Temgesic for codeine addiction

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gai73
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hi folks im considering trying to get off codeine. im am taking an incredible amount somewhere close to 70 x 30mg perday pure codeine.

would buprenorhine help me do that as the addiction isn the painkilling part of the tab it is the euphoria and warm feeling i get. my plan is to some degree become less of a consumer of these tablets and a slow taper is what i plan to do.

would buprenorphine help me do this. ive read that at the high doeage i think id need the buprenorphine would just block the receptors and while you wouldnt get any pain from withdrawing it is unclear about the euphoria.

would i still get the euphoric and warm feeling which i could taper off, or is buprenorphine a straight up pain killer with no warmness to it. my fear is id crumble and go back to the large amounts of codeine

i have read and read and have no better understanding. if you can help please.

I've never taken that much cod3in3 daily for a long period of time before, and have know idea of the wd effects   from it. But I can tell you that bupe is a potent substance and works for all opiate wd symptoms. You will have to stop taking cod3in3, and just use bupe. You can't mix the two because you will go into instant wd. You might end up getting worse wd symptoms from the bupe instead if you use it for to long  

Also , if  you're only using cod3in3  just for the buzz. I wouldn't recommend going on bupe if you have know self control over what you're taking.  The wd from bupe last a long time and  are hard to over come if  you're week minded.

Imo it would be better to taper yourself of cod3in3, or  maybe chase a few lines of H to help with the wd instead of bupe .         

Heroin to make lines is not in northern in my area. Would th bupr buzz be simmilar or stronger than codeine. If the buzz is stronger to the like of heroin i might reconsider thank you very much

I've never taken that much cod3in3 daily for a long period of time before, and have know idea of the wd effects   from it. But I can tell you that bupe is a potent substance and works for all opiate wd symptoms. You will have to stop taking cod3in3, and just use bupe. You can't mix the two because you will go into instant wd. You might end up getting worse wd symptoms from the bupe instead if you use it for to long  

Also , if  you're only using cod3in3  just for the buzz. I wouldn't recommend going on bupe if you have know self control over what you're taking.  The wd from bupe last a long time and  are hard to over come if  you're week minded.

Imo it would be better to taper yourself of cod3in3, or  maybe chase a few lines of H to help with the wd instead of bupe .         
I heroin available where you are?

Gai73 said:
Heroin to make lines is not in northern in my area. Would th bupr buzz be simmilar or stronger than codeine. If the buzz is stronger to the like of heroin i might reconsider thank you very much

I've never taken that much cod3in3 daily for a long period of time before, and have know idea of the wd effects   from it. But I can tell you that bupe is a potent substance and works for all opiate wd symptoms. You will have to stop taking cod3in3, and just use bupe. You can't mix the two because you will go into instant wd. You might end up getting worse wd symptoms from the bupe instead if you use it for to long  

Also , if  you're only using cod3in3  just for the buzz. I wouldn't recommend going on bupe if you have know self control over what you're taking.  The wd from bupe last a long time and  are hard to over come if  you're week minded.

Imo it would be better to taper yourself of cod3in3, or  maybe chase a few lines of H to help with the wd instead of bupe .         
I heroin available where you are?

Gai73 said:
Heroin to make lines is not in northern in my area. Would th bupr buzz be simmilar or stronger than codeine. If the buzz is stronger to the like of heroin i might reconsider thank you very much

I've never taken that much cod3in3 daily for a long period of time before, and have know idea of the wd effects   from it. But I can tell you that bupe is a potent substance and works for all opiate wd symptoms. You will have to stop taking cod3in3, and just use bupe. You can't mix the two because you will go into instant wd. You might end up getting worse wd symptoms from the bupe instead if you use it for to long  

Also , if  you're only using cod3in3  just for the buzz. I wouldn't recommend going on bupe if you have know self control over what you're taking.  The wd from bupe last a long time and  are hard to over come if  you're week minded.

Imo it would be better to taper yourself of cod3in3, or  maybe chase a few lines of H to help with the wd instead of bupe .         
I heroin available where you are?

Gai73 said:
Heroin to make lines is not in northern in my area. Would th bupr buzz be simmilar or stronger than codeine. If the buzz is stronger to the like of heroin i might reconsider thank you very much

I've never taken that much cod3in3 daily for a long period of time before, and have know idea of the wd effects   from it. But I can tell you that bupe is a potent substance and works for all opiate wd symptoms. You will have to stop taking cod3in3, and just use bupe. You can't mix the two because you will go into instant wd. You might end up getting worse wd symptoms from the bupe instead if you use it for to long  

Also , if  you're only using cod3in3  just for the buzz. I wouldn't recommend going on bupe if you have know self control over what you're taking.  The wd from bupe last a long time and  are hard to over come if  you're week minded.

Imo it would be better to taper yourself of cod3in3, or  maybe chase a few lines of H to help with the wd instead of bupe .         
I heroin available where you are? Not that is shggesting anthing untowarsd but h in not here in northetn irelans
We prefer to keep the discussion here about legal medicines.

I agree with Conceited. I don't think bupe is going to give you the feeling that you are after although if you were using it strictly to quit the Codeine it would work for that. His advice to taper is spot on because even if you don't intend to quit, it will help reset your tolerance so that you will get a better effect again from the Codeine.

Your dose is so high that it would be worth giving up the warm fuzzies for a while to get it down. Sometimes if you look at it as temporary, it helps to get through it if you have that euphoria to look forward to as a reward for cutting down.

Thanks guys in still not clear on somethig . Im replacing therapy appointment next week. The codejne 750mg high i simply will not get as good with thebuprenorphine  replacement dose. And buprenorphine can be abused but would block up and cause wd,

Coceitee what do you mean no self control? Over my cotrol of the butronephrone taking too much and or with codejne?0
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Thanks guys in still not clear on somethig . Im replacing therapy appointment next week. The codejne 750mg high i simply will not get as good with thebuprenorphine  replacement dose. And buprenorphine can be abused but would block up and cause wd,

Coceitee what do you mean no self control? Over my cotrol of the butronephrone taking too much and or with codejne?0
If you were clean from opiates and you took .02ml of bupe you would be more wrecked, then if you took 10x30mg of cod3in3 in one go. You will be gauching, itchy , and probably  be sick. It will last longer then the cod3in3 high. Which I find is just a nice glowing feel and nothing like bupe.  I don't know how much bupe you will need to use to so you don't go into wd if you stop using cod3in3 cold turkey. Lets say you need 2ml of bupe a day to stop the wd symptoms, so you feel normal. You won't get a buzz of bupe it will just stop you from feeling unwell. 

If you have been using bupe for a week, then the next day after your last dose you took cod3in3 or another opiate you would feel nothing, know high. You would have to not use bupe for a couple of days, to feel any sort of high of an opiate.  But if you took cod3in3 fist, then use bupe the same day you will go into wd.

What I meant by the self control comment, was some people will keep chasing the high taking more and more each time to get their desired effect, because opiate tolerance goes up quick. Rather then taking a break for a few days or weeks to reset tolerance, so you don't have to take as much. That to me is a sign of  know self control. The drug runs your life, not you.  If you acquire a taste for bupe and and keep chasing that buzz you will end up in a world of misery.

I really do recommend that you try tapering of cod3in3 first before given bupe a try.  I was on an 8ml sub script because I thought it would help get of H, but I got stuck on it. And look back on it a a terrible mistake. Wish I just did the H rattle cold turkey. It was like trading one bad habit for another that is far more evil.  I'm of it know  but I will always say to anyone who wants to stop an opiate addiction don't go on bupe or meth script. Unless it's your last reort.

I wish someone told me how bad the wd of bupe was before I started. So i'm just given you my opinion. Its up to you what you do.                

So do they dose you with brupe to maintain your codeine high but if you wanted a stringer hit it isnt pleasurable and gives wd. I mean if i took my dose at brupe instead of codeine i would get a stronger high or a a withdrawl preventing dose? Im sorry im not sure how this works and reading doesnt help.

For exaplme if someone was so uses to codejne and wanted to try stronger opiods would buprenephron work for or against that person. They have tried dhc and trrammmdal


So do they dose you with brupe to maintain your codeine high but if you wanted a stringer hit it isnt pleasurable and gives wd. I mean if i took my dose at brupe instead of codeine i would get a stronger high or a a withdrawl preventing dose? Im sorry im not sure how this works and reading doesnt help.

For exaplme if someone was so uses to codejne and wanted to try stronger opiods would buprenephron work for or against that person. They have tried dhc and trrammmdal

I've never heard of anyone go on a bupe script for a cod3in3 addiction.  But they might give give you a 0.4ml, and if that's enough to maintain you cod3in3 habit you could sniff  2ml or  put a 4ml under your tongue and you would feel a high 

Yes bupe would work for you if you want to try a stronger opiate then trams which are at the bottom of the opiate list, and it will be stronger than dhc depending on how much you took. 

Conceited said:
So do they dose you with brupe to maintain your codeine high but if you wanted a stringer hit it isnt pleasurable and gives wd. I mean if i took my dose at brupe instead of codeine i would get a stronger high or a a withdrawl preventing dose? Im sorry im not sure how this works and reading doesnt help.

For exaplme if someone was so uses to codejne and wanted to try stronger opiods would buprenephron work for or against that person. They have tried dhc and trrammmdal

I've never heard of anyone go on a bupe script for a cod3in3 addiction.  But they might give give you a 0.4ml that's a guess, and if that's enough to maintain you cod3in3 habit you could sniff  2ml or  put a 4ml under your tongue and you would feel a high 

Yes bupe would work for you if you want to try a stronger opiate then trams which are at the bottom of the opiate list, and it will be stronger than dhc depending on how much you took. 
Thak you guys, my concern was that id go in and get my buoreneprhrone and feel no high (which as addicts do) or that id be slightly happier with a stronger hit and the ability to taper off. My country has a zero care policy for drug users unless its booze

Just a question but if sone one who had a codeine tolerance of  750mg to 900mf codeine and wanted to experience a higher opiate and nothing is available. Noroxie or hydroco Would 0.20mg of temegis produce thesekindids. Im sorry for the questions but i have read and readand no l understanding. This is an unsua theory as ita strange situatiion becauae the uk dont do so well for addicts only booze addicts

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I am know expert, but 0.2m temgis are the lowest dose of bupe you can get. Its used in veterinary practices for animals. Subut3x comes in 0.4ml, 2ml, 4ml and 8ml doses.  Given that your cod3in3 intake is so high, one 0.2ml might just take the edge of your cod3in3 wd, or stop all the symptoms.  If you want to  get  the full potential recreational effect of bupe you need to have know opiates in you system. At the high does you're on, and without know how much bup you'll need to stay stable, its hard to say what will make you feel like you're  wrapped in a blanket.

 If your looking for a stronger high and want to use bupe. You need little to know opiate tolerance.  Even with bupe depending on frequency of use and amount take each time. You will reach a glass ceiling,, and  you'll just be maintaining a bupe habit. You won't be able to take another opiate on top to feel higher like you can with cod3in3 or met@don . You will have to start mixing with benzo's to  start getting high again .

 I don't know if its been lost in translation, but a bupe high is totally different to a cod3in3 phosphate high.

  What ever you choose to do be careful.   AND DON'T MIX BUPE WITH OTHER OPIATES, in a 24hr period.           

Thanks that is syatting to make sense. Tha ks for your time and effort

One last question if i have been clean of the codeine for a while, what would be the stronger buzz codeine or bup?

One last question if i have been clean of the codeine for a while, what would be the stronger buzz codeine or bup?
you're funny! I think you should take as much as you want, try banging up an 8ml or something.   

Lol it was a joke bit also a question. If the bup is stronger i wouldnt go near it because that would be a whole new level of withdrawal which im learnn aint worth it.  Thanks

Guys thanks for the help. I think ill taper down off codeenn. To prove i can do it and to get a better buzz. Your ideas and comments were much appreciated

I've done it myself in the past Gai, it's easy for me to say now,but cody is one of the easiest tapers to do. I standardised the dosage throughout the day, and dropped one pill from each dosage every 5 days or so. Let us know how you go, and we are here to support you too, just post away, PM or whatever if you need a bit of a boost/support. Best of British mate! 

Thanks guys gonna be hard. Have never successfully done it for long, 

guysi have a question i cant get a definitive answer. but is there a difference between codeen sulfate and codeen phosphate?  is it ppossible for one to have different side effects than the other in your experience?

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  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
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  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
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