God to know! I have a scrip for neurontin. Dr put me on that and risperdal to enhance my effexor. One or the other was giving me the heebie jeebies so i stopped taking both (i could NOT sit still). I will have to try that during my next wds. Thanks DZ!My very first experience with Trams was about eight years ago and I was taking 2 50mg pills a day. This went on for about a year and a half. Then I had surgery and was prescribed Perx, took two of those total and also decided that I was just going to stop taking the Trams all together - having no idea that they could even cause any type of withdrawal. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why I couldn't sleep at night and why I constantly felt like my chest was going to cave in. It wasn't until I went through withdrawals from them again years later that I knew why.
I am one of those who are entirely too impatient to do a taper...as much as I would love to do so. When I decide that I want to be done that is it, I am done. A complete Godsend for Tramadol withdrawal is Neutron (aka Gabapentin) All signs of withdrawal disappear and you feel human again. I am definitely nit a doctor I- just pointing out something that I have had some luck with.
Best of luck to you all...