The next President!


Grand Poobah
Grand Poobah
Dec 21, 2014
who do you want as your next president, even though realistically i can care less but some how i do care about my money so i do damn care who is in office. Good Pres =Good Finacial Market = MrCoolguy happy, Bad Pres =Bad Financial Market, and war :/    = MrCoolguy going back to stealing napkins from McDonald's for Toilet paper for home :/ 

no but seriously?

 I would like a Republican in office :/ they seem to have the same evil mindset they just wont show it , but you know the evil is there, so maybe that why i like there ruthlessness. There is a candidate  i am interested in, i respected this man as a youngin growing up in NYC , i felt his ruthlessness and i absorbed it into how i live,work and talk to people also lol it made me a miserable person but i like it cause it is part of being evil.

yes EVIL! if you dont have evil in you, than you get eatin up by society ! EVIL is in all of us , we all have it in us even you dont think so, you just havent sat down to think about it to the dot! , some of us use it and some of us hold in, some of us meditate or believe in religion to hold the evil , but EVIL IS THERE! ACCEPT IT OR GET CRUSHED ! 

I USE MEDS TO SUPPRESS MY EVIL /default_smile.png 

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Ahh....instead of summing this up in 50+ pages i will keep it short and simple. It does not matter who you vote for. There is a 2 party system in place that means if the Establishment thinks your ideas stray too far from their big donors (1%ers, corporations (who are people but cannot vote), and foreign billionaires) then you have absolutely no chance of winning. Every person who runs for office says they are for the "little man", or "Johnny Lunchpale", or the poor/middle class. Then they get elected, do whatever  their big donors want them to do, all while telling the 99% that they are working for them. They may start out in the House or Senate, then get corrupted by greed, the fast life, free benefits for life, then a cushy 6 figure job on wall street or with a lobbying firm. Until people open their goddamn eyes & ears, get off their fat asses, stop watching fox news/msnbc/any main stream media, stop believing everything they read on Facebook, and read REAL AND INDEPENDENT media which has zero corporate sponsors, it does not matter who is president. We will still bomb and kill innocent people in other countries in the name of nation building, which supports big banks, wall street and the military industrial complex (the biggest donors to politicians). They will still wipe their ass with this old useless document that they swear to satan to uphold, something called the Constitution, which VERY few know the text of it. They will pass illegal laws that violate it, the Bill of Rights, and steal our god given liberties, and continue to enslave us with a huge income tax that pays interest to the Federal Reserve, which is a private institution that prints our nations currency, and lends it to the government, and charges the govt interest on it. What a fucking joke that is in itself! The govt does not even print/own the money supply! A private company does. Don't believe me? Look it all up, the truth is out there. I am stopping bc its time to go grocery shopping, but I will be back (if not they got me, probably suspended my habeus corpus and put me in Gitmo).

Thought provoking topic - The establishment has noticed ... A distraction, or series of them, will place citizens in their rightful place ... (The Hunger Games - just a couple of movies?) ... Much may change - but 4 now, Dr. Carson is receiving my ear ... I'm older and skeptical most of the time ... but there does appear to be something more than just talk happening now ... Participate ... Don't just observe ...

Despite all the emails... Benghazi, and everything else the Republicans are throwing including the kitchen sink.. I say it's going to be hard to knock of Hillary.. 

You may be right - watching & listening, & being vocal @local level will be worthy pursuits this time ... Ya think?

how is it possible that this Donald is still in the running? 

Hello to all on the political chat,

I must say , I have grown to appreciate a little crazier side of the political arena and if this means Trump than who can REALLY say he wont get this country back in financial order.

  Sorry to hear all the hoopla on Trump , but  try and give the guy a chance after all he is a business man who has made BILLIONS!!!

Besides I like his hair!!!!/default_biggrin.png



Hello to all on the political chat,

I must say , I have grown to appreciate a little crazier side of the political arena and if this means Trump than who can REALLY say he wont get this country back in financial order.

  Sorry to hear all the hoopla on Trump , but  try and give the guy a chance after all he is a business man who has made BILLIONS!!!

Besides I like his hair!!!!/default_biggrin.png


I am glad you want this country back in financial order as we all do. So let's see Trump made "billions". Does that qualify him as president? Maybe maybe not. Let's just not forget to mention that he did inherit millions and went into bankruptcy before. I am not bashing him because I do believe he is a smart business man but let us state the facts. Ally, I think his big mouth turns me off a bit. I thought it was funny when he was just a tv personality. But when someone who dodges the draft mocks senator Mcain whom was a P.O.W. I have to question his maturity. I have not even went into his other rants yet. Having said that I hope our country gets back on track.

Hello, I only have a second or two and must return to my work,

I appreciate your response and you sound like an intelligent person who understands  politics and may even watch the O'Riley Factor , but just look back at all the Presidents that weve had and you may see a few were not only Actors (Regan) and women chasers ( Kennedy) and lets not forget no spine (O'B) WHO TAKES OFF IN HIS MILLION DOLLAR GAS GUSSLING AIR JET to other countries making deals with them such as China and yet they NEVER reciprocate the favor on the U.S.  I can go on and on and give facts ,but have little time now. My point is that who really cares about their personality's or sex lives or Hair! I DONT , and the way things look in this country with OB opening sanctions and allowing thousands of people in this county and leaving all the crumbs for people who founded this country like you and I ,I just want it back in  order!  LOOK AROUND Honey, things are changing and fast!. The one good thing I can say about "The Donald" is that he may have had some bad moves financially in the past , but look at him NOW! Who cares about the past in some ones life that has turned it totally around for the BEST!    

Trump is Now building the  U.S.A. economy by creating thousands of jobs and employs tens of thousands of people and pays more taxes than Obama has and will do in his LIFE!


p.s. really would like to continue this at another time THANKS!

Hi Angel,

If I may call you that? I AM NOT AT ALL in a position to bring light to the subject of how well "The Donald" can run this country next, but WHO in the He..... else do we have going for us in the business section that has already put thousands of people to work in this country.

  Hill loves to txt and Ob is counting down the time to make his getaway and trying  turn this country in to a Socialists before he runs off to play and - 

he's not really done anything else except give out cheap cell phones and bring in all the rest of other countries here to the U.S..  I could elaborate more but..... you got my understanding.

Yes, I agree it was" VERY WRONG" for Donald to make note of McCain as if what he did for our country was nilly willy,  (  locked up for years  as a P.O.W. ) McCain in my book lost the election as President ,but still  is and will always be my true HERO!   

Honestly, do we really care that Donald has an ego the size of his big head ?     Lets over look his little idiosync and be REAL!!

Let us take a look at history now for a moment  at some of the  other Presidents and their  little EGOS.......  Rosevelt ....Clinton.....Kennedy.....Bush.... Nixon.... could go on..  .

All the same you and I have a strong desire to keep our country going in the right direction so anyone would be better than what we've  been use to , right?

Nice to meet you and I feel most welcome now, you made my day,

Alley   p.s.( History major Purdue) anytime you want to chat on politics! 

Alley, I am aware of Ronald Reagan being an actor and I never questioned your knowledge or intelligence but if your reasoning is "who else" then that's not a very good reason. I understand that many other presidents have had big egos but Trump acts like he's on a playground calling people names and I guess some people find that cool or something. He energizes the public with his rhetoric. Don't get me wrong there are some points I agree with but let's get real all candidates talk good until they get elected. Having said that if he does become president I will support him and hope he proves me wrong. I will not be bashing him on day one and hoping he fails like many did with President Obama. I did not vote for Obama but the way many were just all over him from day one well I did not like the way it made Americans look. I just wonder where the same people were when "W" was president. Maybe they didn't have computers back then. For the record, I have voted for Republicans and Democrats. I vote for just one party. As for look at him now (Donald) I have to say that a president has one chance. He won't be able to make bad decisions and then redeem. Again, I believe he is business savvy but let's get real he inherited millions filed for bankruptcy got a second chance. Give me millions and a second chance with all the connections his daddy left him and I probably will be pretty well off. 

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Hello, It appears that you indeed have a political agenda on choosing the next GREAT President of this U.S.A.;However one must look at the arena and see  who we have IN THE RUNNING and lets pause and think for a moment and say to ourselves are these people REAL and for the U.S.A.? Who the heck knows ? I can try to recall that Ob at the time of his first election look as if he was for this country and NOW......I MUST THINK AGAIN?   Let us not judge "The Donald" at least and most definite IS FOR OUR GREAT U.S..of A!!!  


Hello to all,

I must say that Miss Socio may be right there might be no room for Politics or Religion  among SOME.

I must also say YOU people are the BEST and I feel I can discuss anything among this group!    




Hello, It appears that you indeed have a political agenda on choosing the next GREAT President of this U.S.A.;However one must look at the arena and see  who we have IN THE RUNNING and lets pause and think for a moment and say to ourselves are these people REAL and for the U.S.A.? Who the heck knows ? I can try to recall that Ob at the time of his first election look as if he was for this country and NOW......I MUST THINK AGAIN?   Let us not judge "The Donald" at least and most definite IS FOR OUR GREAT U.S..of A!!!  

Alley, like I said All politicians talk a good one before they get elected. I never once said Ob did a great job, I stated that the people who were quiet during Bush's administration jumped on him from day one. Also, I would like to apologize if I offended you by not embracing Trump, it seems like you know him on a personal level since you KNOW he is for this great USA. I hope he is and I hope that if he does become president we can all give him a real chance. I do not vote for only one party I vote for whom I believe is the better choice or the lesser of 2 evils. Im sorry if you think I am anti conservative (you may have assumed that) but I am not. I just feel that our worldwide credibility is at an all time low and Trump is behaving like a teenager. AGAIN, I will support him if he wins. 

Our next president will be a conservative. Obamacare and Bhengazi as well as Putin making us look like punks has ensured that.
we are running out of parties. 

@mrcoolguy, if you are living in NYC (not sure if that's where you are now but you said you grew up there) what point is there for voting Republican? New York and California seem to always go for the Democratic candidate. This is what I despise about our political system. It makes voting pointless in certain areas because to the stupid Electoral College system which I believe is unconstitutional. Now we have a few small states determining elections. But anyway aside for that Right now I think I would Vote for Jeb Bush. I don't like the Donald, or Hilary. There are a variety of reasons for who  I like which I don't want to get into but based on the current candidates I think Jeb is the best bet. 

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