

My very first experience with Trams was about eight years ago and I was taking 2 50mg pills a day. This went on for about a year and a half. Then I had surgery and was prescribed Perx, took two of those total and also decided that I was just going to stop taking the Trams all together - having no idea that they could even cause any type of withdrawal. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why I couldn't sleep at night and why I constantly felt like my chest was going to cave in. It wasn't until I went through withdrawals from them again years later that I knew why.

I am one of those who are entirely too impatient to do a much as I would love to do so. When I decide that I want to be done that is it, I am done. A complete Godsend for Tramadol withdrawal is Neutron (aka Gabapentin) All signs of withdrawal disappear and you feel human again. I am definitely nit a doctor I- just pointing out something that I have had some luck with.

Best of luck to you all...
God to know! I have a scrip for neurontin. Dr put me on that and risperdal to enhance my effexor. One or the other was giving me the heebie jeebies so i stopped taking both (i could NOT sit still). I will have to try that during my next wds. Thanks DZ!

Cat the Hat,

i just went back and read your posts. You were taking 1200 m day? I've never even heard of anyone taking so much. That's insane. Correct me if I misread. So U also had a seizure?

I can't imagine the w/d from that high a dosage. I hate the stuff even at 300/diem, but it works and one must live their life, no? Hope you found a substitute.

Just today I saw my newest pain doctor, my 4th overall. This guy had given me injections, seen my MRI, etc...I've spend over $1000 of my own money in his practice. The mofo knows I have some shit going on. Long story short, I walk out of an 8am appointment with a script for 800mg Motr-rin. Couldn't even get refill on the Trms this time! 

This is neither here nor there, but I gave the bstrd a piece of my mind and will not be going back. Already have new pain doc lined up. Thank effin Chrst for DBG.

Shit Ditch that's tough.

I did it about 10 years in chiro school. My friend used to order them online with script from his Doctor Father and he'd give them to me because he said they would get rid of tiredness. It was true, I'd pop two tabs is the morning at 6am, get dressed and cruise to school feeling great after about 45 minutes that it took for tramadol to kick in. I would re-dose at 2:00pm and then study in the library like a fiend for hours while feeling awesome. It was only my second time dealing with 'feel good drugs' (once before with 5/325 for bone surgery in my finger) but this Ultram lasted all freaking day. As soon as I woke up I'd feel shitty and reach for the bottle. Well, I was pretty careful and would do maybe 2 or 3 days a week. Still when I quit I felt shitty, but a month later I was normal. I went years without any.

Last spring I was in a motor vehicle accident and fractured some bones in my wrists, luckily not to badly that I needed surgery and the blood supply was still there so healing was good. But I was given 10/325 percocets for 2 months. When they were gone I really didn't mind because I had become tolerant to them anyway and didn't miss them. I don't even remember feeling WD's. Strange. But I did like that feeling so I looked up my old freind 'tramadol' on the internet and found some US OP that sold 180 tabs for dirt cheap so I bought some. In the begining I just took them on Fridays. Then I added Saturdays. This went on for a while and I was OK with feeling great on Friday and Saturday. I was as cheerful as hell at the office and my patients loved coming in on Fridays: my patient count grew up to around 70 patients on that day just from my attitude and hustle from feeling so good, and it would last all day and I'd be in complete control too without any 'drunken' feeling. On Sunday through Wednesdays though I felt really shitty, Seratonin levels were minimal and sleep and constipation were anoying as shit. I also got some terrible headaches unless I took tramadol with diazepam. By Thursday I would feel recoverd and then Friday would come again and the whole cycle would begin.

It wasn't too many months when I added another day (Halloween I think because we all dressed up at my office) then gradually it has now turned into non-stop 2 in the morning and 2 after lunch. With diazepam too. Two 10mg tabs. I tried stopping cold turkey a month ago and made it 2 days. I felt cold and clammy, brain flashes, tinnitus, and the brain fog was just aweful, I just wanted to stay in the hot shower. Couldn't sleep and had the runs, irritable like you said and had no energy to run or work out. Besides the cold sweats I had. I'd soak my bed while freezing. Always cold or hot sweats.

This is going to be a tough one Mr. Ditch. You didn't know how screwed up I was eh? Nobody talks much about that on here. Just the good and the fun, well I hope everyone is having fun and is in control of their good times. Me? Well I could continue, tramadol isn't expensive. It isn't hard to get. But I know that inside I'm an addict to this drug. So I'm going to try and taper off slowly doing the things that they advise. I'm not going to beat my self up about it. I know others have it and have beaten it. I have 200mg tramadol and 20mg of Val to drop, plus some Rox**s that I was doing 2 or 3 days a week. They won't be hard. It's the tramadol that's the killer for me.

So when you want to finish your story, I'd be glad to hear it. Like I said, I started today. Dropped one pill. Don't feel too bad yet, just a little sniffy nose. I know it will be like having the flu later. It's going to be a long trial for me I know. But I'm determined. I want to do it on my own too.

Best of luck and hope to hear more too,

Thank you for sharing your story, Young.   I hope it helps others......I know it will.

I was given Tramadol to wean off More Fine.  I didn't sleep for 3 days - wide awake but exhausted/in pain.  It was a weird sleeplessness - almost like I'd taken upper, which I don't like.

Pulled the drug info out, re-read it, and <1% have side effect of acute or chronic sleeplessness.....that was me.  Never took another.   Have about 500 of them stuck in a cabinet, I guess, to sit and rot as far as I'm concerned.  Didn't help much with my pain tho I could feel a tiny difference when I was taking them - pain not controlled in least.  Would've had to eat large amounts to get some relief.   Worthless, IMHO, and dangerous.

I hear more and more terrible things about this drug as time goes on.

Cat the Hat,

i just went back and read your posts. You were taking 1200 m day? I've never even heard of anyone taking so much. That's insane. Correct me if I misread. So U also had a seizure?

I can't imagine the w/d from that high a dosage. I hate the stuff even at 300/diem, but it works and one must live their life, no? Hope you found a substitute.

Just today I saw my newest pain doctor, my 4th overall. This guy had given me injections, seen my MRI, etc...I've spend over $1000 of my own money in his practice. The mofo knows I have some shit going on. Long story short, I walk out of an 8am appointment with a script for 800mg Motr-rin. Couldn't even get refill on the Trms this time! 

This is neither here nor there, but I gave the bstrd a piece of my mind and will not be going back. Already have new pain doc lined up. Thank effin Chrst for DBG.
I actually at one point was taking 36 50mg per day. I currently take 18 per day. I have twitched REALLY bad and I am shocked that i havent had a seizure. But ai havent. Apparently I am not seizure prone, good for me! Lol!

So sorry about your pain. I cant imagine what it is like to have physical pain and the doctor is able, but wont treat it. motrin? Are you fucking KIDDING me? That sucks! I agree, thanks to DBG i am better. I have to withdraw less! The VERY best to you and I hope your new Doc has a set. Xxoo

        Doctors these days would rather prescribe potentially very dangerous drugs like tramadol instead of a mild pain killer.   That is so wrong - worst part is govt to blame for many doctors fearing to prescribe even mild narcotics.  Big Pharma has to make their money on all these new drugs they developed for pain - even when later on people have harmful, long term effects that weren't known.  See them advertised on TV quite often.

Medical schools are drilling this propaganda into their heads so new doctors really think they are doing the right thing - substitute 4-5 new meds for the 1 narcotic med.  If they don't help patient or even harm patient.......oh well.   I had a new doctor tell me he "doesn't believe in narcotics".  He drank the kool-aid.



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       Doctors these days would rather prescribe potentially very dangerous drugs like tramadol instead of a mild pain killer.   That is so wrong - worst part is govt to blame for many doctors fearing to prescribe even mild narcotics.  Big Pharma has to make their money on all these new drugs they developed for pain - even when later on people have harmful, long term effects that weren't known.  See them advertised on TV quite often.

Medical schools are drilling this propaganda into their heads so new doctors really think they are doing the right thing - substitute 4-5 new meds for the 1 narcotic med.  If they don't help patient or even harm patient.......oh well.   I had a new doctor tell me he "doesn't believe in narcotics".  He drank the kool-aid.

It's incredible Denise how often meds that are more dangerous than another are prescribed for patients. I have a friend who is a doctor and when he was in medical school, he was told that when it comes to a patient with pain then it is the doctor's responsibility to relieve the patient of said pain.

He knows that I have chronic migraines, so I told him that I have been to the ER a couple of times and the doc failed to relieve me of the pain from the migraine. He told me if it were him, and this should go for all doctors, that it is their obligation to get rid of that pain. That's one of the main goals of being a doctor and he would never allow himself to be pressured into not prescribing what is right for the patient and that includes opi@t3s.

And back to the fact of docs prescribing more dangerous drugs, there are many docs who are not informed because they don't look at the medical journals and aren't up to date on the most recent developments when it comes to meds.


God to know! I have a scrip for neurontin. Dr put me on that and risperdal to enhance my effexor. One or the other was giving me the heebie jeebies so i stopped taking both (i could NOT sit still). I will have to try that during my next wds. Thanks DZ!
That IS interesting. I have plenty of Neurontin. I'll have to try that when I come off the trams. Might work really well for me. I tried the Neurontin for sciatic nerve pain and a small dose (300mg) really helped with the shooting nerve pain - so I guess I respond to it very well.

Thanks Dorothy - that's definitely something I have never heard. Neurontin for tram WD. - who knows...

That IS interesting. I have plenty of Neurontin. I'll have to try that when I come off the trams. Might work really well for me. I tried the Neurontin for sciatic nerve pain and a small dose (300mg) really helped with the shooting nerve pain - so I guess I respond to it very well.

Thanks Dorothy - that's definitely something I have never heard. Neurontin for tram WD. - who knows...
I am def gonna try it. I am unable to taper due to lack of self control, so my wds are bad. Been through it a few times and it is hell. I would have never thought of neurontin. We will have to report back to each other after trying. The poppyseed tea and a couple/few low dose codeeeene with ibuprofen workd really well for me. The poppyseed in particular for the hershey squirties and stomach pain works real well. I always lose aout 10 pounds with wds. Trying to gain it back from my last go round, sigh

Neurontin (gabapentin) was like HEAVEN for me when they first prescribed it for my nerve pain.

It helped better than the More tabs they were giving.

First time I took one, all that horrible burning in my entire left arm/hand completely disappeared.  I loved it.

And I said, if my pain can be controlled with things like this, fine.  

But after a while I became used to it, soon on max dose, even sooner none of the initial relief.    /default_sad.png

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My beef with this are the a**holes violating their Hippocratic Oath (for whatever reason).

25 yrs ago I used to watch people with cancer die in agony because docs wouldn't prescribe meds.

In Oncology and Hospice, we worked SO hard to educated the doctors - that, as said above, if your body really needs that medication you will NOT get high......the body "eats it up".   Because it needs it.

Then it seemed everyone began getting pain meds.  Hell, when state inspected us we would get a deficiency if we didn't document every shift a patient's pain level and our intervention, along with whether patient's pain relieved.  Early 2000's it was a BIG deal and auditors wanted everybody (except staff LOL) out of pain with at least 4 or below out of 1-10.

Now full circle, doctors are allowing patients to suffer again because of the govt (and also out-of-control celebrities with more money than sense with 5 doctors who OD themselves).

Google "The Patient's Bill of Rights"     Yes, we have one.  It''s legal.

You should read this before dealing with doctors or when in hospital.  Keep a copy.

Because our patient rights are being violated by doctors/govt.

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While we are speaking about it - SSRI's, etc. for pain.     What a bunch of trash, speaking as nurse of 25 yrs.

SSRI's make me suicidal - it's been documented by doctors on sev different ones.  Yet latest doc wanted to put me on one.

Maybe I should've mentioned they also make me violent & homocidal......and I know his address.  Probably wouldn't be so fast to mess with someone's brain chemistry, turn them into something they aren't by nature, if his a** was at jeopardy.

Other than Neurontin, pk, muscle relaxers for spasms - they can shove all the crap meds......some of it is more voodoo magic (or making us guinea pigs) than true scientific knowledge applied to individual patients.   Doesn't help pain.  

Violates his Hippocratic Oath - to do no harm.

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My beef with this are the a**holes violating their Hippocratic Oath (for whatever reason).

25 yrs ago I used to watch people with cancer die in agony because docs wouldn't prescribe meds.

In Oncology and Hospice, we worked SO hard to educated the doctors - that, as said above, if your body really needs that medication you will NOT get high......the body "eats it up".   Because it needs it.

Then it seemed everyone began getting pain meds.  Hell, when state inspected us we would get a deficiency if we didn't document every shift a patient's pain level and our intervention, along with whether patient's pain relieved.  Early 2000's it was a BIG deal and auditors wanted everybody (except staff LOL) out of pain with at least 4 or below out of 1-10.

Now full circle, doctors are allowing patients to suffer again because of the govt (and also out-of-control celebrities with more money than sense with 5 doctors who OD themselves).

Google "The Patient's Bill of Rights"     Yes, we have one.  It''s legal.

You should read this before dealing with doctors or when in hospital.  Keep a copy.

Because our patient rights are being violated by doctors/govt.
You are an RN, Denise correct? (You also have great taste in music! Lol ) It is nice to have someone that has experience and training to get information from. When you look at the breakdown of neurontin it kind of makes sense that it would help with tramdrawals. I was prescribed risperdal (sp?) and neurontin a couple of years ago when I had MAJOR wds from Ativ@n/Soma and got 5150-ed. That was the only time I have ever had seizures) In addition to my Effexor my doctor thought these drugs would help me. They made me SO anxious and jumpy. It was IMPOSSIBLE for me to sit still. I stopped taking both medications at the same time so I never knew which one was doing it to me. Have you guys ever heard anything like this?

I know I am slightly off topic here, sorry. Not looking to change the thread.

I startED weaning off Trams today and going to Cod, etc only. The physical w/d is nothing compared to the torture of these tram. I was taking 300 a day, 400 max. Today I took 200 and I feel terrible. It can only get better.

A can't believe Cat  took 1200 a day.

I startED weaning off Trams today and going to Cod, etc only. The physical w/d is nothing compared to the torture of these tram. I was taking 300 a day, 400 max. Today I took 200 and I feel terrible. It can only get better.

A can't believe Cat  took 1200 a day.
Lol! I wish I didnt. How is it going for you buddy? Go for walks, if you can. Poppy seed tea works hella good too!

Incidentally, i just received from overseas "Top Dol" brand 100m green capsule trams. They kick my butt! Of course, I was just off of trams for 11 days so........anyone ever had these? I am taking 3 of these at 6am, 10 am and 2 pm. I have to stop then otherwise I will not sleep.

I do know that if I get a hold of nonexpired domestic 50s i need to be careful..

They DO have nasty side effects Johnnog. I am living proof! I definitely would take as few of them as possible. It is too late for me but the wds are the PITS! Especially with trams being an SSRI. I did not even know that until I went through my first wds. Be careful please.

Is there ANYONE out there who takes lots of tram? Like over 1000 mg per day? I am starting to feel like a freak. I am able to function quite well taking that much. Work - no problem. I manage a smaller portfolio (130k square feet A plus) of commercial real estate so it is pretty demanding.

Anyone, please?

yes I did 1300mg - 2000mg with Kpin for years.

We do not talk about the extreme narcotics out there and you can manage your Trama tolerance and addiction very easy.

I took Kratom and Citalopram for detox and decrease tolerance.
Kratom's ingredients and alkaloids are docking on the same and more µ- as Trama and
Citalopran prevents you from serotonin effects like twitches. Kratom decrease also
Pain like Trama or other opio.

I deduct every day 10mg. I'm no sick, no shakeing, no flu like symtoms, no twitches.

It was very easy to get off of Trama. No sick feeling but sweating. 14 days later I was on 2x 100.

Kratom also produces a similar hight. Low dose as stim and with a high dose as a sleeping pill.
If you took too much you will feel sick and nausea is a big subject, but you will find the right dosage
very fast and you will be always in good mood and sleeping is absolutely no problem.

Kratom tastes terrible and is extremly bitter, but don't do a tee (as advides on youtube etc.) because most of the ingrediences (alkaloids)
can not be extracted with water and the tee tastes like shi**.

You can make an ethanol (15ml little vodka) extract and add some herbs like ginger, cinamon etc. for the taste.
With this method you will have a potent shot with alcohol. More potent as I prefer.

I'll take it orally and produce capsules with the cheap capsule maker. They are working well and have a fast onset ~30min,
good bodyload and a very smooth comedown.

Kratom is long lasting - up to 8 Hours. One or two dosages a day should be enough.

Because of the serotonin (ssri) effect of Trama you can also take Citalopram 10-20mg or so for a few weeks
but keep in mind of the serotonin syndrome. be careful with the dosage. If you know about your serotonin levels,
you can do it as I do but I do not recomend this. Serotonin Syndrome is very serious.

With this you get rid of Trama fast and are still able to manage pain and increasing mood with a good feeling.

Kratom is banned on a few Countries and I know a few shops for this. Pharma Lobby will bann it because
it will destroy their opio business. Check on Youtube latest Kratom news and why they are telling lies and why
they want to get it banned.

They said it's mor addictive than H, but it's a lie. It is also not true that Kratom will kill your liver but if you are
down with Trama and take Kratom on a daiy basis you can also produce a very mild addiction and tolerance.

I'll do now the last 200mg a day by reduceing 10mg a day with 10mg Citalopram (started from 40 and now 110 tapering of to zero)
and a few caps of the red Kratom.

Hope you can try it and if yes I hope it will help you.
All the best!

OMFG Thank you! I love Kratom because i withdraw every couple of months due to tolerance. Thank you for responding about the amount you take! It makes me feel a little better. Also, thanks for the other tips you offered for W/D s from such a high dosage. I am currently taking about 33 50s every day. My tolerance is through the roof. I will try your suggestions, every single one!

. . .

Can I ask how long you were on high doses of tram? Are you off now.? I would love can PM ME once you get to 50 posts. Thanks SO much for posting!

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  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for