
No, the thanks goes really to you guys. I have somewhere I can share. It is awesome. If I can in any way contribute AT ALL, I try to. I would really like someone reading through this thread to know how evil Tramadol really is. At least it was for me. I personally read this entire thread before posting here and I found it extremely informative. The best thing is to hear it from people who have actually taken this stuff and their experiences with it. This thread helped me, so I say thanks to starting it.  ~D

Hi babe, i am now down to 150 mg a day. I tried going to 100 mg but could not. And still function anyway. I am now lining up the meds to get me off of tram once and for all. It has been over a year for me. I think i beat the REAL bad stuff. But that final step is a bitch. I want to line up extra effexor, some benzos ( which normally i cant take but someone i trust will hold them for me) kratom, kodeeen and mj. I know I can do this. I MUST be clean at least a year before i graduate so I am sure once i can prescribe meds i am not fiending for anything. Animals take trams for pain. If i relapse and ever write a fake scrip to myself, i will lose my DVM license. I AM TERRIFIED.

you know, this forum has been a godsend for the same reason. I love that i can share my stuff and no one will ridicule me. It means an AWFUL lot to me to be able to do so. Again, thanks for your posts. I am so glad you made it iff of this hell!

Much love to u...............

Hi babe, i am now down to 150 mg a day. I tried going to 100 mg but could not. And still function anyway. I am now lining up the meds to get me off of tram once and for all. It has been over a year for me. I think i beat the REAL bad stuff. But that final step is a bitch. I want to line up extra effexor, some benzos ( which normally i cant take but someone i trust will hold them for me) kratom, kodeeen and mj. I know I can do this. I MUST be clean at least a year before i graduate so I am sure once i can prescribe meds i am not fiending for anything. Animals take trams for pain. If i relapse and ever write a fake scrip to myself, i will lose my DVM license. I AM TERRIFIED.

you know, this forum has been a godsend for the same reason. I love that i can share my stuff and no one will ridicule me. It means an AWFUL lot to me to be able to do so. Again, thanks for your posts. I am so glad you made it iff of this hell!

Much love to u...............

I'm so GLAD you're off (or almost off) that stuff too. Stick through it. Whenever you feel like using it again, think back of the bad old days and the pain of coming off it. YOU CANNOT USE IT PART TIME.

If you're EVER feeling an itch to use, please please PM or  write below. I'll help you from doing so. Promise.

Way to go!

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im am also somewhat perplexed on some of these stories,however i can see where it maybe can be addictive if i take one i just have this well being w/out feeling fucked up?maybe its the ssnri in it?two 50mg are pretty much too much for me tho.

tramdol seems so weak i dnt see how it has that effect on people
im am also somewhat perplexed on some of these stories,however i can see where it maybe can be addictive if i take one i just have this well being w/out feeling fucked up?maybe its the ssnri in it?two 50mg are pretty much too much for me tho.
Like I've said over and over, once you start taking 10 or more 50mg Tramadols per day, or just for lunch, then you'll get a better understanding of the addictive nature of Tramadol.
Sometimes I don't advise to do unless you wanna be stupid like I was and waste almost 7 years of my life.

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Like I've said over and over, once you start taking 10 or more 50mg Tramadols per day, or just for lunch, then you'll get a better understanding of the addictive nature of Tramadol.

Sometimes I don't advise to do unless you wanna be stupid like I was and waste almost 7 years of my life.
It's definitely a unique drug. I have plenty of addiction history and I only use this for pain now. Currently I've been taking 2 twice a day or 3 once a day for over about 2 years. I forget to take them some days or don't have pain sometimes and skip a day. By then end of the second day without taking one I feel a little run down, but nothing like opiate withdrawls. I haven't gone for 3 days without yet though. Also, I have had plenty of times where I just took 1 or 2 a day and skipped a day here and there. My pain has been pretty ok for a while now, so I mainly just take them for the energy boost - which I need because of long term Hep C - but I assume I also need the energy boost because of the meds wearing off.

I noticed that for me there is no difference between taking 1 or 3 as far as the pain management.

The mild anti-depressant effect and energy boost is what has attracted me (And what I miss the most about the hard opiates.)

I learned to not take them too late because it would interfere with my sleep and I am one of those lucky people that can sleep at will anytime.

I DO like to take them before I take a nap, so that when I wake up from a 2 hour nap I am ready to go pretty quick.

I have found that taking 3 in the mid to late afternoon works best for me.

If I take them in the morning then it interferes with normal bathroom functioning.

Whenever I get to the time when I am ready to stop taking them I will be back here to get some advice for sure.

Maybe I'll get lucky and can go down to a half a one per day for a few weeks and just wean off.

@eleventeen.....From what you've said I, although far from being an addiction therapist, don't seem to think you're abusing the med. If indeed it helps with your body pain and you also get some serotonin boost from it, then that's fine. The amount your taking, and haven't upped it to dozens of pills, but instead maintained yourself on that low dose, in my mind is not abusing them or doing massive harm to your life.

To find out for sure if you've become seriously dependent on them, try stopping for a few weeks. If after a week you're having massive WD, then you'll know where you stand. But then again, if it's taking care of your pain (legit pain) then why bother stopping? Sometimes Meds are necessary /default_smile.png And nothing else works.

Take care and keep in touch...

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Thanks. I agree and do not feel like I abuse them except that I could probably manage pain with exercising and stretching, but who wants to do that.

Like I said - I forget to take them and never crave them so with my brain history that means there are no "red flags"

So it can really take a week for the withdrawls to kick in?

What a strange drug. I have read everything I could find on it - seems like they could have done some more research on the antidepressant effects.

I have read that a lot of people find the antidepressant "side effect" to be really helpful.

Alkermes is really getting somewhere with their drugs that I see as similar to this one.

Reading about this drug is how I found out about one of their new test drugs ALKS 5461 (which has been found to really help addicts stay off a variety of substances thought the drug is mainly a new kind of antidepressant)

Their new pain med ALKS 7601 is also pretty interesting

Yes, they certainly have a great antidepressant effect. However, when coming off of them, the body takes an unusual amount of time to begin producing serotonin on its own again. Thus the depression is quite intense and even suicidal.

Not enough legit research has been done on Tramadol other than by the manufacturers of it who have just recently admitted it can be addictive. Still a far cry from the truth. More independent research and testimonials from users of Tramadol are finally coming to light on the net. Thus the reason some IOP's have stopped shipping it abroad due to stickter legality reasons on the high addition rate.

Yes I know NY State has made it a narcotic.

I have a real script and just order a few big bottles to have extra.

I'll get off it eventually - it's just not a big priority right now.

But I am interested to hear from others what they used to transition off.

I was thinking a low dose of subs might be a good way to get off them.

I used subs to get off the H for two months and tapered off the subs quite easily.

I take Wellbutrin as well now. I never needed either in the past until I went on an 18 month cola/hero bender.

I got clean again and figured it would take a year or two to re-balance chemically, but this time that didn't happen.

I had weekly bouts of physical depression that got worse after 2 years of being clean (not really mental, just physical - no motivation/energy ). Finally tried the wellbutrin through my therapist/Outpatient and it was a complete turnaround in 6 days - it was amazing. Pretty sure the cola fried my dopamine system.

Yes I know NY State has made it a narcotic.

I have a real script and just order a few big bottles to have extra.

I'll get off it eventually - it's just not a big priority right now.

But I am interested to hear from others what they used to transition off.

I was thinking a low dose of subs might be a good way to get off them.

I used subs to get off the H for two months and tapered off the subs quite easily.

I take Wellbutrin as well now. I never needed either in the past until I went on an 18 month cola/hero bender.

I got clean again and figured it would take a year or two to re-balance chemically, but this time that didn't happen.

I had weekly bouts of physical depression that got worse after 2 years of being clean (not really mental, just physical - no motivation/energy ). Finally tried the wellbutrin through my therapist/Outpatient and it was a complete turnaround in 6 days - it was amazing. Pretty sure the cola fried my dopamine system.
Either this thread or another, I explained how I finally came off of them and I was taking up to 20 a day, within a 4 hour time period, for many years. I had to stop every second or third day and take a break from them as I'd quickly built up an immunity (which sucked), and they'd have no effect. But in the end, I overcame those terrible things which myself I'll never be able to go back to .

Best of luck...

I remember on my second to last attempt at quitting Tramadol I was prepared to throw the entire lot of them (about 500 loose 50mg pills) and another 500 boxed 100mg SL pills into the a garbage can outside of the neighbourhood. This is how big my collection of Tramadol had become, due to paranoia, despite swallowing 20 or so a day.

In any event, I just couldn't fathom the fact of wasting away so much money, but then again I knew if I had kept them, I'd keep using them which would take even longer to quit. Weaning of Tramadol with 1000 spare pills is nonsense.

So, it just so happened that somebody a continent away was asking me where the best place to buy Tramadol was. I replied that Click Remedy was. They then said that they were getting no response back from them. So, I had an idea. I asked the guy for his address and told him I will personally send you around 1000 Tramadols for free - I'll even pay for the postage. No doubt, if I were him, I would be think' this Slammer huy is undercover DEA trying to get my address for a setup sting. But, strangely that was not the case. He trusted me. And that was all the more reason for me to make this idea work.

So I wrapped the pills and boxes up in a towel and stuffed it into a box with his address on his and took it to the post office. Then the post office worker wanted to see my ID for verification. Then I began to think, "Fuck, this act of generosity is gonna end up getting me busted. No doubt for Trafficking Prescription meds, which in fact I'm giving away for FREE."

To make a long story short, nothing (due to this) happened to me and 2 weeks later I get an email from the guy saying "Thanks a million. I really never thought you'd follow through. I even love the towel which has Asian writing on it. My G/F, whom is Asian, can actually read it. Look's like you stole it out a Motel, right... LOL." And yeah, I must admit, I did sneak that towel out of a Motel and if his G/F had not been from the same country as where I was living, he would never had known.

Three weeks later I was back ordering Tramadol of the internet and kicking myself as to why I had given them all away. Oh well, I might have ended up dead had I not gotten rid of them when I did. I'm just hoping to God that the person whom I gave them too didn't make his addiction even worse. I no longer have his email, nor did he keep in touch after the meds arrived. In 20/20 hindsight, knowing how terrible those meds can be for most people, I wish I had simply thrown them in the garbage, or ditch for that matter.

I am so glad I saw this thread!!!!!!!!!!

I have taken p e r c s off and on for fifteen years or so but I knew what they were and was always super careful. In my ongoing struggle with migraine pain my DR recently prescribed me a bottle of trams. The first two days I was popping them like tic tacs trying to break the headache. The pain didn't go away but they did let me sleep a bit. I never realized they were a serious risk. I thought of them like a little stronger than an otc med like Tylenol or Ibrophen. My dog decided to chew up my bottle the third day. When the DR asked if they'd helped I said not really and went on to try the next thing. Sounds like my dog did me a favor after reading this. I just wasn't treating T r a m as something with any real risk.

Omg is your dog okay. Trams are actually prescribed for animals,but did he eat a lot?

I am not sure if she actually ate the pills. Mostly she just chewed the bottle until the top popped off. The pills were a crushed up pile of drool in the middle of the bed. Couldn't tell how many or if she ate any at all with the mess. She was/is perfectly fine though.

I dog sat and I had to give this dog tramadol rolled in salami. It was the same pill I took

I am not sure if she actually ate the pills. Mostly she just chewed the bottle until the top popped off. The pills were a crushed up pile of drool in the middle of the bed. Couldn't tell how many or if she ate any at all with the mess. She was/is perfectly fine though.
Thats good! Yay!


Tramadol is quite effective inrelieving pain in animals. I wonder if they feel wds.
One of my cats had a hip replacement and was given tramadol during... I also had to administer very tiny amounts in the first week of his recovery... I don't know about withdrawal, but he wasn't happy :-(.... He ended up sleeping clung to my arm for the entire month after!.... However, it could well have been due to the pain from his op, but I never really considered Tram withdrawal??

I shall do some research...

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for