It would seem that even though we will gladly wait 6 months for a home renovation, 2 weeks for an auto repair, or 2 months for our next doctors appointment, it seems apocalyptic (I may be slightly exaggerating) when a previously non-existent possibility demands FAR less time and patience.While I am guilty of worry and impatience at times, it typically is to my own demise. Retrain your minds to pause before posting and take a breath before jumping to worse-case may be jumping in the path of your own good fortune. Get out of your own way and forget whatever lead-times you became accustomed to when waiting 2 or 3 days for Latin lies.Be still and quiet, and for goodness sakes, if you MUST voice your impatience, think long and hard about what is at stake and ask yourself, what would YOU be willing to sacrifice, in exchange for such golden gifts that have been laid out before you?Remember Karma? Yeah, she isn't really a bitch when you get to know her.Peace & Patience,Beranda