Only time I've seizured is when i went to prison an the doc in there didn't believe the amount I said I was taking. Gave me one 5ml diaz 2 times a day by the 4th day I think I was soon on the floor and they came running with the suppositories. But never taken them an had one. Deffo sounds like dodgey Meds to me. Never had any issues from there.
tbh my favourite diaz comes from a south African vendor. Although I didn't order them myself. But will be.
It still seems that quite a few of the Gp's and drug primary care trust do not understand tolerance. I once had my current GP keep digging at me each time I saw him, he would say how many did you sell this time then and try to pass it off as banter but I could see he was serious and I resented the implication. The next time I visited, I took a good handful, anywhere between 20-30 DHC30's. I even brought along my own drink to wash them down, I stuck my hand out to show him, necked them and crunched them up and washed them down. Man oh man, I've ne er seen any other doc freak out like he did. He wanted an ambulance and thought I was trying to top myself

I told him to relax and that I had done this often because it just wasn't enough to help me with the acute and persistent pain. I eventually got him to calm down and waited from 10.30 until his surgery ended around noon. He really was badly shaken by it but it was a pivotal point. He accused me of being passive aggressive but it was the start of what is now over 15 years of him starting to understand tolerance and I then also got him into helping the many benzo addicted people that were in withdrawal most of their days.
Long story short, he is the head of the drug project and head of PCT specialising in addiction so he is supplementing his income very nicely and he has told me that when he introduces himself for new intakes, I am his Mr X and he tells this story. Each and every one of us is different and you just cannot generalise in the amount that each person need/wants. I ended up being referred to the pain clinic and drug project and was transitioned over to slow release Morpheus. The pain is much better dealt with but I don't get the high that the DHC would give when taken in high dose. All in all I think it saved me from maybe going onto worse and street stuff. I changed GP 5 times in total and was labelled a problem patient. I didn't have any choice of GP at that stage but I was lucky in that he then even took my notes home and really took an interest in my disc deterioration. I had others outright think me drug seeking but the X Ray's and subsequent MRI and CT showed significant damage. I now see him every 20 days due to me being on CD and having to hand scripts to person.
I think it's one of the most important things to have a good doctor. That's the one person you need to ne totally open with IMO. We talk about that day on occasion and laugh about it but it certainly did him no harm and it has ultimately helped many many others as he is now head of the practise.
Tolerance is very subjective and it needs sorting on a by case basis.
WOW Chubette,I agree w/ everything you said.I need to find out,if that pure Codeine 60mg is as good as I hope it is,because I just can't afford Oxy 40mg(my old trusty favorite)@about 30 bucks a pop(at those prices,it kinda makes heroin cheap).
I habe been trying to quote
@bobfuse with the comment about the government saying score from the street but for some reason it just won't work.
Anyway, in this day and age and in so called enlightened times, one would think that progressive administrations would legalise most of these drugs and then they could make sure quality was right and taxes charged. I believe it would wipe out much of the drug related crime and we would maybe have a chance of being able to help people where needed. Having been a victim of family who robbed the family home on many occasions, Imwoukd certainly like,to see legalisation. Think about it, in the UK it was 1931 when they stopped the sale of the laudanum and other drugs, prior to that you could go to your,pharmacy and sign a book and get basically whatever you wanted. It would obviously have to be regulated so as not to include arsenic and other such poisons lol. It was such a big deal on my first visit to Holland. I member really got,out of being able to smoke a fat one with no one giving so much as a backward eye. I believe that Portugal habe implemented such laws and it's seen crime come down considerably, if memory serves me well.
It just seems crazy to implement so much time and resources to this when we are in a period of austerity and this could put money into the couunty's coffer to boot. Just silly IMO