The Jukebox

@longwaydown     OMG - I just listened to this song couple of hours ago.  

We're on the same wave length.   I enjoy your songs!

I love this section - and if we put the videos all in one post, can't be any (valid) complaints about people just using it to up post count.

Yet music tells us so much about where a person's head/heart are at that moment.

This is a really bad week for me - only have slept one night.  The music here and elsewhere has soothed my troubled soul.

Sometimes I just put on crashing, bashing hard music to override the sound of my thoughts, get me going, change my moods/thoughts.

Other times, I'm more introspective and need very meaningful songs with beautiful word imagery -   Balance.

The dawn has come now.  No sleep once again.  

"And this too shall pass",  my dad quotes to me at times......... 

We'll see..........

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@longwaydown     OMG - I just listened to this song couple of hours ago.  

We're on the same wave length.   I enjoy your songs!

I love this section - and if we put the videos all in one post, can't be any (valid) complaints about people just using it to up post count.

Yet music tells us so much about where a person's head/heart are at that moment.

This is a really bad week for me - only have slept one night.  The music here and elsewhere has soothed my troubled soul.

Sometimes I just put on crashing, bashing hard music to override the sound of my thoughts, get me going, change my moods/thoughts.

Other times, I'm more introspective and need very meaningful songs with beautiful word imagery -   Balance.

The dawn has come now.  No sleep once again.  

"And this too shall pass",  my dad quotes to me at times......... 

We'll see..........

Thank you on the songs- we are definitely on the same wavelength! As you said its about balance, or what strikes you at a certain moment. I love all different kinds of music, any one song can strike me because it has beautiful lyrics, or it has a great beat. One minute I am listening to a guy rap about wearing his granddads clothes, looking incredible, but spending $50 for a t-shirt is hella dough! Next minute, I am enjoying the sounds of silence, people talking without speaking and people hearing without listening...

Yes- balance is the perfect word!

I am sorry that sleep has not been your friend lately either, but know that you are not alone in this crappy non sleeping zone!

And I love this section too, troubled sleepless souls need to feel the music... I hope you can get some sleep soon!

[No message]
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Any hip-hop fans here? Well beside the obvious like Cadillak, Yadeezy, ZonkedUp, whitechocolate, etc. (Only kidding guys, please don't hurt You should check out Wax and his twin brother Herbal T. Some of the most talented underground out there right now IMO.

Anyway, I'm a fan of most all music especially reggae, rap, rock (classic,southern, alternative, grunge).

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Some classic Wax and T and one of the best songs exemplifying their talent. I'm gonna attempt to keep sleeping off this hangover, be back later.. Happy Sunday my friends.

Any hip-hop fans here? Well beside the obvious like Cadillak, Yadeezy, ZonkedUp, whitechocolate, etc. (Only kidding guys, please don't hurt You should check out Wax and his twin brother Herbal T. Some of the most talented underground out there right now IMO.

Anyway, I'm a fan of most all music especially reggae, rap, rock (classic,southern, alternative, grunge).
Lol! I am. I like all kinds of different music.. Just in more of a crazed MB20 mode than usual, since they are currently on tour. And who doesn't like pink, like red, but not quite..

I am going to check out this Herbal T video.. I haven't heard of him. Or his brother Wax!

Hope you feel better! :)

  Super Session is an album envisioned by Al Kooper and featuring the work of guitarists Mike Bloomfield and Stephen Stills, released on Columbia Records in 1968, CS 9701. Bloomfield and Stills do not play together on the album, with tracks including Bloomfield on side one (tracks 1-5), and those including Stills on side two (tracks 6-9). It peaked at #12 on the Billboard 200 eventually awarded Gold status.

Lol! I am. I like all kinds of different music.. Just in more of a crazed MB20 mode than usual, since they are currently on tour. And who doesn't like pink, like red, but not quite..

I am going to check out this Herbal T video.. I haven't heard of him. Or his brother Wax!

Hope you feel better! /default_smile.png
Yeah I'm a fan of REAL rap, none of this Lil Wayne radio rap garbage.  Wax actually was signed very briefly to Def Jam, but left due to conflict of interest.. basically they wanted to control his music and make things more "pop", and he wasn't happy about this.  Full explanation here:

That "don't need" song is kind of a weird, sit back and burn one and enjoy type of song.  This song "Need" is a fast paced hectic song that really pokes fun of our modern society and how we all think we "need" everything.

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Here he compares the rap industry to real problems and real work experienced by blue-collar workers..  humble/realistic guy, which is very hard to find the rap game these days.

(language warning)

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Yeah I'm a fan of REAL rap, none of this Lil Wayne radio rap garbage.  Wax actually was signed very briefly to Def Jam, but left due to conflict of interest.. basically they wanted to control his music and make things more "pop", and he wasn't happy about this.  Full explanation here:

That "don't need" song is kind of a weird, sit back and burn one and enjoy type of song.  This song "Need" is a fast paced hectic song that really pokes fun of our modern society and how we all think we "need" everything.
I liked that "Need" song a lot- it was creative, catchy and funny- both the lyrics and the video (running around Target, infomercials)

Any hip-hop fans here? Well beside the obvious like Cadillak, Yadeezy, ZonkedUp, whitechocolate, etc. (Only kidding guys, please don't hurt You should check out Wax and his twin brother Herbal T. Some of the most talented underground out there right now IMO.

Anyway, I'm a fan of most all music especially reggae, rap, rock (classic,southern, alternative, grunge).
Just noticed "Don't Need" and had a listen H. I know that mid-40's white guys may not be the target demographic for him, but I fuc*ing LOVE that song! That's now No. 1 on my "Take a Graphix Rip and Melt Into the Couch" playlist. Thanks for turning me on partner.

Here he compares the rap industry to real problems and real work experienced by blue-collar workers.. humble/realistic guy, which is very hard to find the rap game these days.

(language warning)
I'm a real Wookie, real Wookies work. Moderate, moderate, gettin' ridda the dirt! LOL More Wax awesomeness. Gonna turn my 17 year old son on to this flow, as soon as he rolls his ass out of bed!
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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Alkazar @ Alkazar: @psychedpsych what did they do to you?
  2. R @ RussianRambo: how is long flourish an approved vendor?
  3. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: What about when trying to paint one side of a square (four sided) pillar/exposed beam? I taped off around the edges of the side I'm not trying to paint because I don't want my brush hairs to flick paint over the corner (if that makes sense)
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Oh yeah see I do not trust myself enough to not tape off, at least with the baseboards
  5. LW815 @ LW815: @SeaDonkey if it’s something complicated I’ll tape off. Or if I’m getting paid. Otherwise hell nah, taping takes longer than painting
  6. P @ psychedpsych: If this person surfs here or whatever Idc. I just want to be left alone like begging on my knees
  7. P @ psychedpsych: I know this most likely isn’t welcomed, but I’ve been hacked to my knees for months and I hate saying this but I have traced it down to a few possibilities and here is one. So, if it’s the case I’m begging please stop. My life is in shambles and at the point of hiring an ethical hacker, and if I could talk to whoever it is I’m begging them to stop cause I’m at the point of giving up. BE SAFE EVERYONE, USE ETHERNET, aAND LEARN WHAT YOU NEED TO PROTECT YOURSELF! Not blaming dbg just begging stop.
  8. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Do y'all tape off when you paint or just freeball it
  9. D @ DDC: Anyone heard from Jessica with BMO?
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: @timyboy maybe he's a bot, idek
  11. Y @ Yaugae5121: Oh crap @RussianRambo I remember that name from a bunch of discords back in the day!!! Glad to see you’re still kicking man; apple guy here 🙂
  12. CnC5 @ CnC5: @RussianRambo hmu 🤙
  13. Pharma Daddy @ Pharma Daddy: @RussianRambo email me for pyros
  14. T @ timyboy: @xenxra I thought I was the only one that noticed about em bins. What trash bins does he want?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: there is literally a "Who Offers It?" section. The shoutbox is for banter, not browsing.
  16. R @ RussianRambo: who has best pyros? no mdphip or 2-me
  17. R @ RussianRambo: Opana who has it
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: im gonna just say no
  19. J @ justsayno: Who has bin #s?
  20. xenxra @ xenxra: bin #s for what? you asked this like 10 times without any clarification.