
I am currently working to reduce my tr@m intake. Went from once or twice a week "treat" to daily over past year. I am actually excited about getting back to normal in the bottom distant future, but I have decided enough is enough now.

I don't understand why you members mess with that stuff. It's dangerous. I never did and prefer to stick with the real Tramps! Ya know, skanks, sluts, blow toads,wenches, chippies......

I don't understand why you members mess with that stuff. It's dangerous. I never did and prefer to stick with the real Tramps! Ya know, skanks, sluts, blow toads,wenches, chippies......
LOL! It's probably safer the way you're doing it. But I literally cringe when I think of these little devil pills. I can still remember the taste and it makes me wanna vomit just thinking about it. That sweet yet bitter taste. Ahhh okay I need to stop thinking about it. It's weird that I was ever addicted to them because although I did get a slight euphoria, they also made me feel just weird. Can't explain it too well but it was kinda an energetic feeling but I always felt buzzed out of my mind. In a paranoid kinda way. Like eyes bugging out of head. I've always wondered if that's how they made everyone feel. I can pretty safely say I'll never touch them again, ick!

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From what I understand Teal T's work on the same brain receptors as narcs but without the euphoria. Strike one for me.

I think I did try them once or twice before and yeah no euphrophia. Strike 2.

And the fact I could have a serious reaction with one of my other meds, well, I'll just strike out looking. Strike 3, I'm out.

Pretty clever sport analogy I just wrote. Huh? Huh?  Negative, sports analogies especially baseball are lame. I've even head some lame sportscaster use a baseball analogy during a football game. Duh!

I have heard of people taking recreational doses and having seizures! Screw that, I would rather have codeine if I was going for a weak op.

I have heard of people taking recreational doses and having seizures! Screw that, I would rather have codeine if I was going for a weak op.

I care about you all, trampoline is a good choice vs anything else if it relieves pain
Whatever works for anyone is great in my mind, to each their own. 

Personally I think almost any other medication is better than tram at this point though, there's risks in over medication causing complications without any signs of early distress and, for those it affects, the WD is absolutely terrible. 

That combined with the removal of its easy availability state side makes me cautious to even suggest it for anyone, some of the mid grade opiates are less risky than tram in my opinion. 

Tram has caused issues for some people I am very familiar with; I was just saying for me the least potent med that can take care of pain is the best idea imho. Sorry for being unclear. Everyone has different experiences. 

my experience with tr@m:

back in 07 i was prescrbed tr@m for pain relief following an incident where i'd been hit by a car (i was a pedestrian on the sidewalk, some drunk l.a. asshole hit me. on a sidewalk. yes you read that right. did i mention it was 2pm? bit early to be drunk driving.)  i asked a lot of questions and the doctor assured me it was non-habit forming and would help the pain + allow me to continue to work.  i did not find this medication helpful for my pain at all but as i'd refused to take anything 0p1@te derived the doctor insisted tr@m was the best bet. 

the amount of medication i was prescribed for this incident was ridiculous (in hindsight) but i did as the doctor instructed/prescribed for 2 weeks despite not finding it helpful as i was told i could not take any other OTC PKs (aspirin, ibuprofen, tylenol, etc) while on this med.  at the end of 2 weeks doctor saw me again for a follow-up and x-rays. he wrote out another prescription even though i said i was hesitant to keep taking the tr@m and would prefer to take extra strength ibuprofen or something like that.  he insisted tr@m would help as i clearly still had a lot of bruising (internally and externally) and i needed to continue working. 

fast forward 3 days after the follow up appointment, i'm having these weird spikes of energy but not the good kind - the kind that gave me the shakes and made it hard to breathe. my moods became unpredictable gradually over the course of this med. my brain starts getting these weird zapping feelings and the next thing i know i have what feels like a full blown panic attack - actually blacked out at work while interviewing potential candidates.  EMS were called. apparently, according to emergency responders, i had a seizure while taking the prescribed dose of this medication.  waking up on the floor of the recruiting office with paramedics was the last straw for me. i ceased taking tr@m right then and there, against my doctors orders.  i took this medication twice a day for a total of 17 days. i lost 8 pounds, hardly slept, and often found myself emotionally agitated/confused.

the purpose of this story is twofold: 1) some people are sensitive to tr@ms and don't know it until they take it and have adverse effects.  if you take this medication and start to notice anything like what i've described above, call your doctor immediately and ask to be taken off, do not allow it to build up in your system by continued prescribed use. and 2) if you are able to take this medication, and you take it regularly, it is easy for me to see why coming off of it is terrifying and awful.  i was only on it for 17 days as prescribed and the hell i went through after voluntary discontinuation was unlike anything i've experienced in my life.  on top of all the awful physical withdrawal symptoms (made worse no doubt by the pre-existing injuries sustained after being hit by a car) i ended a 4.5 year relationship and relocated to another state during the withdrawal period.  i would not have made those choices had i not been going through the withdrawal mindfuck from tr@ms. 

i know this medication helps a lot of people and i'm not in any way negating or minimizing it's positive affects for anyone it helps.  saying that, tr@m is not for everyone. if it's not for you, don't keep taking it - you know your body better than your doctor; even if they insist, just decline - that is your right as a patient.  if it works for you and you want to stop taking it, i'ma light a candle and say a prayer for you because i know first-hand how awful it is.  if you're taking it and it has improved the quality of your life and lessened your pain, by all means go forth and be pain free and happy. 

the only reason i decided to post this is because i've not seen many people reply to threads about this medication that had similar experiences to myself, but surely i am not alone. if someone comes here scared about how they feel while taking this medication, i want them to find this post and be assured that they are not alone and hopefully it helps them. lord knows i wish i'd had this information when it happened to me.

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Oh Bunnies!

i am so sorry for what you went through!  I too was told it was non-addictive.  Thank you for sharing your story.  People need to be warned about the potential of this med.  They also need to be informed BY THE PRESCRIBING DOCTOR about the SSRI properties of this med.  My Moms best friend, who I call my Aunt, was just prescribed tramadol after knee surgery.  She knows about my story and told the doctor off!  Lol!  She is 78.  She said the doctor didnt seem to know the horror stories associatec with this drug.  She actually showed him a couple of sites about the negative effects of this drug.......she said he seemed really taken aback!  This is her FOURTH time being prescribed this med in the last five years.  When I think of anyone suffering because of this drug....i get SO FRIKKEN MAD.  Yes, it does work for some, but people need to be warned.  I abused the heck out of this drug and I almost did not make it back.  It had its hold on me for two years.  

To have your story posted Bunnies, will help many.  Thank you!  You do not need to abuse this drug to suffer its negative side effects.  You cannot just stop taking it!  Most doctors are completely unaware of what tramadol does.  Or, they dont care because they met their prescribing quota to get that Belize vacation from the pharm rep.  

Not necessarily.  Dihydro is much easier to quit than tramadol anyway.  You must live i the UK, huh?

Oh Bunnies!

i am so sorry for what you went through!  I too was told it was non-addictive.  Thank you for sharing your story.  People need to be warned about the potential of this med.  They also need to be informed BY THE PRESCRIBING DOCTOR about the SSRI properties of this med.  My Moms best friend, who I call my Aunt, was just prescribed tramadol after knee surgery.  She knows about my story and told the doctor off!  Lol!  She is 78.  She said the doctor didnt seem to know the horror stories associatec with this drug.  She actually showed him a couple of sites about the negative effects of this drug.......she said he seemed really taken aback!  This is her FOURTH time being prescribed this med in the last five years.  When I think of anyone suffering because of this drug....i get SO FRIKKEN MAD.  Yes, it does work for some, but people need to be warned.  I abused the heck out of this drug and I almost did not make it back.  It had its hold on me for two years.  

To have your story posted Bunnies, will help many.  Thank you!  You do not need to abuse this drug to suffer its negative side effects.  You cannot just stop taking it!  Most doctors are completely unaware of what tramadol does.  Or, they dont care because they met their prescribing quota to get that Belize vacation from the pharm rep.  

thanks a lot for your kind words Cat, especially after everything you've been through with this particular medication.  true it's not dangerous for everyone, but there are a lot of other effects that doctors don't tell you about even when you ask loads of questions.  i'm so pleased to see this thread here on DBG so people can be informed. i'm sorry your auntie has to deal with this stuff, don't blame her one bit for abstaining.  just a shame this is what doctors prescribe when you ask for a PK that is "non habit forming" because i can see how it totally is habit forming for people that don't react badly to it, even when taken as prescribed.

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I have got down to 4 50mg caps a day now. Although with a little benzo help in all honesty. I find it difficult for the first two days of dosage drop then it's just normality again. 

Pm me for ........
You do realize that's against the rules, right?  If anybody follows through on this, you're a rube.  I don't care whether you're a nurse or brain surgeon FFS...

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my experience with tr@m:

back in 07 i was prescrbed tr@m for pain relief following an incident where i'd been hit by a car (i was a pedestrian on the sidewalk, nsome drunk l.a. asshole hit me. on a sidewalk. yes you read that right. did i mention it was 2pm? bit early to be drunk driving.)  i asked a lot of questions and the doctor assured me it was non-habit forming and would help the pain + allow me to continue to work.  i did not find this medication helpful for my pain at all but as i'd refused to take anything 0p1@te derived the doctor insisted tr@m was the best

the amount of medication i was prescribed for this incident was ridiculous (in hindsight) but i did as the doctor instructed/prescribed for 2 weeks despite not finding it helpful as i was told i could not take any other OTC PKs (aspirin, ibuprofen, tylenol, etc) while on this med.  at the end of 2 weeks doctor saw me again for a follow-up and x-rays. he wrote out another prescription even though i said i was hesitant to keep taking the tr@m and would prefer to take extra strength ibuprofen or something like that.  he insisted tr@m would help as i clearly still had a lot of bruising (internally and externally) and i needed to continue working. 
Do you recall the amount in emgees?  I recently got some legit 50emgee tr@ms from my uncle and the first thing I did was check bluelight & erowid - the max dose recommended in 24 hrs is 400emgees.  Anything above that lowers the seizure threshold.  Some people are more sensitive and I've read of people seizing from doses in the 100-150 range. 

I have toothaches relatively often as did my uncle, he gave me some for that reason which I found to not do much for the pain as many people have reported.  So far Ibuprofen is the only thing that works for me unless it's severe, then I use a product similar to Orajel.

I have got down to 4 50mg caps a day now. Although with a little benzo help in all honesty. I find it difficult for the first two days of dosage drop then it's just normality again. 
Benz0s are a must IMO with tr@m, they can cause anxiety both during and after dosing.  Also they have SNRI antidepressant properties as Cat mentioned.  Be VERY careful with this med.  Oh, and they are most definitely addictive.

Yeah, I have found out to my cost, and acquired a benzo dependence, not sure what level, but I suspect 15-25mg daily. Hopefully less, messing around currently finding comfortable diaz dose, one that doesn't make me feel tired nor WD. I cheated off the tramz, but I really wanted off them. 


 every medication interacts different on everyone,so getting addicted to one medication in particular might varies depending on the person,that is my opinion.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for