Well along time ago in a galaxy far far away it used to b very easy to order anything of the internet I placed an order for 90xa and 90kp 10mg ampuell of Val along with Ox and methdone
While on my way to 're-up 20grams dope. I dropped an ampuell of valium in the bottle of xanax and colonopin and it broke soaking the xanax and klonopin with liquid valium. When I opened the bottle it was mush.I then ate the mush thinking that because it got wet, it would not be as potient. Well I was not thinking to clearly when I figured this mathematical equation in my head and concluded that I should eat it .ALL..at the time I had a screaming benzo habbit is the only reason I'm alive. When they kicked in I nodded of and did 50mph into the back of a car at a stoplight.we were both almost killed , me from the drugs, and her from me. Horrible situation all together.(sorry bout the grammar).
I'm sorry that you and your lady friend were in such a horrible accident, and I hope you are both ok now. But I thought I'd share with you my crazy benzo moment, although no where near as bad as what you and your friend went though.
I had a somewhat similar experience. I pitched a bottle of brand new fresh off the train 90 bars into the kitchen (in an attempt to hide them because I thought someone was coming), and with my luck ,they went into the dish water and somehow the bottle came open. I quickly sprung into action. I ran into the kitchen and drained the water as fast as I could. And there they were, a white pile of, as you said, "mush". I panicked!! I looked all around for anything to help me with my serious SNAFU. The clothes dryer was right beside the sink, and the only thing within reach ( I couldn't remove my hand because they would have went down the drain) was a pair of panties laying on the top of the dryer. I grabbed them and cupped the pile of white mush, soaking it all into the panties making sure to get all I could.
Here comes the best part. I ran around the house for a week with a pair panties hanging outa my mouth sucking on them. I can only imagine what others must have thought, well not the one's that actually knew me. I guess I'm just glad the only thing on top of the dryer was a pair of panties, and not a jock strap or something...GOOD GRIEF!
Lord, what a crazy life hand I have been dealt.