The next President!

dragonxp said:
I think and i hope that the next US president will be Hillary Clinton, because she already has experience (because her husband was a president already) and i like the ideas from her.
Do you really want the wicked witch of Washington Hitlery Clinton  to be president. The Clinton Mafia are one of the most corrupt  dynasties along with the bush family.  

With her email scandal she should be up on federal charges.

I'm not an American but rand paul would of been a good choice imo.

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Replying to the Hillary comment, I must say this women has lost the vote of the Blue collar workers the  women's vote, the younger generation vote, and all to do with people  finally recognizing her neglect to see her consistent lying , her greed, and let me add her sense of entitlement to anything that comes her way. Then she lied to the  CIA contract personnel or former military men who risked their lives and died for our country out there in Bengazi.                                                                                          

   She told the parents of these dead men  at the funeral that it was all based on a video and it was NOT what really happened!

Now who in the he.. would do that?   She has lost it and should go back home to her husband and bake those cookies she once talked about that was so out of her league!

I am not a Hillary fan as you guessed and would greatly vote for O'B   just to keep that women out of the White House!    


The Donald looks meek compared to Mr.Hillary  !

Then she lied to the  CIA contract personnel or former military men who risked their lives and died for our country out there in Bengazi.                                                                                          

   She told the parents of these dead men  at the funeral that it was all based on a video and it was NOT what really happened!

Now who in the he.. would do that?   She has lost it and should go back home to her husband and bake those cookies she once talked about that was so out of her league!
Its the CIA, they lie all the time.  Nobody gets killed during their secret CIA missions, it is always a training accident or something like that.  2 of the guys killed were Ex Navy SEAL CIA operatives, one was an "information officer" and the fourth was the Ambassador.  I don't expect the State Department to be particularly forthcoming with information regarding JSOC.  Special forces guys don't even get to wear their patches on their right shoulder if they have been in combat (a combat honor) because special operations are never officially deployed in combat.  So of course their family didn't get the whole story.  We had just deposed a dictator and were trying to support "our" revolutionary forces to defeat the other more extremist revolutionary forces that did the attack.  We were engaged in covert warfare supporting the half of a revolution we thought best.  You aren't going to get the whole story of what the CIA was doing in Benghazi, just not going to happen.

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Dear jimbojones,

"You know a lot" a lot more than I. Here's to our country!! 


Love the strawberries and Coke reply......who wrote that??



Hello all, I think Rubio's a little on the green side and Hillary's a bit too hot a topic to mess around with and that leaves only one other guy who has the ba--- to take it home and that's "The Donald" . Like it or not that he is hot headed that will  soon be gone as he grows in to what he is truly meant to be and that is the next president of our  GREAT COUNTRY!     our  "U.S.A."  

Dear jimbojones,

"You know a lot" a lot more than I. Here's to our country!! 


Love the strawberries and Coke reply......who wrote that??


I hope I didn't sound too smug in my text!  Honestly what has become American politics sickens me, and I don't mean Barack Obama (I love the guy personally), but the way corporations have gutted the Federal Elections Campaign Act and little things like that.   Unfortunately it seems our country has ultimately sold out for cheap chimpokomon crap and short term goals.  I'd like America to be greater than it is, I'd like to engage in committed warfare more completely, I'd also like health care and a not so militant police force.  It is such a mess, I don't envy anyone who has to lead it.

Strawberries and cocaine was just my light hearted form of racism with its roots in seriousness. 


I really appreciate your reply and all in good faith for our country, your right this new election is pretty dry and the people who are at the starters gate aren't anything better than race horses, but we are Americans and as bleak as it looks.... we got to buy our ticket  . Wish me luck ,but  Trump may be the stallion  hey,  at least he wont be chasing anyone around the white house with cigars!

p.s. laughed at the strawberries  and... really made my day! :D


Let's see. Trump insulted "poor people." He also mocked a disabled man. (Very presidential of him) Insulted Mexicans by generalizing them and calling them "rapists" and criminals. Wait he did say not "all" of them are bad. Lol. I could go on but I'm at work right now. He sound like a very mature man to me. One that should lead the great U.S.A. What's he going to do if he wins? Say, Na Na-Na Na-Na Na 

Hmmm. Hey, he has not insulted me. I'm voting for Trump!!!! That's it. I made my decision. DONALD DONALD DONALD!!!

Folks, this is who is you want to REPRESENT the U.S.A?


He inherits millions of dollars from daddy, goes bankrupt. And then gets  millions loaned out to him to redeem himself. So he is a financial genius? Really?

If I have said anything on here that is not a FACT, please feel free to point that out.

much love and respect.


I think Trump insulted me but I am not smart enough to figure it out.....

It appears the best and the brightest are not present in this particular election cycle......What we need we will never get, and it is a shame, because this is truly a great country with a some serious issues that will not get resolved.   Corporate greed, establishment politicians and a disinterested electorate are going to allow the malaise to continue....

I am independent and I am truly unsure of who to vote for.   The only person that I think is telling the truth is Bernie and he is just a smidgen left for my tastes.

It should be fun to watch this all play out.....Clintonville or Trumpistan.....which would be worse?

I kinda like Bernie - but not quite feeling the "Bern" yet - I'm not happy with ANY of the choices - but they are there. I think Rubio was good last night. I liked Kasich - he acted like the adult in the room. 

I am not at all happy with Trump. I feel like I've been slimed by him - he seems like a used car salesman. There I said it. He may be a great real estate salesman but I have yet to hear anything substantive out of his mouth - but he's going to make America great.. again. I still feel that he feels that America is not great now. I don't yearn for the America that is back in the 1950's filled with racism, and 

I know that America has to grow - I know that changes have to be made - it isn't done with racism - we need to vet the new immigrants. My own grandparents were immigrants. The Irish were rabble rousers. Think of the IRA.

I also think that rich people have made America what it is what is today with a large caste system. Our problems date to the 1970's. Trickle down economics started with Reagan. We have to change our tax code.

Regarding Bernie, socialism doesn't scare me - FDR enacted socialism with Social Security and that is the biggest socialism program we have.


In my house there is an on going News flash all day long and I don't seem to have a choice ,but  to look up at it and say oh, .....what now?

I am Not political in the least at least I wasn't until I started reading some of these interesting replies people have wrote , like yours for example. OK, I am interested in my country like then next person , but I really MUST AGREE with you, as to what the heck is happening in it lately?   I SAY yes! to all you mentioned and then some!

I don't for see anything much happening in the near future with Hillary, The Donald, Rubio or Cruz, except a non interesting back and forth with their snide remarks and distaste for one another. I wish they'd get over it and get in to what they true intentions are, or are we all seeing  all this first hand now and what's to come ?  Frightening!

"Lets Pray for them"


I hate to sound mean..because I am not ..i am really a nice guy... but when Bernie is getting excited and trying to rally a crowd he looks like he could all the sudden stop speaking, him dropping to his knees and grabbing his heart and those will be his last words.  Trump may be ok...really  but he isn't going to win in my opinion.  he has made too many people mad. people that do not like him will come out in droves to vote against him.  I really thought Jeb Bush had the best chance of beating Hillary... but I am looking at all the forks in the road... which road any candidate could take....  and unless Hillary was sending something really bad on that email server.... and they find it.. I don't really see anyone beating her. I could be wrong....  but despite what everyone says...  I mean unemployment is 4.9%..  There really isn't anything bad or horrible in this world...that needs drastic changes like everyone is saying we need.  We have always had world issues... but nothing we can't deal with.  I think we are looking at the first woman president ever, unless something drastic happens.

FDR and his enactment of Social Securty was a temporary measure. A temporary measure to grapple with the history of America during the Depression (which lasted for years) and WW2. It was not made to last. But, you enact Social Security and it is a rough thing to get rid of.

I have voted on both sides. It is the particular election that makes me a choice. It looks like Trump vs. Clinton. I have personally hated him since I saw Bill in his first town hall. He struck me as a sheister. I think that Hillary married him and that tells me a lot. Besides, her "using private email to trasmit secure government email" should make her out of the loop. Besides, I worked for the government for seven years and there was one soecial speech that certain of us attendind. The speech maker was Clinton, and he could take his eyes of of me, and my chest.

The problem with the GOP is that none of them have the leadership qualities that make a American President. I have to say that Trump is my choice. Though I dislike his unsubstantial views. And what is he going to do with his business while he his president? 

The problem with this presidential election that we are falling apart, and depending on who is elected, we could further apart - with no way to return.

Personally I like Kaisk and Trump. But Kaisk is not strong enough to be are leader.

Who knows what Trump can do and cannot do. He never says so. But if it is between Trump and Clinton - I will vote for Trump.

Anyway it all a joke. At least it will be interesting to see if Trump wins how he goes after Clinton.

Someone said that as a New Yorker I should never vote in primaries. And you know I don't. But this time I will vote in the primary. Either it is Trump or Cruz (even though I don't believe him).

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I enjoy reading the various points of view, even when they differ from mine. What I can't stand is people who act like others aren't entitled to any opinions they disagree with. I bet you all know the type. They appear to be almost brainwashed  to the point  of being beyond reason and degrading those who differ with them.

That's why I generally avoid talking politics until I know someone well enough to know that we can have a civilized disagreement.

I know this. What happened in Chicago yesterday was real.  People HATE Trump. for his ideas. People HATED Obama because he was black. but they never did what they did in Chicago. What does this say to me?  That we are real as a country.  Yes, Obama is Black, and there are people that will voice their displeasure against him in 1000 different ways and did,,,  didn't vote for anything he voted for, blocked everything he stood for.. but that is the way the system works. Yesterday sent message to me and to millions Trumps hates some people..  and some people (many) have a problem with that.  I said 2 days ago Trump has made too many people mad, and they will come out in droves to vote against him.  We saw this last night in Chicago. It is going to be a dogfight, but good prevails....

I think that what happened in Chicago is unique to Chicago. Let me explain. I was born there, spent 30 years growing up there and worked for the City of Chicago in a high position for seven years.

Chicago is severely racially divided. There is a line, a street called Madison Avenue which is a division. You live south of there, you a "black". You live north of there you are "white" (and Puerto Rican, Korean etc.). The blacks and whites hate each other. Especially the "blacks" hating the "whites".

I remember working for the City and there were times when "black" workers would treat me with such hostility. There were times when I was told that "black" would say "I only type two letters a day, no more, and if you you don't like it you can expect a EEO complaint". There was a time when when my boss pulled me into his office and told me I must be careful when dealing with one "black" woman by given her work to do me because her father was a councilmen. He was was embarrassed to tell me that.

I don't see people by the color of their skin. But in Chicago they saw me as that.

In high school the "black" students would spit on "white" students. When I attended college the "black" students formed a group of friends, sitting at the table in the the cafeteria and no one who wasn't "black" could not sit there.

When it came to the Police "black" were assigned to the south side, and "white" were assigned to the north side.

I could go on, but won't because you get the tone of what I am saying.

Unfortunately that is how it is in Chicago. And their brand of democracy is very different than then the type of democratic belief system that is what one thinks of.

So, I think what happened to the Trump rally is unique to Chicago.

That is why I moved.

Personally, I cant wait until this is over and decided.

I had a Bernie sticker on the bumper of my explorer and when I was in the grocery last night someone used black paint or something to mark all over it. I wasnt suprised, Ive lived the majority of my life in a red state in the bible belt. I know what time it is here.

My old man has never gave a crap about politics. Until this year :/  This year he has decided he likes Donald Trump (and quoting Gavin Mcinnes omg:/wtf?)  I have always, from the day I was born, been a bleeding heart, puppy petting, tree hugger. Its never been a issue but now all of a sudden- I am a extremist who needs to get my priorities to the right. Lol.

Its difficult because I just dont feel good about Hillary.  Dosnt feel right to me.


Personally, I cant wait until this is over and decided.

I had a Bernie sticker on the bumper of my explorer and when I was in the grocery last night someone used black paint or something to mark all over it. I wasnt suprised, Ive lived the majority of my life in a red state in the bible belt. I know what time it is here.

My old man has never gave a crap about politics. Until this year :/  This year he has decided he likes Donald Trump (and quoting Gavin Mcinnes omg:/wtf?)  I have always, from the day I was born, been a bleeding heart, puppy petting, tree hugger. Its never been a issue but now all of a sudden- I am a extremist who needs to get my priorities to the right. Lol.

Its difficult because I just dont feel good about Hillary.  Dosnt feel right to me.

I work at a hospital (california)and it's funny because we have a patient with a southern accent who was fine one day and then during Super Tuesday he was watching Donald Trump (he has stated he supports) and all of a sudden he became hostile. He started talking about only wanting white nurses and staff in his room and so on. It's pretty clear that Donald Trump knows his following pretty well. He tells them everything they want to hear. I mean listening to this patient, you would think Trump was the second coming. 

According to this patient Trump doesn't need money so he must be Uncorruptable. Sorry folks, that's what we said about Arnold Schwarzenegger and look what that got us in California.  I hope the best for this nation and world. Peace

I personally have no dog in the fight....I just enjoy watching the GOP get their panties in a wad when the establishment candidates get trounced in the primaries.  I believe that no candidate left or right has the best interest of the country in their hearts.   I think it would be interesting to see Trump get the necessary delegates (GOP collapsing) and to see Hillary get indicted (DEMS freaking) just for the sake of drama.   No matter what happens things wont change to terribly much.  The Congress will stymie Hillary's efforts and Trump will be thwarted at every turn.  The rich will get richer, Corporations will stomp out the little guy, and life will go on.    Checks and balances will make sure the status quo remains the same.    I am just looking forward to the drama.... it makes for good TV.  I am also always a little leery of someone who wants to be Pres.  from the High School Class Pres to the President of the US.  I just think its a little creepy.

Hello Everyone, 

I hope all is well. I noticed this discussion has been quiet for a bit and I thought I would provide my perspective on this election. First I have been a Strong Democrat my whole life and vote in every Presidential Preliminary and Election since I can remember and I am right now watching CNN as I do everyday. Moving forward I want to discount off every campaign except Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Here is the thing, at first I was campaigning and donating money to Hillary. Then I switched to Trump. I switched to Trump because I believe that he will do the things that he says he will do and right now we NEED a very strong military and to provide them the best technology available and we need to watch more carefully what is taking place around the world we are an easy target. I have never voted Republican and I am still not. After careful consideration I thought to myself "Is it possible for Trump to turn into a Tyrant as he is and my answer was yes" he is much more likely to do this than Hillary. In the end I want to vote for Trump however I cannot get myself to take this risk in good conscience. As of now it is Hillary! Although I must say I have never switched around this much before and this is a delicate and extremely important election. More than any past election! Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! have a great day! :)



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