am implying nothing more or nothing less toward any ethnic groups), I'm sure I would remember you had we had any prior relationship. That we apparently did not is clearly my loss /default_smile.png As for this mess; I'm sorry that you've lost out as well. I suspect there are a great many of us who are in this predicament and one of the things I enjoy about this board so much (outside of the outstanding information that is available) are the people with whom I seem to have so much in common - folks just like you!Certainly there was a compliment! I'm glad to have brought some form of a smile to your face this evening.
Yes, let's stay in touch and was good to "meet' you.
And, BTW, I don't just "Walk like an Egyptian", I look like one, dance like one, and am able to speak like one!! LOLOL
I would assume he is referring to "L" from 21-meds..??There is no "L" that I'm aware of who is a part of this organization. Has ownership changed or are you confused with your letters, my good man?
yea didn't work for me ether..Is www.sales-meds.com still the correct website address for this vendor? I can't seem to get through on Firefox..