The Most Benzos Anyone Took At Once

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1 /  4 g of fluro-lam (RC), 35 ksalols, 20 Rivotril's, and .25mg Etiz powd....Ridiculous and hard to believe, eh?

Compound that the same day with this devil on my shoulder:

while having on top of that an unbelievably, which i truly cannot express, opiate habit in which i blazed through 7-8 watson (i forget, i had 8 total, i think i had a little of the last one the next day)..(i used the smoke approach) gel 100's ptches the same day. Only day i almost met my maker...:/.....My tolerance to bennys though is outrageous. 10 kslols on any given day provides 0% feeling except normalness. Stay away and take note for those not in that damn nightmare as of yet.

PS--- my tolerance to opies at that time was even more outrageous. Most probably wouldn't/coulrn't even believe me. Talk about blowing through 2 nice houses in a years worth of spending habits a few years back. It was fun at the time, because i suppose you dont realize the wreckage you've done until you stop doin it, call me clueless, but i still even do it to this day albeit on a VERY inconsistent and smaller basis.

Just shared the deepest vices in my life publicly (lord)..
don't feel shame. We have all been there. I never had so many friends in my life when I was on dope as when I received a $50,000 car accident settlement.on top of that, I have squandered several $5000 grants for school, which were better put to use by just putting into my savings account since the VA pays for my schooling. However, I chose to be the girl with the Golden Arm on more than one occasion as I received it every semester. I am just now getting my loans back out of defaults so that once I have been in school about 3 semesters I will actually be able to receive my grant money and start putting it in my daughters college fund. I am very very blessed as the VA pays for my tuition, also gives me a stipend while I am in school of approximately 600 dollars, I receive my VA disability which is 263 dollars, and they pay four anything I should need for school... Such as a laptop, scrubs, stethoscope, and so on and so forth. I have always considered myself to have a large benzodiazepine habit, but in retrospect some days I can do 8 milligrams of alpr@zolam and other days get by just fine with 2 milligrams. I have found that taking my Prozac exacerbates the effects of the benzodiazepine and therefore, I am able to get by with exponentially less Ben. although I can remember a point in time when I received some slightly weak bars and was extremely fed up and did about 40 of them. I think they all varied in strength or I would probably be dead. I just hope that anyone who is running around robbing Peter to pay Paul in order to support a benzo habit can somehow find the strength to taper down a bit. But as silly as it sounds for someone to be out robbing and stealing to pay for their benzo have it, it is the one drug or one of the few that can actually kill you. Everyone calls the thieves In this area junkies. Little do they know...

I am exactly like Cat when it comes to these things. They do help me if took right, but when I get them in my hand you can toss taking them right right straight out the window. 30 - 20, 1mg per day xnx for years. Was even fully functional since I had done it for so long, believe it or not. (At least in my mind I was anyway). Built up such a tolerance that I could even remember what I had done while on them. Some things good, some things I'd just as soon not remember. /default_unsure.png Some things just plain out ignorant.

I know one thing, I had to somehow mentally train myself to stay out of any store when on the damn things. Pink lawn flamingos and wet mattresses would be the least of my problems. Trust me.

When the supply ran out all at once, I had several really bad seizures. That was years ago, and my ability to remember things after the seizures has never been the same since.

Stay away from these damn things if you cannot take them right, you'll wake up dead for real. /default_blink.png

1 /  4 g of fluro-lam (RC), 35 ksalols, 20 Rivotril's, and .25mg Etiz powd....Ridiculous and hard to believe, eh?

Compound that the same day with this devil on my shoulder:

while having on top of that an unbelievably, which i truly cannot express, opiate habit in which i blazed through 7-8 watson (i forget, i had 8 total, i think i had a little of the last one the next day)..(i used the smoke approach) gel 100's ptches the same day. Only day i almost met my maker...:/.....My tolerance to bennys though is outrageous. 10 kslols on any given day provides 0% feeling except normalness. Stay away and take note for those not in that damn nightmare as of yet.

PS--- my tolerance to opies at that time was even more outrageous. Most probably wouldn't/coulrn't even believe me. Talk about blowing through 2 nice houses in a years worth of spending habits a few years back. It was fun at the time, because i suppose you dont realize the wreckage you've done until you stop doin it, call me clueless, but i still even do it to this day albeit on a VERY inconsistent and smaller basis.

Just shared the deepest vices in my life publicly (lord)..
don't feel shame. We have all been there. I never had so many friends in my life when I was on dope as when I received a $50,000 car accident settlement.on top of that, I have squandered several $5000 grants for school, which were better put to use by just putting into my savings account since the VA pays for my schooling. However, I chose to be the girl with the Golden Arm on more than one occasion as I received it every semester. I am just now getting my loans back out of defaults so that once I have been in school about 3 semesters I will actually be able to receive my grant money and start putting it in my daughters college fund. I am very very blessed as the VA pays for my tuition, also gives me a stipend while I am in school of approximately 600 dollars, I receive my VA disability which is 263 dollars, and they pay four anything I should need for school... Such as a laptop, scrubs, stethoscope, and so on and so forth. I have always considered myself to have a large benzodiazepine habit, but in retrospect some days I can do 8 milligrams of alpr@zolam and other days get by just fine with 2 milligrams. I have found that taking my Prozac exacerbates the effects of the benzodiazepine and therefore, I am able to get by with exponentially less Ben. although I can remember a point in time when I received some slightly weak bars and was extremely fed up and did about 40 of them. I think they all varied in strength or I would probably be dead. I just hope that anyone who is running around robbing Peter to pay Paul in order to support a benzo habit can somehow find the strength to taper down a bit. But as silly as it sounds for someone to be out robbing and stealing to pay for their benzo have it, it is the one drug or one of the few that can actually kill you. Everyone calls the thieves In this area junkies. Little do they know...
​Thanks a lot! It feels good to here people understand and bring ya up rather than put ya down like your a psychotic freak/fucking junkie/moron.

Yeah, i actually have never stolen in my life, but i absolutley in NO WAY would ever put someone down in a situation where WD could kill them because i know how the benz / opies take hold of you and it is mental and sometimes physical life or death.

Unfortunately i really can't go into detail about my past financial gains into detail, but its the story of my say the least. The AR*/SEE (technology company in R&D) I invested in the market when times were at the top. provided me a means to gain a once in a lifetime opportunity before the "SEC" regulated the market. In just over 4 quarter earnings period my research stock yielded gains of  7 figures for me. Sold the stock when the company started getting shaky and got out of the skin of my fckn teeth. 2.2yrs later i have a few material things to show for it. Very embaressing and incredibly regret every moment of the damage i did to my health, because god knows my life expectancy probably decreased a good 20% from the damage ive done. Too scared to even get checked out over it to be truthful. As seemingly awesome as it was when i think about the past sometimes, i'm so much happier being more healthy and (much) less wealthy than being much wealthier and less healthy. Lord knows we can get our wealth back. I'm a cool cat but im on life 9, no more risk taking ventures here.

Geeeze I post enough music but that... @BennyDiazapine was like you quoting W.Watson and Ketch's(OCMS) "Always lift him up" my Lord it's been almost a yr since I've seen Willie(the singer) ha! Tho he did write this one and "We're all in this together" which is one of the most potent songs Willie's written "We're all in this thing together, walkin the line between faith and fear.. this life, won't last forever. When you cry I taste the salt in your tears"

Now he won't write, or play me Angel from Montgomery(yes I'm a John Prine freak too) all these cats lived like I did til '06.. IDK if it was Wee Willie, Ketch or even Cory who wrote "Methamphetamine" but.. Imma guess Willie.. Gave him a handful of these and those.. said "Just play "Angel" and I'll be happy" this was the 3rd time in 2 mo's I'd brought him "goods" just like I do to all my favs.. he took em, then said "I don't think I can pull that off w/ out a full band AC?" Ohhh gimme a break Prine did it from a boat in the lake in his backyard.. Dude needs a lil more faith, I then look on ytube and BOOM there it is, 3 mo's later.. he's w/ the Dave Rawlings Machine.. He did play the Coo coo song for me /default_smile.png tho my friend holds the only evidence of it.. damn this laptops about to die. Fact is, we ARE all in this together.. too many think.. "naahh.. I'm so much better." Or like Shannon sang at W.Stock '94 "Look at him I'll never live that way, that's ok.. they couldn't anyway"

BTW, go get checked out.. It sucked when I did.. only to find I was as healthy as anyone else my age besides my skeletal system.. and that only came about due to symptoms I woulda had on or off anything?

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Well along time ago in a galaxy far far away it used to b very easy to order anything of the internet I placed an order for 90xa and 90kp 10mg ampuell of Val along with Ox and methdone 

While on my way to 're-up 20grams dope. I dropped an ampuell of valium in the bottle of xanax and colonopin and it broke soaking the xanax and klonopin with liquid valium. When I opened the bottle it was mush.I then ate the mush thinking that because it got wet, it would not be as potient. Well I was not thinking to clearly when I figured this mathematical equation in my head and concluded that I should eat it the time I had a screaming benzo habbit is the only reason I'm alive. When they kicked in I nodded of and did 50mph into the back of a car at a stoplight.we were both almost killed , me from the drugs, and her from me. Horrible situation all together.(sorry bout the grammar).

Well along time ago in a galaxy far far away it used to b very easy to order anything of the internet I placed an order for 90xa and 90kp 10mg ampuell of Val along with Ox and methdone 

While on my way to 're-up 20grams dope. I dropped an ampuell of valium in the bottle of xanax and colonopin and it broke soaking the xanax and klonopin with liquid valium. When I opened the bottle it was mush.I then ate the mush thinking that because it got wet, it would not be as potient. Well I was not thinking to clearly when I figured this mathematical equation in my head and concluded that I should eat it the time I had a screaming benzo habbit is the only reason I'm alive. When they kicked in I nodded of and did 50mph into the back of a car at a stoplight.we were both almost killed , me from the drugs, and her from me. Horrible situation all together.(sorry bout the grammar).
Wow, you are definitely lucky to be alive. That's scary stuff.

Well along time ago in a galaxy far far away it used to b very easy to order anything of the internet I placed an order for 90xa and 90kp 10mg ampuell of Val along with Ox and methdone 

While on my way to 're-up 20grams dope. I dropped an ampuell of valium in the bottle of xanax and colonopin and it broke soaking the xanax and klonopin with liquid valium. When I opened the bottle it was mush.I then ate the mush thinking that because it got wet, it would not be as potient. Well I was not thinking to clearly when I figured this mathematical equation in my head and concluded that I should eat it the time I had a screaming benzo habbit is the only reason I'm alive. When they kicked in I nodded of and did 50mph into the back of a car at a stoplight.we were both almost killed , me from the drugs, and her from me. Horrible situation all together.(sorry bout the grammar).
I'm sorry that you and your lady friend were in such a horrible accident, and I hope you are both ok now. But I thought I'd share with you my crazy benzo moment, although no where near as bad as what you and your friend went though. 

I had a somewhat similar experience. I pitched a bottle of brand new fresh off the train 90 bars into the kitchen (in an attempt to hide them because I thought someone was coming), and with my luck ,they went  into the dish water and somehow the bottle came open. I quickly sprung into action. I ran into the kitchen and drained the water as fast as I could. And there they were, a white pile of, as you said, "mush". I panicked!! I looked all around for anything to help me with my serious SNAFU. The clothes dryer was right beside the sink, and the only thing within reach ( I couldn't remove my hand because they would have went down the drain) was a pair of panties laying on the top of the dryer. I grabbed them and cupped the pile of white mush, soaking it all into the panties making sure to get all I could.

Here comes the best part. I ran around the house for a week with a pair panties hanging outa my mouth sucking on them. I can only imagine what others must have thought, well not the one's that actually knew me. I guess I'm just glad the only thing on top of the dryer was a pair of panties, and not a jock strap or something...GOOD GRIEF!

Lord, what a crazy life hand I have been dealt.

Well along time ago in a galaxy far far away it used to b very easy to order anything of the internet I placed an order for 90xa and 90kp 10mg ampuell of Val along with Ox and methdone 

While on my way to 're-up 20grams dope. I dropped an ampuell of valium in the bottle of xanax and colonopin and it broke soaking the xanax and klonopin with liquid valium. When I opened the bottle it was mush.I then ate the mush thinking that because it got wet, it would not be as potient. Well I was not thinking to clearly when I figured this mathematical equation in my head and concluded that I should eat it the time I had a screaming benzo habbit is the only reason I'm alive. When they kicked in I nodded of and did 50mph into the back of a car at a stoplight.we were both almost killed , me from the drugs, and her from me. Horrible situation all together.(sorry bout the grammar).

I am exactly like Cat when it comes to these things. They do help me if took right, but when I get them in my hand you can toss taking them right right straight out the window. 30 - 20, 1mg per day xnx for years. Was even fully functional since I had done it for so long, believe it or not. (At least in my mind I was anyway). Built up such a tolerance that I could even remember what I had done while on them. Some things good, some things I'd just as soon not remember. /default_unsure.png Some things just plain out ignorant.

I know one thing, I had to somehow mentally train myself to stay out of any store when on the damn things. Pink lawn flamingos and wet mattresses would be the least of my problems. Trust me.

When the supply ran out all at once, I had several really bad seizures. That was years ago, and my ability to remember things after the seizures has never been the same since.

Stay away from these damn things if you cannot take them right, you'll wake up dead for real. /default_blink.png
no never no you @mhzjunkie haha lol nodding away bro

I am exactly like Cat when it comes to these things. They do help me if took right, but when I get them in my hand you can toss taking them right right straight out the window. 30 - 20, 1mg per day xnx for years. Was even fully functional since I had done it for so long, believe it or not. (At least in my mind I was anyway). Built up such a tolerance that I could even remember what I had done while on them. Some things good, some things I'd just as soon not remember. /default_unsure.png Some things just plain out ignorant.

I know one thing, I had to somehow mentally train myself to stay out of any store when on the damn things. Pink lawn flamingos and wet mattresses would be the least of my problems. Trust me.

When the supply ran out all at once, I had several really bad seizures. That was years ago, and my ability to remember things after the seizures has never been the same since.

Stay away from these damn things if you cannot take them right, you'll wake up dead for real. /default_blink.png
no never no you @mhzjunkie haha lol nodding away bro
George Thorogood - It Wasn't Me!   /default_rolleyes.gif

I am eI know that's right broactly like Cat when it comes to these things. They do help me if took right, but when I get them in my hand you can toss taking them right right straight out the window. 30 - 20, 1mg per day xnx for years. Was even fully functional since I had done it for so long, believe it or not. (At least in my mind I was anyway). Built up such a tolerance that I could even remember what I had done while on them. Some things good, some things I'd just as soon not remember. /default_unsure.png Some things just plain out ignorant.

I know one thing, I had to somehow mentally train myself to stay out of any store when on the damn things. Pink lawn flamingos and wet mattresses would be the least of my problems. Trust me.

When the supply ran out all at once, I had several really bad seizures. That was years ago, and my ability to remember things after the seizures has never been the same since.

Stay away from these damn things if you cannot take them right, you'll wake up dead for real. /default_blink.png
no never no you @mhzjunkie haha lol nodding away bro
George Thorogood - It Wasn't Me!   /default_rolleyes.gif
haha i know that is right bro

My younger bro had a bad breakup and took 21 real xanies prescribed by real doc.  He also took 2 shots of vodka.  Threw up passed out for 2 days. Slept very hard and i had to stay by his side to make sure he didnt choke.  Was a long 48 hours. DONT RECCOMEND THAT AMT AND ALCOHOL EVER/default_sad.png

Well along time ago in a galaxy far far away it used to b very easy to order anything of the internet I placed an order for 90xa and 90kp 10mg ampuell of Val along with Ox and methdone 

While on my way to 're-up 20grams dope. I dropped an ampuell of valium in the bottle of xanax and colonopin and it broke soaking the xanax and klonopin with liquid valium. When I opened the bottle it was mush.I then ate the mush thinking that because it got wet, it would not be as potient. Well I was not thinking to clearly when I figured this mathematical equation in my head and concluded that I should eat it the time I had a screaming benzo habbit is the only reason I'm alive. When they kicked in I nodded of and did 50mph into the back of a car at a stoplight.we were both almost killed , me from the drugs, and her from me. Horrible situation all together.(sorry bout the grammar).
I'm sorry that you and your lady friend were in such a horrible accident, and I hope you are both ok now. But I thought I'd share with you my crazy benzo moment, although no where near as bad as what you and your friend went though. 

I had a somewhat similar experience. I pitched a bottle of brand new fresh off the train 90 bars into the kitchen (in an attempt to hide them because I thought someone was coming), and with my luck ,they went  into the dish water and somehow the bottle came open. I quickly sprung into action. I ran into the kitchen and drained the water as fast as I could. And there they were, a white pile of, as you said, "mush". I panicked!! I looked all around for anything to help me with my serious SNAFU. The clothes dryer was right beside the sink, and the only thing within reach ( I couldn't remove my hand because they would have went down the drain) was a pair of panties laying on the top of the dryer. I grabbed them and cupped the pile of white mush, soaking it all into the panties making sure to get all I could.

Here comes the best part. I ran around the house for a week with a pair panties hanging outa my mouth sucking on them. I can only imagine what others must have thought, well not the one's that actually knew me. I guess I'm just glad the only thing on top of the dryer was a pair of panties, and not a jock strap or something...GOOD GRIEF!

Lord, what a crazy life hand I have been dealt.
Well along time ago in a galaxy far far away it used to b very easy to order anything of the internet I placed an order for 90xa and 90kp 10mg ampuell of Val along with Ox and methdone 

While on my way to 're-up 20grams dope. I dropped an ampuell of valium in the bottle of xanax and colonopin and it broke soaking the xanax and klonopin with liquid valium. When I opened the bottle it was mush.I then ate the mush thinking that because it got wet, it would not be as potient. Well I was not thinking to clearly when I figured this mathematical equation in my head and concluded that I should eat it the time I had a screaming benzo habbit is the only reason I'm alive. When they kicked in I nodded of and did 50mph into the back of a car at a stoplight.we were both almost killed , me from the drugs, and her from me. Horrible situation all together.(sorry bout the grammar).
I'm sorry that you and your lady friend were in such a horrible accident, and I hope you are both ok now. But I thought I'd share with you my crazy benzo moment, although no where near as bad as what you and your friend went though. 

I had a somewhat similar experience. I pitched a bottle of brand new fresh off the train 90 bars into the kitchen (in an attempt to hide them because I thought someone was coming), and with my luck ,they went  into the dish water and somehow the bottle came open. I quickly sprung into action. I ran into the kitchen and drained the water as fast as I could. And there they were, a white pile of, as you said, "mush". I panicked!! I looked all around for anything to help me with my serious SNAFU. The clothes dryer was right beside the sink, and the only thing within reach ( I couldn't remove my hand because they would have went down the drain) was a pair of panties laying on the top of the dryer. I grabbed them and cupped the pile of white mush, soaking it all into the panties making sure to get all I could.

Here comes the best part. I ran around the house for a week with a pair panties hanging outa my mouth sucking on them. I can only imagine what others must have thought, well not the one's that actually knew me. I guess I'm just glad the only thing on top of the dryer was a pair of panties, and not a jock strap or something...GOOD GRIEF!

Lord, what a crazy life hand I have been dealt.
i need to stop trying to respond to anything after my vitamins kick in it's funny that I think it's just my grammar that is fucked up. And I would have paid to see someone sucking on some girls panties but what is even better is the fact once I found out what was in them I might have asked to get a little taste. Hope they we're your girl friends and not like your mom's or g-ma's (bad jokes)

80mg of Diaz and 22 mg if Xannies.

Not bragging and certainly not proud of it. Also had 700mg of trams mixed in with that. Fuck knows how I didn't pass out.

80mg of Diaz and 22 mg if Xannies.

Not bragging and certainly not proud of it. Also had 700mg of trams mixed in with that. Fuck knows how I didn't pass out.
That's insane. I'd be dead if I even took half that amount!!

I had a bad, bad day and thought meds would sort it. All the mess I used were from respected vendors on here. The only one I'm dependent on is trams.

Benzos don't seem to do the job for me which is very unfortunate as I'm struggling with some demons just now.

What I can say is drugs certainly don't work haha!

P.S. and off topic. Love trams when I get my tolerance down. Horrible process to do that though.

Just tried apaurin for first time.  Deivery was awesome!  But slightly weak, looking for a more euphoric effect.  But the aps prpduce a mild calm relaxing effect. May try bensedin soon in fufure.  Any comments?

My favourite Valerias come from Takeda and they come in slowly and then work for hours like they should.

If anyone know better Valeries, I'm more than interested!!   :-)

I live on fucking Val's and I seem to function at my full time job and sitting in traffic for 2 hrs a day so I think your tolerance must build pretty quickly on these. Only issue I have is memory - oh and I have wrecked my car - like a lot. But shit happens.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for