The Place To Discuss New Features And Ideas For The Forum


Dec 9, 2011
What The ??


I know we were a LITTLE off topic, but geez..


What The ??


I know we were a LITTLE off topic, but geez..

Hi  Interlude!! I tired sending you a PM but i think your full /default_wink.png

hooter1 said:
Is that a real thread that exists in the VIP area or is it just a fanfuckingtastic idea?
Just a concept at the moment, but give it time!

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You're right .. we might need a terms and conditions acceptance process. Where nubies have to check I Understand and agree not to bla bla bla, bla bla blabla.

I will only contact vendors via their website etc etc etc..

AND start an Email only section or do we have that

You're right .. we might need a terms and conditions acceptance process. Where nubies have to check I Understand and agree not to bla bla bla, bla bla blabla.

I will only contact vendors via their website etc etc etc..

AND start an Email only section or do we have that
Something like that would be a great idea, but the only problem I can see with a Terms of Service thing is that it is unlikely to be read by all new members. I can't speak for everybody, but when I register for a site, very rarely do I read the entire TOS. Usually it's just a bunch of fine print that isn't worth reading (however, in this case, it would be).

I think a sticky thread in all bold and possibly a different color font at the top of every forum is a great place to start.

Something like that would be a great idea, but the only problem I can see with a Terms of Service thing is that it is unlikely to be read by all new members. I can't speak for everybody, but when I register for a site, very rarely do I read the entire TOS. Usually it's just a bunch of fine print that isn't worth reading (however, in this case, it would be).

I think a sticky thread in all bold and possibly a different color font at the top of every forum is a great place to start.
I think Shane makes excellent points. The fact is, no one reads TOS agreements. Ever. The only need to implement a TOS acceptance protocol would be born of legal concerns, limitations of liability and such. I believe what we're talking about here is more a practical concern of education and safety, which would be better addressed through various "orientation" procedures, if you will. We've not made use of sticky threads here on DBG to any great degree, and they're quite useful for this sort of purpose.

Nice post Shane. You've been making some thorough, detailed contributions of late that I've enjoyed reading. Keep it going...

I don't know if much of this is feasible, and it may already have been mentioned in another thread at a different time, but I think we just need to limit registration to this section of the board, period.

Maybe each month, grant only a set number of new members the privilege to both view and post in this section of the forum. How to select these people could be done a variety of different ways. One would be to have new users that want to join put their name on a waiting list and every month, the first 3 or 4 or 5 on that list are granted access, so long as they have a certain post count and have been a participating member in other parts of the forum for at least 30 days. While more restrictions or guidelines could be set for new members just picked - such as participation expectations for the first month, whatever the process, once these new members were picked and let in, they would be full members for good (unless banned by Mods for failing to follow rules, trying to scam etc....). 

While this 30 post minimum was a good idea in theory, it hasn't translated quite as well in practice (is it still even 30 posts?). Especially once I saw several people on here with post counts just slightly over 30 that became a member of the forum just a day or two beforehand. I'm not suggesting that it be made impossible to join, view and contribute to this forum - there were no post count requirements when I joined - but it is completely obvious that things have changed since then. Go ahead kill me for making this analogy, but the Constitution (yes, I'm going there) certainly covered many things well at the time, but there was an understanding that, as time passed and things changed, there most certainly would be a need to amend certain parts of what was written to keep things working as efficiently as possible, and to address any problems that may arise with the onset of time and progress. (Ok, enough with that analogy).

Point being, things have changed. And if new people want to join, I don't think waiting for a period of time is unfair at all. Besides, isn't that what the minimum post count rule was supposed to do anyway? The thinking was any new members coming on here to quickly get a vendor's contact info, info on prices, payment directions etc... would realize that wasn't gonna work here. They'd see it takes 30 posts just to get to the section, and therefore they would either go someplace else or - if they were serious - maybe visit other parts of the forum, learn how to become a contributing member in those areas and only then, after maybe 10-14 days of constant contributing (which breaks down to 2-3 posts per day), would they be granted access. But like so many good ideas on paper, this has failed in practice.

Anyway, like I said before, I'm not sure how feasible any of this is. But I do think that something else needs to be done regarding the relative ease with which anyone can not only become a member (with the ability to post and send/receive PMs), but the ease with which anyone can just view this section. 

At the very least, the # of new members allowed to view and post, the frequency with which they are allowed to join, and the guidelines they should be expected to follow while here need to be controlled much better. I really don't think any of that is unfair or unreasonable. And I'm betting it would improve this section of the forum tremendously.

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What's more disconcerting is that the 30 minimum is just to have the ability to post in the Mexican section. Anyone with an account can just log in and read every Mex.thread. This was confirmed by DSGB and longwaydown recently in another thread. Email and Mex sections shouldn't even be visible until the requirements are met, which should include a certain # of positive reputation points as well, IMO.

What's more disconcerting is that the 30 minimum is just to have the ability to post in the Mexican section. Anyone with an account can just log in and read every Mex.thread. This was confirmed by DSGB and longwaydown recently in another thread. Email and Mex sections shouldn't even be visible until the requirements are met, which should include a certain # of positive reputation points as well, IMO.
Heisenberg just provided your answer GB. If access were based solely on a certain reputation point score, as opposed to post count alone, then all of this speed posting nonsense becomes a non-issue. Heave 30 posts against the wall all you like, but you still need 10 positive reputation points to gain access, or whatever the appropriate number is. Approaching it in this manner would place the question of quality of contributions in the hands of the community, which is where it belongs, and would require one to prove themselves to a degree before accessing the board's most sensitive information.

Heisenberg just provided your answer GB. If access were based solely on a certain reputation point score, as opposed to post count alone, then all of this speed posting nonsense becomes a non-issue. Heave 30 posts against the wall all you like, but you still need 10 positive reputation points to gain access, or whatever the appropriate number is. Approaching it in this manner would place the question of quality of contributions in the hands of the community, which is where it belongs, and would require one to prove themselves to a degree before accessing the board's most sensitive information.
Absolutely excellent idea. One that should be taken up with Admin........ I did NOT know people can still read this section should be locked UNTIL you either reach a minimum # of posts.

That coupled with a reputation system would be an added layer of security to keep out the people looking for a quick score.

Agreed. It's not the posting that should be restricted, it's the viewing of that section.

I'm down with the reputation points to be able to see it! Especially if the reputation points have to come from a honorable member? Otherwise they join in multiples and vote up each others posts!


I would agree wholeheartedly. But a lot of great new developments have came to pass recently, and IDK how much work is involved in changing things like that. If it's simple and easy to implement then by all means it should be done asap. I'm just trying to see things from the Admin POV, and don't want to have them working their a$$ off changing everything. They've made some really good changes and I just don't want to have them thinking we don't appreciate the work involved and asking for miles when given inches.

Of course the suggestion is to make the site safe for everyone who means well, and it is a great idea. In fact, given the knowledge anyone can read posts anyway, it probably is just behind Mods if not equal to it if the safety of all the well meaning parties is considered. Jewy seems to know the most about tweaking the software, and pretty much everything in general, so if he says it isn't too time consuming I'm willing to jump on the bandwagon. I just hate to see the Admin making concessions only to have more requests made with no consideration as to the time and effort needed to implement them. It is a giant loophole that should be closed in the easiest manner, as far as tweaking the software goes, though. Maybe the Admin will read this and tell us how its best, from their POV, to make the change. 

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What's more disconcerting is that the 30 minimum is just to have the ability to post in the Mexican section. Anyone with an account can just log in and read every Mex.thread. This was confirmed by DSGB and longwaydown recently in another thread. Email and Mex sections shouldn't even be visible until the requirements are met, which should include a certain # of positive reputation points as well, IMO.
If it is true that anyone can view this section, then you are absolutely right, and the sooner that can be stopped, the better. Anyway, IMO, both positive rep points and a certain waiting period would work well together. Obviously it's not my call, but it seems to me that both would be relatively easy to do and to keep track of. 

BTW, when the F did these reputation things appear? Please tell me they were just added, otherwise I'm going senile before I hit 30.

BTW, when the F did these reputation things appear? Please tell me they were just added, otherwise I'm going senile before I hit 30.
No worries GB, the up / down vote system replaced the more one dimensional "like" system late last night. Your mental acuity remains intact!

Yeah the rep thing is new. Basically replaced the "like" button, so we can now leave + or - feedback for posts.

Yes, longwaydown and DSGB, both fairly new but good contributors, reported in another thread that they could view the Mexican and email sections just by logging in, the only restriction is you can't post.

@ GoldenBoy74!!!!!!!!


Its new as Jewy pointed out but a quick note here: A lot of things have been moving, popping up and then disapearing of late because the admin is really pushing the limits of the software while we are still using it!

Usually, an IT Manager would go in on a Saturday night (12 midnight) make changes, Test them probably have to tweek them in to Sunday and then fire it back up Monday at 12:01am with a read me file .pdf file sent to everyone.

Thats some funny posting man

Yeah the rep thing is new. Basically replaced the "like" button, so we can now leave + or - feedback for posts.

Yes, longwaydown and DSGB, both fairly new but good contributors, reported in another thread that they could view the Mexican and email sections just by logging in, the only restriction is you can't post.
Exactly- we both saw that same thing. Then I think someone else in that same thread who was new said they did not have permission to view that section. So not sure if there is a way to figure out why that would be or if some type of software glitch? 

Totally agree with your points about the 30 posts- if not able to post should not be able to view.. When I first joined I thought that was normal  /default_blink.png  Wish I would have known better and mentioned it sooner..

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  2. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  9. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  10. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  11. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  12. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  13. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  14. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  16. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
  20. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!