I have been teying to taper iff with go for 8 yrs. To be honest substitution and maintenance was my last hope. I have no will power to cutt down on sonething i can go and buy anytine. Also i am ti reduce one tablet per day so off the bat they refused maintenance. So far nhs northern irelqnd has been no help and im not holding my breath the community addiction people are trained. They know everything about alchohilics tho. On top if that i have cone clean to family and now gave the added pressure of lying to them when i fail this plan again. At least on bup i could have a structure in place where i couldnt fail.
Gai I'm like a broken record here. Don't taper. Cold turkey (while feeling shit) is not dangerous.
Rough it out for a few days, you will crave for few weeks then it will stop.
What you plan on doing is to manage heroin addiction, 100x stronger than what your are currently taking.
If you can't get diazepam then by the one a night nytol take a few and sleep through the worst of it.
Codeine withdrawal is nothing compared to bupe withdrawal, even when managed. You're not on a slippery slope, you jumping off a cliff.
I tried coming off tramadol with Xanax and got in a little trouble because I didn't listen to advice by many on this forum.
Im now free of the Xanax and taking a little Diaz which I'll stop next Friday.
Ill always want to take tramadol as 1. I have chronic back pain and 2. I fucking love it when my tolerance is low. This time I'll be off it for a while though as its affecting my life.
Please just consider the above. If you don't then all I see is someone wanting to get a buzz from bupe. Even though your tolerance to codeine is massive that bupe will be much stronger. What happens then? You get addicted o that and suffer the most drawn out opiate withdrawal apart from methadone.
Get your head straight and listen to my advice please. If you don't, your walking into a black hole.
Im harsh but I actually care about members of this site.
Update us when you can.