Tired of the Abusers


New Member
Jan 24, 2016
Hi, my name is Salem! I'm here to introduce myself and TELL you just how bad drug abuse has gotten! Whoa now before you YOU take offense to that, I'm talking about those of who abuse pain mmedication to get high or off on for a thrill! When there is people like me out there who have to take it like OR NOT to move! I DON'T even have an option of surgery, my back is too far gone, the pain medication is just keeping me out of a wheelchair which I already have because my Doctor is preparing for the day. Now today I go see the Doctor as usual and the pharmacy says that Medicaid won't fill my medication without a Doctor's reauthorization do they care I'm IN pain no.Thank you!

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Hi, my name is Salem! I'm here to introduce myself and TELL you just how bad drug abuse has gotten! Whoa now before you YOU take offense to that, I'm talking about those of who abuse pain mmedication to get high or off on for a thrill! When there is people like me out there who have to take it like OR NOT to move! I DON'T even have an option of surgery, my back is too far gone, the pain medication is just keeping me out of a wheelchair which I already have because my Doctor is preparing for the day. Now today I go see the Doctor as usual and the pharmacy says that Medicaid won't fill my medication without a Doctor's reauthorization do they care I'm IN pain no.Thank you!
Sorry to hear about your pain situation. I know how frustrating insurance and when and how they cover your scrips. But it is partially your doctor's fault. When he or she writes you said scrip for pk's. It gets billed to your insurance as a months supply. What I would suggest doing is approaching your doc about increasing your amount per month and then your insurance should cover it no question. It doesn't have anything to do with abuse or abusers. Unfortunately the way the pharm runs your fill is the primary cause. It messes up getting additional tabs covered within the same month. So in turn your doctor must reauthorize your amount. 

So with that said welcome to the group and hope I was a bit of help explaining what I think happened in your case.

best of luck


Its only to cut off the pain pill supply.  So the cartels and parts us gov can increase the heroin epidemic. Making more money ya thats it right.  Why is heroin use skyrocketing in the usa?   Why do we have to all go to pain management to get a weak ass hydrocodone now and pay twice as much when a gp used to be able to prescribe anything.  Is the gov. Fixing the problem or making it worse.

Any medication that's a narcotic or controlled substance will always be abused by the new generation. They simply do not understand the purpose behind these medications and why they're prescribed to people in the first place. Most of it has to do with parenting, bad parenting results in children ending up abusing drugs. I can understand somebody that would take a pain medication for actual pain, but for the thrill or "fun" of it so to speak is not acceptable in my own point of view.

I know what you're going through right now, I don't have a need for pain medication but I fully understand where you're coming from. Basically what it boils down to is they're trying to law out narcotics not because of the abuse, it's mainly due to the amount of deaths involved with narcotics. Currently more people die from narcotics than car accidents. That's due to the abuse, yes but the only real reason they want to rule narcotics out besides rare circumstances is due to the death tolls skyrocketing each year from abusers.

This clearly means it will be harder for people that actually need these medications to function throughout the day and I'm very sorry for the people here that are going through that. It's not a fun experience at all knowing this new age of people are ruining all the good things in our lives to cure our problems (pain, anxiety, etc) just so they can "have a good time". 

I strongly believe that the medications should stay on the market for the ones who need them. Lower the stock if they need to, but the ones that really honestly need the medicine they should receive it. 

Once again, I am honestly sorry to hear all of this happening to so many good people in this world. I can only hope one day things will change for the better good where people can get what they need without the worry of it becoming illegal or impossible to obtain from a prescription due to people abusing the medications.

Hate to tell you, but as far as the medical community & the govt are concerned if you're using these meds w/o a scipt or in a manner not prescribed you're engaged in abuse & aere contributing to the problem. Most people who start abusing opiods had a legitimate reason to use&started with a prescription.

I know how you feel. I am a chronic pain sufferer with ongoing and worsening back problems for 27 years. Its the abusers that make life difficult and F it up for us. As much as I dislike being on oxycontin I am really fortunate it is available to me. I couldnt be productive without some medication. This was part of the reason I departed the US and sought residency in a foreign country (although that list was long). It became difficult to get any relief at home as the choice of doctors began to thin and insurance wasnt adding any new pain doctors.

I finally gave up on that system and made a huge leap of faith in moving. Oxycontin is expensive here *but reasonable compared to online pharmacies) and the general population cant afford it. I dont know how long I will be able to. The only other choice here is morphine and that makes me depressed, although I am considering making the switch for a month if it will lower my tolerance to oxy. 

Perdue getting a recent extension for its patent on it is a sham. Just as they do with age old fentanyl. They would make a version that you stick in your eye before they would bring the price down. Not to mention long term use of fentanyl can screw with your gallbladder and cause it to temporarily malfunction.

I've found I can cross over to Kratom extracts with minimal discomfort and good pain relief but tolerance builds quickly and it isnt exactly cheap.

I hope to find and share information here. Best wishes for your recovery.

PS I am actually not here for the pain meds. I got hit with a recurrent fungal infection and I am trying to find voriconazole as they do not have it in this country.

@HealingVibes I'm sorry to hear about your chronic pain, it's very unfortunate. However what strain and brand of Kratom are you using to treat your pain? 

I'm asking this due to the fact it's not only a more natural and safer substance, it's apparently worked wonders for people which is hard to believe.

I am new to the Kratom scene so knowing this would be great, might help some people here as well.

Fentanyl is a scary drug, I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot poll. I assume it has it's uses, but seems more deadly than anything which is why it's so scary. I've also heard a lot about counterfeit Ox/Rox being made with Fentanyl and various other things. Pain meds should be prescribed to those that are diagnosed with a chronic pain disorder, hands down no questions asked. If somebody is having temporary pain that's a little different, I can understand why they wouldn't scribe for one or two time usage just to keep the stock up high for the ones who need it daily to function.

I hope you find what you're looking for, and best of luck to you.

Best wishes,


I know how you feel. I am a chronic pain sufferer with ongoing and worsening back problems for 27 years. Its the abusers that make life difficult and F it up for us. As much as I dislike being on oxycontin I am really fortunate it is available to me. I couldnt be productive without some medication. This was part of the reason I departed the US and sought residency in a foreign country (although that list was long). It became difficult to get any relief at home as the choice of doctors began to thin and insurance wasnt adding any new pain doctors.

I finally gave up on that system and made a huge leap of faith in moving. Oxycontin is expensive here *but reasonable compared to online pharmacies) and the general population cant afford it. I dont know how long I will be able to. The only other choice here is morphine and that makes me depressed, although I am considering making the switch for a month if it will lower my tolerance to oxy. 

Perdue getting a recent extension for its patent on it is a sham. Just as they do with age old fentanyl. They would make a version that you stick in your eye before they would bring the price down. Not to mention long term use of fentanyl can screw with your gallbladder and cause it to temporarily malfunction.

I've found I can cross over to Kratom extracts with minimal discomfort and good pain relief but tolerance builds quickly and it isnt exactly cheap.

I hope to find and share information here. Best wishes for your recovery.

PS I am actually not here for the pain meds. I got hit with a recurrent fungal infection and I am trying to find voriconazole as they do not have it in this country.
They do this because so many people just HAvE to have brand name. Because it sells for more.If you are in pain...and I am in fkkn pain...generics will work..you will say "hell yes" to morphine because let's face it, what's depression next to feeling suicidal with agony?

Not you imparticular but there is a lot of entitlement going on in some of your heads. And..don't worry about people screwing up the system for you with your pain meds...ultimately..that was big pharma and not the individual, when Purdue used their own doctors..on pay role..to legitimize  trial studies and convince lots of doctors, that were trying to do right by you, that it had no addictive effects. Fast forward to areas like mine with loads of manual labor and very little substance abuse resources and wah-la! We're all F*cked. It doesn't matter if you have multiple herniated dics..dessication and are post opx10 or if you just walked to a D boy one days and decided to get hooked on opiates (because mentally sane people do this and deserve swift persecution..wtf.) ..guess what...We are utilizing the same resources now.  I tagged your post only in reference to the "morphine makes me depressed bit" Sorry you had to skip country because junkies ruined it for you..but I can honestly say you have the sole distinction of being the ONLY person I have ever heard of not being able..and of course having debilitating...existing conditions..to get refused by everyone. Seems like an odd plight to leave and pay cash because Medicaid and Medicare are no longer available to you once you aren't a US citizen..and because you are so persecuted..and in agony..but not enough agony to take the equivelent whopping mount of MS they would rx you.

And @VII.. I'm looking at you too. Who do you people think you are with with "The world owes me" mentality. I foresee a time when our beloved pain specialists won't exist because who wants to take time to become a specialist. .In a completely thankless community.  I'm not usually confrontational. But when your page Is full of "I'm saying prayers for people" saint nonsense...don't be a martyr. 

I've been In healthcare since i joined the army at 18. Something doesnt add up. 

Also. Good luck with that fungal infection 

Sorry to hear about your pain situation. I know how frustrating insurance and when and how they cover your scrips. But it is partially your doctor's fault. When he or she writes you said scrip for pk's. It gets billed to your insurance as a months supply. What I would suggest doing is approaching your doc about increasing your amount per month and then your insurance should cover it no question. It doesn't have anything to do with abuse or abusers. Unfortunately the way the pharm runs your fill is the primary cause. It messes up getting additional tabs covered within the same month. So in turn your doctor must reauthorize your amount. 

So with that said welcome to the group and hope I was a bit of help explaining what I think happened in your case.

best of luck

This guy knows what's up. And sorry for the lack of empathy in my last post. Guess I just forgot my healing vibes. The most chill username. The saltiest words.

@Salem..a communal "You're welcome" for the Medicaid.

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Sorry to hear about this and you're right. I suffered an accident at work 13 years ago and have been dealing with chronic pain ever since. My problem is that I still try to stay active. Work , still go to the gym and enjoy all outdoor sports. I use my meds to sustain a normal life. Some people have issues with a guy that takes opiates and stays active when I should be on disability or doing as little as possible.

It's not me to judge who should or shouldn't be prescribed medications to allow them to live comfortably. My original doctor, who just passed, gave me his opinion on prescribing pain medications. He felt if people were in pain and coming to him. He could try to manage it and see them bi-monthly. All of a sudden the government stepped in and labeled doctors like himself. Once you start cutting people off. They will start self medicating without the supervision of a professional and no check ups. Hence we have a heroin epidemic. 

I for one would love to find an alternative and will look into the Kratom.

With everything that I just read I can't help but wonder how the doctors feel about all of the new laws that have been put in place.  I am a chronic pain sufferer and have gone thru numerous surgeries, the latest being just a few months ago and my doctor is afraid to prescribe 5/325 vikes.  The Pain Management clinic that I am going to constantly pushes giving injections.  At my last appointment I was given 7 injections in my neck and received relief from the pain for about 2 days.  So now what does a person do?  Go back every two days for 7 more injections?  All I can say is "the whole system is a mess for those of us that have chronic pain"!!

I feel for anyone in chronic pain, and can't imagine what it must feel like.

However, many people abuse opiates to escape trauma, whether in childhood or adulthoood. Also, many use it to escape from mental health problems, bereavement and poverty.

I have used medium strength opiates to numb my own memory, but only once in 9 years.

Admittedly, it was fairly recently, but I don't plan of making a habit of it.

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I havent read all of these posts too hard to see but I caught the one about heroin use. Heroin use has been on the rise since  you know the war in aphganistan and iraq. thank you bush. Its everywher and getting worse. My brother is an addict and my sister in law died an addict but they did not start by using rx pain medication. I hear this on tv all the time people are doing heroin because they cant get pain medication. or they started using pain medication first. I think its a total lie and makes it hard for people that really need it. But that is just my opinion.

I havent read all of these posts too hard to see but I caught the one about heroin use. Heroin use has been on the rise since  you know the war in aphganistan and iraq. thank you bush. Its everywher and getting worse. My brother is an addict and my sister in law died an addict but they did not start by using rx pain medication. I hear this on tv all the time people are doing heroin because they cant get pain medication. or they started using pain medication first. I think its a total lie and makes it hard for people that really need it. But that is just my opinion.
Nicotine is the gateway drug for heroin

huge epidemiological study release a few years ago proved that

Havent heard that before nicotine hmmm.  I traded my cigarettes for a cup of tea 20 years ago. its the ritual taht is hard to break . When I feel that need i fix a cup of tea.

I will have to google it

Havent heard that before nicotine hmmm.  I traded my cigarettes for a cup of tea 20 years ago. its the ritual taht is hard to break . When I feel that need i fix a cup of tea.
do a little searching on google scholar or pubmed and you'll find the work

showed that about 80+% of all heroin addicts first became addicted to the buzz from the first hit on a ciggie, many of those earlier in life 

the illicit smoke behind the bike shed at school

I smoke, my ex smokes, I have used opiate tablets a couple of times (118's) but nothing stronger. Neither of us have heroin habits, and he started smoking at 11.

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The research does not say 'all who smoke become heroin addicts'

do you understand the concept and practice of epidemiology? they asked the addicts detailed questionaires about their lives, tens of thousands of them

then did a whole load of statistics and the outcome was that more heroin addicts had tobacco in common than any other substance, especially in early life

It does not show that smoking makes you a heroin addict, if it did there would be hundreds of millions of heroin addicts

more states are introducing legislation to ban Kratom .  They want street junkies and then turn around and blame legit docs and legit ailing people.

Sick system

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ah what just what happened here,

<-confused :/ but il move on from this thread :P , i

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  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
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  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
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  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?