Hi guys,
I'm Patrik, 43 yo boy originally from Europe, new here but over 20 years in active research, still using mainly European sources. 3-FPM I actually had few years ago from Northchems. It was ok but I still prefer pyros, enjoy them little too much to be honest.
However it's not my point today. I want to ask all of ask if may consider not to be idiots. I'm one as well. Maybe 5 years ago I was helping as advisor and tester of one vendor from Holland, wont tell the name, it's irrelevant. Sometimes I got some free snacks and TH-PVP was at home. Me, used to 100mg lines top shelf aphp, made line, thanks God just like 60mg. After snorting I remember just very little and in 36 hours I woke up in my room, at my workplace to make it even better, fucked up so much that it took me 4 hours to write short message to my company to immediately stop offering that shit and sending it to lab. This time they listedned to me and results were kinda weird cannabioid and benzo mixture. I was like 3x over lethal dosage but as you can see I'm still here.
We all know that we agree these products are for in vitro use only and I was such an idiot and didn't do the allergy test ( don't understand why it has such fucking name but it's not important ). I have no allergy to benzos, well no tolerance either, but I'm very lucky motherfu.... that I survived it and fully recovered in 3 days. On top of my idiocy I can say that I knew this product is originally from rechemco and in India or China isn't mislabelling unfortunatelly very often phenomen, I wasn't 18 yo boy but researcher with 15 years experience, advisor of growing RC vendor ....
I could continue but I think that's enough.
Please guys, don't be such stupid, always go this "allergy" test. I don't know how open I can be here but I can recognize I feel I have in nose 3mg of stimulant or 3mg of benzo but if not , just few minutes will tell.....
And I think we can skip the refund talk because for were such stupid and handled dangerous chemicals like candies could be any refund already irrelevant, guess you know what you mean.
Plus behavior as idiotic I performed will make it ban many "candies" we could responsibly enjoy and research. And situation is pretty fucked up already so why make it even worse for everybody.
i don't blame my Netherland's friends or Rechemco however pissed of i was but i can blame only myself for being an idiot.
But on my defense I must say I learned a lesson, good boy
Now time to shut up, hello to everybody and wish exciting and mainly safe research.