I remember on my second to last attempt at quitting Tramadol I was prepared to throw the entire lot of them (about 500 loose 50mg pills) and another 500 boxed 100mg SL pills into the a garbage can outside of the neighbourhood. This is how big my collection of Tramadol had become, due to paranoia, despite swallowing 20 or so a day.
In any event, I just couldn't fathom the fact of wasting away so much money, but then again I knew if I had kept them, I'd keep using them which would take even longer to quit. Weaning of Tramadol with 1000 spare pills is nonsense.
So, it just so happened that somebody a continent away was asking me where the best place to buy Tramadol was. I replied that Click Remedy was. They then said that they were getting no response back from them. So, I had an idea. I asked the guy for his address and told him I will personally send you around 1000 Tramadols for free - I'll even pay for the postage. No doubt, if I were him, I would be think' this Slammer huy is undercover DEA trying to get my address for a setup sting. But, strangely that was not the case. He trusted me. And that was all the more reason for me to make this idea work.
So I wrapped the pills and boxes up in a towel and stuffed it into a box with his address on his and took it to the post office. Then the post office worker wanted to see my ID for verification. Then I began to think, "Fuck, this act of generosity is gonna end up getting me busted. No doubt for Trafficking Prescription meds, which in fact I'm giving away for FREE."
To make a long story short, nothing (due to this) happened to me and 2 weeks later I get an email from the guy saying "Thanks a million. I really never thought you'd follow through. I even love the towel which has Asian writing on it. My G/F, whom is Asian, can actually read it. Look's like you stole it out a Motel, right... LOL." And yeah, I must admit, I did sneak that towel out of a Motel and if his G/F had not been from the same country as where I was living, he would never had known.
Three weeks later I was back ordering Tramadol of the internet and kicking myself as to why I had given them all away. Oh well, I might have ended up dead had I not gotten rid of them when I did. I'm just hoping to God that the person whom I gave them too didn't make his addiction even worse. I no longer have his email, nor did he keep in touch after the meds arrived. In 20/20 hindsight, knowing how terrible those meds can be for most people, I wish I had simply thrown them in the garbage, or ditch for that matter.