Silkroad Busted. Dpr Arrested. Site And Servers Taken Over.

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Apr 18, 2012
UlbrichtCriminalComplaint.pdf (dropbox)


Ulbricht-Criminal-Complaint-Silk-Road (scribd)

Real Name: Ross William Ulbricht

Profit Made: Same as Walter White (of Breaking Bad), about 80MM (in BC value)

Juicy stuff, page 22 - 

h. On March 27, 2013, DPR wrote back: "In my eyes, FriendlyChemist is a liability and I wouldn't mind if he was executed. DPR provided a name for FriendlyChemist and stated that he lived in White Rock, British Columbia, Canada, with "Wife + 3 kids." DPR added: "Let me know if it would be helpful to have his full address."

j. Several hours later on March 29, 2013, DPR sent a message to "redandwhite," stating that "FriendlyChemist" is "causing me problems," and adding: "I would like to put a bounty on his head if it's not too much trouble for you. What would be an adequate amount to motivate you to find him? Necessities like this do happen from time to time for a person in my position."

l. Later that same day, redandwhite sent DPR a message quoting him a price of $150,000 to $300,000 "depending on how you want it done" -"clean" or "non-clean."

m. On March 31, 2013, DPR responded: "Don't want to be a pain here, but the price seems high. Not long ago, I had a clean hit done for $80k. Are the prices you quoted the best you can do? I would like this done asap as he is talking about releasing the info on Monday."

n. Through further messages exchanged on March 31, 2013, DPR and redandwhite agreed upon a price of 1,670 Bitcoins -approximately $150,000-for the job. In DPR's message confirming the deal, DPR included a transaction record reflecting the transfer of 1,670 Bitcoins to a certain Bitcoin address.

o. Several hours later on March 31, 2013, redandwhite wrote back: "I received the payment. We know where he is. He'll be grabbed tonight. I'll update you."

p. Approximately 24 hours later, redandwhite updated DPR, stating: "Your problem has been taken care of.. Rest easy though, because he won't be blackmailing anyone again. Ever."

q. Subsequent messages reflect that, at DPR's request, redandwhite sent DPR a picture of the victim after the job was done, with random numbers written on a piece of paper next to the victim that DPR had supplied. On April 5, 2013, DPR wrote redandwhite: "I've received the picture and deleted it. Thank you again for your swift action."
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"Clean or non-clean". Reminds me of "with or without" on hot dog day at school.  

Glad this happened. Couldn't have happened to a bigger fucking idiot.

I take that back. There's always a bigger fucking idiot. Like those Russian matryoshka dolls, only in reverse.

StoryCorps Interview with ReneÌ Pinnell and Ross Ulbricht


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Sheesh, earning millions of bucks and hiring hit men. /default_ohmy.png  My naïveté surprises even me sometimes.

I've heard of the place but never used it so not quite sure how it worked. I guess just a little more than posting links and reviews to help a fellow out. Wow.

Given that we made a well thought out decision to remove the SR thread a month or so ago, what remains of this matter, in my opinion, is a legal issue. As such, I'll be moving this thread to the Legal section. Just FYI.

Oh, and by the way, MAJOR props to my partner Heisenberg for having the vision to suggest that we remove the SR thread and lock that sh*t down tighter than a drum more than a month ago, or there about. Incredible timing and foresight on his part to bring the issue front and center when he did for the protection of DBG and it's members.

From media accounts of the situation, the bulk of the investigatory work that led to the site seizure and charges being brought against the founder was conducted between August and mid-September, so in all seriousness, we all owe Heisenberg a huge debt of gratitude, particularly anyone who had ever posted in the SR thread. His foresight and proactive response could very well have saved some members from LE scrutiny, not to mention DBG's very existence, and that is no overstatement.

Well done sir! You truly exemplify what servant leadership is all about, and I'm proud to call you both teammate and friend. DBG is, without question or doubt, the very best board of it's kind, due in no small part to your leadership.

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If I could turn his avatar into a giant green arrow (just for a few moments) I would, but only out of respect for what Jewy has just written!

Thank you Heisenberg!

Oh, and by the way, MAJOR props to my partner Heisenberg for having the vision to suggest that we remove the SR thread and lock that sh*t down tighter than a drum more than a month ago, or there about. Incredible timing and foresight on his part to bring the issue front and center when he did for the protection of DBG and it's members.

From media accounts of the situation, the bulk of the investigatory work that led to the site seizure and charges being brought against the founder was conducted between August and mid-September, so in all seriousness, we all owe Heisenberg a huge debt of gratitude, particularly anyone who had ever posted in the SR thread. His foresight and proactive response could very well have saved some members from LE scrutiny, not to mention DBG's very existence, and that is no overstatement on my part.

Well done sir! You truly exemplify what servant leadership is all about, and I'm proud to call you both teammate and friend. DBG is, without question or doubt, the very best board of it's kind, due in no small part to your leadership.
Didn't see this post till just now I posted will it affect r community in any way ...Let me know ur opinions. ...

Just read every page WOW is all im saying so glad never heard of that site N never joined. ..Cause if I knew about SL there's always that stupid maybe. .Can't say I wouldn't of but so Glad never heard or got mixed up in that sight. My PCz clean....Thk. God......Crazy ass shit if u take the half hour to read it's so damn long. ....But so worth it great Post my man......

Oh, and by the way, MAJOR props to my partner Heisenberg for having the vision to suggest that we remove the SR thread and lock that sh*t down tighter than a drum more than a month ago, or there about. Incredible timing and foresight on his part to bring the issue front and center when he did for the protection of DBG and it's members.

From media accounts of the situation, the bulk of the investigatory work that led to the site seizure and charges being brought against the founder was conducted between August and mid-September, so in all seriousness, we all owe Heisenberg a huge debt of gratitude, particularly anyone who had ever posted in the SR thread. His foresight and proactive response could very well have saved some members from LE scrutiny, not to mention DBG's very existence, and that is no overstatement.

Well done sir! You truly exemplify what servant leadership is all about, and I'm proud to call you both teammate and friend. DBG is, without question or doubt, the very best board of it's kind, due in no small part to your leadership.

No problem brother, & thanks very much for the kind words.  Gotta go with your gut sometimes, and I just had a bad feeling about that thread/"place" being discussed here.  Seems my intuition was right on this time.   /default_blink.png  

BTW, I'm maybe a 1/4 through reading the criminal complaint... holy shit!  /default_ohmy.png

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Is this thread itself something that would draw additional interest?  I thought this after I posted my kind and heart felt words of appreciation.

Doesn't sound like bedtime reading Heisenberg...

Take Care, 


It really is quite astouding.  One thing that is amazing to think about is that he manipulated the Bitcoin system to launder real money and as a result of that laundering he gained even more cash.  This guy single handedly manipulated the Bitcoin system for personal gain and came out way ahead.  Further ahead then he probably ever imagined. 

I have spoken to many people in the past who said T0R and The Road were unbreakable.  I knew it was only a matter of time.  We are not anonymous.  No matter how hard we try we will always be monitored if we participate in certain activities.  If you think that we as a forum are not monitored to some degree I would say that you are a fool.  I'd bet that every source forum is on law enforcement's radar.

Be careful people.

Agree, managed to get the site a few times but to be honest seemed so complicated it wasn't worth the hassle, with everything listed there, if legit had a feeling it wouldn't long before LE scrutiny zeroed in on them. By the way, I'm in the financial industry and quite often have to work with LE on fraud cases, usually involving family members taking their grandparents money without consent, however in discussion the other day with an agent, not sure at some point in time you don't see more of a focus and tighter restrictions on the use of money gram and the like. Just a thought...

Wow. Craziness!  So did they guy actually get hit or was it a ruse by redandwhite??  Was redandwhite a CI?  I will actually read the whole indictment now but those are the 2 questions I have right off the bat.

Well after reading the entire indictment it is not clear if the extortionist FriendlyChemist indeed was killed or not.  The Canadian police said that no one matched the real name of that person and no murder was reported in that province on or about the day is supposedly happened.  That doesn't mean it didn't happen though.

Other thoughts:

1. Dread Pirate Roberts is obviously a very skilled and intelligent guy but he made some very fatal mistakes that should not have happened.

2. Nothing on the internet is truly anonymous.

3. If they want you they will get you.

4. Something will be around to replace Silk Road in short time, mark my words.

5. Dread Pirate Roberts and clearly and truly FUCKED.  The statute they are charging him under (based on MULTI-KILOGRAM quantities of heroin/cocaine/LSD) carried LIFE IMPRISONMENT.

6. They did say he made upwards of several million dollars on commission, if he can access this money to pay lawyers maybe it won't be as bad but damn I would not want to be him.  Then again, I am not an expert on this, but wouldn't he have to somehow prove that his 5-figure defense costs were paid using money that was legitimately made?


Well after reading the entire indictment it is not clear if the extortionist FriendlyChemist indeed was killed or not.  The Canadian police said that no one matched the real name of that person and no murder was reported in that province on or about the day is supposedly happened.  That doesn't mean it didn't happen though.

Other thoughts:

1. Dread Pirate Roberts is obviously a very skilled and intelligent guy but he made some very fatal mistakes that should not have happened.

2. Nothing on the internet is truly anonymous.

3. If they want you they will get you.

4. Something will be around to replace Silk Road in short time, mark my words.

5. Dread Pirate Roberts and clearly and truly FUCKED.  The statute they are charging him under (based on MULTI-KILOGRAM quantities of heroin/cocaine/LSD) carried LIFE IMPRISONMENT.

6. They did say he made upwards of several million dollars on commission, if he can access this money to pay lawyers maybe it won't be as bad but damn I would not want to be him.  Then again, I am not an expert on this, but wouldn't he have to somehow prove that his 5-figure defense costs were paid using money that was legitimately made?

Even with the best legal defense money can buy, 25 to life in the fun house is pretty likely.

Well after reading the entire indictment it is not clear if the extortionist FriendlyChemist indeed was killed or not.  The Canadian police said that no one matched the real name of that person and no murder was reported in that province on or about the day is supposedly happened.  That doesn't mean it didn't happen though.

Other thoughts:

1. Dread Pirate Roberts is obviously a very skilled and intelligent guy but he made some very fatal mistakes that should not have happened.

2. Nothing on the internet is truly anonymous.

3. If they want you they will get you.

4. Something will be around to replace Silk Road in short time, mark my words.

5. Dread Pirate Roberts and clearly and truly FUCKED.  The statute they are charging him under (based on MULTI-KILOGRAM quantities of heroin/cocaine/LSD) carried LIFE IMPRISONMENT.

6. They did say he made upwards of several million dollars on commission, if he can access this money to pay lawyers maybe it won't be as bad but damn I would not want to be him.  Then again, I am not an expert on this, but wouldn't he have to somehow prove that his 5-figure defense costs were paid using money that was legitimately made?

1. Yes, he is very clearly an intelligent and motivated fellow.

2. Obviously we are not anonymous.  No matter how hard we may try, we are real.

3. I wonder what makes someone pop on law enforcement's radar.  I can see why they brought down the Silk Road.  It's an outlet for illegal activity, but when it comes to users and vendors what is the protocol there?  Is there a protocol or is it just the poor bastard who happens to catch their eye?

4. There were source boards before Silk Road and people had private relationships with their dealers.  I suspect it will go to a more decentralized system as that is typically "safer".

5. He really is fucked.  I think that his defense will look something like, "DPR provided a medium of exchange he cannot control what people do on this medium."

6. His funds are probably all over the place, I would be shocked if he didn't have a top notch lawyer for this one.  You don't set up a fucking drug/murder bazaar without having a rainy day fund for when law enforcement officers break down your door.

He's fucked.  I wonder if anyone ever actually got killed or if friendlychemist and redandwhite were the same person.  It will be interesting to see how many people fall in the wake of all this mess.  Who else was involved?  You can bet that at this point in time law enforcement is looking into each vendor and some higher quantity customers as well.

Is this thread itself something that would draw additional interest?  I thought this after I posted my kind and heart felt words of appreciation.

Doesn't sound like bedtime reading Heisenberg...

Take Care, 

hooter1 said:
Could just merge it too. Kinda completes the picture si? As always use your discretion ;-)

'&do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
Didn't see this post till just now I posted will it affect r community in any way ...Let me know ur opinions. ...
I apologize for the 3 part multi-quote, but thought I'd just knock out all 3 in one brief post. Anyway, as to the impact of this situation on DBG, I don't foresee any negative interdiction consequences, meaning that I don't believe that we, or anyone else, is "next on the list", as it were. As ZZ mentioned in another post above, SR was a direct market place. Sort of the pharmaceutical equivalent of a flea market, which is distinctly different that DBG, which is a community and message board for the sharing of information only, with no direct commerce taking place, which is an extremely important distinction. Point being, I don't think we're going to be any more or any less "on the radar" than we were before, so that's a non-issue.

The one effect that I do foresee coming out of this is further growth in membership, as well as vendor participation here on DBG. When a site of SR's scope goes down for good, many orphan customers and vendors are left in its wake, and they'll end up somewhere. I'm obviously biased toward our community, but I believe that DBG is among the more attractive, available destination options for said "orphans". Time will tell, but my guess is that we'll see an increase in our membership growth rate over the next few months, and should ultimately benefit from an expanded domestic vendor base, at least to some degree.

As to Beranda's question and Hooter's suggestion, my initial thought is that we're simply discussing a current events / legal topic in this thread, not any sort of business transaction activity, so I don't think that it poses any tangible risk per se. That being said, if anyone has any personal experience with SR, I'd recommend not discussing that any further. Any past discussion / commentary of that nature has been securely removed, and as the song says, some things are better as a memory.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  2. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  9. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  10. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  11. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  12. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  13. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  14. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  16. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
  20. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!