I think Trump is more likely to cause damage to this country than any other candidate running, with the possible exception of Ted Cruz. He strikes me as someone who cannot consider the possibility of being wrong & at the same time has no real experience about how government wants. I know people don't like career politicians but as someone who works with federal agencies, I can tell you it is a culture all it's own (e.g., like the army, which of course is part of the gov't). As much as I like Obama as a person, I think his greatest failings stemmed from a lack of experience & Trump has even less & I don't even like him as a person. He is an egomaniac & a salesman & I wouldn't trust him to deliver on anything. He may believe he can but I'm not even sure if that's true. I also think the idea that we need a strongman to lead us is false--I think we have a competent military & I'd rather have someone who would listen than someone who thinks they can do anything because they've created a successful reality TV show (& that was Trump's most successful venture, if you look at profit for expenditures).
Trump's one saving grace is he's not a religious dictator, and I think that's what Cruz would be if he could. For instance, Trump has the best rating among Republicans regarding his opinions on the drug "war," although Clinton has better (I just use that example because of where we are). Cruz, on the other hand, is a nutcase on social issues & I really think he'd like to see the Federal government fall apart, which would be infinitely worse than what we currently muddle through. Plus, most people who know Cruz well hate him, from his college roommate to his Republican colleagues in the senate. He is the sort of person that would only allow people who graduated from Ivy League schools in his study group--talk about elitist assholes--and who would shut down the government over a battle he knew there was no way of winning just because it gave him points with voters.
So I'll vote for Clinton, although I've never been a fan, just because she has the least chance of making things worse.
Trump's one saving grace is he's not a religious dictator, and I think that's what Cruz would be if he could. For instance, Trump has the best rating among Republicans regarding his opinions on the drug "war," although Clinton has better (I just use that example because of where we are). Cruz, on the other hand, is a nutcase on social issues & I really think he'd like to see the Federal government fall apart, which would be infinitely worse than what we currently muddle through. Plus, most people who know Cruz well hate him, from his college roommate to his Republican colleagues in the senate. He is the sort of person that would only allow people who graduated from Ivy League schools in his study group--talk about elitist assholes--and who would shut down the government over a battle he knew there was no way of winning just because it gave him points with voters.
So I'll vote for Clinton, although I've never been a fan, just because she has the least chance of making things worse.