I am so glad that was like that for you. SO glad.
LOL! It's probably safer the way you're doing it. But I literally cringe when I think of these little devil pills. I can still remember the taste and it makes me wanna vomit just thinking about it. That sweet yet bitter taste. Ahhh okay I need to stop thinking about it. It's weird that I was ever addicted to them because although I did get a slight euphoria, they also made me feel just weird. Can't explain it too well but it was kinda an energetic feeling but I always felt buzzed out of my mind. In a paranoid kinda way. Like eyes bugging out of head. I've always wondered if that's how they made everyone feel. I can pretty safely say I'll never touch them again, ick!I don't understand why you members mess with that stuff. It's dangerous. I never did and prefer to stick with the real Tramps! Ya know, skanks, sluts, blow toads,wenches, chippies......
Whatever works for anyone is great in my mind, to each their own.I care about you all, trampoline is a good choice vs anything else if it relieves pain
Oh Bunnies!
i am so sorry for what you went through! I too was told it was non-addictive. Thank you for sharing your story. People need to be warned about the potential of this med. They also need to be informed BY THE PRESCRIBING DOCTOR about the SSRI properties of this med. My Moms best friend, who I call my Aunt, was just prescribed tramadol after knee surgery. She knows about my story and told the doctor off! Lol! She is 78. She said the doctor didnt seem to know the horror stories associatec with this drug. She actually showed him a couple of sites about the negative effects of this drug.......she said he seemed really taken aback! This is her FOURTH time being prescribed this med in the last five years. When I think of anyone suffering because of this drug....i get SO FRIKKEN MAD. Yes, it does work for some, but people need to be warned. I abused the heck out of this drug and I almost did not make it back. It had its hold on me for two years.
To have your story posted Bunnies, will help many. Thank you! You do not need to abuse this drug to suffer its negative side effects. You cannot just stop taking it! Most doctors are completely unaware of what tramadol does. Or, they dont care because they met their prescribing quota to get that Belize vacation from the pharm rep.
You do realize that's against the rules, right? If anybody follows through on this, you're a rube. I don't care whether you're a nurse or brain surgeon FFS...Pm me for ........
Do you recall the amount in emgees? I recently got some legit 50emgee tr@ms from my uncle and the first thing I did was check bluelight & erowid - the max dose recommended in 24 hrs is 400emgees. Anything above that lowers the seizure threshold. Some people are more sensitive and I've read of people seizing from doses in the 100-150 range.my experience with tr@m:
back in 07 i was prescrbed tr@m for pain relief following an incident where i'd been hit by a car (i was a pedestrian on the sidewalk, nsome drunk l.a. asshole hit me. on a sidewalk. yes you read that right. did i mention it was 2pm? bit early to be drunk driving.) i asked a lot of questions and the doctor assured me it was non-habit forming and would help the pain + allow me to continue to work. i did not find this medication helpful for my pain at all but as i'd refused to take anything 0p1@te derived the doctor insisted tr@m was the best
the amount of medication i was prescribed for this incident was ridiculous (in hindsight) but i did as the doctor instructed/prescribed for 2 weeks despite not finding it helpful as i was told i could not take any other OTC PKs (aspirin, ibuprofen, tylenol, etc) while on this med. at the end of 2 weeks doctor saw me again for a follow-up and x-rays. he wrote out another prescription even though i said i was hesitant to keep taking the tr@m and would prefer to take extra strength ibuprofen or something like that. he insisted tr@m would help as i clearly still had a lot of bruising (internally and externally) and i needed to continue working.
Benz0s are a must IMO with tr@m, they can cause anxiety both during and after dosing. Also they have SNRI antidepressant properties as Cat mentioned. Be VERY careful with this med. Oh, and they are most definitely addictive.I have got down to 4 50mg caps a day now. Although with a little benzo help in all honesty. I find it difficult for the first two days of dosage drop then it's just normality again.