In response to "Zero's" mention of MMT;
It has saved my life as well. I was on a public clinic in D.C. for a short time around 89-90, and that was a horrible experience. I was in the wrong part of town, and I was not generally accepted, except by people I already knew. I eventually got clean - years later, and made it almost 10 years before relapse (who knew those oxy's were so strong?" - after that I just couldn't stay away for any substantial amount of time. I stood to lose my wife, my career, and my soul in a matter of weeks-months, this disease will destroy everything good in your life QUICK and you'll never notice it until you are completely alone. Luckily, my wife - who still loved me completely - spoke to her therapist who mentioned that there was a private clinic much closer than I thought (I'd moved from the DC area by then,) and they tok me in and treated me with respect. There is a BIG difference between clinics, if you are lucky enough to be near more than one (and you are SURE you want to be a slave to a whole new substance,) check around regarding the attitude of the staff at the ones you can reach. Anyway, I've been on the same clinic for - I think like ten years now. I believe that SOME people experience changes in their brain chemistry after enough street opiates, and for them the endorphine system will never recover. I believe I am one of those people. The whole time I was 'clean' my life was a struggle, I continued to crave (especially when travelling alone,) and I was depressed. It was like my ability to experience joy was just gone. On MMT - and this is for ME - YOUR RESULTS MAY WELL DIFFER GREATLY - the meth seems to greatly reduce or even eliminate those - and other issues. It definately has it's drawbacks, but again, FOR ME, it has been a godsend. Relatively, I take a large dose - 170 mg/ day, but that is because I take other meds that change the way my liver metabolizes things. before them, I was comfortable at less than half that dose. The clinic I'm on is pretty free with "take homes", and after a year with no "dirty urines", I'd made it to the max of two weeks worth of meth at a time to dose at home before I have to go back for a re-up. the cost is $70 a week, less by far than I was spending on the street, and there's no risk of getting killed, robbed or busted.
As for sales-meds, my experience with them was not good - I did get what I ordered, but the quality was POOR (starts with X), and when I asked why I didn't get the Saturday delivery I asked for, the guy blew up like a shattered soldier. he claimed I'd sent my $ too late (he'd acknowledged receipt before cut off time on Friday), he said he'd tried to send them Monday but UPS was closed by the holiday. I RECEIVED the shipment on monday, so obviously there was no holiday, and he didn't even remember that he'd already shipped my order friday. He said he was going to cancel my order immediately and send my $ back. I tried to explain what was going on, that I had the order already, I just wanted to know what happened to his specific promise for Sat. delivery. No reply, till a few hours later he let me know that he'd discovered that my order was DELIVERED on monday, and I was a thief for trying to rip him off!?! The boy is dipping into his own goods - heavily.
Just my experience - could well be a fluke - I did get the order and lots of folks seem to like him, so, you decide.