The Jukebox

A couple one hitters and some trower........BOOM all is well with the world

Thanks, I do have a wonderful voice /default_tongue.png
That you do, although you wouldn't know it from your profile pic.  You look slightly angry.  Although that could be because you are dead.  Perhaps you enjoyed being among the living a little more? 

one of the best instrumentals ever...makes we wanna spoon...what a homo.

end transmission.

This may not appeal to everyone's taste, but just in case Digi is able to see this, it's dedicated to him, and he'll get the meaning. Digi, what happened was hard, but probably for the best. Please know we are all still rooting for you. And know that I love you, my little roo. 

This may not appeal to everyone's taste, but just in case Digi is able to see this, it's dedicated to him, and he'll get the meaning. Digi, what happened was hard, but probably for the best. Please know we are all still rooting for you. And know that I love you, my little roo. 
Nice thought......

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. A @ AnnaSofia: Sorry it’s under Forum Rules on front page. I know shout box is supposed to be just for fun so I won’t make this a habit! Have a great weekend!
  2. A @ AnnaSofia: PSA: there’s a rules of the road thread that gave some good tips for navigating this place if you buy books and want to reduce your risk. Please read. I don’t know how to link stuff haha so go to “new posts” and look there.
  3. S @ skitz_out: And they keep deleting my posts on vendors pages exposing them saying that it’s not a review. So that means I will probably be banned soon too for exposing shit
  4. S @ skitz_out: So as long as a vendor keeps paying his fees, they are letting known scammers continue to have pages here.
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah a little too cold lol
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: Cold out!
  7. rockychoc @ rockychoc: Hope you all have a great Friday! Moving on into the weekend!
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: @CalFresh most stuff seems to be moving fine on my end.
  9. CalFresh @ CalFresh: That being said is anyone else experiencing universal delays with USPS Priority and Priority Express services? 75% of packages stalling in local distro center. Am I alone in that? Should I be worried.?
  10. CalFresh @ CalFresh: Is it so hard to imagine that soemone would come here as a buyer or a vendor with the intent to scam? There is really no entrance barrier is there? I often worry about new cusotmer inquiries are really just LE plants. It's the risk we take to do business, no?
  11. A @ AnnaSofia: Yep. So whichever bookie they are impersonating may not be the most vigilant person so be careful what u say if choosing to converse with that person. In fact, I would urge that person to delete that email and start a new one. And be more mindful IF in fact they did something to put their address at risk and subsequently their contacts as well.
  12. K @ knofflebon: I’m sure they’re just working off of whoever’s contact list they can access whether hacked or phished.
  13. A @ AnnaSofia: Damn @Big Drew 1174 yep got the same one with same vend name but looks like it’s from DBG. How the hell do they get in!! No one will contact u in ur email that says it’s from DBG and then the book sellers name. Kind of like your bank won’t contact u in ur email and say to click on a link!!!
  14. Big Drew 1174 @ Big Drew 1174: @knofflebon @AnnaSofia Yes (DBG - conversation with Mr_Blackscrew) It is for sure the same scammers/hackers that got @DoctorFaustus a month ago! As Anna said anyone that receives this email DO NOT click anything!
  15. Big Drew 1174 @ Big Drew 1174: @knofflebon @AnnaSofia yes I got the same email (DBG -(conversation with Mr_Blackscrew)
  16. A @ AnnaSofia: @knofflebon i got one of those too. Do not click on any links in weird emails!!!!!!! It will look like it comes from a vend through DBG which is weird and not possible as it is. Ignore!
  17. K @ knofflebon: beware, scammer from sending fake emails claiming to be a member of dbg sending a secure message through dbg
  18. Deepnorth @ Deepnorth: @porkandbeansboy that is a fact.
  19. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  20. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D