
You could Add me as a friend and then i could PM YOU! I have so many questions for you!


I've been loving the 200s from DDS. They are nice. Better then Target's brand via script. I have also got a 100 extended release that works well too (via script), for pain it last about for about 8 hours. But it doesn't do the "thing" that tram does. The 200s do do that "thing" but they only last about 3 hours and then you crash into a cranky, moody, whiney mess. They're okay for pain.

Lately, at work, I've been smiling and cheerful every morning, but around noon I get grumpy. This stuff messes my brain up.

I've been loving the 200s from DDS. They are nice. Better then Target's brand via script. I have also got a 100 extended release that works well too (via script), for pain it last about for about 8 hours. But it doesn't do the "thing" that tram does. The 200s do do that "thing" but they only last about 3 hours and then you crash into a cranky, moody, whiney mess. They're okay for pain.

Lately, at work, I've been smiling and cheerful every morning, but around noon I get grumpy. This stuff messes my brain up.
All kidding aside, I think that every single person I've ever known who used Trams has said this very thing, and that the come down and / or withdrawals are far worse than anything they ever experienced with opiates such as h*dro, ox-seas, etc. It never ceases to amaze me how so many doctors will hand out Trams like Halloween candy, yet want to tattoo a "Seeker" label on your forehead for asking for other PK's, even in very modest doses on the low end of the therapeutic range. Personally, I tried them for a few days at the prescribed dose 10 years or so ago, and found them less effective in managing adjacent level pain around my fusion site than Advil, so I tossed them and never looked back. Fortunately, I never tried ratcheting up the dose in a quest for enhanced relief. From all I've read, it seems I would have regretted doing so.

I've been loving the 200s from DDS. They are nice. Better then Target's brand via script. I have also got a 100 extended release that works well too (via script), for pain it last about for about 8 hours. But it doesn't do the "thing" that tram does. The 200s do do that "thing" but they only last about 3 hours and then you crash into a cranky, moody, whiney mess. They're okay for pain.

Lately, at work, I've been smiling and cheerful every morning, but around noon I get grumpy. This stuff messes my brain up.
you said doo doo.  (Yes, I'm 5 at heart).  Kidding aside, I tried trams a couple of times and felt absolutely nothing.  I guess it really is true that different meds react differently for different people (barring allergic reactions I mean). But sure sounds like this stuff is a tough nut to get off of.  Hope everything works out OK.  S-

All kidding aside, I think that every single person I've ever known who used Trams has said this very thing, and that the come down and / or withdrawals are far worse than anything they ever experienced with opiates such as h*dro, ox-seas, etc. It never ceases to amaze me how so many doctors will hand out Trams like Halloween candy, yet want to tattoo a "Seeker" label on your forehead for asking for other PK's, even in very modest doses on the low end of the therapeutic range. Personally, I tried them for a few days at the prescribed dose 10 years or so ago, and found them less effective in managing adjacent level pain around my fusion site than Advil, so I tossed them and never looked back. Fortunately, I never tried ratcheting up the dose in a quest for enhanced relief. From all I've read, it seems I would have regretted doing so.
I am awfully glad that did not up your dose when trying Trams. It is very difficult being addicted to them. They are the only thing that makes me not want to stay in my room and hide. They are a miracle for me

Something to be thankful for! Yay!

I've been loving the 200s from DDS. They are nice. Better then Target's brand via script. I have also got a 100 extended release that works well too (via script), for pain it last about for about 8 hours. But it doesn't do the "thing" that tram does. The 200s do do that "thing" but they only last about 3 hours and then you crash into a cranky, moody, whiney mess. They're okay for pain.

Lately, at work, I've been smiling and cheerful every morning, but around noon I get grumpy. This stuff messes my brain up.
Hey BTOH! Nice to "see" you! Hope you are well!

I have not come up with a nickname for that "thing" either. It is not exactly a high, is it?

Hey Cat, 

I've kept a quiet read over this forum in terms of this med. and all that you have posted about your experience with it.

I too have taken Tramp for years; most of the time only when there was not a better alternative and as others have written; it is easy to be scripted (at least in my location).  I have a mixed relationship with Tramp; I sometimes try to make it work for me, but more often than not, I can't obtain much relief from the R x dose.  I've only gone up to 600 m gram/daily (which for me came with some yuck side effects).

One of the biggest nags I have for Tramp is not being able to take it on an empty fact I can't even take it until I've had a substantial meal.  If I do otherwise, I experience vomiting, nausea...a good 45 minutes of debilitating headache/fatigue/barfing festivities!  It is a drag to be forced under my desk at work for an hour in the event that I mis-judge the size of my breakfast.

This makes Tramp even less appealing...which goes without saying (but I said it anyway!)

I sometimes notice some speediness, other times I just want to sleep for hours...add more 'cons' to the list.

Have you managed to avoid the stomach mess? How?

I don't really want to increase my use, but in the event that I do take it (as a last resort) I'd love to know if you've been successful at combatting this side effect.

Re: Kra t om...have also done this and Pop E seeeeed tea, but again, no winning results long term and grinding pods and steeping a warm beverage is not exactly easy to do when I'm out an about etc.

Again, and maybe because I have a sensitive tummy, Kra t om capsules give me the ick burps and stomach upsets...

Tea didn't upset my tum, mostly just makes me look like I am high, not too much pain relief.

I do keep all three on hand in the event that I don't have my preferred 'treatments' on hand and readily available, as they all have the capability of assisting in an unscheduled WD!

I suppose I am VERY LUCKY to have not yet experienced the Tramadrawls, I imagine it is only because I have never stopped Tramp without having started either my chosen option or one of the items kept on hand for emergencies.

No rush to answer, enjoy your Thanksgiving, YOU ROCK!!

I know when I first started taking it it was the APAP version. I was just slightly better than motrin, and even then, it may have just been a placebo affect.
 â€¨I could come and go as I pleased then. Taking days of whenever. No w/d at all.

It wasn't until I decided I wanted my life back, despite the pain, when I began the 100mg every 6 hour regiment. After a few months I took a day off and felt awful emotionally. I thought nothing of it and went on with the dose. After 6 months of this, when I tried to quite I became very suicidal. This was all in the summer before we had all the amped up tram discussion on here and I heard other people felt the same way. Or at least it was before I took the time to read the threads more carefully.

No docs never warned me about these emotional effects, so I didn't even think it was from the tram b/c w/d had never felt like that before. I thought I was insane.
ʉ۬Now I describe the feeling as something you only miss when it's not there. This is when you notice it. It takes a while to get addicted, IMHO, longer than other drugs, again IMO, but my biggest beef was that I was never warned about the psychiatric side-effects.

The latest doc who wrote me up for trams just recently, and again, didn't mention them either.
 â€¨I've written all this before, but just wanted to reiterate incase anyone is feeling really crazy or suicidal  who happens to use tram. Just so you know, you're not crazy. Its' the tram.
 â€¨For now my problem is contained, but I am back on the stuff.


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I know when I first started taking it it was the APAP version. I was just slightly better than motrin, and even then, it may have just been a placebo affect.
 â€¨I could come and go as I pleased then. Taking days of whenever. No w/d at all.

It wasn't until I decided I wanted my life back, despite the pain, when I began the 100mg every 6 hour regiment. After a few months I took a day off and felt awful emotionally. I thought nothing of it and went on with the dose. After 6 months of this, when I tried to quite I became very suicidal. This was all in the summer before we had all the amped up tram discussion on here and I heard other people felt the same way. Or at least it was before I took the time to read the threads more carefully.

No docs never warned me about these emotional effects, so I didn't even think it was from the tram b/c w/d had never felt like that before. I thought I was insane.
ʉ۬Now I describe the feeling as something you only miss when it's not there. This is when you notice it. It takes a while to get addicted, IMHO, longer than other drugs, again IMO, but my biggest beef was that I was never warned about the psychiatric side-effects.

The latest doc who wrote me up for trams just recently, and again, didn't mention them either.
 â€¨I've written all this before, but just wanted to reiterate incase anyone is feeling really crazy or suicidal  who happens to use tram. Just so you know, you're not crazy. Its' the tram.
 â€¨For now my problem is contained, but I am back on the stuff.


After I posted I realized that I had started my post in a way that may have sounded as though I was excluding other valuable and knowledgable posters from responding...sorry, but I appreciate your and others' thoughts, experiences and advise on this matter as well.

I think it is ridiculous that SO MANY serious side effects are not mentioned or discussed by prescribing doctors.  I have often watched my own doctor wriggle in his chair as he tip toes around discussions I start inquiring about possible side effects of new treatment plans.  The good natured, understanding part of me wants to think that maybe he is avoiding listing off a laundry list of side effects that he considers rare or unlikely for fear of being 'suggestive' in nature...hoping that if he doesn't suggest certain possible side effects; I will some how not imagine them to be.  When I do ask questions, he seems to struggle between wanting to discuss them in depth and being happy that I am an interested party in my own treatment and hesitant to overload me with medical jargon that might scare, confuse or...bore me?!

In this particular case, I have to say he is one of the better providers I have worked with; typically spends 30-45 minutes each visit with me (causing him to be perpetually 'late' for all appointments) but seemingly more thorough than the majority of specialists I've seen.

That being said, I have found that my psychiatrist has always been the best diagnostician and pharmacologically informed; whether he is prescribing my R xs or not.

I have yet to locate a specialists who can successfully balance the roles of diagnostician, treatment manager, pharmacologist (unbiased and current) and licensed physician who has the time to meet with any human for more than the five minutes it takes to confirm a human is behind door 3 and assign said human with a medication script.  However, most docs. attempt to do all of the above, a mere 36 times each day.

It blows my mind to think that suicidal thoughts can't be offered as a possible side effect to warn patients of.  

By it's nature alone, being suicidal and having an awareness of reasonable, sane causes of ones' feelings of suicidal thoughts should NEVER rest solely on those individuals experiencing this horror...

Again, I find myself in awe of the members of this forum who make it an amazing and dynamic place for hopeful souls to come, be honest and receive life saving information, when they may not find it anywhere else.

Hey Beranda,

I was not suggesting you were excluding others at all in your post. You are way to polite and sensitive to come across as rude and uncaring. Your post just got me thinking about my own experiences so I decided to put down my latest struggles with Tramp. (That's a great name for it btw that I've never seen).

I was not suggesting any form of neglect on your part. Oh, except that you were totally rude and out of line, but besides that, no neglect (totality kidding and over trying to be funny).

I take tramp pretty much every day now but don't feel the w/d as bad as b4. The suicidal thoughts were a combo of w/d and heavy SSRI use that has since been decreased. Your right about the psychiatrists being the only one's that take scope of all the meds a patient takes, or at least in my case, looks at all of them and sees that many interact with each other. Then I get a warning which I usually have to ignore b/c I take the meds for a reason, i.e. not for fun, but at least I get the truth. Most of this info I already know anyways because it's easily available online. But the point is, at the time of the crisis I did not know. I had not been warned. I had not done my research. 

The psychiatrist is not the one scripting the tramps, yet he is the one helping with the side effects. Does this make sense? It seems kinda unethical, or at least completely procedurally wrong IMHO.

My current pain doc calmly explained why she will not script anything stronger than tramp. At least she does it in a non-condesending manner. This is a first. And she seems to legitamtley care about my case, although she still has not found my problem after 2 invasive procedures.

I can't tell the doc about my nar¢to!c use or I'd risk our good relationship. Tramp is a slippery slope that takes a while to navigate. With proper instruction I do think it has positives, even some recreational value from time to time, but at the moment it seems like all the docs use it because it's the only thing that the laws allow them to write for. And who knows how long it will be be until the brass stops even Tramps from being refilled?

Anyway, if anyone ever feels weird or has any questions about Tramp (love the term!) feel free to PM me. I'm neutral and I've been on it for a while.


Hi guys!

Dont have a whole of time right now, BUT first! Thanks for sharing your experience. You have helped me so much i cannot even tell you!

Beranda, when my tolerance is up, I have no nausea. However, i detox every couple of months because of tolerance and for the first couple of weeks after i begin again, i throw up A LOT! I will be more detailed a little later. Eating first does not help me.

Love you guys,


Hi guys!

Dont have a whole of time right now, BUT first! Thanks for sharing your experience. You have helped me so much i cannot even tell you!

Beranda, when my tolerance is up, I have no nausea. However, i detox every couple of months because of tolerance and for the first couple of weeks after i begin again, i throw up A LOT! I will be more detailed a little later. Eating first does not help me.

Love you guys,

Thanks Cat for your is helpful info. to have info. from someone other than my prescriber!

No need to rush back to reply any further on this for me, but I look forward to your posts in general...

Take Care


Wow, Thanks guys for all that information on the Tram. I'm pretty new on this pill, not my favorite getting ready to buy something else for my back pain very soon. I just had extra of this one and I already had made the expense before I ran into all of you so I was giving it a chance. I started with 50mg 3 times a day but within a month doubled it to 6 a day just to get feeling a little better but I find that it makes me soooo sleepy that I have to down them with a Red Bull so I'm done, gotta find something better fast for this fibromyalgia it's driving me insane. So if there's any advice please send it my way. I kindly will appreciate any advice. Thank you all for the great information I have found so far by reading.


Have you guys considered replacing the Tram;s with something like a cocktail of antinflamatory meds?

I mean ... dexketoprofenum or something like etoricoxib from MSD ... I saw mentioned Celebrex Pfizer too.

The MSD Etoricoxib is working great on my lower back and knee pain.

Just a suggestion as I know Tram's can have some side effects for some individuals.



Have you guys considered replacing the Tram;s with something like a cocktail of antinflamatory meds?

I mean ... dexketoprofenum or something like etoricoxib from MSD ... I saw mentioned Celebrex Pfizer too.

The MSD Etoricoxib is working great on my lower back and knee pain.

Just a suggestion as I know Tram's can have some side effects for some individuals.

What would be your feelings on a mixture of gabapentin and meloxicam?  I've have very good results with this cocktail AND best of all, VERY easy to get RX'd.

Also if a person needs sleep really badly, throw a couple somas on there and away you go :-)

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What would be your feelings on a mixture of gabapentin and meloxicam?  I've have very good results with this cocktail AND best of all, VERY easy to get RX'd.

Also if a person needs sleep really badly, throw a couple somas on there and away you go :-)
  Well... it depends a lot where the pain is coming from. The gabapentin is used to relieve pain in neuropathies. So if we are talking about muscular pains it might not be the right one.

 Regarding meloxicam ... its a good product. Its also an 2COX inhibitor just as Etoricoxib I recommended but the MSD etoricoxib is a selectiv 2COX inhibitor so it might work faster and better. But then again, meloxicam its cheaper!  /default_smile.png

 So, I dont see why this cocktail wont work, but it depends on where the pain is coming from!


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I have had surprisingly good results with Nabumetome for about 5 months. While I still supplement, I was surprised by the success.

I have tried more than my fair share of similar products, but when I have cut back, I see the difference almost immediately.

I also administer a monthly TNF inhibitor and have learned through trial and error that all TNF's are not created equal.

In my case, insurance dictated the sequence of trials, and I only was prescribed Simponi after all other preferred formularies had been exhausted and proved ineffective or caused rare side effects.

Trying to manage problems stemming from degenerative disk, arthritis and fibromyalgia has been the equivalent of living in a lab.

After all is said and done, I'm still here and patronizing a few vendors, so by no means have I found the fountain of perpetual solutions.

Just one girl's experience.

Thanks for the sharing.


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  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for